Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Sheep me, people, or Town will lose. I already said that if I'm wrong about Aye today you can lynch me tomorrow, I'll even vote for myself. That's how sure I am that Aye's the Ruler.

No, Not until I see some real proof she's scum. I haven't seen enough yet and I've seen plenty of town Aye posts.

I've seen plenty of town SR posts too.

I think we are wrong to lynch either one of them.

and yet you voted for aye earlier this very page
Sheep me, people, or Town will lose. I already said that if I'm wrong about Aye today you can lynch me tomorrow, I'll even vote for myself. That's how sure I am that Aye's the Ruler.

No, Not until I see some real proof she's scum. I haven't seen enough yet and I've seen plenty of town Aye posts.

I've seen plenty of town SR posts too.

I think we are wrong to lynch either one of them.

and yet you voted for aye earlier this very page

Pay attention. I'm voting for no one right now. I don't want an active participant that is trying to solve the game lynched this time around. I would rather get one of the people hiding on the sidelines. I don't think the ruler would put themselves out there for a lynch like either Aye or SR have and I don't think the last guard would either. I think they are hiding. I think we are looking in the wrong place. I would like to drop this Aye and SR nonsense and get one of them.

I'm looking at mathblade again or Arden or Josh. I really don't think ika is scum and quite frankly, even though I have my suspicions, I don't feel strongly enough about others either.

I'd hate to see a hiding scum team get overlooked while the people putting themselves out there are lynched.
I don't know what "real" proof you are looking for. Getting confessions is not normal. I handed anyone who was thinking about it real proof that Sam was scum last game and you guys still kept trying to make him a townie.
I don't know what "real" proof you are looking for. Getting confessions is not normal. I handed anyone who was thinking about it real proof that Sam was scum last game and you guys still kept trying to make him a townie.

You were scum and not to be trusted. And Sam was lynched anyway. So your point is not valid.

I would like someone else to make the decision on SR or Aye. I don't want to do it. You guys go ahead.

I want one of the hiders. End of story.
I'll be able to read more and respond to some thing in the morning. I suppose this this a prod dodge. I have to go work now.

This post bothers me Josh. Why would you need a prod when you posted this AM? You votes have been all over the board as well. Here and there, some without explanation. I'll tell you why it bother me, I was just reading a link House supplied in the Scum Hunting thread, and this is one thing it points out. Scum jumping into a thread, saying they are gone or will be back later or apologizing, offering nothing of substance and disappearing.

Well I was checking in at least 2 times a day, and sometimes throughout the day. I realize my activity has slowed the past couple of days and that it has been noticed. I guess you're right, as far as game time goes, I'm not in any prod danger. But I'm not lurking on purpose either. Just busy IRL.

You are right. My votes have been all over the board. They've been all over the board on purpose, and I think I explained it before. There's been some things that have been the primary focus of the game, while others sit back and watch. The first two days, I feel like I lynched town by getting caught up in the drama that was going on at the time. Now, rather than focus all of my attention on the drama, (which is probably scum driven in some capacity) I'm poking around the edges to see what I can find.
I agree with Josh. We are concentrating on all the people putting themselves out there and not looking at who is hiding/pushing things from the sidelines. I'd rather vote for Arden or mathblade but Arden has some good posts when she does post, and some posts that don't say anything either. I don't like that she disappears for days but it is what it is. I'm more suspicious of mathblade right now. And like Josh, my votes have been all over the place. The biggest thing that makes me suspicious of her besides the things pointed out by Cafe who is also voting her, is her temperment since she got in here. It's very similar to Shaitra's who was scum. I think at the very least, she needs to be wagoned. If you guys still want to lynch SR or Aye, go for it, but I'm putting my vote where I feel best.

Vote: mathblade
unvote AYE

VOTE: Mertex

If we have to revisit Aye again because this is wrong, than by all means we will. But this is already the second time I've voted her and she seems town.

So both FA and Shaitra call Aye Town, which makes her Suspect #1. Aye goes into wall posting, unusual for her, to make a case for Scarlet as Usurper, which is deflection as Usuper =/= Ruler, which again makes her look very suspicious for being so over-the-top.

And Josh unvotes Aye saying Aye looks Townish.

Aye + Josh are the Ruling Party team.

