Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Wolf is playing as she has in previous games when she's been town.

Instead of trying to get someone lynched so early in the game, shouldn't we be letting people talk? What about TSO and Arden not saying anything yet? Does that raise a flag to anyone? What about ika putting in a vote for someone without reading the thread to see what people have been saying - not odd to anyone?

If people want a lynch right off the bat, then go for the one that wants out and a replacement is being sought for.

Ika said that's what he was going to do. It's lame, but whatever. Did he say it was in the guard's best interest or the rebels best interest? I don't remember.

shouldn't those slot's get a chance?
Here is every single post you have made today. I made one read on you in the beginning of the game and I told everyone my reads would be weak in the beginning and likely to change. I never voted you. I made some comments about how you play so I, and others, know what to look for. I explained my votes and my reasoning behind things repeatedly. I have been actively scumhunting.

All you have done is jump on me for every little thing you can think of and completely misconstrue what I am saying and doing. If you are a rebel, you are a very divisive one. I am not going to spend any more time this game explaining things to you and correcting your interpretation of what is going on.

Please do something besides harp on me. Like I don't know. Cast a vote. Say who you think is scum or town. Give your interpretation of the game. Anything like this would be help the game right now.

I know what I posted....I don't need a wall of my posts. You claim I am abrasive, so just point to the ones where I am abrasive and say why. I don't think I'm doing anything different than you or others. You don't mind making accusations, but as soon as someone thinks or says you sound scummy you become incensed. I'm just pointing out the things that I think are scummy.....

And I have already voted. There really hasn't been enough said by everyone for me to claim who is scum, but you seem to have everyone already figured out. So, don't complain when others think your method is scummy.

I DID point out the posts I thought of yours that were abrasive and said why. Your response is super defensive and also ONCE AGAIN turns everything around on me. If someone being active and playing the game is scummy, then that is going to make the game that much more difficult. I have not, nor do I ever plan on being incensed about anything in this game. And yes, there has been enough said to at least try to read people, posts, and get discussions going. I don't care if someone says I'm being scummy. I care that I signed onto the thread today and saw multiple people voting for me for reasons I could not figure out. I was well on my way to being the first lynch for bad grammar and setup spec.
House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

how do you know it's not a queen?

King is the usual method of referring to the role. Context here. House would not be a queen.
Oh, On re-read it is me referring to the rebels with they instead of we. LOL OK, if you think I'm going to waste my time watching my words, that's simply ridiculous. mebelle flaked and needs a PL and Arden hasn't said shit yet.

It's a beautiful day here and I am going outside for a walk. Enjoy it!!
Don't you think replacement is the better option? Mebelle hasn't claimed at all.

Yes, I think Wake mentioned a replacement for mebelle and yes, the replacement should get a chance to speak.
Wolf is playing as she has in previous games when she's been town.

Instead of trying to get someone lynched so early in the game, shouldn't we be letting people talk? What about TSO and Arden not saying anything yet? Does that raise a flag to anyone? What about ika putting in a vote for someone without reading the thread to see what people have been saying - not odd to anyone?

If people want a lynch right off the bat, then go for the one that wants out and a replacement is being sought for.

Ika said that's what he was going to do. It's lame, but whatever. Did he say it was in the guard's best interest or the rebels best interest? I don't remember.

shouldn't those slot's get a chance?
Ika claims its protown to not discuss at all.

He's not playing consistent with that theory because he's not always voting the largest wagon. So I am taking to ignoring him.
I have no doubt in my mind that House and Aye are rebels.

I think I have 5 votes now and there are people far more suspicious than I am posting here who are being ignored.

I'm a rebel but you are just going to have to find out the hard way I guess.

Make sure you look at the people who are piling on votes like Rosie and FA and people like SR who insist that I need to die.

And fuck there are 3 people who haven't said shit and SR doesn't want to vote them off?

House is actually kind of suspicious. FA will probably get the axe, but that's in no relation to you. Why is house a rebel to you?
Because I have a lot of votes and some are thinking the random lynch until we win is the best strategy which means you keep voting the person with the most votes until they are lynched and then move on to the next person. There isn't much I can do to defend myself in that situation except get my last words in to help my team. It is what it is.
How many votes do you have, or think you have?

As I read the thread, from when I was on last night to when I signed in, there seemed to be one after another and Rosie threw one in as I was responding to it this morning. A couple have changed since last night but at least 4 now and as many as 6 at one point.
Wolf is playing as she has in previous games when she's been town.

Instead of trying to get someone lynched so early in the game, shouldn't we be letting people talk? What about TSO and Arden not saying anything yet? Does that raise a flag to anyone? What about ika putting in a vote for someone without reading the thread to see what people have been saying - not odd to anyone?

