Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Wolfsister77, didn't many people think you were buddying me because you thought I was confirmed town and we didn't move from each other?

Why have you been trying so hard all day today to get on Wolf's good side and be buddybuddy with her now? Are you worried someone will see through your scum tactics?
I have been trying hard for days to get Wolf to actually analyze me. She is town and I sm working with her. Nice reflexive OMGUS.

We've been over that.
Your plan was to lynch randomly, we lynched randomly with no focus the first couple days. Wolf has been picking which players to lynch. This game relies a lot on emotional consistency, which is my weaker point. I can perceive strategy quite well and start eliminating players as rebels and guards. I know what we SHOULD be doing and push it. Using townreads to help narrow down the pool is acceptable and good play.

Read between the lines town! Note what I bolded above. SR is out to be the last standing scum.

Hmmmm.............................could be an usurper slip I suppose.

Aye is feeding you shit and leading you to a conclusion here. Eliminating players as towns and rebels is scumhunting and townhunting. I townhunted you. I scumhunted her.
Let's talk then. Take the role of Aye's defender. Why is Aye town? I'll be the prosecutor. (We can reverse these if it makes you feel better. The point of the exercise to exhaust all avenues of discussion.)

Who is my defender, SR? I don't recall seeing a post where someone came out and specifically said my name.
the fact your trying to use "im an IC" as a defense on being obvious upsuper and discurouge its lynch.

we already established that upsuprer is scum regardless, so the fact you are saying its not is either:

A) you being it and wanting ti to live
B) not knwonig proper play

if it was an sk we could argue about leashing it but it is scum and needs to be lycnhed

I don't believe SR ever answered this outright either - just talked around it.
Ika is your defendeder. I also did answer ika's post.

As an IC, I am required to put forth the best strategy for town. However, I am not required to actually advocate for it. My alignment should be transparently townere.

Doubly so if your best argument is wifom.
Your plan was to lynch randomly, we lynched randomly with no focus the first couple days. Wolf has been picking which players to lynch. This game relies a lot on emotional consistency, which is my weaker point. I can perceive strategy quite well and start eliminating players as rebels and guards. I know what we SHOULD be doing and push it. Using townreads to help narrow down the pool is acceptable and good play.

Read between the lines town! Note what I bolded above. SR is out to be the last standing scum.

Hmmmm.............................could be an usurper slip I suppose.

Aye is feeding you shit and leading you to a conclusion here. Eliminating players as towns and rebels is scumhunting and townhunting. I townhunted you. I scumhunted her.

How can you scumhunt someone if that someone is town? Big FAIL!!!!
Wolf and I just went throw your scenario. Wolf made a towncase on you and I tore it to shreds bc you are scum Aye. All you can do is cry usurper. You haven't scumhunted. You just throw out a tired line trying to save yourself.
Your plan was to lynch randomly, we lynched randomly with no focus the first couple days. Wolf has been picking which players to lynch. This game relies a lot on emotional consistency, which is my weaker point. I can perceive strategy quite well and start eliminating players as rebels and guards. I know what we SHOULD be doing and push it. Using townreads to help narrow down the pool is acceptable and good play.

Read between the lines town! Note what I bolded above. SR is out to be the last standing scum.

Hmmmm.............................could be an usurper slip I suppose.

Aye is feeding you shit and leading you to a conclusion here. Eliminating players as towns and rebels is scumhunting and townhunting. I townhunted you. I scumhunted her.

How can you scumhunt someone if that someone is town? Big FAIL!!!!
You aren't town. Setting that aside. Town v town happens all the time. Wolf v Rosie anyone?
Let's talk then. Take the role of Aye's defender. Why is Aye town? I'll be the prosecutor. (We can reverse these if it makes you feel better. The point of the exercise to exhaust all avenues of discussion.)

Who is my defender, SR? I don't recall seeing a post where someone came out and specifically said my name.
the fact your trying to use "im an IC" as a defense on being obvious upsuper and discurouge its lynch.

we already established that upsuprer is scum regardless, so the fact you are saying its not is either:

A) you being it and wanting ti to live
B) not knwonig proper play

if it was an sk we could argue about leashing it but it is scum and needs to be lycnhed

I don't believe SR ever answered this outright either - just talked around it.
Ika is your defendeder. I also did answer ika's post.

As an IC, I am required to put forth the best strategy for town. However, I am not required to actually advocate for it. My alignment should be transparently townere.

Doubly so if your best argument is wifom.

WIFOM is what you've been partially doing this game to try and suck others into your scheme. I won't fall for it, therefore, you want me lynched.
vote scarlet

seems totally scummy to chew me out over being trigger happy while encouraging a quick lynch of aye. She is trying to rush this and pretend she isnt
Wolf and I just went throw your scenario. Wolf made a towncase on you and I tore it to shreds bc you are scum Aye. All you can do is cry usurper. You haven't scumhunted. You just throw out a tired line trying to save yourself.

