Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I am confirming that Sam did mention in Central what Cafe said above.
When were you given that PR? At the start of the game, or only after Sam was lynched?

I happened across something that gave me an unexpected advantage in the course of the game.

After reading the hood, well not all of it, but the relevant parts, this statement doesn't make sense and should be clarified.

Okay, Did Sam mention the VIG shot after Wake stated there would be day action manifesting itself?
When were you given that PR? At the start of the game, or only after Sam was lynched?

I happened across something that gave me an unexpected advantage in the course of the game.

After reading the hood, well not all of it, but the relevant parts, this statement doesn't make sense and should be clarified.

Okay, Did Sam mention the VIG shot after Wake stated there would be day action manifesting itself?

OK, took a bit to find everything. but Sam never mentioned a vig shot manifesting itself on D5. Earlier in the QT 529,530 on 8/31 Avi and I were discussing SR's talk of a dayvig and how that worked. Otherwise, on 9-4 post 639 Sam said he is hoping the D5 change is scum can kill each other or get merged together in a single team with a single shot. Nothing about any vig shot at all.
When were you given that PR? At the start of the game, or only after Sam was lynched?

I happened across something that gave me an unexpected advantage in the course of the game.

After reading the hood, well not all of it, but the relevant parts, this statement doesn't make sense and should be clarified.

Okay, Did Sam mention the VIG shot after Wake stated there would be day action manifesting itself?

OK, took a bit to find everything. but Sam never mentioned a vig shot manifesting itself on D5. Earlier in the QT 529,530 on 8/31 Avi and I were discussing SR's talk of a dayvig and how that worked. Otherwise, on 9-4 post 639 Sam said he is hoping the D5 change is scum can kill each other or get merged together in a single team with a single shot. Nothing about any vig shot at all.

Okay, next question. House just outed this amazing acquisition to you, which I am assuming is a VIG shot on the 17th?
One last question Wolf.

What do you think of the fact Sam mentioned a VIG ability being resurrected, specifically Aye's VIG ability and all of a sudden this seemingly manifests itself in House or at least this is what I am getting from what has been claimed in the last few pages.
Aye, what are your thoughts here. Sam says your ability may be resurrected and someone else maybe claiming such?

It makes me nervous Sam mentioned this in Central for a few reasons.
When were you given that PR? At the start of the game, or only after Sam was lynched?

I happened across something that gave me an unexpected advantage in the course of the game.

After reading the hood, well not all of it, but the relevant parts, this statement doesn't make sense and should be clarified.

Okay, Did Sam mention the VIG shot after Wake stated there would be day action manifesting itself?

OK, took a bit to find everything. but Sam never mentioned a vig shot manifesting itself on D5. Earlier in the QT 529,530 on 8/31 Avi and I were discussing SR's talk of a dayvig and how that worked. Otherwise, on 9-4 post 639 Sam said he is hoping the D5 change is scum can kill each other or get merged together in a single team with a single shot. Nothing about any vig shot at all.

Okay, next question. House just outed this amazing acquisition to you, which I am assuming is a VIG shot on the 17th?

Post 770 9/17 3:19 Eastern after a couple posts earlier wondering if he should talk or not and me reminding him that the QT would close if one of us died overnight, he outed himself as a dayvig. He said he was waiting to say something until he was sure there were no scum in the neighborhood alive. It took me by surprise because he had never mentioned a word about it in the game or the QT before then.

He asked me not to say anything in the GT because he wanted to save it to use it at end game if needed to take out scum and get a town win. He said he'd been holding it as a trump card. I really liked this idea of using it as a surprise hit on scum if necessary so town can win. Example, he shoots and takes scum by surprise if we mislynch. So I promised not to say anything. Since then, I've been calling him town and protecting him as much as I can and even willing to die instead. To me, this would of been foolproof for a town win so that's why I've been refusing to go along with a vote on House.

This is also why I've been going after Aye but willing to lynch mathblade instead. Because a dayvig is a town PR, there is no reason for scum to have it as they can already kill. You and SR are town. I know I am town so who's left?

Anyway, this is why I've been secretive and protective of House. I was not trying to withhold info. from town but to get a town win without discussing the details of how with scum here in the GT. I've been discussing several different scenarios that it could be used to give a town win in our QT. I was explaining how lylo worked when Wake said any gameplay clarification type questions should be asked in thread.

Anyway, this plan is shot to hell since it is already out that he's a PR and has vig ability and I just filled in the pieces here.
One last question Wolf.

What do you think of the fact Sam mentioned a VIG ability being resurrected, specifically Aye's VIG ability and all of a sudden this seemingly manifests itself in House or at least this is what I am getting from what has been claimed in the last few pages.

I can't see Central and he said nothing about this in our hood so I don't even know what this means about Aye's VIG ability being resurrected or whatever. Sam's only comment about D5 in our hood is hoping that it would be scum could kill each other or were merged into a single team with one shot. But yes, I found on N4 about House's vig ability before D5 started. I'm not sure what to make of this because I can't see Central or know what Sam was thinking.
One last question Wolf.

What do you think of the fact Sam mentioned a VIG ability being resurrected, specifically Aye's VIG ability and all of a sudden this seemingly manifests itself in House or at least this is what I am getting from what has been claimed in the last few pages.

I can't see Central and he said nothing about this in our hood so I don't even know what this means about Aye's VIG ability being resurrected or whatever. Sam's only comment about D5 in our hood is hoping that it would be scum could kill each other or were merged into a single team with one shot. But yes, I found on N4 about House's vig ability before D5 started. I'm not sure what to make of this because I can't see Central or know what Sam was thinking.

