Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

She thought I was town right off the bat and so did Shaitra, Avi, and House. I think those guys were the only ones in the beginning and Shaitra was scum. So tough to say there. One scum, 1 town, and 2 unknowns. I can't say for sure. Should we give Aye a chance to defend herself before putting her at L-1?

Yes, I said after you post some, I'd know whether or not you were town. Your game play being town is far different from when you were scum. There's no comparison; both are opposite.
VOTE: ScarletRage

ika is on to something with her. I want to find out what.
Wolfsister77, didn't many people think you were buddying me because you thought I was confirmed town and we didn't move from each other?

Why have you been trying so hard all day today to get on Wolf's good side and be buddybuddy with her now? Are you worried someone will see through your scum tactics?
I am saying I am where you were Game 5. No one sees me as the town I am. So people are accusing me of buddying ika just like people accused you of buddying.

A lot of reasoning here is circular and presupposes the answer to justify it.

You aren't town. I see where you are trying very hard to buddy Wolf to try and save yourself.

Aye has every right to defend herself regardless of alignment.

SR-If you are manipulating/buddying me as scum, I'm gonna be pissed. I already dealt with that last game.

Answer to everything Aye's said or I will vote you next.
FA and Shaitra. They flipped. Aye tried to pressure them yo give content and implied he'd townread them if they did.

Quoting this again. Another lie you are trying to throw on me. I did not imply to anyone that I'd townread them if the post. I was trying to get people to post in the damn game. Seems to me you don't like people doing something you didn't come up with first. Tell me how asking people questions makes a player scum?
This skips the obvious. Why would Shaitra argue her ruler (Mertex) was the ruler? That's very remote. Some teams can be eliminated in that regard due to the opposition being too forceful and this group not likely knowing White Flag.

Your first mistake here - underestimating the players on this site. Just because you think you know it all, you don't.
Wolf, it's obvious in her posts to you all day long she is trying to get on your good side. The difference between me and her is that I'm not blowing smoke up anyone's ass when I say what I do. I don't tell someone to calm down and gather their thoughts for the hell of it. I did that because it was the right thing to do at that time. I haven't been trying to buddy anyone this game, unlike SRScum.
I find it extremely scummy that anyone would twist what someone has posted. Nice try, SR! Don't EVER put words out there that you THINK I said or meant, when you couldn't be more wrong.
I think Aye would probably be a good vote. This post seems to be calling out guards by name.

I'll be happy to vote there again.
VOTE: AYECantseeyou

That's the best you can come with - you 'think'? How about pulling your head out of the sand and thinking again, but this time do it by yourself and not from what others say? If you can't come up with a reason, then going with the crowd is the worst thing town can do. That's how we've lynched our own many times over.
Let's talk then. Take the role of Aye's defender. Why is Aye town? I'll be the prosecutor. (We can reverse these if it makes you feel better. The point of the exercise to exhaust all avenues of discussion.)

Who is my defender, SR? I don't recall seeing a post where someone came out and specifically said my name.
the fact your trying to use "im an IC" as a defense on being obvious upsuper and discurouge its lynch.

we already established that upsuprer is scum regardless, so the fact you are saying its not is either:

A) you being it and wanting ti to live
B) not knwonig proper play

if it was an sk we could argue about leashing it but it is scum and needs to be lycnhed

I don't believe SR ever answered this outright either - just talked around it.
shaitra was trying to point the finger at mertex before we lynched her. Was that because mertex was pushing to lynch her or because mertex is the ruler and she was trying to throw us off?

should we expect the ruler to be on the guards wagons or off them?

Yep, I still think you are the Ruler, Avatar. Now you are trying to point the finger at me because I have always thought you were the Ruler, and now with your accusation, it is even more telling. Shaitra was just upset because I was so determined that we vote for her, even if she flipped town, because she had by far the scummiest comments that several of us had picked up on.

I'm not giving up on you as Ruler just yet.

And your comment about the ruler being on the guards wagons or off them, is not a good clue either way because the ruler doesn't know who the guards are. Well, now the ruler knows who two of them are, and they are both dead.

