Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Mertex is probably the ruler.

Why? I see Aye as a probable ruler. Followed by Avatar.

Explain how Math/Mertex could be scum and we get the wagons we see. If Mertex was scum, shouldn't we be seeing Avatar flip (supposes Avatar isn't a guard by coincidence).

Vote Count 5.2

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (0):
AyeCantSeeYou (4):
Grandma,★Arden, ScarletRage, ika
CafeAuLait (0):
Grandma (0):
ika (0):
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (2):
CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77
Mertex (1): Josh_B
ScarletRage (4): Mathblade, AyeCantSeeYou, Avatar4321, Mertex
Wolfsister77 (0):

Not Voting (0):

~ With 11 players alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/16/14, @9PM Central.

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sorry scarlet. I didn't realize you were had some plan for the random voting. Kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it?

mebelle needs to be replaced already? A record for her.

I'm half tempted to start lynching her now

I think this is the first person that said something about replacing Mebelle

Are you saying that Avi wanted MeBelle replaced? That's not the way I read it, he (Avi) was asking if mebelle needed replacment already.....his next line says "I'm half tempted to start lynching her, now." Unless you were talking about SR, and that wasn't her post.
Mertex is probably the ruler.

Why? I see Aye as a probable ruler. Followed by Avatar.

Explain how Math/Mertex could be scum and we get the wagons we see. If Mertex was scum, shouldn't we be seeing Avatar flip (supposes Avatar isn't a guard by coincidence).

Every single time I see Avi's name or see him post, I want to lynch him. The feeling is super strong too.

He is pinging scum for me so hard right now. Almost as much as FA and Shaitra. I don't know if he's the usurper or a guard or what but he feels like scum much more than anyone else.

I don't have a case unless I go through and quote everything I don't like and call him scum for it. This is just gut and instinct and it is very, very strong.

I will leave my vote where it is but I will help bring Avi down if needed. No one else is pinging this hard. I want him gone-dead. Period.

Watch out Avi-if you are town, you are giving off super strong scum vibes and should probably do something about that.
Mertex is probably the ruler.

Yeah, right. That's why I'm putting myself out here when I could be lurking, since I'm on V/LA, and just coming in here every chance I get.

Your powers of observation suck.
I hate both these wagons. I feel they are both town and we are screwing ourselves by killing an active, participating townie. I officially do not like it!!

Time to vote park. I'm sticking with Avi unless my vote is needed to break a tie at deadline. This decision is final unless, like I said, a deadline vote is needed and then I will switch.

Vote: Avatar4321
rather than vote for one of the wagons you want to vote for a rebel. It's your choice. Though nothing had changed since yesterday.
I'm not sure what you are trying to do, Wolf, but since I have had Avi on my scumdar from the very beginning, I'm willing to change yet again and see who is willing to vote for Avi. Plenty have said they thought he was Scum, so let's just see.

Avatar is scum. IDGAF.

I think Avatar is the Ruler.


Say he slipped: That leaves 3 people as ruler.


If this is true, out of those 3 it's Avi. Thoughts? Do we trust scum? I don't. But was it a slip?

I said Avatar's meta was off and he may be a guard/usurper/king ruler in my first read here. I said almost the same of Wolf as well. Avatar's meta is off.

I like where you are going with this. search "queen" in this thread leads me find SR, Cafe, and Avatar still suspicious.

I could stand to run up Avatar again and see what happens then compare notes.
Actually, I'm proposing that we lynch Avatar. He is definitely not the ruler. but likely to be a guard.

I agree, but if you look at my reads I say avatar may be king, wolf may be queen.

Sorry. I thought Aye was guy for some reason. Bouncing off of grandma's 1771, I can see Avatar as guard, but not as a ruler.

There is no way in hell FA would go so crazy this game, he's pretty middle-of-the-road. He would never risk his Ruler.

