Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Like I said. Mertex is an OMGUSer.

I'm not saying you're Scum, Mertex. Or Town. I'm saying that you're a weak player. Nothing wrong with that, unless someone else is basing their vote upon your reads.

Grandma, I perceive Mertex to have quite a lot of potential. Just because I have played the most doesn't make me the best at reading you guys. Y'all know each other better. That's precisely why I can state the best strategies but the reads of the group have mostly been better than mine.
SR hasn't answered my questions yet. Why is that?

Your questions were nothing more than a rhetorical rant accusing me of making up the whole case. When your questions make sense and are designed to probe alignment, I will answer.

I also had a work meeting.
You said in your correction, "Our King is most like Arden, Avi, Cafe, Josh and Shaitra." Funny, that you are omitting Avi's name in your post above....are you trying to hide something?

CORRECTION - Our "King" is most likely among:

Arden, Avi, Aye, Cafe, Josh, and Shaitra.

I accidentally left names off the list in post 1771. I later removed Avi from consideration because both FA and Shaitra voted for him. They wouldn't dare risk the Ruler that way.

You see, finding the last Guard would be great, but I want the Ruler - that way the Guard dies as well and saves us time and trouble.

Now, Mertex, you should assist the stronger players - attempting to throw suspicion on Townies because they look at you is not working towards Town's win condition. In other words, you're making yourself look bad with the OMGUS.

Well, there is a way to call Shaitra on it and test my theory as to whether ika is guard or you just think terribly unobservant despite possessed. Shaitra has zero intention of moving her vote.

Pledge your vote to vote Aye. She can't very well turn around in half a page based solely on her vote.

Shaitra was lynched yesterday.
Well, there is a way to call Shaitra on it and test my theory as to whether ika is guard or you just think terribly unobservant despite possessed. Shaitra has zero intention of moving her vote.

Pledge your vote to vote Aye. She can't very well turn around in half a page based solely on her vote.

Shaitra was lynched yesterday.

I meant to say test you Grandma. You said you had zero intention of moving. There's no point of Me and Mertex arguing over who the guard is when the guard will die when we lynch the ruler. If she's right on you, you'll be a corpse. If she's wrong on you, ika should flip. If we're both wrong, her real guard will flip.

Either way, the best move is to pledge her vote on Aye.
SR hasn't answered my questions yet. Why is that?

Your questions were nothing more than a rhetorical rant accusing me of making up the whole case. When your questions make sense and are designed to probe alignment, I will answer.

I also had a work meeting.

You have fabricated the entire case against me, which is why you can't answer what I asked you to show as proof. Where are the the posts, post numbers, and quotes from them?
Post 108 Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Scarlet sheeps Josh's vote on Wolf. Also tells ika to 'comply' with what she's doing.
Sheeping - MafiaWiki

Post 120 Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Says we should vote the scummiest person. Called Wolf the scummiest at that time.

Post 127 Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Says word choice is about alignment. (If she believes that, then why does she fight against being voted for a lynch? Must be because she thinks we should do as she says and not as she does.)

Post 142 Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Says she wants to hear from the lurkers. (We know by now she doesn't and that was just fluff.)

Post 147 Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Avi asks SR why she's trying to rush a lynch on Wolf. (You don't say! Another rush lynch? My, my, my!!!)

Post 217 Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 11 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Says ika doesn't always vote for the person with the most votes. (Far cry from her saying he always hammers.)

Post 263 Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 14 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Sheeps Avi's vote on ika.

Post 265 Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 14 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Says a good wagon is one where votes can be analyzed. (Strange how she doesn't want the votes on mine analyzed, especially after I said more than once that scum had already voted for me.)

Post 267 Official USMB Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 14 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Seemingly telling us what she believes Arden is thinking - when Arden hadn't said anything remotely near what is said here. Putting words in people's mouths again?

