Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Mertex-Do not spend so much time trying to be abrasive to other players and instead just play the game. I don't care if you think I'm right or wrong. What difference does it make?
Mertex-Do not spend so much time trying to be abrasive to other players and instead just play the game. I don't care if you think I'm right or wrong. What difference does it make?

Why is it every thing I say I'm accused of being abrasive? What exactly did I say that was abrasive? Sounds to me you're trying to make me sound abrasive when all I'm doing is the same thing you're doing....arguing claims. I think you are the one that is being abrasive because someone pointed a finger at you and several are voting for you.
Why are you guys so afraid to throw out names?

Every time I throw out a name as possible scum they vote me-SR, Rosie, FA.

Oh, and besides Aye and House being rebels, this discussion is showing me that Avi likely is too. It is also possible that Josh_B is because of his jumping on my grammar even though that is a poor reason to vote someone, it least it shows he's scumhunting.

Everyone else is an unknown and rebels should be asking them to speak more. I fully expect if I call Mertex scum again, she'll vote me also but that would be town Mertex if she did.

Okay, so if I don't vote for you then I'm Scum? That makes a lot of sense.

No, you tend to vote people who suspect you and call them scum as town. As scum you are more careful and don't say much. I'm not sure where you are atm.

Everyone does that some time or just did that....voted for Scarlet because she voted for you. So, to say that I do that all the time is a stretch, because I haven't even voted for you.

No, that is not the reason I voted for Scarlet or the reason I am currently voting FA. Clearly you are looking for a reason to vote me.
Mertex-Do not spend so much time trying to be abrasive to other players and instead just play the game. I don't care if you think I'm right or wrong. What difference does it make?

Why is it every thing I say I'm accused of being abrasive? What exactly did I say that was abrasive? Sounds to me you're trying to make me sound abrasive when all I'm doing is the same thing you're doing....arguing claims. I think you are the one that is being abrasive because someone pointed a finger at you and several are voting for you.

Well sure, I love it when I get votes for talking and playing the game. Especially when scum is getting a free pass. This happens to me every game so it gets frustrating after awhile.
You act as if Bickering isn't hunting. Stop trying to kill conversation that isn't repetitive, role hunting or setup spec.

People hunt in their own ways. As long as their ways are internally consistent (glares at ika) then however they hunt is fine.
You act as if Bickering isn't hunting. Stop trying to kill conversation that isn't repetitive, role hunting or setup spec.

When the same arguments are repeated throughout multiple games, it isn't hunting.

*sniff* I smell guard.
House has definitely taken a different style of posting as compared to the last game. Not sure if it's intentional just yet, though. He seems more confrontational to me.
Mertex-Do not spend so much time trying to be abrasive to other players and instead just play the game. I don't care if you think I'm right or wrong. What difference does it make?

Wolf, you're the one that is being abrasive. No wonder so many are already voting for you.
Why are you guys so afraid to throw out names?

Every time I throw out a name as possible scum they vote me-SR, Rosie, FA.

Oh, and besides Aye and House being rebels, this discussion is showing me that Avi likely is too. It is also possible that Josh_B is because of his jumping on my grammar even though that is a poor reason to vote someone, it least it shows he's scumhunting.

Everyone else is an unknown and rebels should be asking them to speak more. I fully expect if I call Mertex scum again, she'll vote me also but that would be town Mertex if she did.

Okay, so if I don't vote for you then I'm Scum? That makes a lot of sense.

No, you tend to vote people who suspect you and call them scum as town. As scum you are more careful and don't say much. I'm not sure where you are atm.

Everyone does that some time or just did that....voted for Scarlet because she voted for you. So, to say that I do that all the time is a stretch, because I haven't even voted for you.

No, that is not the reason I voted for Scarlet or the reason I am currently voting FA. Clearly you are looking for a reason to vote me.

She voted for you and you turned around and voted for her......seems the same to me.
House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.
And those of you voting for me because of my word choice, that's going to be hard for me to refute because I don't watch that when I post.

Oh well, life goes on and someone has to go first. Just make sure you read my posts carefully when I'm gone. I believe I've already said who I'm suspicious of and who I think are rebels. Get the inactive ones talking.

Yeah, and you said I was the usurper based on something that didn't even have anything to do with the game, so, you're wrong, too. So, why should we trust your reads?

I do agree that everyone needs to post.

Why are you guys so afraid to throw out names?

Every time I throw out a name as possible scum they vote me-SR, Rosie, FA.

Oh, and besides Aye and House being rebels, this discussion is showing me that Avi likely is too. It is also possible that Josh_B is because of his jumping on my grammar even though that is a poor reason to vote someone, it least it shows he's scumhunting.

Everyone else is an unknown and rebels should be asking them to speak more. I fully expect if I call Mertex scum again, she'll vote me also but that would be town Mertex if she did.

Okay, so if I don't vote for you then I'm Scum? That makes a lot of sense.

And those of you voting for me because of my word choice, that's going to be hard for me to refute because I don't watch that when I post.

Oh well, life goes on and someone has to go first. Just make sure you read my posts carefully when I'm gone. I believe I've already said who I'm suspicious of and who I think are rebels. Get the inactive ones talking.

Yeah, and you said I was the usurper based on something that didn't even have anything to do with the game, so, you're wrong, too. So, why should we trust your reads?

I do agree that everyone needs to post.

You used the word neutral and objected to being seen as such. I said they were going to be lame in the beginning and change as the game went on.
Yeah, and that was a joke, but you jumped on it as if was a major catch.

