Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

That does not make her confirmed town but it could show us if she's scum. However, it makes any townie trying to lynch her look bad too because we don't know if it is scum trying to get her lynched or town.

Before TN used his ability, it could be that scum Mertex knew she wouldn't die if her target was hit because it would have to be by the other team because her team knows who she is, so she could take this risk. If she doesn't die, she can just say her target was some person who is alive and say she's town. This does not mean she's town. But she could use it to target us voting for her and say she is.

Now, TN pulling his stunt and trying to give her full elemental protection, will mean she won't die regardless, and she can run around saying she's town and those of us who suspected her are not, all the while she can still be scum who didn't die because the target wasn't chosen or the other team hit her. This does not mean she's town.

These abilities are confusing as fuck and frankly I'm annoyed because every time I think I have something figured out, it changes and this thread gets filled up with confused posts and no one knowing what is going on, including me, or what to think about anything at all, and it gives me a damn headache.

I can't really play well like this at all. I am just constantly confused and frustrated and I can't sort a damn thing out. I am just going to have to walk away for awhile. I can't take it any more.

Finally, Mertex saying she is town for being willing to do this, does not make her town for all the reasons I said in the earlier post, but she can use it to say she is or target us who say she isn't.

So yeah, there's that.

I'm putting these together since TN's big old chart got in the way, LOL.
I'm tired of this forum software not giving me a scrollbar for my damn tables; I'm trying to convey important information here; namely that FAQ2 and Mebelle have yet to take a stance on ANYTHING.

Out-of-game note: I started a thread for the table problem: BBCode Table Problems
Grandma claiming that if I didn't use my ability I was scum, now that I have used it, it still makes me Scum.

Why would she be confirmed? If scum targets her and she's scum, it'll be the other team that does it and that team wouldn't be able to kill her anyway, regardless so this could be a big ruse.

Because scum aren't working together.

If scum discovers she's scum, they HAVE to have town kill her, and you'd see some inexplicable lobbying to off her.

That does not make her confirmed town but it could show us if she's scum. However, it makes any townie trying to lynch her look bad too because we don't know if it is scum trying to get her lynched or town.

Before TN used his ability, it could be that scum Mertex knew she wouldn't die if her target was hit because it would have to be by the other team because her team knows who she is, so she could take this risk. If she doesn't die, she can just say her target was some person who is alive and say she's town. This does not mean she's town. But she could use it to target us voting for her and say she is.

Now, TN pulling his stunt and trying to give her full elemental protection, will mean she won't die regardless, and she can run around saying she's town and those of us who suspected her are not, all the while she can still be scum who didn't die because the target wasn't chosen or the other team hit her. This does not mean she's town.

These abilities are confusing as fuck and frankly I'm annoyed because every time I think I have something figured out, it changes and this thread gets filled up with confused posts and no one knowing what is going on, including me, or what to think about anything at all, and it gives me a damn headache.

I can't really play well like this at all. I am just constantly confused and frustrated and I can't sort a damn thing out. I am just going to have to walk away for awhile. I can't take it any more.

Finally, Mertex saying she is town for being willing to do this, does not make her town for all the reasons I said in the earlier post, but she can use it to say she is or target us who say she isn't.

So yeah, there's that.

Yeah, I can't edit and all my earlier quotes were not included in my last posts so I'm putting them all together-AGAIN.
Vote: Grandma
FoS: Wolfsister77, Sgt_Gath, House

Every single person on the Mertex wagon right now is looking really scummy to me right now.
Only scum should want an outed Town PR lynched before the ability can be used.

What it hell makes you so sure she is town?
Since the software is literally shitting on my bbcode tables, here's a screenshot of the data, with pretty colors:


As you can see, we have suspicious activity here on the part of FA_Q2, MeBelle, and AyeCantSeeYou; as well as blatantly scummy activity on the part of BobPlump
Vote: Grandma
FoS: Wolfsister77, Sgt_Gath, House

Every single person on the Mertex wagon right now is looking really scummy to me right now.
Only scum should want an outed Town PR lynched before the ability can be used.

I think not.

No, that's not true. There are other situations where a Townie can protect another person, and even if that person is Scum, the Townie that protected them doesn't die.

Well, yea. It's kind of a Catch 22 ability either way you want to look at it. No one's denying that.

I was just saying that it is moderately useful to town, where it's not useful at all to scum.

Unless scum wanted to use it to sell their cover as town.

Then... tada!

Okay, I'll go ahead and use my ability. Why don't you tell me who I should use it on, Grandma.

Fancy that.

The move was pretty predictable.

I was strongly considering unvoting if your ploy had worked, but Wolf made a solid case against your reasoning.
It doesn't necessarily make Mertex townie, but it doesn't do Grandma any favors.
Grandma claiming that if I didn't use my ability I was scum, now that I have used it, it still makes me Scum.