Stopped at Page 11. Will post more later after work.
I feel like I haven't been around much the last couple of days. I'm catching up now.
Mertex-Grandma is not being lynched today so if you think it's her, then make your case after the next flip. I have been thinking that if SR is scum, she is not a guard or a ruler. She could be the usurper or she's town. We can figure that out later. If Aye stays in the game, this will continue to be an issue and most likely needs to be voted out so we can move on. The situation with Aye vs SR is eating up all the game and if neither one of them is scum, the actual guard/ruler will be sitting back watching/laughing. I think there is a chance that Avi is the usurper also or he's town. He can wait Mertex. We need to get a flip I think. Before I vote, I'll look at wagon votes and see where things are after that.
One thing I think that is EXTREMELY important to point out is that Aye's votes came earlier in the day yesterday and came about organically. BUT SR's votes came after Aye's wagon took off-Avi, ika, Aye all voted for her and started pushing her as scum all at the same time because of her push for Aye. This can't be discounted and I think is very significant. So for all intents and purposes, I am leaning towards voting Aye. I think this flip will help us a lot. So that's what I'm thinking.
Mertex is leaning town, but there is something nagging at me. Not sure what it is yet.

If we want to talk about post that stick out. It's statements like this that really stick out to me. I'm going to cross reference mertex to FA and look at the House wagon again.
Reads -

RosieS Dead
AyeCantSeeYou Town
ScarletRage Scum – already explained

Mertex – to quiet, very unusual for her. Leaning scum but not there yet.
House – to vitriolic for scum. Town for now
Shaitra – null but shiatra is always hard as hell for me to read
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @Wake
Arden – Town
Avatar4321 – Null but I tire of early lynches of avatar :D
Josh_B – null
Wolfsister77 – scum or at the least anti-town.
tso! - null
ika – impossible to read someone that is not willing to engage. The randomness leads me to speculate usurper – it just seems to fit the role

Mathblade – null she hasn’t posted much

This awkward posting gap. It isn't a lot to go on but I guess it doesn't really matter, it can be noticed. I'm probably confbiasing like a MF, but if there's any possible evidence that means it might be true, it could be. -Now looking into the House wagon.
unvote AYE

VOTE: Mertex

If we have to revisit Aye again because this is wrong, than by all means we will. But this is already the second time I've voted her and she seems town.
Hmmm I think I am getting good at this finding scum thing. I vote Shaitra >> Scum.

Vote Scarlet Rage

SR is scum IMO. She should be lynched.

She was the first SR vote, right after Shaitra's flip. Made a few other comments regarding SR being scum regarding SR trying to control the game. I don't make much of this vote.

first read shaitra gave was me, wolf, and aye as town.

this was after she voted for Arden

Oh, really? So FA and Shaitra both call Aye Town.

vote: AyeCantSeeYou

Voted for the same reason I did-FA and Shaitra called her town.

Vote AyeCan'tSeeYou

I'm tired and wrong. I should learn to stick with my instincts.

Instincts-not a great reason for a vote but I can see it.

Wow, Looking at Shaitra's posts and I'm amazed at how little she posted anything of substance.

Outside of the below reads list there is very little from her. She read Avi as both scum and town-could be a clue here. Suspicious of ika but did nothing with it-could be a clue or not. Townread-me, SR, Cafe, Math, Aye.
I believe Aye was strong townread by both Shaitra and FA-so this could be important.

I know it appears I’m lurking, but I have no intention of getting in the drama. And frankly, it makes it hard to read the game because there’s so many posts to skip. I hope it will settle down soon.

My reads so far:


MeBelle replacement



FA's reads again:

Reads -

RosieS Dead
AyeCantSeeYou Town
ScarletRage Scum – already explained

Mertex – to quiet, very unusual for her. Leaning scum but not there yet.
House – to vitriolic for scum. Town for now
Shaitra – null but shiatra is always hard as hell for me to read
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @Wake
Arden – Town
Avatar4321 – Null but I tire of early lynches of avatar :D
Josh_B – null
Wolfsister77 – scum or at the least anti-town.
tso! - null
ika – impossible to read someone that is not willing to engage. The randomness leads me to speculate usurper – it just seems to fit the role

Mathblade – null she hasn’t posted much

OK, Well Aye was townread by both Shaitra and FA and I don't see anyone else they were both reading as town. It's more of a clue than anything else I can find so.........

