Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

When were you given that PR? At the start of the game, or only after Sam was lynched?

I happened across something that gave me an unexpected advantage in the course of the game.

Did you steal SR's ice shield? Or are you saying Scum stole SR's ice shield and gave it to you?

I didn't say either of those things.

Lynch me and move on if you're going to. I'm not using it on somebody without knowing it's scum.
I've wasted too much of today on a "30 minute break".

I have to make my way to Cali, so I'll check in later tonight.

Good luck, town.

PS: Take a closer look at Scarlet when I flip. She's been tunneling like whoa.
When were you given that PR? At the start of the game, or only after Sam was lynched?

I happened across something that gave me an unexpected advantage in the course of the game.

Did you steal SR's ice shield? Or are you saying Scum stole SR's ice shield and gave it to you?

I didn't say either of those things.

Lynch me and move on if you're going to. I'm not using it on somebody without knowing it's scum.

Please read my explanation. Town can win. I know how.
When were you given that PR? At the start of the game, or only after Sam was lynched?

I happened across something that gave me an unexpected advantage in the course of the game.

Did you steal SR's ice shield? Or are you saying Scum stole SR's ice shield and gave it to you?

I didn't say either of those things.

Lynch me and move on if you're going to. I'm not using it on somebody without knowing it's scum.

I did not say you did say any of those things. Sounds to me you are saying a VIG shot miraculously appeared in your lap.

Kinda funny, SAM said something like that would happen in Central,


Did Sam suggest a VIG shot may suddenly appear in your hood after Wake mentioned some action will manifest itself Day 5?

When were you given that PR? At the start of the game, or only after Sam was lynched?

I happened across something that gave me an unexpected advantage in the course of the game.

Did you steal SR's ice shield? Or are you saying Scum stole SR's ice shield and gave it to you?

I didn't say either of those things.

Lynch me and move on if you're going to. I'm not using it on somebody without knowing it's scum.

I did not say you did say any of those things. Sounds to me you are saying a VIG shot miraculously appeared in your lap.

Kinda funny, SAM said something like that would happen in Central,


Did Sam suggest a VIG shot may suddenly appear in your hood after Wake mentioned some action will manifest itself Day 5?


I am going out to dinner. I'll answer you in an hour or two when I look in the hood. We will get this figured out. I will help you.
Because I'm not going to play against town's win con by wasting it.

It doesn't matter at lylo House.
Yes it does. Do the math.

One person dies at lylo and either scum or town wins regardless of how it happens.

Read QT and tell us why I'm wrong.

Answered-ignore Wake's comment.

Wake's comment?
It doesn't matter at lylo House.
Yes it does. Do the math.

One person dies at lylo and either scum or town wins regardless of how it happens.

Read QT and tell us why I'm wrong.

Answered-ignore Wake's comment.

Wake's comment?

Listen I am trying to get a town win without telling scum how. That may be out the window now but Wake's comment was to ask him questions here which I didn't want to do at the time to avoid talking in front of scum.
Yes it does. Do the math.

One person dies at lylo and either scum or town wins regardless of how it happens.

Read QT and tell us why I'm wrong.

Answered-ignore Wake's comment.

Wake's comment?

Listen I am trying to get a town win without telling scum how. That may be out the window now but Wake's comment was to ask him questions here which I didn't want to do at the time to avoid talking in front of scum.


I will repeat. Sam suggested the VIG shot would be the only thing which could be Day action in Central after Wake said something would manifest itself Day 5, and all of a sudden ( my scum suspect, his possible partner) seems to be claiming a VIG shot or close to it. If Sam did not mention it there is it an obvious scum ploy, cooked up between Sam and House. SR claimed her shield was stolen beginning of Day 5.
One person dies at lylo and either scum or town wins regardless of how it happens.

Read QT and tell us why I'm wrong.

Answered-ignore Wake's comment.

Wake's comment?

Listen I am trying to get a town win without telling scum how. That may be out the window now but Wake's comment was to ask him questions here which I didn't want to do at the time to avoid talking in front of scum.


I will repeat. Sam suggested the VIG shot would be the only thing which could be Day action in Central after Wake said something would manifest itself Day 5, and all of a sudden ( my scum suspect, his possible partner) seems to be claiming a VIG shot or close to it. If Sam did not mention it there is it an obvious scum ploy, cooked up between Sam and House. SR claimed her shield was stolen beginning of Day 5.

Wow, I did not know this. I don't think Sam mentioned it but I'll check when I get back. Sorry to make you wait a bit.
Yes it does. Do the math.

One person dies at lylo and either scum or town wins regardless of how it happens.

Read QT and tell us why I'm wrong.

Answered-ignore Wake's comment.

Wake's comment?

Listen I am trying to get a town win without telling scum how. That may be out the window now but Wake's comment was to ask him questions here which I didn't want to do at the time to avoid talking in front of scum.


See my above posts, if this is something Wolf suggested to you, to claim a VIG shot, this is something Sam mentioned in Central - Ayes old VIG ability being resurrected was the only Day play. If WOLF suggested this gambit to you, we need to know. IF, however you suggested it to Wolf, then I believe you are scum.
Read QT and tell us why I'm wrong.

Answered-ignore Wake's comment.

Wake's comment?

Listen I am trying to get a town win without telling scum how. That may be out the window now but Wake's comment was to ask him questions here which I didn't want to do at the time to avoid talking in front of scum.


I will repeat. Sam suggested the VIG shot would be the only thing which could be Day action in Central after Wake said something would manifest itself Day 5, and all of a sudden ( my scum suspect, his possible partner) seems to be claiming a VIG shot or close to it. If Sam did not mention it there is it an obvious scum ploy, cooked up between Sam and House. SR claimed her shield was stolen beginning of Day 5.

Wow, I did not know this. I don't think Sam mentioned it but I'll check when I get back. Sorry to make you wait a bit.

Okay, the whole conversation was really weird. Sam claimed the VIG shot would probably be the Day action as that is the only day action he ever saw. That was start of the Day where Wake said action would manifest itself,


Please read back, House is claiming some sort of PR fell magically into his lap somewhere before the 17th, ( sounds like a VIG shot) which I believe was when Wake announced there would be some sort of Day action manifesting itself. (He told this to Wolf on the 17th during the Night before mertex was NKed). Not sure when he has claimed to get it though. Additionally, it should be noted when it was asked in Central what that Day action might be Wake announced on the thread here, Sam said he thought Aye old VIG shot would be resurrected since that was the only Day action he ever heard of.

Now House is stating we need to look at SR as scum when House flips town. .

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