Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I could see Avatar as ruler. Given the inaccurate perceprtion of me as usurper, I am surprised Shaitra was quicklynched. This suggests at least one of Aye/Avatar is scum. Wagoning against Avatar twice has got us two scum lynvhes. Plus we saw a lot of attempts to divert onto me when Shaitra and avatar were the choices.

What do you think of Mathblade Avatar team Mertex?
Just dropped in for a few minutes....will be back later, I hope.

I was thinking Avatar was the ruler, but now I'm thinking he may just be a guard. Mathblade voted for Shaitra (true she wouldn't know that Shaitra was a guard, even if she was the Ruler), so I don't have anything on Mathblade that tells me she's scum. I'm going to read some people's posts and see if I pick up something.
i was away form the site titus. i have about 5 other games to account for and this one is not huge on my to-do list
So what are you planning now? You keep saying I suck and tunnelling me. What else you got? I'll try you because you can't do any worse than just tunnell lurk me all game.

Who do you think is ruler? mathblade, her town/neutral game shes full of energy and here its lackluster shes just lurking it out
Last guard? avatar, he has kept on implying that hes not a rebel in several of his post that house has already pointed out earlier and i have said
Usurper? you for already stated reasons

Here's a hint, I cannot be all three. Include reasons for each.
titus your no ic here. this is another game of mafia quit using that as a shit exucse
What is ic?

IC is inexperienced challenged. It's a role to help newbies. Basically, it's a role that tells you the ideal strategy for town and scum without regard to their own survival. Otherwise, they can be free to do whatever.
Scum could not be in the thread also. I doubt they'd want to draw too much attention to themselves. Usurper could be there though for sure.

WIFOM. Going in circles is another way of putting it. As town, we always do this. Another thought, though - why wouldn't scum be out in the open? They'd be trying to buddy-up with us and also try to make their reads and comments match many of ours to try and 'blend' in. Wouldn't be the first time, definitely won't be the last scum do that. So yeah, they're already voting for me.
Scum could not be in the thread also. I doubt they'd want to draw too much attention to themselves. Usurper could be there though for sure.

WIFOM. Going in circles is another way of putting it. As town, we always do this. Another thought, though - why wouldn't scum be out in the open? They'd be trying to buddy-up with us and also try to make their reads and comments match many of ours to try and 'blend' in. Wouldn't be the first time, definitely won't be the last scum do that. So yeah, they're already voting for me.

Who are they then? Arden, mathblade, SR, me? Who?
So what are you planning now? You keep saying I suck and tunnelling me. What else you got? I'll try you because you can't do any worse than just tunnell lurk me all game.

Who do you think is ruler? mathblade, her town/neutral game shes full of energy and here its lackluster shes just lurking it out
Last guard? avatar, he has kept on implying that hes not a rebel in several of his post that house has already pointed out earlier and i have said
Usurper? you for already stated reasons

Here's a hint, I cannot be all three. Include reasons for each.

Mathblade had been universally lackluster. That's not a reason. Her posts here have been very scummy IMO but not just lack of energy.
Avatar, you are pushing language tells which are indicators not conclusive. Talk about his play.

Again, with me you've just been RNGing and sheeping the usurper talk.

Look at votes. FLook at actions. etc.
I agree with lynching Ika, but don't want to cut the day short when we can ignore him and do more scum hunting. We have a few days yet so let's talk about the other indications/clues we see so far.

My reason for being willing to lynch Ika is because I feel random lynching is not playing the game. I want to win by uncovering the king and guards, not by pure luck. Statistically it may ensure a win 60% of the time, but that also means that 40% of the time, scum win.

shaitra and FA were arguing against ika being lynched day 1. Though they both said they would lynch

FA suggested we look at the ika wagon for scum, yet neither of the scum we've found so far were on it.

I don't know if it means something, but it might

Maybe he was talking about you? You have been on Ika both D1 and D2.....and on D2 you were the only one voting for Ika.
OK, I just looked and forgot that Grandma voted for Aye.

She's at L-1 now and it is way too soon to have someone at L-1 when anyone can come drop the hammer.

I'm not as sure about Aye as I was about Shaitra and FA and I'd like more input from others.

I don't want another quicklynch. This does not mean I won't vote for Aye. Just not right now.

OK, I just looked and forgot that Grandma voted for Aye.

She's at L-1 now and it is way too soon to have someone at L-1 when anyone can come drop the hammer.

I'm not as sure about Aye as I was about Shaitra and FA and I'd like more input from others.

I don't want another quicklynch. This does not mean I won't vote for Aye. Just not right now.


