Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I can't stand Avi this game.

Vote: Avatar4321

All this time you have been saying that you are convinced Avi is Town, and now that we have two wagons going, you vote for him? After I moved my vote from him to SR?

Nope, Stop with the misrep. I voted for Avi before. I have been suspicious of him off and on all game. I have had times I think he is town too. He has not been himself this game. He is playing more like scum than town. He's willing to throw his vote on anyone that isn't him for any reason. He only comes in here and votes for someone and leaves. He is causing chaos only a lot more subtly. SR has been very open and very active and very much trying to figure this game out. If she can't be the ruler and Avi can't be the ruler, let's vote for who it is. I really don't think the game will progress unless we get a flip of either Aye or SR. If I had to choose, it would not be SR this time. If Aye flips rebel, then I'd go after her or Avi or Josh or mathblade next.

Vote: AyeCan'tSeeYou

You haven't been keeping up. If you had, you'd know why I'm posting what I am. It has nothing to do with the usurper role at all. Why do you keep bring up the usurper anyway? Is that what you rolled this time?

I haven't been studying your wall posts, if that's what you mean. I rarely read anyone's wallposts, they make my eyes blister.

I rolled Town this time. Actually TSO rolled Town, as it were.

Nope, I wasn't talking about the posts where I started defending myself against SR's false accusations. If you had read the game, you'd have known I was posting the post #s in defense. You are not keeping up with the game, which is odd for you.
Scarlet might be the Usurper, but she's not the Ruler or Guard.

Sheep me, people. Like I said, if Aye doesn't flip Ruler I'll vote myself the next Day and all of you can sheep that. Deal?

The only way you'd know for sure SR is't the Ruler or Guard is if you are one of them. Nice way to out yourself!
One reason I am concerned about Aye is the push to someone else as soon as her wagon took off and the fact that she never said anything along the lines of, "go ahead, and lynch me and you'll see" or some similar wording like House, myself, Mertex, etc. have said. I am concerned that her presence in the game will keep us from being able to finish it due to the fact that there are too many people who think she's the ruler.

I'd rather vote for one of the inactives right now like mathblade or arden who I feel are in the shadows getting away with whatever. I'm suspicious of Josh also.

If anyone wants to switch to one of those 3, I'll go along.
Scarlet might be the Usurper, but she's not the Ruler or Guard.

Sheep me, people. Like I said, if Aye doesn't flip Ruler I'll vote myself the next Day and all of you can sheep that. Deal?

The only way you'd know for sure SR is't the Ruler or Guard is if you are one of them. Nice way to out yourself!

Ha!! Good catch.

Let's investigate this. I have no freaking clue what I'm doing anyway.


Explain the above comment please.

In the meantime, no one is going to be put at L-1.

SR is running a gambit, as she has all game long. She's pitting town against town up til now, because she never thought she'd be the one having votes on herself at this point. Day 2, she hoped Wolf would counter against her so it'd be her and Wolf. She wanted to be up against someone early in the game, not later on like now. As much as she said ika's idea of randomly selecting people was wrong, that is exactly what she's been doing.
Wolf, I said before that lynching me would not help town. Lynching our own at this point puts scum closer to a win without a fight.
Wolf, I said before that lynching me would not help town. Lynching our own at this point puts scum closer to a win without a fight.

Aye-I unvoted you. I've been having a tough time voting for you because I don't feel confident it is the right choice. I want someone to give me a good reason to vote for someone that I can feel good about.
SR has yet to answer any question I asked from Friday night. I will not put them all in one post for her. If she can't take time to read the thread like some of us do, that's her problem. It's not my job to make it easy for scum.
Perhaps an SR lynch is best. Here's my main problem with it-she's been active and trying to figure things out. If she's town and we lynch her, where will we be? With a bunch of people like Arden, Mathblade, Josh, Ika, who barley participate and Avi who is on much, much less and barely does anything.

I don't want to get rid of the active players.
Off to work.

Wolf, take a look back at Day 1 - SR was against ika's idea of randomly lynching. She took it a step further and started forming town blocks against random people, but pitting them against another. She's been doing that all game, all the while saying ika's idea is wrong. So it's ok for her to do it, but not anyone else?
I will vote for whoever has a strong case as being scum. I don't want to hear what role someone thinks a certain person has, that's irrelevant - I want something that shows how someone is scum. The lurkers have bugged me all game. I've tried @ing them to get them to talk some, but most don't bother.

Leaving for work now, running late.
Scarlet might be the Usurper, but she's not the Ruler or Guard.

Sheep me, people. Like I said, if Aye doesn't flip Ruler I'll vote myself the next Day and all of you can sheep that. Deal?

The only way you'd know for sure SR is't the Ruler or Guard is if you are one of them. Nice way to out yourself!

Aye, If I'm wrong about you I'll be the next lynch.
Sheep me, people, or Town will lose. I already said that if I'm wrong about Aye today you can lynch me tomorrow, I'll even vote for myself. That's how sure I am that Aye's the Ruler.
I can't stand Avi this game.

Vote: Avatar4321

All this time you have been saying that you are convinced Avi is Town, and now that we have two wagons going, you vote for him? After I moved my vote from him to SR?

I'm not the only one to notice that either.

apparently scarlet being scummy isn't a good enough reason for me to vote for her. Go figure.
I can't stand Avi this game.

Vote: Avatar4321

All this time you have been saying that you are convinced Avi is Town, and now that we have two wagons going, you vote for him? After I moved my vote from him to SR?

I'm not the only one to notice that either.

apparently scarlet being scummy isn't a good enough reason for me to vote for her. Go figure.

How is she being scummy? Explain it. She's active and trying to figure the game out. Tell me why you think she's scum.
I will vote for whoever has a strong case as being scum. I don't want to hear what role someone thinks a certain person has, that's irrelevant - I want something that shows how someone is scum. The lurkers have bugged me all game. I've tried @ing them to get them to talk some, but most don't bother.

Leaving for work now, running late.

I agree. If people want to vote out one of the lurkers, I'll go along.
Sheep me, people, or Town will lose. I already said that if I'm wrong about Aye today you can lynch me tomorrow, I'll even vote for myself. That's how sure I am that Aye's the Ruler.

No, Not until I see some real proof she's scum. I haven't seen enough yet and I've seen plenty of town Aye posts.

I've seen plenty of town SR posts too.

I think we are wrong to lynch either one of them.
I can't stand Avi this game.

Vote: Avatar4321

All this time you have been saying that you are convinced Avi is Town, and now that we have two wagons going, you vote for him? After I moved my vote from him to SR?

I'm not the only one to notice that either.

apparently scarlet being scummy isn't a good enough reason for me to vote for her. Go figure.

How is she being scummy? Explain it. She's active and trying to figure the game out. Tell me why you think she's scum.

calling people out on things she is doing. Lying about ika to lynch him. Not to mention shaitras comments on her being the most town ever

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