Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

OK, since everyone is busy and I want to do a bunch of analysis tonight..................

Can anyone not voting for SR or Aye please NOT put them at L-1 until more of us have had a chance to give input?

PLEASE? This lynch feels important. Like game breaking important. We have plenty of time. Please wait.
Usurper makes sense bc of Mertex's read on Avatar.

Not to be mean or catty here, but Mertex isn't a strong player. She routinely finds reasons to call Scum on any player that's pointed out even the slightest, tiniest little suspicious thing she's done. In other words Mertex specializes in OMGUS.

Just saying.
SR hasn't answered my questions yet. Why is that?
So, Why would Aye hammer Shaitra is she is scum?

Because it was clear Shaitra was going down and Scum needed some Town cred. Bussing.

Explain to all of us how me voting for Shaitra is bussing?

You know how bussing works, we discussed it quite a bit in Scumchat Game 4.

It's not just that FA and Shaitra both called you Town.

It's your play this Game. Usually you have VERY strong and highly accurate reads on players' personalities and you haven't done that at all this game.
So, Why would Aye hammer Shaitra is she is scum?

Because it was clear Shaitra was going down and Scum needed some Town cred. Bussing.

Explain to all of us how me voting for Shaitra is bussing?

You know how bussing works, we discussed it quite a bit in Scumchat Game 4.

It's not just that FA and Shaitra both called you Town.

It's your play this Game. Usually you have VERY strong and highly accurate reads on players' personalities and you haven't done that at all this game.

I said both of them were off in their game play this time. If I thought they were town, why would I have voted for them?
With that, I'm off to bed. 4:30 is in less than 7 hours and I have to go help an engineer that got himself in over his head.
vote scarlet

seems totally scummy to chew me out over being trigger happy while encouraging a quick lynch of aye. She is trying to rush this and pretend she isnt
Wrong Avatar. I wanted to prove ika was Aye's guard. You just seemed glad for any lynch that wasn't you.

Okay, I have a moment, what do you mean IKA is Aye's guard? You keep stating he is town. So which is it scarlet?
Should I put SR or Aye at L-1?

It's looking like Aye, Avi, Ika and SR are all town and that can't be. Someone has to be scum here.

Who is it? SR is pissing everyone off and definitely buddying me. Is it her? It could be BUT if she's town, I want her in until the end because she can help us crack the game. If she's scum, I want her gone now.

I'll say it again, we gain nothing from flash lynching. Information is to be had, in arguing points, analyzing votes, etc. I don't think we should flashlynch anyone. I think we need to read a little more. That's my 2 cents. After the above statement by SR trying to prove IKA is guard, this really makes her look terribly suspicious, given I have asked her directly and she read him as town and has been all game.

I don't understand the change.
Should I put SR or Aye at L-1?

It's looking like Aye, Avi, Ika and SR are all town and that can't be. Someone has to be scum here.

Who is it? SR is pissing everyone off and definitely buddying me. Is it her? It could be BUT if she's town, I want her in until the end because she can help us crack the game. If she's scum, I want her gone now.

I'll say it again, we gain nothing from flash lynching. Information is to be had, in arguing points, analyzing votes, etc. I don't think we should flashlynch anyone. I think we need to read a little more. That's my 2 cents. After the above statement by SR trying to prove IKA is guard, this really makes her look terribly suspicious, given I have asked her directly and she read him as town and has been all game.

I don't understand the change.
Usurper makes sense bc of Mertex's read on Avatar.

Not to be mean or catty here, but Mertex isn't a strong player. She routinely finds reasons to call Scum on any player that's pointed out even the slightest, tiniest little suspicious thing she's done. In other words Mertex specializes in OMGUS.

Just saying.

I may nor be a strong player, Grandma, but I back up my accusations with fact. About me routinely finding reasons to call Scum on any player that's pointed out even the slightest, you either haven't check my votes or you are flat out lying. I haven't been flitting about voting for several people in this game as some others are doing. In fact, you voted for Josh in Post #2122 and by Post #2155 you were voting for Aye. Why don't you post the Post numbers where I'm OMGUS'ing, you know, to back up what you are saying.

The fact is that many of us had suspected TSO, before you came into the game, and you took over his role. The fact that FA, and Shaitra voted for Avi when they both turned out to be guards make is more likely that you are a guard, too, why you were voting for him. It might have worked when we didn't know that FA/Shaitra were Scum, but now it looks pretty suspicious, that all the guards were voting for their ruler? Who would suspect? Even Cafe suspected that you may be the last guard - Post #2108.

Post #1697 Grandma posts Avatar's wagon showing Arden/Grandma/Fa and Shaitra on it and claims he (Avi) is Town.

Post #1706 Grandma questions attention being placed on Avatar.

Post #1708, I asked Grandma why she now thinks Avi is Town.

Post #1715 Grandma gives some excuse for why Avi is now Town.

Shaitra was a guard, she knew Avi was Scum (ruler), and her voting for him at the last minute when FA was going down does not mean Avi is not the ruler. If Grandma is the last guard, she is going to try and defend Avatar, because he is the best candidate for the Ruler, mostly based on the votes by others and by him.

Also, let's see if the same people that were voting for him are still wanting to vote for him, this might tell us a lot more.

