Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

[tn5421] - Elementalism
Select one player, and select either "Ice" or "Fire." That player will be protected from being killed by a Mafia team of that element the following Night. May only be activated during Day 1 or Day 2.

-Frost Elementalism - Mertex

Doesn't FA have to copy an ability exactly? Why would he be able to do fire when
If the guy that can copy roles copies mine and does Fire Elementalism on Mertex, she becomes an unkillable meatshield with a one-shot protect. Worth considering.

Yours is ice though, copying doesn't mean it can be changed.

From the way I read it, the ability is Elementalism, and either element can be chosen.
No, I don't have to pick a townie, because I don't know for sure who are townies. I may have a feel for who is town, but how can we be sure when we know that Scum always claims to be Town. I have to pick a player, any player.

Remember, the Scum teams only know their own members, they don't know the other Scum Team's members. One Mafia team could target a member of the other Scum Team to NK. Since I don't know who is Town and who is Scum, the person that I decide to shield could be the same person that one of the teams have decided to NK, and it could be a Scum. And since they can't kill each other, I would be the only one dying. If I luck out and pick a player, and that person is not targeted by either team, it was a waste. If I pick a Townie and Scum targeted them, the Townie would not die, but I would. It may be that the person I save is more valuable as a player than I am, but I have no way of knowing.

The bolded - how many times does it have to be said that Scum can't NK other Scum?

Do you think no one else knows that?

Did you not read the instructions. The Scum teams only know their own members. Fire Mafia doesn't know who Ice Mafia are. They only find out when they target each other, but not before. Geez!
Why would she be confirmed? If scum targets her and she's scum, it'll be the other team that does it and that team wouldn't be able to kill her anyway, regardless so this could be a big ruse.

Because scum aren't working together.

If scum discovers she's scum, they HAVE to have town kill her, and you'd see some inexplicable lobbying to off her. you don't die?

Why is it that nobody understands how it works after I have explained several times? There is the possibility that I will die, and the worst part is that if I don't target a Townie, I don't actually end up saving anyone and I end up dying. you don't die?

Why is it that nobody understands how it works after I have explained several times? There is the possibility that I will die, and the worst part is that if I don't target a Townie, I don't actually end up saving anyone and I end up dying.

Mertex please read the post I made below it, that was supposed to be a continuation of the first. I was ensuring I understood what you meant. It was not a swipe at you but me pushing enter too fast.
And one more time she calls an accuser Scum.

I'm telling you guys, she's not Town. Read how she plays as Town in Game 4.

She literally called everyone scum in game 4 as town.

From the way I read it, the ability is Elementalism, and either element can be chosen.

Yes. I chose ice. It can be duplicated and activated as fire and they'll work together.
Well, Grandma, based on all that you said before, that would make you rather Scummy. Before, if I didn't use it I was Scum, but now that I have used it, I'm not Town. Whoa, that ought to raise some red flags to the other Townies.

And one more time she calls an accuser Scum.

I'm telling you guys, she's not Town. Read how she plays as Town in Game 4.

Yeah, Grandma, that worked really well for you in Game 4, and you convinced almost everyone that you were not Scum and we know how that turned out.

Vote Count 1.7

Mertex (4): Wolfsister77, Sgt_Gath, Grandma, House
BobPlumb (2): BobPlumb, CafeAuLait
Wolfsister77 (2): Rosie, Mertex
Moonglow (1): tn5421
tn5421 (1): Moonglow
RosieS (1): Avatar4321
FA_Q2 (1): Sameech

Not Voting (4): FA_Q2, MeBelle60, Shaitra, AyeCantSeeYou

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!
Deadline is 8/26/14, @1pm central.

[CafeAuLait] - Neighborize!
Select five other players. You and them will now be Neighbors, and have your very own Neighborhood. This effect lasts until the end of the game. This ability cannot be activated if less than six players are alive.

[Mertex] - Nimble Fingers
Select one player and steal his or her "
" ability. You may not target a player who has already used an "
" ability. You may only activate this ability during Day 1 or 2.

[Grandma] - Invulnerability
Shield yourself from all kill attempts the following Night. This ability may only be used during Day 1.

[House] - Revelation!
Target two players. The Mod publicly reveals their "" abilities for all to see.

[Shaitra] - Human Shield
Gain "1-Shot Meat Shield" status. You may guard one player during the Night, and if he or she would die, you will die instead.

[tn5421] - Elementalism
Select one player, and select either "Ice" or "Fire." That player will be protected from being killed by a Mafia team of that element the following Night. May only be activated during Day 1 or Day 2.

