Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

3 more votes till i can selfhammer plz

I also think it's weird the way you pop in and know what is going on but hardly contribute- (unless you are arguing games, past games, and other dynamics with SR. Even though earlier in the game you said you were ready to play since you got your hammer.

i only glanced through game and saw recent vote counts. if you haev somethign to ask direct it at me

I appreciate you saying I can ask you something but this game is a participatory game, one which you said you would be participating in after you got your hammer and you really are not actively participating IMO. You are actively lurking IMO.

i call it being disinterested in this game. everyone is jsut backtracking on everyone and fliping out. i have no need to go into the quarrels. also as i stated i have about 5 other active games as well as a modding game i have to look out on often
I accused people of not being focused 24 hours ago.

I think you missed my point Grandma.

I said sometime ago, Aye would be scum based on FA reads- you did not focus on that. You only wanted to focus on his null reads. Again, I compared Shai and FA nulls since that was your constant focus for many of your posts and I pointed it out. Then you said you wanted Shai's town reads and settled on Aye. I think Aye may be our usurper, I don't know about ruler.
3 more votes till i can selfhammer plz

I also think it's weird the way you pop in and know what is going on but hardly contribute- (unless you are arguing games, past games, and other dynamics with SR. Even though earlier in the game you said you were ready to play since you got your hammer.

i only glanced through game and saw recent vote counts. if you haev somethign to ask direct it at me

I appreciate you saying I can ask you something but this game is a participatory game, one which you said you would be participating in after you got your hammer and you really are not actively participating IMO. You are actively lurking IMO.

i call it being disinterested in this game. everyone is jsut backtracking on everyone and fliping out. i have no need to go into the quarrels. also as i stated i have about 5 other active games as well as a modding game i have to look out on often

I have not seen any quarrels of late. Perhaps I missed them? I thought most were done day 1 start of day 2.

My point above was I should not have to @ you or directly ask you a question to get you to participate.

But lets say we are backtracking, who are your top reads for ruler, usurper and last guard?
So how much sense does it make to hunt for ruler based on a possible guard, when there are two guards already dead, both pointing to Aye being ruler? Oh right, none.

I defended ika, yeah. So that must mean he's my ruler and I'm his guard, right? I mean, it's not like he could be a townread of mine. And I mean, it's not like I've been against the idea of policy lynches this entire game, which in turn was why attention shifted to FA in the first place- for horribly jumping on a bad policy wagon. Not to mention I could just be wrong here and defending the ruler as a rebel, but that's the worst case scenario.

I'm considering replacing out because sometimes it's so hard to bear listening to the stupidest ideas. I can understand why this atmosphere gets so violent at times.
i already stated my reads and they have not changed.

right now PMPOV it looks like everyone is just quareeling on who is what not not doign what needs to be done to get stuff done: lynching.

you can spec all you like about anything but its moot if you dont lynch them
And in what world does ika as Guard and me as his ruler make more sense than that? If you really thought ika would flip scum based on relational tells between us, why wouldn't you assume he'd flip Ruler and not Guard Grandma?
i already stated my reads and they have not changed.

right now PMPOV it looks like everyone is just quareeling on who is what not not doign what needs to be done to get stuff done: lynching.

you can spec all you like about anything but its moot if you dont lynch them

I actually agree with this.
i already stated my reads and they have not changed.

right now PMPOV it looks like everyone is just quareeling on who is what not not doign what needs to be done to get stuff done: lynching.

you can spec all you like about anything but its moot if you dont lynch them

I actually agree with this.

Well, actually I don't agree with lynching townies but anyone I am unsure of, or enough others are, then yes.

We still have to get votes and consensus though.
FA took a while to come to a clear decision on Aye, but eventually settled on him being town. The original waffling/indecision was due to being worried about how to treat the Ruler. Shaitra townreading Aye simultaneously means nothing in conjunction with FA's read, but regardless of that I still think process of elimination takes away most other lynch options.

This was my original thought for Ruler before I got distracted by the Shaitra/SR interactions, and as I've said before, I'm going back to it.
So how much sense does it make to hunt for ruler based on a possible guard, when there are two guards already dead, both pointing to Aye being ruler? Oh right, none.

