Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

After Aye flips, you guys can figure out who's who and tell me who to vote for.

@ me if you have something that needs my attention and I'll answer and I'll just vote with the consensus.
In addition, I think it would do you a world of good in future games to not take things so personally! From what I understand, this happens often, and as soon as you can remove this kind of roadblock, the sooner and quicker you will improve as a mafia player.

It's really very simple. Don't be gone for days and then come in here and say you want to replace out because of all the stupid ideas. Or ika talking about how he doesn't care about the game and how we have to address him or he's not going to talk to us. Or Math earlier saying she didn't want to play anyway and it was a chore to post here.

That makes the experience miserable for me who is trying to play.

Okay then.

If you want an explanation for me not posting on Saturday- seriously, one day- I was busy due to real life, with other more pressing obligations. I'm going to ask that you not be so upset over something as small as that- before I even posted today, you were worked up over that.
So how much sense does it make to hunt for ruler based on a possible guard, when there are two guards already dead, both pointing to Aye being ruler? Oh right, none.

I defended ika, yeah. So that must mean he's my ruler and I'm his guard, right? I mean, it's not like he could be a townread of mine. And I mean, it's not like I've been against the idea of policy lynches this entire game, which in turn was why attention shifted to FA in the first place- for horribly jumping on a bad policy wagon. Not to mention I could just be wrong here and defending the ruler as a rebel, but that's the worst case scenario.

I'm considering replacing out because sometimes it's so hard to bear listening to the stupidest ideas. I can understand why this atmosphere gets so violent at times.

Those two confirmed guards ( FA and Shai) also defended IKA, and did not vote his wagon and, in fact, one guard, FA started a counter wagon by stating scum must be on IKAs wagon.

You don't think that might be a strong case Arden?

Ugh, do NOT make me paranoid on ika if he isn't a dead guy walking. I want to think I can read him well.
@Wolfsister77I've been pretty open to advice all game and every game but when it is given, it should not be done by telling me I'm stupid or some other condescending insulting remark.

well then maybe you should lighten up and maybe just take it, its only a game after all. People in game will act like this to ruffle you. Have you ever considered that the fact that some people are like this b/c thats HOW they play? Have you considered that some people are like that b/c they KNOW better? Have you ever considered that some people do it b/c they are flat out scums?

I do ask what others think and listen and discuss with others all the time. But the minute you insult me, that stops.

again, its a game, people are going to throw insults, people are going to be bitches, people are going to be all shit-like in a game. you either have to:

A) toughen up and deal with it
B) just ignore it
C) be a baby and bitch about it (and truth be told this is what your kinda doing

The game drags on forever when people lurk for days and then come in here and act like everything sucks, everyone is wrong, etc. This is not a mafia forum. It's a political forum with a small mafia subforum.

But thats the damn point, this section of the site is for mafia. People have lives, if someone comes in after heavy lurking and complains. Then go ahead and yell at them, it doesn't change anything though and just looks like you are just yelling at some them for what they are complaining about.

I'm willing to listen when someone is willing to treat me with respect and not like I'm an idiot.

News flash: in a game of mafia, people will treat you like an idiot to just make you mad and disorganize you. You have to find the intent
So how much sense does it make to hunt for ruler based on a possible guard, when there are two guards already dead, both pointing to Aye being ruler? Oh right, none.

I defended ika, yeah. So that must mean he's my ruler and I'm his guard, right? I mean, it's not like he could be a townread of mine. And I mean, it's not like I've been against the idea of policy lynches this entire game, which in turn was why attention shifted to FA in the first place- for horribly jumping on a bad policy wagon. Not to mention I could just be wrong here and defending the ruler as a rebel, but that's the worst case scenario.

I'm considering replacing out because sometimes it's so hard to bear listening to the stupidest ideas. I can understand why this atmosphere gets so violent at times.

Those two confirmed guards ( FA and Shai) also defended IKA, and did not vote his wagon and, in fact, one guard, FA started a counter wagon by stating scum must be on IKAs wagon.

You don't think that might be a strong case Arden?

Ugh, do NOT make me paranoid on ika if he isn't a dead guy walking. I want to think I can read him well.

Here are a few of FA posts ( this stalled IKA's wagon) :

Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

FA also said:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

Shai was in there as well, I don't have the post numbers , but she said things like IKA might be an okay lyunch but then all of a sudden started to say he was town, like post 313 as his wagon was rolling along.
Was that hammer though? I lost count of it after a while?