Not yet activated:

[FA_Q2] - Recycle
Take one "" ability that has already been activated, and activate it as your own. You may only use this effect during Days 1 or 2.

[Sgt_Gath] - Jailer's Keys
Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9

Why would she be confirmed? If scum targets her and she's scum, it'll be the other team that does it and that team wouldn't be able to kill her anyway, regardless so this could be a big ruse.

Because scum aren't working together.

If scum discovers she's scum, they HAVE to have town kill her, and you'd see some inexplicable lobbying to off her.

I think you have that wrong. Even though both Mafia Teams aren't working together, Town only wins when both Mafia teams are dead. So, it is in their (both Mafia teams) best interest to find out who the members of the other Mafia Team are. They're not going to cooperate with town to kill off another Scum, that would be against their win condition. But if they think someone is Town, and it isn't a member of their Team, they will push to have that person lynched. And, I think that is why Grandma and Wolfsister are pushing to have me lynched. It could be also be they are town and are just not playing very wisely.
Vote: Grandma
FoS: Wolfsister77, Sgt_Gath, House

Every single person on the Mertex wagon right now is looking really scummy to me right now.
Only scum should want an outed Town PR lynched before the ability can be used.
While I'm being excessively contrary, MFoS: FA_Q2 AND MeBelle60 for NOT VOTING A SINGLE PERSON THIS ENTIRE GAME AAAAAAA
Why would she be confirmed? If scum targets her and she's scum, it'll be the other team that does it and that team wouldn't be able to kill her anyway, regardless so this could be a big ruse.

Because scum aren't working together.

If scum discovers she's scum, they HAVE to have town kill her, and you'd see some inexplicable lobbying to off her.

That does not make her confirmed town but it could show us if she's scum. However, it makes any townie trying to lynch her look bad too because we don't know if it is scum trying to get her lynched or town.

Before TN used his ability, it could be that scum Mertex knew she wouldn't die if her target was hit because it would have to be by the other team because her team knows who she is, so she could take this risk. If she doesn't die, she can just say her target was some person who is alive and say she's town. This does not mean she's town. But she could use it to target us voting for her and say she is.

Now, TN pulling his stunt and trying to give her full elemental protection, will mean she won't die regardless, and she can run around saying she's town and those of us who suspected her are not, all the while she can still be scum who didn't die because the target wasn't chosen or the other team hit her. This does not mean she's town.

These abilities are confusing as fuck and frankly I'm annoyed because every time I think I have something figured out, it changes and this thread gets filled up with confused posts and no one knowing what is going on, including me, or what to think about anything at all, and it gives me a damn headache.

I can't really play well like this at all. I am just constantly confused and frustrated and I can't sort a damn thing out. I am just going to have to walk away for awhile. I can't take it any more.
Vote: Grandma
FoS: Wolfsister77, Sgt_Gath, House

Every single person on the Mertex wagon right now is looking really scummy to me right now.
Only scum should want an outed Town PR lynched before the ability can be used.

Grandma activated her shield TN
vc1.1Not VotingHouseWolfsister77sgt_gathWolfsister77Not VotingAvatar4321Wolfsister77Avatar4321ShaitraNot VotingNot VotingNot VotingNot VotingCafeAuLaittn5421
vc1.2CafeAuLaitHouseNot Votingsgt_gathmoonglowNot VotingAvatar4321tn5421Avatar4321ShaitraNot VotingNot VotingNot VotingNot VotingCafeAuLaitmoonglow
vc1.3FA_Q2HouseRosieSsgt_gathmoonglowNot VotingAvatar4321tn5421Not VotingNot VotingNot VotingNot VotingNot VotingNot VotingCafeAuLaitmoonglow
vc1.4FA_Q2HouseRosieSNot VotingmoonglowNot VotingAvatar4321tn5421Not VotingNot VotingWolfsister77Wolfsister77Not VotingBobPlumpNot VotingHouse
vc1.5FA_Q2BobPlumpRosieSNot VotingmoonglowNot VotingBobPlumptn5421Not VotingHouseWolfsister77Wolfsister77Not VotingBobPlumpNot VotingNot Voting
vc1.6FA_Q2BobPlumpRosieSNot VotingmoonglowNot VotingBobPlumptn5421Not VotingNot VotingWolfsister77Wolfsister77Not VotingBobPlumpNot VotingMertex
vc1.7FA_Q2BobPlumpRosieSNot VotingmoonglowNot VotingMertextn5421Not VotingMertexWolfsister77Wolfsister77Not VotingBobPlumpMertexMertex
Finally, Mertex saying she is town for being willing to do this, does not make her town for all the reasons I said in the earlier post, but she can use it to say she is or target us who say she isn't.

So yeah, there's that.

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