I defended ika, yeah. So that must mean he's my ruler and I'm his guard, right? I mean, it's not like he could be a townread of mine. And I mean, it's not like I've been against the idea of policy lynches this entire game, which in turn was why attention shifted to FA in the first place- for horribly jumping on a bad policy wagon. Not to mention I could just be wrong here and defending the ruler as a rebel, but that's the worst case scenario.

I'm considering replacing out because sometimes it's so hard to bear listening to the stupidest ideas. I can understand why this atmosphere gets so violent at times.

I'm sorry we aren't as good as you are and you have so little tolerance for people who don't think like you do.
So how much sense does it make to hunt for ruler based on a possible guard, when there are two guards already dead, both pointing to Aye being ruler? Oh right, none.

I defended ika, yeah. So that must mean he's my ruler and I'm his guard, right? I mean, it's not like he could be a townread of mine. And I mean, it's not like I've been against the idea of policy lynches this entire game, which in turn was why attention shifted to FA in the first place- for horribly jumping on a bad policy wagon. Not to mention I could just be wrong here and defending the ruler as a rebel, but that's the worst case scenario.

I'm considering replacing out because sometimes it's so hard to bear listening to the stupidest ideas. I can understand why this atmosphere gets so violent at times.

Those two confirmed guards ( FA and Shai) also defended IKA, and did not vote his wagon and, in fact, one guard, FA started a counter wagon by stating scum must be on IKAs wagon.

You don't think that might be a strong case Arden?
FA took a while to come to a clear decision on Aye, but eventually settled on him being town. The original waffling/indecision was due to being worried about how to treat the Ruler. Shaitra townreading Aye simultaneously means nothing in conjunction with FA's read, but regardless of that I still think process of elimination takes away most other lynch options.

This was my original thought for Ruler before I got distracted by the Shaitra/SR interactions, and as I've said before, I'm going back to it.

Way back in the beginning of the game, experienced people like yourself, were saying confscum reads would most likely have their ruler as null reads and not out and out town so as not to give them away.
3 more votes till i can selfhammer plz

I also think it's weird the way you pop in and know what is going on but hardly contribute- (unless you are arguing games, past games, and other dynamics with SR. Even though earlier in the game you said you were ready to play since you got your hammer.

i only glanced through game and saw recent vote counts. if you haev somethign to ask direct it at me

I appreciate you saying I can ask you something but this game is a participatory game, one which you said you would be participating in after you got your hammer and you really are not actively participating IMO. You are actively lurking IMO.

i call it being disinterested in this game. everyone is jsut backtracking on everyone and fliping out. i have no need to go into the quarrels. also as i stated i have about 5 other active games as well as a modding game i have to look out on often

There haven't been any major quarrels in awhile now so you concentrating on that is odd. Little ones sure but nothing major since Rosie and House are gone.

To be honest, I'm kind of tired of people trashing the game.
So how much sense does it make to hunt for ruler based on a possible guard, when there are two guards already dead, both pointing to Aye being ruler? Oh right, none.

I defended ika, yeah. So that must mean he's my ruler and I'm his guard, right? I mean, it's not like he could be a townread of mine. And I mean, it's not like I've been against the idea of policy lynches this entire game, which in turn was why attention shifted to FA in the first place- for horribly jumping on a bad policy wagon. Not to mention I could just be wrong here and defending the ruler as a rebel, but that's the worst case scenario.

I'm considering replacing out because sometimes it's so hard to bear listening to the stupidest ideas. I can understand why this atmosphere gets so violent at times.

I'm sorry we aren't as good as you are and you have so little tolerance for people who don't think like you do.
I have little tolerance for people who are going to pursue avenues that should be clearly fruitless. In this case, I think it is pointless for you to try and scumhunt based off of unflipped relations where there are two flipped and confirmed scum already. Don't bother saying "Arden and ika must be scum together", because then you're opening up the possibility of being doubly wrong.

Subjectively, I know I am town and that you are wrong in your scumteam proposal.

Objectively, whether I'm scum or not it looks like you're trying to connect two players that are both still alive, when a much more productive course of action is to connect a dead guard to potential rulers.

Is that clear?

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