It gets people talking anyway. And those who jump on me for stupid reasons show their hand.
But you can jump on others for stupid reasons and that makes you Town? I'm sure you are confused on the concept.

I never asked you or anyone to trust my reads. I generally think it is good for everyone in the beginning to be thinking for themselves and then come together once you know who the other town/rebels are.

Well yes, in a way you did. You said we should consider the ones "you" think are suspicious, and I suspect that included me since you thought I must be the usurper because I told wake that he didn't put a female thingie by my name......okie dokie!

Why are you guys so afraid to throw out names?

Every time I throw out a name as possible scum they vote me-SR, Rosie, FA.

Oh, and besides Aye and House being rebels, this discussion is showing me that Avi likely is too. It is also possible that Josh_B is because of his jumping on my grammar even though that is a poor reason to vote someone, it least it shows he's scumhunting.

Everyone else is an unknown and rebels should be asking them to speak more. I fully expect if I call Mertex scum again, she'll vote me also but that would be town Mertex if she did.

Okay, so if I don't vote for you then I'm Scum? That makes a lot of sense.

No, you tend to vote people who suspect you and call them scum as town. As scum you are more careful and don't say much. I'm not sure where you are atm.

Everyone does that some time or just did that....voted for Scarlet because she voted for you. So, to say that I do that all the time is a stretch, because I haven't even voted for you.

Mertex-Do not spend so much time trying to be abrasive to other players and instead just play the game. I don't care if you think I'm right or wrong. What difference does it make?

Why is it every thing I say I'm accused of being abrasive? What exactly did I say that was abrasive? Sounds to me you're trying to make me sound abrasive when all I'm doing is the same thing you're doing....arguing claims. I think you are the one that is being abrasive because someone pointed a finger at you and several are voting for you.

Mertex-Do not spend so much time trying to be abrasive to other players and instead just play the game. I don't care if you think I'm right or wrong. What difference does it make?

Wolf, you're the one that is being abrasive. No wonder so many are already voting for you.

Why are you guys so afraid to throw out names?

Every time I throw out a name as possible scum they vote me-SR, Rosie, FA.

Oh, and besides Aye and House being rebels, this discussion is showing me that Avi likely is too. It is also possible that Josh_B is because of his jumping on my grammar even though that is a poor reason to vote someone, it least it shows he's scumhunting.

Everyone else is an unknown and rebels should be asking them to speak more. I fully expect if I call Mertex scum again, she'll vote me also but that would be town Mertex if she did.

Okay, so if I don't vote for you then I'm Scum? That makes a lot of sense.

No, you tend to vote people who suspect you and call them scum as town. As scum you are more careful and don't say much. I'm not sure where you are atm.

Everyone does that some time or just did that....voted for Scarlet because she voted for you. So, to say that I do that all the time is a stretch, because I haven't even voted for you.

No, that is not the reason I voted for Scarlet or the reason I am currently voting FA. Clearly you are looking for a reason to vote me.

She voted for you and you turned around and voted for her......seems the same to me.

Here is every single post you have made today. I made one read on you in the beginning of the game and I told everyone my reads would be weak in the beginning and likely to change. I never voted you. I made some comments about how you play so I, and others, know what to look for. I explained my votes and my reasoning behind things repeatedly. I have been actively scumhunting.

All you have done is jump on me for every little thing you can think of and completely misconstrue what I am saying and doing. If you are a rebel, you are a very divisive one. I am not going to spend any more time this game explaining things to you and correcting your interpretation of what is going on.

Please do something besides harp on me. Like I don't know. Cast a vote. Say who you think is scum or town. Give your interpretation of the game. Anything like this would be help the game right now.
House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

how do you know it's not a queen?
Because I have a lot of votes and some are thinking the random lynch until we win is the best strategy which means you keep voting the person with the most votes until they are lynched and then move on to the next person. There isn't much I can do to defend myself in that situation except get my last words in to help my team. It is what it is.
How many votes do you have, or think you have?
Here is every single post you have made today. I made one read on you in the beginning of the game and I told everyone my reads would be weak in the beginning and likely to change. I never voted you. I made some comments about how you play so I, and others, know what to look for. I explained my votes and my reasoning behind things repeatedly. I have been actively scumhunting.

All you have done is jump on me for every little thing you can think of and completely misconstrue what I am saying and doing. If you are a rebel, you are a very divisive one. I am not going to spend any more time this game explaining things to you and correcting your interpretation of what is going on.

Please do something besides harp on me. Like I don't know. Cast a vote. Say who you think is scum or town. Give your interpretation of the game. Anything like this would be help the game right now.

I know what I posted....I don't need a wall of my posts. You claim I am abrasive, so just point to the ones where I am abrasive and say why. I don't think I'm doing anything different than you or others. You don't mind making accusations, but as soon as someone thinks or says you sound scummy you become incensed. I'm just pointing out the things that I think are scummy.....

And I have already voted. There really hasn't been enough said by everyone for me to claim who is scum, but you seem to have everyone already figured out. So, don't complain when others think your method is scummy.
Oh, On re-read it is me referring to the rebels with they instead of we. LOL OK, if you think I'm going to waste my time watching my words, that's simply ridiculous. mebelle flaked and needs a PL and Arden hasn't said shit yet.

It's a beautiful day here and I am going outside for a walk. Enjoy it!!
Don't you think replacement is the better option? Mebelle hasn't claimed at all.
What I don't get is why are people reaching so far up their ass to dig out whatever excuse they can to vote Wolfie when we have a glaringly obvious PL that would serve us far better than WIFOMing a rebel to death.

What is the obvious PL that your talking about?

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