I think this is retarded. two guards pushed Avatar closer to a lynch. Avatar can be a guard, but not the ruler.
Wrong. I don't see how Shaitra and FA pushed avatar closer. When they were wagoned FA gave up and Shaitra bangwagoned on the SR is usurper bullshit.

Neither really argued for Avatar as scum which makes sense if he's ruler.

Wrong. Shaitra voted Avi and was willing to put him at L-1 to see what ika would do when FA was already at L-1. There is very little chance of Avi being ruler. He could be a guard or he's town.

Wolf, I went back and checked the posts and when they took place. When Shaitra voted for Avatar, I had already jumped off Avi's wagon, and he only had 4 votes counting FA's. Her vote was #5, so she wasn't putting Avi at L-1. Her vote for Avi was in Post 1596, I had jumped on FA's wagon in Post #1594 putting FA at L-1. Besides, she had miscounted, cause she thought Avi only had 3 votes.She might have figured that Ika was about to hammer FA, and she wasn't really worried about Avatar being lynched. And what better way than to draw us away from Avatar, the ruler?


Let's see where this goes.


Let's see where this goes.

FA has been on my leaning town, then changed to leaning scum, maybe a Scum guard. He's a L-2, let's see if Ika is willing to hammer this one.


I just went back and figured the vote count. Right now FA_Q2 has 6 votes and Avatar has 3.

Vote: Avatar
shaitra was trying to point the finger at mertex before we lynched her. Was that because mertex was pushing to lynch her or because mertex is the ruler and she was trying to throw us off?

should we expect the ruler to be on the guards wagons or off them?

Yep, I still think you are the Ruler, Avatar. Now you are trying to point the finger at me because I have always thought you were the Ruler, and now with your accusation, it is even more telling. Shaitra was just upset because I was so determined that we vote for her, even if she flipped town, because she had by far the scummiest comments that several of us had picked up on.

I'm not giving up on you as Ruler just yet.

And your comment about the ruler being on the guards wagons or off them, is not a good clue either way because the ruler doesn't know who the guards are. Well, now the ruler knows who two of them are, and they are both dead.

I think this is retarded. two guards pushed Avatar closer to a lynch. Avatar can be a guard, but not the ruler.
Wrong. I don't see how Shaitra and FA pushed avatar closer. When they were wagoned FA gave up and Shaitra bangwagoned on the SR is usurper bullshit.

Neither really argued for Avatar as scum which makes sense if he's ruler.

But they voted for him, and it appeared that they has serious expectations for him to be lynched.

Not really. FA was already at L-1 with Ika claiming he was going to hammer.
Your plan was to lynch randomly, we lynched randomly with no focus the first couple days. Wolf has been picking which players to lynch. This game relies a lot on emotional consistency, which is my weaker point. I can perceive strategy quite well and start eliminating players as rebels and guards. I know what we SHOULD be doing and push it. Using townreads to help narrow down the pool is acceptable and good play.

Read between the lines town! Note what I bolded above. SR is out to be the last standing scum.
is there a good aye town case? I find the scum case for her stronger.

That's what we're investigating. Stop being so trigger happy.

if I was trigger happy I would have voted for her and lynched her without realizing it. There are several people I'd like to discuss before lynching. Aye, mertex, Arden, ika, and you.

there is a reason I haven't voted for aye yet.
Your plan was to lynch randomly, we lynched randomly with no focus the first couple days. Wolf has been picking which players to lynch. This game relies a lot on emotional consistency, which is my weaker point. I can perceive strategy quite well and start eliminating players as rebels and guards. I know what we SHOULD be doing and push it. Using townreads to help narrow down the pool is acceptable and good play.

Read between the lines town! Note what I bolded above. SR is out to be the last standing scum.

Hmmmm.............................could be an usurper slip I suppose.
I don't have much time, but I don't think Aye is least not yet. I think Avatar is our ruler and either Arden or Grandma our last guard.


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