Where did you tear anything related to me to shreds? I sure as hell didn't see it. I saw where you were attempting to fill others' heads with garbage by twisting what I have posted in this game. How is twisting someone's words shredding anything, other than your credibility?
vote scarlet

seems totally scummy to chew me out over being trigger happy while encouraging a quick lynch of aye. She is trying to rush this and pretend she isnt
Wrong Avatar. I wanted to prove ika was Aye's guard. You just seemed glad for any lynch that wasn't you.
You aren't town. Setting that aside. Town v town happens all the time. Wolf v Rosie anyone?

I'm town, and unfortunately for you, I don't buy your bullshit this game. What you are doing is nothing like what happened on Day 1. Take another stab at it with your dull blade.
vote scarlet

seems totally scummy to chew me out over being trigger happy while encouraging a quick lynch of aye. She is trying to rush this and pretend she isnt
Wrong Avatar. I wanted to prove ika was Aye's guard. You just seemed glad for any lynch that wasn't you.

How is ika my guard if I'm not the ruler? DUH!!!!! I'm town - I have no guard! Keep trying.
Wolf and I just went throw your scenario. Wolf made a towncase on you and I tore it to shreds bc you are scum Aye. All you can do is cry usurper. You haven't scumhunted. You just throw out a tired line trying to save yourself.

Where did you tear anything related to me to shreds? I sure as hell didn't see it. I saw where you were attempting to fill others' heads with garbage by twisting what I have posted in this game. How is twisting someone's words shredding anything, other than your credibility?

Like you are going to admit any case on you had validity. Did you just ignore the back and forth Wolf and I had?

You are given a chance to defend yourself. All you can do is cry usurper to ml town as a last ditch.

Why wouldn't ika hammer you at L minus 1? Why did you quicklynch Shaitra?
vote scarlet

seems totally scummy to chew me out over being trigger happy while encouraging a quick lynch of aye. She is trying to rush this and pretend she isnt
Wrong Avatar. I wanted to prove ika was Aye's guard. You just seemed glad for any lynch that wasn't you.

How is ika my guard if I'm not the ruler? DUH!!!!! I'm town - I have no guard! Keep trying.
I am saying you are ruler, ika is guard, avatar is dumb town or usurper.

Usurper makes sense bc of Mertex's read on Avatar.
Wolfsister77, didn't many people think you were buddying me because you thought I was confirmed town and we didn't move from each other?

Why have you been trying so hard all day today to get on Wolf's good side and be buddybuddy with her now? Are you worried someone will see through your scum tactics?
I have been trying hard for days to get Wolf to actually analyze me. She is town and I sm working with her. Nice reflexive OMGUS.

We've been over that.

'WE' haven't been over anything. MAYBE you and someone else has, but that doesn't mean it's the end-all of whatever it is, especially when said someone is trying to throw me into the ring of fire for no VALID reason.

Yes, it's very obvious you've been trying really hard to get Wolf's attention all game long! Today, you stepped it up quite vigorously by trying to talk her into falling for your crappy ploy. I mentioned earlier today I was at work, but you kept on, trying to step up they mislynch against me. You were probably pissed when it didn't happen as soon as you hoped, right? Go bug someone else, scum.
Wolf and I just went throw your scenario. Wolf made a towncase on you and I tore it to shreds bc you are scum Aye. All you can do is cry usurper. You haven't scumhunted. You just throw out a tired line trying to save yourself.

Where did you tear anything related to me to shreds? I sure as hell didn't see it. I saw where you were attempting to fill others' heads with garbage by twisting what I have posted in this game. How is twisting someone's words shredding anything, other than your credibility?

Like you are going to admit any case on you had validity. Did you just ignore the back and forth Wolf and I had?

You are given a chance to defend yourself. All you can do is cry usurper to ml town as a last ditch.

Why wouldn't ika hammer you at L minus 1? Why did you quicklynch Shaitra?

Grasping at straws again, are you? I already answered why I assumed ika didn't hammer me. If you had read the last posts of mine since I got home from work, you would have seen it. I guess it's true what they say about scum not paying close attention to anything, cause you sure as hell haven't.

I voted for Shaitra because of her posting style this game. It changed quite dramatically from Day 1. Did you not see where I explained that too? Oh yeah, you didn't, since you have no valid reason to keep up with the game.

You're damn right I'll defend myself against the crap you've tried to throw at me all day long, while I was at work and unable to respond to it. I haven't 'cried' anything, as you claim, so go dig another trick out of your hat.
vote scarlet

seems totally scummy to chew me out over being trigger happy while encouraging a quick lynch of aye. She is trying to rush this and pretend she isnt
Wrong Avatar. I wanted to prove ika was Aye's guard. You just seemed glad for any lynch that wasn't you.

How is ika my guard if I'm not the ruler? DUH!!!!! I'm town - I have no guard! Keep trying.
I am saying you are ruler, ika is guard, avatar is dumb town or usurper.

Usurper makes sense bc of Mertex's read on Avatar.

Hate to burst your party early, scum, but I'm not one of your scum buddies this game. I will not fall for your bs.
Wolf, while Mertex is likely got a point on Avatar, we still should wait on usurper atm. Let's get the ruler out first. It's obviously Aye. Then we can deal with Avatar. Lynching avatar as usurper gives us nothing and makes the ruler harder to lynch.
And you noticed this right in 5 minutes after my vote? Suuuurrre....or you were holding off not bussing. One or the other.

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