The Ruler is among his Null/Town reads, someone he would either defend or avoid mentioning at all. He certainly would not vote for the Ruler if there was a chance the wagon would take off.

So I'm excluding Avi as Ruler. (He could still be Guard or Usurper.)

Our choices are: Arden, Aye, Cafe, Josh, and Shaitra.

If Shai does flip ruler and Arden was a guard, VC 3.2 on the FA lynch and the votes for Avatar as opposed to FA, may tell us the last guard- as we wait and wonder. Are they all sitting in a pretty little row?
★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (4): ★Arden, Grandma, FA_Q2, Shaitra

Yes, I know. I was just wondering if all of them were on your VC above when we lynched FA. In a pretty little row and even if she will be killed, if Grandma may be the unknown last guard possibly?

Avatar4321 (4): ★Arden, Grandma, FA_Q2, Shaitra

I agree that Avi is not the ruler. He's guard or town.

Maybe if we see an FOS on Avatar from the other Townies, we can see who is willing to vote for him if a wagon were to develop on him? Who isn't willing to, if they have claimed he might be scum?

AyeCantSeeYou have you ever suspected Avi?
I hate both these wagons. I feel they are both town and we are screwing ourselves by killing an active, participating townie. I officially do not like it!!

Time to vote park. I'm sticking with Avi unless my vote is needed to break a tie at deadline. This decision is final unless, like I said, a deadline vote is needed and then I will switch.

Vote: Avatar4321
Talk to me. You have been right a lot. Once you have given me a case, I got it. Give me a case that beats Aye.
That vc by Cafe makes me think Avatar is not a ruler. Both confirmed scum were on him over FA. There is a chance itwas guard guard.
AyeCantSeeYou Never mind, I see that in post #1668 you had Avi down as leaning Scum and in post #1956 you listed Avi along with Math, SR and Shaitra as your top 4 Scum.


Vote Count 5.3

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (2):
Wolfsister77, Mertex
AyeCantSeeYou (4): Grandma,★Arden, ScarletRage, ika
CafeAuLait (0):
Grandma (0):
ika (0):
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (1):
Mertex (1): Josh_B
ScarletRage (3): Mathblade, AyeCantSeeYou, Avatar4321
Wolfsister77 (0):

Not Voting (0):

~ With 11 players alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/16/14, @9PM Central.

Listen, I can make a case on Avi later when I have time but the reason I am acting kind of nuts is I am confused. I do not think Avi is the ruler. I have pretty much ruled that out since FA and Shaitra were on his wagon. But, I get very, very, very strong scum vibes from Avi. So strong that every time he posts I just want to lynch him. So he's either town who's completely off his town game to the point that every single person in this game has scumread him at one point or another, or he's a guard or the usurper. I am more certain of him than I am of Aye or SR.

Those of you voting SR, I don't get it. She isn't the ruler. She's been throwing herself out there, taking risks, making a target out of herself, and basically I see her town play from game 5. She could be the usurper towning it up to catch scum. But I doubt she's a guard. So she's a bad lynch.

Aye is looking like town Aye both in her defense of herself and in the way she has played most of the game. She could be the ruler but I just am not really seeing it. Who is her guard? Were FA and Shaitra that protective of her? Who is protecting her now? Anyone? I guess Avi or Josh or Mertex could be said to be protecting her by not wanting to vote her but I'm not so sure of that.

I guess I could look like a guard to either Aye or SR but I think you guys know how ridiculous that is. I'd be a bumbling idiot as the usurper so yeah, I'm definitely town. So why am I acting this way? Because I don't want active, involved townies dying and being left with a bunch of people don't really game solve or contribute enough to win this game. I play to win. I did that last game. I am doing it this game.

So how does town win? We get scum. Avi is screaming scum to me. Not as much as FA and Shaitra were but he is.

Mathblade is the only other one giving me scum vibes.

It is mostly gut, instinct, feeling with Avi. I feel scum when he posts and I was one of his strongest defenders as town in game 2 and he isn't playing anything like that or his town game in game 3. Not even close.