Why does this make you town? Spell it out because it doesn't.

The thing is if Mertex is scum and TN just protected her, this means not only have they outed themselves we also know they are Fire Mafia, since TN picked "frost" to protect her.

I am said before I was not sure if Mertex is scum, this play is a big one. Not to mention it is drawing attention from Ice Mafia as well. I don't think they would be this blatant in their play if they both are scum. It seems illogical. That may be WIFOM, but I suppose we can see what happens.
My vote stays on Mertex and HUGE FoS on TN.

Scum has DAYTALK and this screams scum ploy. When Mertex got caught, they hatched this little scheme and are now trying to call Mertex town PR when in NO WAY is there anything saying she is town. And then they try to call all of us scum who vote her.

They are a scum team I am almost positive.
Grandma claiming that if I didn't use my ability I was scum, now that I have used it, it still makes me Scum.


Why does this make you town? Spell it out because it doesn't.

The thing is if Mertex is scum and TN just protected her, this means not only have they outed themselves we also know they are Fire Mafia, since TN picked "frost" to protect her.

Not necessarily, because he called for FA_Q2 to copy his ability for fire.
Grandma claiming that if I didn't use my ability I was scum, now that I have used it, it still makes me Scum.


Why does this make you town? Spell it out because it doesn't.

The thing is if Mertex is scum and TN just protected her, this means not only have they outed themselves we also know they are Fire Mafia, since TN picked "frost" to protect her.

I am said before I was not sure if Mertex is scum, this play is a big one. Not to mention it is drawing attention from Ice Mafia as well. I don't think they would be this blatant in their play if they both are scum. It seems illogical. That may be WIFOM, but I suppose we can see what happens.

They outed themselves. Read my posts over carefully and TN's and Mertex's since they hatched this scheme and you will see they are a Mafia team. I am almost certain of it now.
Grandma claiming that if I didn't use my ability I was scum, now that I have used it, it still makes me Scum.


Why does this make you town? Spell it out because it doesn't.

I have explained it several times. If you would take time to read my posts, you might be able to figure it out. And if you are Town as you claim, you would want to be working with me instead of against me. Tn is the only one that has picked up on it.

Explain to me why when I said I didn't think I was going to use it, you said that made me Scum, but now that I have decided to use it, even if it may be a detriment to town, you claim that it doesn't make me Town? Which is it?

What have you done to prove that you are Town?
My vote stays on Mertex and HUGE FoS on TN.

Scum has DAYTALK and this screams scum ploy. When Mertex got caught, they hatched this little scheme and are now trying to call Mertex town PR when in NO WAY is there anything saying she is town. And then they try to call all of us scum who vote her.

They are a scum team I am almost positive.

If that is the case Fire Mafia will be all over them and two scum will be gone. Remember scum want scum, so their team can win. Again, I can't imagine they would be this blatant.
No, that's not true. There are other situations where a Townie can protect another person, and even if that person is Scum, the Townie that protected them doesn't die.

The sum total of your position comes across as "I won't protect a member of town because it is more important that I live than that anybody else in town lives" which by implication is "I am the best player here and you cannot win without me". I don't think you can argue around that. You have created a bunch of interpersonal drama and told scum that you won't be using the power instead of leaving them guessing, the latter of which is more bothersome to me than the former.

Well, all I can say is that I am more valuable to town if I stay alive, but, I'm not an experienced player, so I don't know how to explain it to you any other way. If you don't understand what I am saying, then you will think what ever you want to think.

Thank you for giving me permission to think however I want.

What I think is that your argument is irrational. You would not have to protect town to survive. The odds of you happening to pick a scum player to protect on Day one when the opposing scum team would identify and pick that exact same player would have to be so remote that it shouldn't have been your primary consideration. That you are now wasting that ability just to prove a point is also is a disservice to town. That TN came riding in and just blindly threw out his ability to try to protect you and then turns around trying to force another player to use his ability to also protect you or be seen as scum means that 3 freaking town powers will be wasted on your drama. All for what? So you get killed tomorrow night or the night after that or the night after that? Please explain to me why 25% of the town's powers are in play when you simply could have said "Sorry guys. I didn't mean to sound so insulting" because it simply makes absolutely zero sense to me.
Grandma claiming that if I didn't use my ability I was scum, now that I have used it, it still makes me Scum.


Why does this make you town? Spell it out because it doesn't.

The thing is if Mertex is scum and TN just protected her, this means not only have they outed themselves we also know they are Fire Mafia, since TN picked "frost" to protect her.

Not necessarily, because he called for FA_Q2 to copy his ability for fire.

No, TN picked her to be protected from the Ice Mafia, this would mean they would be Fire Mafia, and each scum team is working against each other and has no idea who each other are.

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