We can deal with the Usurper after these 2 are gone.

Soo... the town as a whole has pushed Aye, and I have pushed Aye myself when everyone was looking at Avatar. It wasn't a hard push, but I liked what I saw for the most part. I don't recall you mentioning anything about my earlier vote/unvote.
unvote AYE

VOTE: Mertex

If we have to revisit Aye again because this is wrong, than by all means we will. But this is already the second time I've voted her and she seems town.

So both FA and Shaitra call Aye Town, which makes her Suspect #1. Aye goes into wall posting, unusual for her, to make a case for Scarlet as Usurper, which is deflection as Usuper =/= Ruler, which again makes her look very suspicious for being so over-the-top.

And Josh unvotes Aye saying Aye looks Townish.

Aye + Josh are the Ruling Party team.

We can deal with the Usurper after these 2 are gone.

OK, But who's the ruler, Aye or Josh? I still remember FA using the word King. I also have to go back and look at Josh as well.

Do you remember the last Game where Avi called his partner "she?" He was trying to throw us off. FA would do the exact same thing. Is the Ruler a King? Is the Ruler a Queen? We don't know. But I'm 100% sure that the King/Queen is Josh?Aye, and Aye is the stronger suspect right now.

You are so good at WIFOM. but you're wrong. Are you the third guard?
The post where you think FA is town.

It should be obvious that the wagons against town are being padded by scum.
Especially in this case where Any town wagon has a 5 vote lead on all other wagons.

FA_Q2 has always been suspect but this looks like that padding.
Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

He did not call FA town here. He called him scum for jumping on Avi's wagon. Josh was instrumental in helping catch FA. This is why this game is so fricking confusing.

Everyone has a shade of town and scum in this game.

Except me. I'm the only obvious townie here and it blows.

I want some town help dammit.

Thanks for answering this wolfsister. Mertex you're doing a good job of doubtcasting. Grandma seems to be a little better at it.

I'll straight shoot this. I am having issues with your arguments. A ton of your posts seem to keep reverting back to FA's reads. You keep referencing him over and over, almost as if that is the only argument you have. Perhaps since I have been reading from my phone I have missed something. But it seems as if you are leaning on his reads as being the "be all end all" and you are not making other logical arguments. I think you have referenced and linked to that FA's reads several times and have gone back to the "king" thing too several times.

I don't know why, but this is strange to me.

I thought Aye may be usurper because her voting pattern.

How about an argument for Aye, without using FA? Scum are scum, and since you think he may have been trying to fool us by saying "King" and it could have been 'Queen" why lean on FAs count so much?

Cafe, you had FA in your neighborhood Game 3. He was Scum with me in Game 4. You and I know how he plays.

There is no way in hell he would dare risk the Ruler by reading the Ruler as Scum. FA would read the Ruler as Null or Town.

His Scum/Leaning Scum reads: Scarlet, Mertex, Wolf, Ika.

His Null/Town reads: Aye, Shaitra, Cafe (The Old School), Arden, Avi, Josh, Grandma (TSO), Mathblade

From Wall Post 1766: FA defends Josh and calls Math Scum. He's very much after Wolf. He reads me (tso) and Scarlet as Scum. Defends Avi. Wants to PL Ika.

Later he and Shaitra wagon Avi.

So Scarlet, Mertex, Wolf, Ika, Avi, Math, Avi, and I = not Ruler, not likely Guard.

That leaves Aye, Shaitra, Cafe (The Old School), Arden, Josh.

Well, Shaitra turned out to be a Guard, didn't she?

So Aye, Cafe, Arden, Josh are left.

Shaitra read Aye as Town. I don't have the link for her full reads list, I got that bit of news from Avi.


That very much shortens the suspect list for me.

I like this reasoning. I feel like I must have done something that FA interpreted as me being a guard. I didn't do it on purpose so I don't know what it was. If you find some similarities between me and FA, it could help us find the ruler.

I'll straight shoot this. I am having issues with your arguments. A ton of your posts seem to keep reverting back to FA's reads. You keep referencing him over and over, almost as if that is the only argument you have. Perhaps since I have been reading from my phone I have missed something. But it seems as if you are leaning on his reads as being the "be all end all" and you are not making other logical arguments. I think you have referenced and linked to that FA's reads several times and have gone back to the "king" thing too several times.