If people want a lynch right off the bat, then go for the one that wants out and a replacement is being sought for.

Ika said that's what he was going to do. It's lame, but whatever. Did he say it was in the guard's best interest or the rebels best interest? I don't remember.

shouldn't those slot's get a chance?
Ika claims its protown to not discuss at all.

He's not playing consistent with that theory because he's not always voting the largest wagon. So I am taking to ignoring him.

That's what I don't understand - how is it protown to not discuss anything? If we all just post vote after vote without saying anything else, we really aren't trying to figure out who the bad guys are. It seems like nothing more than a detachment from actually playing the game.
I have no doubt in my mind that House and Aye are rebels.

I think I have 5 votes now and there are people far more suspicious than I am posting here who are being ignored.

I'm a rebel but you are just going to have to find out the hard way I guess.

Make sure you look at the people who are piling on votes like Rosie and FA and people like SR who insist that I need to die.

And fuck there are 3 people who haven't said shit and SR doesn't want to vote them off?

House is actually kind of suspicious. FA will probably get the axe, but that's in no relation to you. Why is house a rebel to you?

He's playing different than when he was scum last game. Much more aggressive. When he was scum he was very appeasy and tried to blend in and buddied people a lot. I don't see that here at all.
Wolf is playing as she has in previous games when she's been town.

Instead of trying to get someone lynched so early in the game, shouldn't we be letting people talk? What about TSO and Arden not saying anything yet? Does that raise a flag to anyone? What about ika putting in a vote for someone without reading the thread to see what people have been saying - not odd to anyone?

If people want a lynch right off the bat, then go for the one that wants out and a replacement is being sought for.

Ika said that's what he was going to do. It's lame, but whatever. Did he say it was in the guard's best interest or the rebels best interest? I don't remember.

shouldn't those slot's get a chance?
Ika claims its protown to not discuss at all.

He's not playing consistent with that theory because he's not always voting the largest wagon. So I am taking to ignoring him.

That's what I don't understand - how is it protown to not discuss anything? If we all just post vote after vote without saying anything else, we really aren't trying to figure out who the bad guys are. It seems like nothing more than a detachment from actually playing the game.
He truly believes that theory. The catch is, he is just flat out wrong.
Oh, and besides Aye and House being rebels, this discussion is showing me that Avi likely is too. It is also possible that Josh_B is because of his jumping on my grammar even though that is a poor reason to vote someone, it least it shows he's scumhunting.
Not grammer. Preferred use of pronouns. There's a difference. Pronouns are a subconcious representation of the truth.
You get a role pm, you accept it as the truth and work from that angle, pronouns have a nasty habit of creeping their way into your word choice based on what you believe is the truth.

It's very psychological how the PM thing works.
I have no doubt in my mind that House and Aye are rebels.

I think I have 5 votes now and there are people far more suspicious than I am posting here who are being ignored.

I'm a rebel but you are just going to have to find out the hard way I guess.

Make sure you look at the people who are piling on votes like Rosie and FA and people like SR who insist that I need to die.

And fuck there are 3 people who haven't said shit and SR doesn't want to vote them off?

House is actually kind of suspicious. FA will probably get the axe, but that's in no relation to you. Why is house a rebel to you?

He's playing different than when he was scum last game. Much more aggressive. When he was scum he was very appeasy and tried to blend in and buddied people a lot. I don't see that here at all.

Can that be due to the different set up?
Ok. Something's happening and I'm not sure what is going on. It says I'm on page 8, but people are responding to me in real time, and I'm seeing that come up at the bottom of the board. I'm not even caught up all the way. Also Is there an ISO feature on this site?
My biggest issue with ika is that he doesn't slways vote the guy or gal with the largest votes.

Josh, your posts will be at the end when you see it. Took some getting ised to. ISO is done via Searching.
House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

how do you know it's not a queen?

King is the usual method of referring to the role. Context here. House would not be a queen.
How do you know?


I DID point out the posts I thought of yours that were abrasive and said why. Your response is super defensive and also ONCE AGAIN turns everything around on me. If someone being active and playing the game is scummy, then that is going to make the game that much more difficult. I have not, nor do I ever plan on being incensed about anything in this game. And yes, there has been enough said to at least try to read people, posts, and get discussions going. I don't care if someone says I'm being scummy. I care that I signed onto the thread today and saw multiple people voting for me for reasons I could not figure out. I was well on my way to being the first lynch for bad grammar and setup spec.

We each have our way of trying to hunt scum. Bad grammar and overly concern over the setup spec may sound scummy to some. It may turn out to just be an honest mistake, but we just don't know. We just have to explore every avenue.

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