BUT House outed that ability after Wake announced Day 5 would manifest some action right? That was my point and the fact that Sam said Aye's or a VIG ability was the only Day action he knew of and it may be resurrected for Day 5's manifesting action.

That is what I think is weird.
My take is that the sudden appearance of a PR role is highly unlikely to be given out this far into the game. With 5 town to 1 scum, there's not a need for it. Sam mentioning the vig ability possibly coming back later in the game raises suspicions as to how House suddenly has the same thing. I'd say this was something they talked about and planned.

One last question Wolf.

What do you think of the fact Sam mentioned a VIG ability being resurrected, specifically Aye's VIG ability and all of a sudden this seemingly manifests itself in House or at least this is what I am getting from what has been claimed in the last few pages.

I can't see Central and he said nothing about this in our hood so I don't even know what this means about Aye's VIG ability being resurrected or whatever. Sam's only comment about D5 in our hood is hoping that it would be scum could kill each other or were merged into a single team with one shot. But yes, I found on N4 about House's vig ability before D5 started. I'm not sure what to make of this because I can't see Central or know what Sam was thinking.

BUT House outed that ability after Wake announced Day 5 would manifest some action right? That was my point and the fact that Sam said Aye's or a VIG ability was the only Day action he knew of and it may be resurrected for Day 5's manifesting action.

That is what I think is weird.

Yes, he outed the ability N4 right before D5 started. I thought it was because he didn't want scum to see it. I could be wrong. He should probably clarify why he did it. Yes, if Sam mentioned it too for D5 that would be a strange coincidence for sure.
Sorry butt his above claim:

"I happened across something that gave me an unexpected advantage in the course of the game". -House

Sounds off. It also sounds like a set up given Sam specifically mentioned a VIG being the possible day action Wake was referencing.
Sorry butt his above claim:

"I happened across something that gave me an unexpected advantage in the course of the game". -House

Sounds off. It also sounds like a set up given Sam specifically mentioned a VIG being the possible day action Wake was referencing.

I would like to hear his clarification on this.
One last question Wolf.

What do you think of the fact Sam mentioned a VIG ability being resurrected, specifically Aye's VIG ability and all of a sudden this seemingly manifests itself in House or at least this is what I am getting from what has been claimed in the last few pages.

I can't see Central and he said nothing about this in our hood so I don't even know what this means about Aye's VIG ability being resurrected or whatever. Sam's only comment about D5 in our hood is hoping that it would be scum could kill each other or were merged into a single team with one shot. But yes, I found on N4 about House's vig ability before D5 started. I'm not sure what to make of this because I can't see Central or know what Sam was thinking.

BUT House outed that ability after Wake announced Day 5 would manifest some action right? That was my point and the fact that Sam said Aye's or a VIG ability was the only Day action he knew of and it may be resurrected for Day 5's manifesting action.

That is what I think is weird.

Yes, he outed the ability N4 right before D5 started. I thought it was because he didn't want scum to see it. I could be wrong. He should probably clarify why he did it. Yes, if Sam mentioned it too for D5 that would be a strange coincidence for sure.

I need to check the date of Sam's post hold on. Sam's post about the Vig being the only day action he knew was on

07:31 PM ET (US)
Post 888

Which was posted AFTER Wake said:

Today's mystery action manifests Day 5.
I think we need to find out from House if this is something he's always had or it just appeared, I think this is rather important to know. I'll check the hood again but I knew nothing about it before he told me. It could be that he was keeping it a secret to keep it from Sam or Avi.

Anyway, I'd like him to at least get a chance to explain himself before we condemn him. What if he is telling the truth? That makes him town right? So do we want to lynch there?

I'm very uncertain.

One of my big questions for SR, since she knows set up very well, is if this is a possible PR in this one-dayvig. She seems to know about this particular PR and how it works from her earlier mention of it.

And I'd like clarification from House about why he thinks SR might be lying about her PR due to the vest business and that being one shot and we did discuss this but I told him SR can't coordinate with Cafe and Cafe claimed fireproof. I think he was trying to look suspicious to avoid the NK by what he said but that doesn't matter now.
Yep! I had posted the mystery action quote in Central asking everyone what their thoughts on it were. Sam responded about the day vig ability appearing as a possibility. It's an odd coincidence that House suddenly mentions that to you, Wolf, in ya'lls neighborhood.
One last question Wolf.

What do you think of the fact Sam mentioned a VIG ability being resurrected, specifically Aye's VIG ability and all of a sudden this seemingly manifests itself in House or at least this is what I am getting from what has been claimed in the last few pages.

I can't see Central and he said nothing about this in our hood so I don't even know what this means about Aye's VIG ability being resurrected or whatever. Sam's only comment about D5 in our hood is hoping that it would be scum could kill each other or were merged into a single team with one shot. But yes, I found on N4 about House's vig ability before D5 started. I'm not sure what to make of this because I can't see Central or know what Sam was thinking.

BUT House outed that ability after Wake announced Day 5 would manifest some action right? That was my point and the fact that Sam said Aye's or a VIG ability was the only Day action he knew of and it may be resurrected for Day 5's manifesting action.

That is what I think is weird.

Yes, he outed the ability N4 right before D5 started. I thought it was because he didn't want scum to see it. I could be wrong. He should probably clarify why he did it. Yes, if Sam mentioned it too for D5 that would be a strange coincidence for sure.

I need to check the date of Sam's post hold on. Sam's post about the Vig being the only day action he knew was on

07:31 PM ET (US)
Post 888

Which was posted AFTER Wake said:

Today's mystery action manifests Day 5.

He told me on 9/17 at 3:19 Eastern time, post 770.

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