Avatar4321 (4): ★Arden, Grandma, FA_Q2, Shaitra

Well, let's see... Arden, I don't have much of a read on yet, FA was a Guard, and Shaitra's one of my main suspects. I'm feeling, at least for now, that Avi is Town.

I'm not going to vote for him this Day unless he claims Scum.

I'm concerned about the attention Avatar's getting. FA was on his wagon.

I'm concerned about the attention Avatar's getting. FA was on his wagon.

You voted for him when we were trying to get FA? What changed?

I suspected FA, but for me, at the time I voted, Avi was a stronger read. I voted then went to bed, by the time I was back online today we were in Twilight. (We're almost always post-hammer by the time I log in, most of the time I miss the lynch and the thread's locked for Night.)

FA was a Guard, I suspect Shaitra, she voted for Avi, and I suspect Arden, who also voted for Avi. Those three votes tell me that Avi is probably Town. That's what changed.
Lynching me won't help town win at all.

Serious question to whoever. Would this be considered a scum or towntell or null?

It's called flailing.

So, Why would Aye hammer Shaitra is she is scum?

Because it was clear Shaitra was going down and Scum needed some Town cred. Bussing.

Is that what you, Shaitra and FA were doing when you all voted for Avatar? Bussing? Because you wanted Town cred?
Like I said. Mertex is an OMGUSer.

I'm not saying you're Scum, Mertex. Or Town. I'm saying that you're a weak player. Nothing wrong with that, unless someone else is basing their vote upon your reads.
Like I said. Mertex is an OMGUSer.

I'm not saying you're Scum, Mertex. Or Town. I'm saying that you're a weak player. Nothing wrong with that, unless someone else is basing their vote upon your reads.

I think you're just saying that because I have pegged you as the last guard. You don't want the other Townies to pay attention to my comments, even though I've provided the posts and the post numbers, which makes your comment irrelevant. Also, I may have OMGUS in previous games, when I was just learning, but they have nothing to do with this game. So, unless you can post the posts and the post numbers where I have done an OMGUS vote here in this game, I'm going to consider your comment as just a nervous defense of your scummy actions.
Had you been paying attention, Mertex, in posts 1771 and 1773 I make it clear that the Ruler is among Arden, Aye, Cafe, Josh, and Shaitra. Shaitra was lynched and flipped Guard. That left Arden, Aye, Cafe, and Josh to choose from. I chose Josh. Then Avi said that Shaitra read Aye as Town, as had FA. I switched my vote then and plan on keeping it there.
Had you been paying attention, Mertex, in posts 1771 and 1773 I make it clear that the Ruler is among Arden, Aye, Cafe, Josh, and Shaitra. Shaitra was lynched and flipped Guard. That left Arden, Aye, Cafe, and Josh to choose from. I chose Josh. Then Avi said that Shaitra read Aye as Town, as had FA. I switched my vote then and plan on keeping it there.

Oh, but I am paying attention....and I find it interesting, because in Post #1327, you claimed Avi was your main Scum interest.

Post #1517 you claim that Avi and Me are Scum.

Post #1570 you ask SR if she doesn't think Avi and FA are scum.

And, if you were paying attention, you would have noticed that in post #1773 you made a correction to your Post #1771 where you had said the Ruler is among Arden, Aye, Cafe, Josh and Shaitra. You said in your correction, "Our King is most like Arden, Avi, Cafe, Josh and Shaitra." Funny, that you are omitting Avi's name in your post above....are you trying to hide something?

CORRECTION - Our "King" is most likely among:

Arden, Avi, Aye, Cafe, Josh, and Shaitra.
The change on ika occurred when ika didn't hammer Aye at L-1. There's no way ika doesn't do that while attacking someone else unless he's a guard. I did have a solid townread on him but there are somethings that just totally read changers. That lack of a hammer did it. Being hammer obsessed and active are things I associate with town ika. When he starts making exceptions, that totally makes me suspicious.

Cafe, by now you should know that I don't really care about looking suspicious (see iceproof gambit), I care about catching scum.
Had you been paying attention, Mertex, in posts 1771 and 1773 I make it clear that the Ruler is among Arden, Aye, Cafe, Josh, and Shaitra. Shaitra was lynched and flipped Guard. That left Arden, Aye, Cafe, and Josh to choose from. I chose Josh. Then Avi said that Shaitra read Aye as Town, as had FA. I switched my vote then and plan on keeping it there.

Oh, but I am paying attention....and I find it interesting, because in Post #1327, you claimed Avi was your main Scum interest.

Post #1517 you claim that Avi and Me are Scum.

Post #1570 you ask SR if she doesn't think Avi and FA are scum.

And, if you were paying attention, you would have noticed that in post #1773 you made a correction to your Post #1771 where you had said the Ruler is among Arden, Aye, Cafe, Josh and Shaitra. You said in your correction, "Our King is most like Arden, Avi, Cafe, Josh and Shaitra." Funny, that you are omitting Avi's name in your post above....are you trying to hide something?

CORRECTION - Our "King" is most likely among:

Arden, Avi, Aye, Cafe, Josh, and Shaitra.

Well, there is a way to call Shaitra on it and test my theory as to whether ika is guard or you just think terribly unobservant despite possessed. Shaitra has zero intention of moving her vote.

Pledge your vote to vote Aye. She can't very well turn around in half a page based solely on her vote.

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