It was. Are you dead honey?

Im still posting no?

but more seriosuly, yes i am. I am dead man walking.

but titus: i want you to fucking understand one fucking thing:


you found me for every fuckign wrong/shitty reason there is. i genunily had no intrest in this game for the longest time, heck i was so disintrested i forgot who the ruler was at one point.

i would hammer aye in a fucking heartbeat after the 2 gurds lynches, it was fucking obvious aye was the ruler and if i was a rebel i would of pushed it off the fucking cliff, even if she was the first fucking lynch i would of psuhed it
Wolfsister77 AyeCantSeeYou

Why don't we do what we did the last time and we caught us some Scum. I asked you and Aye to list your 4 Top Scum (I can't remember if I asked Cafe) but this is what I ended up with after you two responded. IIRC Cafe didn't want to commit, said she had to go do some more reading, so I don't know where she's at with this.

Me: Top 4 Scum = Avatar/Shaitra/SR/Grandma
Wolf: = Arden/Shaitra/Math/SR
Aye: =Math/SR/Shaitra/Avatar

We all had Shaitra as one of our 4 top Scum, we went after her and we turned out to be right.

What other person do you see on all three of our Top 4 Scum? Both Aye and I were willing to cast a vote on her, but you, Wolf, were not, instead you want to cast it against Aye.

Aye didn't give me her Top 4 Town, but mine was:


Yours was:
Josh/Cafe/Ika/yourself. (I noticed I didn't make your Top 4 - and I want to know what makes you doubt my Towniness?)

Aye didn't provide me with her Top 4 town, but maybe if she would, we can ask those that are on all 3 of our reads to list their 4 top Scum and maybe we can narrow it down even further.

Right now Cafe and you are on both of our list of Top 4 Town, maybe she's on Aye's list, too? We can ask Cafe is she has narrowed down her Scum list and see how it compares.

You and Cafe are my top townreads right now. I realize that's only 2 because I'm unsure of usurper role or who has it.

Top scum-Arden, Ika, Avi

Everyone else is open right now depending on flips and whatnot.

It's amazing how Avi always seems to escape the fire. I didn't see any scummy behavior from Aye, in fact I have been considering her Town, but then, in Game 4, she was Scum and I didn't suspect her either. She knows how to avoid making scummy comments. If she flips Scum I will really be surprised, especially if she is the ruler like Grandma and Arden suspect, because I still think that Avi is the ruler.

Arden was very defensive of Ika, and she was also very defensive of Shaitra, but since Shaitra flipped guard, I don't know where to put Arden. If Arden is the ruler she wouldn't know that Shaitra was her guard, nor would she know that Ika was a guard. If Arden is a guard she wouldn't know Shaitra was a guard, but she could know that Ika is the ruler. I was the first to vote Ika (but it was an RVS vote and I put it on him because he didn't have any one else voting for him and I certainly didn't suspect him at that point.) He hadn't even started arguing about just picking people at random yet. When his wagon got rolling because of that, I took my vote off because I didn't think at that time that he was Scum and Arden may have felt the same way. And, I'm not defending Arden, just giving my opinion.
titus, next time you misrep me in a manner of my rl and me saying i did know (when i fuckign didnt). i will make sure it will be the last game we ever play
Was that hammer though? I lost count of it after a while?

It was. Are you dead honey?

Im still posting no?

but more seriosuly, yes i am. I am dead man walking.

but titus: i want you to fucking understand one fucking thing:


you found me for every fuckign wrong/shitty reason there is. i genunily had no intrest in this game for the longest time, heck i was so disintrested i forgot who the ruler was at one point.

i would hammer aye in a fucking heartbeat after the 2 gurds lynches, it was fucking obvious aye was the ruler and if i was a rebel i would of pushed it off the fucking cliff, even if she was the first fucking lynch i would of psuhed it

I don't care that you were at work. Not questioning that. IRL I ignore.

Given your obsession with hammers, I figure if you'd have time to post, you'd keep track of that sort of thing.
titus, next time you misrep me in a manner of my rl and me saying i did know (when i fuckign didnt). i will make sure it will be the last game we ever play

Why is my belief that you are detailed and observant pissing you off to the point of you threatening blacklist?

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