I don't know why, but this is strange to me.

I thought Aye may be usurper because her voting pattern.

How about an argument for Aye, without using FA? Scum are scum, and since you think he may have been trying to fool us by saying "King" and it could have been 'Queen" why lean on FAs count so much?

Cafe, you had FA in your neighborhood Game 3. He was Scum with me in Game 4. You and I know how he plays.

There is no way in hell he would dare risk the Ruler by reading the Ruler as Scum. FA would read the Ruler as Null or Town.

His Scum/Leaning Scum reads: Scarlet, Mertex, Wolf, Ika.

His Null/Town reads: Aye, Shaitra, Cafe (The Old School), Arden, Avi, Josh, Grandma (TSO), Mathblade

From Wall Post 1766: FA defends Josh and calls Math Scum. He's very much after Wolf. He reads me (tso) and Scarlet as Scum. Defends Avi. Wants to PL Ika.

Later he and Shaitra wagon Avi.

So Scarlet, Mertex, Wolf, Ika, Avi, Math, Avi, and I = not Ruler, not likely Guard.

That leaves Aye, Shaitra, Cafe (The Old School), Arden, Josh.

Well, Shaitra turned out to be a Guard, didn't she?

So Aye, Cafe, Arden, Josh are left.

Shaitra read Aye as Town. I don't have the link for her full reads list, I got that bit of news from Avi.


That very much shortens the suspect list for me.

The reason why I said that is because you are putting too much into one read by FA. I think I already said I thought FA took risks, his outed his PR in our hood in game three without knowing if scum resided there. Here are Shai's Null reads, Shai is a very smart player and does NOT take risks. Should we put as much faith into her nulls?

MeBelle replacement

I found it of interest she mentioned "Mebelle's replacement" and Math ( Math replaced Mebelle) both under NULL.

Mathblade AKA Mebelle on her mind heavily for some reason?

Mebelle should be replaced is something that I said to Mertex earlier in the game. I think FA might have mentioned something about it too. When house voted Mebelle earlier, he got immediate response votes from Avatar and I can't remember who. I'll have to see if there is someone that mentions Mebelle in the beginning stages of the game. This could be a sheep statement the guards were making from the ruler, or it could just be that Mathblade is the ruler.
Wolf, can you make a case beyond Math is lurking? Yesterday we took a family day and she's kinda burned out on mafia.
Right now, the only compelling ruler I see is Aye.

Avatar is one hell of a stretch and I would vote there to avoid nl.
Right now, the only compelling ruler I see is Aye.

Avatar is one hell of a stretch and I would vote there to avoid nl.

Get her to L-1 and we'll see. That means there's enough support from others and I would consider it. She's at L-2 right now. I'm not putting her at L-1. Get the vote and then we'll talk.
Post #33 Wolf advocates lynching MeBelle instead of replacing her after Wake had already announced in Post #18 that he would replace her. Post #94, House mirrors a policy lynch on Mebelle. Nobody else supported or went along with a PL on MeBelle.

If you're going to reference quoted content, perhaps you should at least point to the right post. This particular issue is just a case of hair splitting because you got all butt hurt over a typo in my post earlier and here you are being a hypocrite by bastardizing quotes, yourself.

Okay, so I made a mistake on the post #, it was actually Post #93.
Vote: MeBelle60
Policy Lynch

Official Usmb Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Practice what you preach, drama queen.
Your concern is duly noted.

Post #103 Wolf was caught by Josh for calling rebels "they"

Post #108 SR votes for Wolf, Post #124 House comes to Wolf's defense, and in Post #134 SR tells House he is hard defending Wolf without a town read on her.

Hear ye, hear ye... this is what Mertex calls coming to Wolfsister's defense when being called out on grammatical errors by Josh:

Post #124
She actually did it twice... "their" instead of "our", too.

Nice catch.

Notice nobody else commented on it except for you? Why are you so concerned that Wolf's grammar error be dismissed?

Post #142 SR says she wants Wolf lynched....and in Post #152 Wolf does an OMGUS vote on SR. Post #162 House comes along and mirrors Wolf's vote on SR.

