Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I thought you ALWAYS check if someone is at L-1 before posting. You say that's not the case. I didn't believe you. *shrug* I don't see why you're exploding.

the exact thing im saying that i dont do. the fact you misrepped me so badly off that fact and had me genuinely rage out as a scum should tell you enough that when i say you misrep me, you should take a step back and think you are legit misrepping me.

i may lie/twist stuff as scum. but i never fucking lie about when someone misrepping my play/life

If ika is alive tomorrow, he's lynch numero uno. Anyone not voting ika tomorrow will be considered a scumclaim.
honest reads:

Titus is not to make endgame
cafe townsliped hard in his last few posts
i doubt math is upsuper with her VCA stuff
people say metarex is town by meta so *shrug*
adrian been lurk in general but just seems disintrested
grandmad i doubt is it based off tso
avatar is my other suspect
wolf is not to be lynched
josh is anohter i suspect

so really {titus, avatar, josh} are my upsuper suspects
@Cafe, if we only need to find the usurper, then the logical place is to look OFF the Aye wagon as the usurper would not want a ruler lynch.

Whoa! I wasn't on Aye's wagon, but if I was the Usurper I sure wouldn't have known that I didn't want the ruler dead. Why would that be? I thought the Usurper wants everyone dead!
Titus i need to find the post where you made the case but it basicly resolved around misrepping me, my play, and rl
@Cafe, if we only need to find the usurper, then the logical place is to look OFF the Aye wagon as the usurper would not want a ruler lynch.

Whoa! I wasn't on Aye's wagon, but if I was the Usurper I sure wouldn't have known that I didn't want the ruler dead. Why would that be? I thought the Usurper wants everyone dead!

Perhaps maybe that's my expertise getting ahead of me. I just did the math previously. Usurper has to survive 7 lynches in a row if ika was the guard and not the ruler. That's not ideal position.
Titus i need to find the post where you made the case but it basicly resolved around misrepping me, my play, and rl

Not really, but continue making a case as confirmed scum... just makes you look like a sore loser for me figuring it out.

You and I both know the code of the scums. If you cannot win, make sure the other scum does.
Titus i need to find the post where you made the case but it basicly resolved around misrepping me, my play, and rl

Not really, but continue making a case as confirmed scum... just makes you look like a sore loser for me figuring it out.

You and I both know the code of the scums. If you cannot win, make sure the other scum does.

no titus, i legitamently think your scum, even when im a fucking scum and i lost i give my honest to godness reads.

and as for the later, no. thats not the code i live by. a game on the homesite i was an sk, and i wanted the scums to lose b/c how obvious they were
if you seriously still think im just trying to wifom the game with shouting your scum and that im a sore loser, then your just being dense.
i already told you i have very little to no intrest in this game and only signed up so you guys could use an upsuper
@Cafe, if we only need to find the usurper, then the logical place is to look OFF the Aye wagon as the usurper would not want a ruler lynch.

Whoa! I wasn't on Aye's wagon, but if I was the Usurper I sure wouldn't have known that I didn't want the ruler dead. Why would that be? I thought the Usurper wants everyone dead!

Perhaps maybe that's my expertise getting ahead of me. I just did the math previously. Usurper has to survive 7 lynches in a row if ika was the guard and not the ruler. That's not ideal position.

Why would Ika claim he was dead man walking if he isn't a guard? Aye was the one lynched, if she is the guard, Ika wouldn't die.
@Cafe, if we only need to find the usurper, then the logical place is to look OFF the Aye wagon as the usurper would not want a ruler lynch.

Whoa! I wasn't on Aye's wagon, but if I was the Usurper I sure wouldn't have known that I didn't want the ruler dead. Why would that be? I thought the Usurper wants everyone dead!

Perhaps maybe that's my expertise getting ahead of me. I just did the math previously. Usurper has to survive 7 lynches in a row if ika was the guard and not the ruler. That's not ideal position.

Why would Ika claim he was dead man walking if he isn't a guard? Aye was the one lynched, if she is the guard, Ika wouldn't die.

Because people who get pissed make suboptimal decisions.
titus, seriosuly, i would be self consius enough fi i was the fucking ruler to not make that huge give-up post.

get you head out of your ass and quit this fucking shit
I thought you ALWAYS check if someone is at L-1 before posting. You say that's not the case. I didn't believe you. *shrug* I don't see why you're exploding.

the exact thing im saying that i dont do. the fact you misrepped me so badly off that fact and had me genuinely rage out as a scum should tell you enough that when i say you misrep me, you should take a step back and think you are legit misrepping me.

i may lie/twist stuff as scum. but i never fucking lie about when someone misrepping my play/life

If ika is alive tomorrow, he's lynch numero uno. Anyone not voting ika tomorrow will be considered a scumclaim.

Why would Ika be alive tomorrow? I thought he confessed to being guard. Do you think he was lying?
What an interesting Day this has been!

LOL I was going after IKA as ruler and Aye as usurper, but she was the ruler not usurper, but ruler.


Top picks for usurper?

There's a lot of noise in here, most of it around Scarlet, Ika, Math, and Wolf. With Ika trottin' off to the Dead Zone the noise will shift. My picks probably will too.

But for now:
1) Scarlet
2) Wolf
3) Math
4) Josh.

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