Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

It's been a long day.....I think I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is another day!
So the last vote count was:

Unofficial Vote Count 5.6

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (1):
AyeCantSeeYou (6) (LYNCH) : Grandma,★Arden, ScarletRage, ika, Wolfsister, Caféaulait .
CafeAuLait (0):
Grandma (0):
ika (3):
, Mathblade
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (0):
Mertex (1):
ScarletRage (2): AyeCantSeeYou, Avatar4321
Wolfsister77 (0):

Not Voting (0):

Why in the hell did IKA vote his ruler out?
Or is that what he was saying earlier? He did not realize Aye was at L-1 when I voted for her?

Weird freaking night.

ika voted his ruler out to try and dispel my theory that ika always hammers at L-1 if he sees it in order to a) give himself credibility and b) get a threat to his wincon removed. He's already admitted to being scum. So this got something.

He cracked under the pressure. In the rare event Aye isn't ika's ruler, we have ikascum confirmed so I'm happy with how this turned out.
Or is that what he was saying earlier? He did not realize Aye was at L-1 when I voted for her?

Weird freaking night.

ika voted his ruler out to try and dispel my theory that ika always hammers at L-1 if he sees it in order to a) give himself credibility and b) get a threat to his wincon removed. He's already admitted to being scum. So this got something.

He cracked under the pressure. In the rare event Aye isn't ika's ruler, we have ikascum confirmed so I'm happy with how this turned out.

I don't understand what his voting the middle of the wagon has anything to do with his voting at L-1, TBH. I hammered and he was already voting Aye ( he was in the middle of the wagon) .

I was thinking there for a moment he thought HE had been hammered, and messed up ( if he is not Aye's guard) and he was the ruler, since several had already voted him. If Aye comes up as town I am going back to the wagon I started on him today, first thing tomorrow.
No, he was voting to try and shake off associative tells. The hammer came before he could unvote.

If this lynch turns out how it seems like it will, I'll seriously take ika's reads into account.
ika voting Aye in the middle of his wagon was designed to make us think there's no way he could be Aye's guard. Thus, discrediting me and making it easier to lynch, while diffusing some sting of ika not hammering.

I agree on lynching ika if he's alive tomorrow. I plan on vote parking because he claimed scum.
No, he was voting to try and shake off associative tells. The hammer came before he could unvote.

If this lynch turns out how it seems like it will, I'll seriously take ika's reads into account.

Why would you take the reads of confirmed scum into account?
No, he was voting to try and shake off associative tells. The hammer came before he could unvote.

If this lynch turns out how it seems like it will, I'll seriously take ika's reads into account.

Why would you take the reads of confirmed scum into account?

maybe b/c i rather see the final scum lose?
maybe b/c i want players to learn?
maybe b/c i want players to actually take into account legitimate reads instead of wifomy bs.
if anyone outside of titus has anythign they want to ask me, i will be around to answer.

i will not lie about my thoughts on anything
but seriosuly if you guys read anything that i empathise:

titus is not to make endgame
Why in the hell did IKA vote his ruler out?

the official response is this: i knew we lost after the double guards flipped.

if you see a pattern you should follow it, the gurads should of been more deciptive and tried to put them in null/scum pile but meh.

at this point we were fighting a game we already lost so there was no purpouse to even try to save it
Why in the hell did IKA vote his ruler out?

the official response is this: i knew we lost after the double guards flipped.

if you see a pattern you should follow it, the gurads should of been more deciptive and tried to put them in null/scum pile but meh.

at this point we were fighting a game we already lost so there was no purpouse to even try to save it

FA had Aye as his null read. Shai had Aye as her town read IIRC.

I had Aye as usurper, and you as Ruler, your game meta was far off from your main site town games. That's why I kept asking SR if her read was correct on you being town, because I am new to this game and could see the difference. Although I was wrong about your role, I thought ruler rather than guard.

Grandma had Aye as ruler. ( Good job, Geezer Chicka) :p
Yay! VCA caught scum!

Wake lol at the post editing. Playful teasing is cool XD

And I agree since Usurper unaligned Titus/Scarlet Rage is probably it.

ika Did scum have day chat? :)
Why do you think Titus is Usurper?

And needless to say I am vote parking you if alive tomorrow.

Still catching up on VCAs but so far pretty glad they were caught.
FA had Aye as his null read. Shai had Aye as her town read IIRC.

I had Aye as usurper, and you as Ruler, your game meta was far off from your main site town games. That's why I kept asking SR if her read was correct on you being town, because I am new to this game and could see the difference. Although I was wrong about your role, I thought ruler rather than guard.

Grandma had Aye as ruler. ( Good job, Geezer Chicka) :p

Well the fact titus even remotely thought i was town is like a scum claim from her FMPOV. Shes not that bad.

Shai having her as top town read alone should of set off alarms for people. when you see my town game you will be easy to tell, there are times where i can at least /try/ to emulate my town game (tbh i might of been able to emulate it here but didnt care enough about the game to do so) but if you play anohter game with me where im town you will be able to tell

And I agree since Usurper unaligned Titus/Scarlet Rage is probably it.

ika Did scum have day chat? :)
read the op....

Why do you think Titus is Usurper?
i have presented this case several times over

And needless to say I am vote parking you if alive tomorrow.
go ahread, i will selfvote

anyway to rehash the case:
-she called me scum at get-go
-she then changes me to town for "doing stuff" (wut?)
-she has been inconsistent with her reads
-she misreps the entire case on me
-she uses the "im an ic" defense
-she keeps acting like "pretend we are all town"
-when townblocks were getting formed w/o her she tried to stop it
-now she argues she for townblocks


oh and if she uses the argument of "im scum so its all wifom and should disregard any scums reads" im going to say thats a bs reason to use
i already stated my reads and they have not changed.

right now PMPOV it looks like everyone is just quareeling on who is what not not doign what needs to be done to get stuff done: lynching.

you can spec all you like about anything but its moot if you dont lynch them

Ika, where's your vote? I want to sheep.
Although it is cute that grandma is calling me scum. Do you think she's nervous? Help me vote Mertex.
You said to Math above:

"go ahread, i will selfvote"

Why would or could you self- vote, you won't be alive if Aye is ruler, right?

And thanks for the tips and answering questions and offering helpful advice! It would be cool to play the game with you another time.


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