Wrong. I sheeped ika because his idea was interesting, as I stated quite plainly.

Post #162
I can go along with random voting if that is what folks want to do.

Vote: ScarletRage

Sheeping ika, my vote is not indicative of a read.

Interesting, though that it still mirrors Wolf's vote.

Post #211 Josh posts a good explanation of WS use of wrong pronouns - (Wolf had used "they" to refer to rebels).

And that you completely omitted the fact I corrected & complemented Josh on his point when you've gone to such painstaking research to build a case against me just shows your motives are scummy.

Let's review that post:

Post #124
She actually did it twice... "their" instead of "our", too.

Nice catch.

Scummy Mertex is scummy.

To me it doesn't look like you are complimenting Josh, but rather trying to make a mockery of Josh's catch... people can decide for themselves what they see.

Post #215 House discounts and argues against SR's contention that the ruler can get aggressive. (Wolf has been aggressive in her claims and votes)

Yeah, because people can't hold a different opinion unless they're scum, right hive queen?
Seems like you are making sure to explain all reasons away.

Post #215
Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.
That's just silly.

No way I'd be out to piss people off if I could insta-lose the game for my team.

It's common sense that the ruler would be calling for his own head on a pike by pissing people off. Look at this dumbassery I'm having to respond to. You think somebody that actually has a big ol' secret like being the ruler would want to put themselves in my position?

SR made a good point about the king/ruler being aggressive at first because the guards wouldn't bus him/her.

Post #225 Josh notes that Wolf is seriously naming people as guards, but voting for others. Post #226, House immediately responds to Josh that he should read up Wolf's meta, (defending Wolf).

Advising a player that is new to the site to read up on a player's meta before jumping to conclusions isn't much of a defense. That advice holds whether the player being discussed is scum or town.

That you'd twist solid advice as damning evidence shows how much you're working to fabricate a read.

I notice that you are very concerned about Wolf not being misunderstood. Why would that be?

Post #263 SR votes for Ika. Post #266 Wolf sheeps SR's vote on Ika. Post #270 House votes Ika. Post #300 House anxious to lynch Ika.

Sure was.

Post #300
Give the man his l-1 so we can start being productive, plzkthx.

Know why I said that? Oh wait, we'll get there...

Post #325 I mentioned to Avi that Ika wasn't the only one being defended (by Arden) and mention that Aye and House also defended Wolf. Post #326 House accuses me of trying to put spotlight on him. (He didn't like that I mentioned he was defending Wolf).

Post #326
can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf...

Look at Mertex all trying to cast me in a less than saintly light.

Repent! Repent! Ask, and you shall be forgiven.

It's called banter.
Yep....but it was a fact that both you and Aye came to the defense of Wolf before Arden came to the defense of Ika.

Post #340 I ask Wolf why she is anxious to have Ika lynched, her response "he's worthless....." House agrees with her comment and in Post #361 House posts "Bingo" to WS claim that Ika is worthless. And in post #384 Wolf votes for Ika, again.

Remember that point I said we'd be getting to? Here it is.

Post #299
still not caring, i only joined this spcific game so you guys could have upsuper.

if you dont want to do my way fine, but i just saying that you wont be expecting anything from me for the entirety of the game

So yeah... by ika's own admission, he was useless. That you went to such trouble to research all these posts and didn't catch that just shows your motivation here is scummy...

Oh, broken record? Just shows how egregious your slips are.

The point I was making doesn't have to do with Ika being worthless or not, it has to do with you parroting Wolf on everyone of her comments/votes. I guess you forgot to read the intro to my post.

Post #392, Wolf becomes agitated because I voted for her, accuses me of voting for every one that calls me Scum, yet nobody has called me Scum or voted for me at this point. Post#416 House tries to calm down Wolf.

Post #416
Wolf, maybe you should focus less on the words being used and more on the intent behind those words.

It is easy to get knocked off track by a player's attacks, but those posts are easier to deal with when you ask yourself what effects such posts are designed to have.

This was a hard lesson I learned "over there", if you remember.

When I instigate, I'm anti-town. When I attempt to deescalate, I'm... scum?

Logic fail.

Pretty poor defense that you are like a parent to Wolf.

Post #464 Josh claims Wolf is scum. Post #904 Josh notices House sheeps Wolf.