Let's talk then. Take the role of Aye's defender. Why is Aye town? I'll be the prosecutor. (We can reverse these if it makes you feel better. The point of the exercise to exhaust all avenues of discussion.)
OK, I just looked and forgot that Grandma voted for Aye.

She's at L-1 now and it is way too soon to have someone at L-1 when anyone can come drop the hammer.

I'm not as sure about Aye as I was about Shaitra and FA and I'd like more input from others.

I don't want another quicklynch. This does not mean I won't vote for Aye. Just not right now.


Let's talk then. Take the role of Aye's defender. Why is Aye town? I'll be the prosecutor. (We can reverse these if it makes you feel better. The point of the exercise to exhaust all avenues of discussion.)

I would like to look at Aye's scum game in game 4 again but she's kind of a lurker as scum.

I wonder about the fact she's helped us with both FA and Shaitra.

She is not playing that much different from her town game like Shaitra and FA obviously were.

Good point about ika not hammering, I'd like to see what he says about that.

I'd like input about others about Aye who have not commented also but that isn't critical if she comes off as obvious scum.
You know what, I remember not even being able to figure out Aye was scum in game 4 so if she is scum here, it's likely I can't figure her out either.

I really don't know. It would be nice to get other opinions. I will vote for her if I can be fairly sure she's scum. I do remember her at the beginning of this game unvoting me when my wagon was going fast and I only needed a couple votes and asking to slow down and asking SR why she was in a rush and Avi asked the same thing.

So I have to wonder what the rush is here also SR?
Wolf, I'm not wanting to rush. I'm just not caring to stall if there's no good reason to. I want one of us to make a town Aye case and the other to try and rebut. I want to see if there's any good reason to believe the game isn't cracked at this point.
OK, Well I don't have time to go through every one of her posts but I'd like answers to these because these look like town to me.

Wolf is playing as she has in previous games when she's been town.

Instead of trying to get someone lynched so early in the game, shouldn't we be letting people talk? What about TSO and Arden not saying anything yet? Does that raise a flag to anyone? What about ika putting in a vote for someone without reading the thread to see what people have been saying - not odd to anyone?

If people want a lynch right off the bat, then go for the one that wants out and a replacement is being sought for.

She unvoted me when I was at L-2, knew I was town. If she was scum, she'd keep her vote on me. She's advocating letting everyone give input and doesn't want to rush a lynch. Scum wouldn't care about that.

Wolf is playing as she has in previous games when she's been town.

Instead of trying to get someone lynched so early in the game, shouldn't we be letting people talk? What about TSO and Arden not saying anything yet? Does that raise a flag to anyone? What about ika putting in a vote for someone without reading the thread to see what people have been saying - not odd to anyone?

If people want a lynch right off the bat, then go for the one that wants out and a replacement is being sought for.

Ika said that's what he was going to do. It's lame, but whatever. Did he say it was in the guard's best interest or the rebels best interest? I don't remember.

shouldn't those slot's get a chance?
Ika claims its protown to not discuss at all.

He's not playing consistent with that theory because he's not always voting the largest wagon. So I am taking to ignoring him.

That's what I don't understand - how is it protown to not discuss anything? If we all just post vote after vote without saying anything else, we really aren't trying to figure out who the bad guys are. It seems like nothing more than a detachment from actually playing the game.

Agree's about Ika's strategy not being protown. Wants town discussion. Scum wouldn't want discussion.

OK so, ika and I are widly lashing out at a large number of players-him due to his 60% win rate by randomly lynching and me because of me trying to figure out how many mislynches can occur before the game is lost.

And therefore that makes me scum.

Yes Rosie, your argument against me is strong and your logic is flawless.

So far, I make one post answering Avi about how many times we can mislynch and still win and numerous people want to call me scum because of it.

Wow, just wow.

Kill me now.

Fallback to your typical emotive positions is both town and scumtell for your meta, so it can be dismissed outright.

Regards from Rosie

Yet you still found the need to respond to it instead of dismissing it. LOL

Certainly! It is instructive for those who don't know you well.

Just as others have commented on what is typical for me; I just did the same for you.

When she gets overly emotive, don't take it seriously, folks. She doesn't gnaw the scenery terribly badly. Best to.just ignore it.

Regards from Rosie

Hey everyone. I seriously want more votes on me. There's at least 2 players that are either scum trying to start drama with me or they are so utterly condescending towards me and my play style that it'll be a constant distraction to the game.

It would be better for town if I'm out.

How is it better for town when we need you to help us find and lynch the scum?

Ignore those that insist on getting you riled up. Read their posts, but don't respond to them. Giving them any type of response just adds to the fire they want to start.

Trying to calm down the drama when scum would want to keep it going.

So why is this scum and not town?

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