Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Target name is required during that Night.
[tn5421] - Elementalism
Select one player, and select either "Ice" or "Fire." That player will be protected from being killed by a Mafia team of that element the following Night. May only be activated during Day 1 or Day 2.

-Frost Elementalism - Mertex
If the guy that can copy roles copies mine and does Fire Elementalism on Mertex, she becomes an unkillable meatshield with a one-shot protect. Worth considering.
So she used the Meat Shield. Doesn't prove she's Town unless she dies. My vote remains.

If tn5421 is right, she could be confirmed without having to die if FA_Q2 copies the elemental shield and uses the fire protection on her.

It'd be a win/win.
It's your ability, you're such an incredibly valuable player, it's all up to you when and on whom to use it.

Okay, I'll use it, just to prove to others that I'm not Scum. It doesn't seem like I'm going to be able to convince you.
Use it on meeee! :D

That's a good idea......I think I will.

Okay, so your biggest fear is you might protect a scum Mertex with this role you have? Is that the issue? From what I am gathering if you accidently protect scum you die, or is it you protect anyone and if they are targeted, by scum for a NK, you will die for them?

Yes, you got it. That was the way that Wake explained it. Since Scum can't kill each other, if I shield someone, and one of the Scum teams (since they don't know who the other Mafia team are) target the same player for a NK, I'm the only one that ends up dying.

But wait. I thought the rules state that if both scum teams target the same townie - then their powers cancel each other out, no one should die and they can't kill one another either for the same reason, their powers cancel each other out.

So, what I am gathering is you HAVE TO pick a townie to save according to the rules.

No, I don't have to pick a townie, because I don't know for sure who are townies. I may have a feel for who is town, but how can we be sure when we know that Scum always claims to be Town. I have to pick a player, any player.

Remember, the Scum teams only know their own members, they don't know the other Scum Team's members. One Mafia team could target a member of the other Scum Team to NK. Since I don't know who is Town and who is Scum, the person that I decide to shield could be the same person that one of the teams have decided to NK, and it could be a Scum. And since they can't kill each other, I would be the only one dying. If I luck out and pick a player, and that person is not targeted by either team, it was a waste. If I pick a Townie and Scum targeted them, the Townie would not die, but I would. It may be that the person I save is more valuable as a player than I am, but I have no way of knowing.
Doesn't FA have to copy an ability exactly? Why would he be able to do fire when
If the guy that can copy roles copies mine and does Fire Elementalism on Mertex, she becomes an unkillable meatshield with a one-shot protect. Worth considering.

Yours is ice though, copying doesn't mean it can be changed.
So she used the Meat Shield. Doesn't prove she's Town unless she dies. My vote remains.

Well, Grandma, based on all that you said before, that would make you rather Scummy. Before, if I didn't use it I was Scum, but now that I have used it, I'm not Town. Whoa, that ought to raise some red flags to the other Townies.
No, I don't have to pick a townie, because I don't know for sure who are townies. I may have a feel for who is town, but how can we be sure when we know that Scum always claims to be Town. I have to pick a player, any player.

Remember, the Scum teams only know their own members, they don't know the other Scum Team's members. One Mafia team could target a member of the other Scum Team to NK. Since I don't know who is Town and who is Scum, the person that I decide to shield could be the same person that one of the teams have decided to NK, and it could be a Scum. And since they can't kill each other, I would be the only one dying. If I luck out and pick a player, and that person is not targeted by either team, it was a waste. If I pick a Townie and Scum targeted them, the Townie would not die, but I would. It may be that the person I save is more valuable as a player than I am, but I have no way of knowing.

The bolded - how many times does it have to be said that Scum can't NK other Scum?

Do you think no one else knows that?
So she used the Meat Shield. Doesn't prove she's Town unless she dies. My vote remains.

If tn5421 is right, she could be confirmed without having to die if FA_Q2 copies the elemental shield and uses the fire protection on her.

It'd be a win/win.

Why would she be confirmed? If scum targets her and she's scum, it'll be the other team that does it and that team wouldn't be able to kill her anyway, regardless so this could be a big ruse.
I assume she's supposed to post the target in-thread, but we should wait for the mod to weigh in on that.

No, of course I'm not supposed to post the target. That would just be telling Scum who to target for the NK.
Doesn't FA have to copy an ability exactly? Why would he be able to do fire when
If the guy that can copy roles copies mine and does Fire Elementalism on Mertex, she becomes an unkillable meatshield with a one-shot protect. Worth considering.

Yours is ice though, copying doesn't mean it can be changed.

I thought TN ability said he could choose between fire and ice, he chose ice, FA could chose fire the way I read it.
Well, Grandma, based on all that you said before, that would make you rather Scummy. Before, if I didn't use it I was Scum, but now that I have used it, I'm not Town. Whoa, that ought to raise some red flags to the other Townies.

And one more time she calls an accuser Scum.

I'm telling you guys, she's not Town. Read how she plays as Town in Game 4.

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