The problem with this assertion is that House didn't sheep Wolf, did he? No, he didn't.

Post #783
I will likely sheep a green whose logic I agree with.

(2 minutes later)

Post #784
Looking back over the start of the day, it was indeed FA_Q2 that brought the old drama back to the fore.

Vote: FA_Q2

What makes this particularly egregious is the fact I've already addressed this very point with your scum buddy MathBlade.

Post: 792
And here you are again, repeating what Wolf said, that FA brought the drama back. You certainly do seem concerned about Wolf.

Or they may be able to see the pattern.

I'm paying attention to everyone. We need to lynch the ruler. I think you are scum for openly saying you won't think. So I'm going to bed quite happy my vote is here after that OMGUS change in my "suspected" alignment in your readwall.

Sheeping is more often than not scum. Townies have to deduce scum. Scum does not.

Lying MathBlade is lying.

I will likely sheep a green whose logic I agree with.

(Note the timestamp)

Looking back over the start of the day, it was indeed FA_Q2 that brought the old drama back to the fore.

Vote: FA_Q2

Totes sheeped there, didn't I? What's that you say? I did that to cover my as after Math called me out?

Vote House

Reason: Admitting that he will sheep instead of having his own reasons.

Nope, my vote preceded her scummy post.

Too bad, so sad.

Post #914 Wolf makes an excuse when House asks her why she changed Cafe from "town" to "Scum" - (shortly after Cafe gave her reads and listed Wolf as Scum).
Cafe had called Wolf on it and told her it seemed like an OMGUS vote, so then Wolf claims she had miscounted and quickly moves Cafe back to Town.

Wait, wait, wait... if I'm supposedly a guard, why am I poking my ruler with a stick and drawing attention to her mistake? That's pretty fucking dumb, innit? Your logic, that is.
It would not be the first time that Scum tries to distance themselves from other Scum by making a scummy observation. Nothing new.

Your misrep goes far beyond the realm of incompetence and should confirm to any holdouts that you are scum.

Sure, sure, but you still haven't explained why you defend Wolf so much and mirror most of her votes, not to mention agreeing with her on Pls that don't help town. I'm sure folks can make up their own minds about what I posted but thanks for your attempt at rebuttal.
oh god this wall. I still haven't read the whole thing. I just want to give it a plug while I go back and look at post 33.
Wolf, can you make a case beyond Math is lurking? Yesterday we took a family day and she's kinda burned out on mafia.

I'm not trying to be a bitch. I like math. But I need people to help with the game. If she can't, then she should replace out. I feel the same way about Arden right now.
sorry scarlet. I didn't realize you were had some plan for the random voting. Kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it?

mebelle needs to be replaced already? A record for her.

I'm half tempted to start lynching her now

I think this is the first person that said something about replacing Mebelle
Reads -

RosieS Dead
AyeCantSeeYou Town
ScarletRage Scum – already explained

Mertex – to quiet, very unusual for her. Leaning scum but not there yet.
House – to vitriolic for scum. Town for now
Shaitra – null but shiatra is always hard as hell for me to read
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @Wake
Arden – Town
Avatar4321 – Null but I tire of early lynches of avatar :D
Josh_B – null
Wolfsister77 – scum or at the least anti-town.
tso! - null
ika – impossible to read someone that is not willing to engage. The randomness leads me to speculate usurper – it just seems to fit the role

Mathblade – null she hasn’t posted much

I have been rather quiet, but it has nothing to do with my alignment. It has to do with the fact that I love the game, will no longer participate in drama, but I am 100% Town.

I can actually believe this and thank you for rising above it this time :D

It should make for a more pleasant experience. That does not mean you should be more quiet though, just less dramatic :D

This has been bugging me all game. Last game FA didn't like Mertex at all due to drama. This game, it barely gets going and he does the above-bolded.

Nope, FA wouldn't kiss Mertex's ass or push her less drama thing. However, he does kiss ass as scum like he did to Cafe in game 4 so this could be buddying I guess. However, he's a hypocrite because Mertex has been plenty involved in the drama-especially when it came to House and myself and threatening to quit, etc.

I'm not convinced on Mertex yet but willing to listen. I'll just make a note of this for now.

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