Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Should I put SR or Aye at L-1?

It's looking like Aye, Avi, Ika and SR are all town and that can't be. Someone has to be scum here.

Who is it? SR is pissing everyone off and definitely buddying me. Is it her? It could be BUT if she's town, I want her in until the end because she can help us crack the game. If she's scum, I want her gone now.
Hey got 10 minutes really quick before I have to depart again. Looks like two L1's are here.

Can someone point me to anything I need to respond to? If not I won't be able to get it until really late tonight.
Two L-2's Math and I have no clue who's who right now which is why I won't vote yet. SR is willing to bet her life on Aye being ruler. Things got chaotic when Aye got to L-1 and SR racked up a bunch of votes. Aye's defense sounded town. I dunno.
I thought SR was scum at the start of the day and was null on Aye. I would probably do a VCA (vote count analysis) of the two trains if I was in your shoes.

Who voted them is important but when is also.

I plan on doing something similar when I get a chance tomorrow to make sure SR is still scummy like I thought earlier. Without me having read the thread that is the best advice I can give.

I can step you through how I do a VCA if you like but it is quick and dirty because it is just while I have a sec.
Thanks Math. I'll do that. I'd like to see what you come up with tomorrow. Grandma's here too. She can help. I think if SR is willing to die to prove Aye is the ruler, that may be something to consider. I don't want SR lynched if she's town.
Alrighty. I will let you know what I come up with but here's a quick how to do VCA (MB's opinion)

1) Gather all vote counts
2) Create a path for each player as to who they voted for

E.g MathBlade voted for tomatoes (1), sausage (2), carrots(3)

That would mean in VC1 I had tomatoes as my lynch vote etc. this is lynch shopping.

Now if for all three votes I had the same player say vegetables that would be tunneling.

Most town is either tunnel or don't flip every VC.

After that then work backwards from the latest VC. Does the overall pattern match tone?

Anywho just opinion analyze how you like
Lynching me won't help town win at all.

Serious question to whoever. Would this be considered a scum or towntell or null?

It's called flailing.

So, Why would Aye hammer Shaitra is she is scum?

Because it was clear Shaitra was going down and Scum needed some Town cred. Bussing.

Explain to all of us how me voting for Shaitra is bussing? I'm town. It's common knowledge for all, according to the first few posts in this game, that guards do not know who each other are, none know who the usurper is, and the only ones that know who the ruler is are the guards. Try your explanation again.
Wolf, I am willing to bet my life on Aye being ruler.

Gotta go. Work meeting.

Of course you'd say that - you're scum!

Assuming you mean the first paragraph that is a cool post.

If you meant to attack the second attacking RL isn't cool. Not accusing just using as a teaching opportunity.

SR willing to die to prove Aye is the ruler is not something I see scum doing.

Oh never mind. No she was attacking the first part. Not her RL job I'm sure.
Wolf, I am willing to bet my life on Aye being ruler.

Gotta go. Work meeting.

Of course you'd say that - you're scum!

Assuming you mean the first paragraph that is a cool post.

If you meant to attack the second attacking RL isn't cool. Not accusing just using as a teaching opportunity.

SR willing to die to prove Aye is the ruler is not something I see scum doing.

Scum has done that before. It is null Wolf. It is called bargaining. There is another term but I forget it ATM.
Wolf, I am willing to bet my life on Aye being ruler.

Gotta go. Work meeting.

Of course you'd say that - you're scum!

Assuming you mean the first paragraph that is a cool post.

If you meant to attack the second attacking RL isn't cool. Not accusing just using as a teaching opportunity.

SR willing to die to prove Aye is the ruler is not something I see scum doing.

Scum has done that before. It is null Wolf. It is called bargaining. There is another term but I forget it ATM.

Like what she did with House to get me earlier in the game?
Wolf, I am willing to bet my life on Aye being ruler.

Gotta go. Work meeting.

Of course you'd say that - you're scum!

Assuming you mean the first paragraph that is a cool post.

If you meant to attack the second attacking RL isn't cool. Not accusing just using as a teaching opportunity.

SR willing to die to prove Aye is the ruler is not something I see scum doing.

Oh never mind. No she was attacking the first part. Not her RL job I'm sure.
Cool just teaching then. :)

I hoped that was the case but good teaching opportunity none the less.
Wolf, I am willing to bet my life on Aye being ruler.

Gotta go. Work meeting.

Of course you'd say that - you're scum!

Assuming you mean the first paragraph that is a cool post.

If you meant to attack the second attacking RL isn't cool. Not accusing just using as a teaching opportunity.

SR willing to die to prove Aye is the ruler is not something I see scum doing.

Scum has done that before. It is null Wolf. It is called bargaining. There is another term but I forget it ATM.

Like what she did with House to get me earlier in the game?

Sorry brain foggy don't remember. House tried it at the end of the game we were in on his death bed I think but people didn't listen. I just remember an irrelevant game don't have time to link.
Wolf, I am willing to bet my life on Aye being ruler.

Gotta go. Work meeting.

Of course you'd say that - you're scum!

Assuming you mean the first paragraph that is a cool post.

If you meant to attack the second attacking RL isn't cool. Not accusing just using as a teaching opportunity.

SR willing to die to prove Aye is the ruler is not something I see scum doing.

Oh never mind. No she was attacking the first part. Not her RL job I'm sure.
Cool just teaching then. :)

I hoped that was the case but good teaching opportunity none the less.

I don't attack someone's RL. That's not part of the game. SR, however, had no qualms about it earlier today while it was known I was at work and she was trying to get my lynched before I had a chance to defend myself. That was not cool.

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