So I'd feel better about an Avi lynch. I will vote to break a tie on Aye if she gets to L-1 by deadline so it isn't like I won't vote her but I just want to make sure it's a good choice. I doubt you'll get me to vote for SR this round.

So anyway, there's what I'm thinking.
Listen, I can make a case on Avi later when I have time but the reason I am acting kind of nuts is I am confused. I do not think Avi is the ruler. I have pretty much ruled that out since FA and Shaitra were on his wagon. But, I get very, very, very strong scum vibes from Avi. So strong that every time he posts I just want to lynch him. So he's either town who's completely off his town game to the point that every single person in this game has scumread him at one point or another, or he's a guard or the usurper. I am more certain of him than I am of Aye or SR.

Those of you voting SR, I don't get it. She isn't the ruler. She's been throwing herself out there, taking risks, making a target out of herself, and basically I see her town play from game 5. She could be the usurper towning it up to catch scum. But I doubt she's a guard. So she's a bad lynch.

Aye is looking like town Aye both in her defense of herself and in the way she has played most of the game. She could be the ruler but I just am not really seeing it. Who is her guard? Were FA and Shaitra that protective of her? Who is protecting her now? Anyone? I guess Avi or Josh or Mertex could be said to be protecting her by not wanting to vote her but I'm not so sure of that.

I guess I could look like a guard to either Aye or SR but I think you guys know how ridiculous that is. I'd be a bumbling idiot as the usurper so yeah, I'm definitely town. So why am I acting this way? Because I don't want active, involved townies dying and being left with a bunch of people don't really game solve or contribute enough to win this game. I play to win. I did that last game. I am doing it this game.

So how does town win? We get scum. Avi is screaming scum to me. Not as much as FA and Shaitra were but he is.

Mathblade is the only other one giving me scum vibes.

It is mostly gut, instinct, feeling with Avi. I feel scum when he posts and I was one of his strongest defenders as town in game 2 and he isn't playing anything like that or his town game in game 3. Not even close.

So I'd feel better about an Avi lynch. I will vote to break a tie on Aye if she gets to L-1 by deadline so it isn't like I won't vote her but I just want to make sure it's a good choice. I doubt you'll get me to vote for SR this round.

So anyway, there's what I'm thinking.

Look Wolf, take a deep breath. Now go back and read your posts. I am reading. And it seems every time you either agree with a case or make one of your own, you suddenly change gears. Now, look at why you change gears. I think someone is buddying you. Look back and see IF you can see it too Wolf.
Wolfsister77 AyeCantSeeYou

Why don't we do what we did the last time and we caught us some Scum. I asked you and Aye to list your 4 Top Scum (I can't remember if I asked Cafe) but this is what I ended up with after you two responded. IIRC Cafe didn't want to commit, said she had to go do some more reading, so I don't know where she's at with this.

Me: Top 4 Scum = Avatar/Shaitra/SR/Grandma
Wolf: = Arden/Shaitra/Math/SR
Aye: =Math/SR/Shaitra/Avatar

We all had Shaitra as one of our 4 top Scum, we went after her and we turned out to be right.

What other person do you see on all three of our Top 4 Scum? Both Aye and I were willing to cast a vote on her, but you, Wolf, were not, instead you want to cast it against Aye.

Aye didn't give me her Top 4 Town, but mine was:


Yours was:
Josh/Cafe/Ika/yourself. (I noticed I didn't make your Top 4 - and I want to know what makes you doubt my Towniness?)

Aye didn't provide me with her Top 4 town, but maybe if she would, we can ask those that are on all 3 of our reads to list their 4 top Scum and maybe we can narrow it down even further.

Right now Cafe and you are on both of our list of Top 4 Town, maybe she's on Aye's list, too? We can ask Cafe is she has narrowed down her Scum list and see how it compares.

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