Vote: AyeCan'tSeeYou

My vote and reason. I later unvoted and am not voting currently.

It's also possible scum is intentionally making things difficult and we need to be observant for those behaviors. Something is definitely off this game on several people and on the game in general. I can't put my finger on it, but now that the toxicity is out of the way, some are even more annoyed and so many aren't playing that it is actually starting to frustrate me as well. This is a perfect environment for scum to win right now.

I'll be back when others decide they want to play. I wish House was here.

I think our answers lie in the bolded above, especially the last part. It's difficult to figure out people when they aren't contributing much of anything. Staying silent helps scum and hurts town. That is why I went ahead voted for FA. He has been more quiet than usual this game, so let's see if he talks more now that there's another vote on him. On the same note, I wish Avi would post more as well. Shaitra is quiet as well.

Guys, I'm trying to participate as much as I can. But right now I am really busy at work. I'm posting right now on my break and I try to keep the game in the background so I can read in any spare time but RL and work comes first.

I think Aye would probably be a good vote. This post seems to be calling out guards by name.

I'll be happy to vote there again.
VOTE: AYECantseeyou

Josh' original vote due to calling out guards by name-has since changed to Mertex.

It's also possible scum is intentionally making things difficult and we need to be observant for those behaviors. Something is definitely off this game on several people and on the game in general. I can't put my finger on it, but now that the toxicity is out of the way, some are even more annoyed and so many aren't playing that it is actually starting to frustrate me as well. This is a perfect environment for scum to win right now.

I'll be back when others decide they want to play. I wish House was here.

I think our answers lie in the bolded above, especially the last part. It's difficult to figure out people when they aren't contributing much of anything. Staying silent helps scum and hurts town. That is why I went ahead voted for FA. He has been more quiet than usual this game, so let's see if he talks more now that there's another vote on him. On the same note, I wish Avi would post more as well. Shaitra is quiet as well.

Guys, I'm trying to participate as much as I can. But right now I am really busy at work. I'm posting right now on my break and I try to keep the game in the background so I can read in any spare time but RL and work comes first.

I think Aye would probably be a good vote. This post seems to be calling out guards by name.

I'll be happy to vote there again.
VOTE: AYECantseeyou

Vote: AyeCan'tSeeYou

Pressure voting confirmed scum is usually a sign of scum screaming give me a reason to townread you buddy.

This is SR's vote for Aye supposedly trying to get the guards to be more townread.

VOTE: ScarletRage

ika is on to something with her. I want to find out what.

She's been laying out her case and will continue.

vote scarlet

seems totally scummy to chew me out over being trigger happy while encouraging a quick lynch of aye. She is trying to rush this and pretend she isnt

Avi's been changing his vote around a lot and seems willing to lynch anyone that isn't him. I can post examples of this later if necessary. It's suspicious to me.

how about im not on the damn thread every fucking second, how about i cam on after someone fucking unvoted? have you ever thought of that shit?

seriosuly titus can you misrep me any furtehr? your making shit up as you go now

vote SR

i wanted the hammer but im fed up wth you fuckign shit now, you dont know my activity leevels on here so quit trying to fabricatie shit on me

Emotion vote based in anger over being scumread by SR.
So I really don't know what to make of the above wagons or who is scum on them because there is no flip to tell us anything.

We need a flip. I strongly discourage switching to anyone else unless there is a damn good case.

I am not sold on anyone as scum yet right now but was willing to get a flip regardless so we can continue.

I understand giving more time but those of you flitting around from vote to vote and not explaining why like Avi and Josh are starting to bug me.

Until you tell me why you are voting for Mertex with a really good thought out case I'm calling you out on your vote switiching all over the place for no reason-Josh and Avi.

Vote: Josh_B

FoS: Avatar4321

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