Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I don't care that you were at work. Not questioning that. IRL I ignore.

Given your obsession with hammers, I figure if you'd have time to post, you'd keep track of that sort of thing.

titus let me make it fuckingclear for you then:


Was that hammer though? I lost count of it after a while?

It was. Are you dead honey?

Honey? Is that what rulers call their guards, or guards call their rulers? LOL :p

Aye was lynched not IKA- yet. :)

I asked in hopes of getting him to confess in case the VC was wrong. I'm too lazy to actually count votes half the time.

Well it looks like he confessed to being a guard? And he was not even lynched. Um. lol
if you can not put that though your denseness titus, the i will have to be the better person by saying this will probally be one of the last games i play with you
Wolfsister77 AyeCantSeeYou

Why don't we do what we did the last time and we caught us some Scum. I asked you and Aye to list your 4 Top Scum (I can't remember if I asked Cafe) but this is what I ended up with after you two responded. IIRC Cafe didn't want to commit, said she had to go do some more reading, so I don't know where she's at with this.

Me: Top 4 Scum = Avatar/Shaitra/SR/Grandma
Wolf: = Arden/Shaitra/Math/SR
Aye: =Math/SR/Shaitra/Avatar

We all had Shaitra as one of our 4 top Scum, we went after her and we turned out to be right.

What other person do you see on all three of our Top 4 Scum? Both Aye and I were willing to cast a vote on her, but you, Wolf, were not, instead you want to cast it against Aye.

Aye didn't give me her Top 4 Town, but mine was:


Yours was:
Josh/Cafe/Ika/yourself. (I noticed I didn't make your Top 4 - and I want to know what makes you doubt my Towniness?)

Aye didn't provide me with her Top 4 town, but maybe if she would, we can ask those that are on all 3 of our reads to list their 4 top Scum and maybe we can narrow it down even further.

Right now Cafe and you are on both of our list of Top 4 Town, maybe she's on Aye's list, too? We can ask Cafe is she has narrowed down her Scum list and see how it compares.

You and Cafe are my top townreads right now. I realize that's only 2 because I'm unsure of usurper role or who has it.

Top scum-Arden, Ika, Avi

Everyone else is open right now depending on flips and whatnot.

It's amazing how Avi always seems to escape the fire. I didn't see any scummy behavior from Aye, in fact I have been considering her Town, but then, in Game 4, she was Scum and I didn't suspect her either. She knows how to avoid making scummy comments. If she flips Scum I will really be surprised, especially if she is the ruler like Grandma and Arden suspect, because I still think that Avi is the ruler.

Arden was very defensive of Ika, and she was also very defensive of Shaitra, but since Shaitra flipped guard, I don't know where to put Arden. If Arden is the ruler she wouldn't know that Shaitra was her guard, nor would she know that Ika was a guard. If Arden is a guard she wouldn't know Shaitra was a guard, but she could know that Ika is the ruler. I was the first to vote Ika (but it was an RVS vote and I put it on him because he didn't have any one else voting for him and I certainly didn't suspect him at that point.) He hadn't even started arguing about just picking people at random yet. When his wagon got rolling because of that, I took my vote off because I didn't think at that time that he was Scum and Arden may have felt the same way. And, I'm not defending Arden, just giving my opinion.

I think we only need to figure the usurper now.
Let it be known my next vote is IKA
if you can not put that though your denseness titus, the i will have to be the better person by saying this will probally be one of the last games i play with you

You just told Wolf not to take things personally and it is a game and the two of you are going at it? Come on guys this is nothing to fight over esp if you all are friends.

the problem is this, titus has played with me over 3 sites (this being 4), and every time i have told her almost the same damn thing. heck even OTHER PLAYERS have told her this thing.

theres a fine line between what im saying to titus and what wolf is portraying.


titus thinks she knows my rl and every little thing, when i say she doesnt know my rl and my issure, thats where i draw the line
@Cafe, if we only need to find the usurper, then the logical place is to look OFF the Aye wagon as the usurper would not want a ruler lynch.
Let it be known my next vote is IKA
if you can not put that though your denseness titus, the i will have to be the better person by saying this will probally be one of the last games i play with you

You just told Wolf not to take things personally and it is a game and the two of you are going at it? Come on guys this is nothing to fight over esp if you all are friends.

the problem is this, titus has played with me over 3 sites (this being 4), and every time i have told her almost the same damn thing. heck even OTHER PLAYERS have told her this thing.

theres a fine line between what im saying to titus and what wolf is portraying.


titus thinks she knows my rl and every little thing, when i say she doesnt know my rl and my issure, thats where i draw the line

My comments had ZERO to do with your RL issues. :S I still don't get why you are taking this so personally.
I thought you ALWAYS check if someone is at L-1 before posting. You say that's not the case. I didn't believe you. *shrug* I don't see why you're exploding.
Wolfsister77 AyeCantSeeYou

Why don't we do what we did the last time and we caught us some Scum. I asked you and Aye to list your 4 Top Scum (I can't remember if I asked Cafe) but this is what I ended up with after you two responded. IIRC Cafe didn't want to commit, said she had to go do some more reading, so I don't know where she's at with this.

Me: Top 4 Scum = Avatar/Shaitra/SR/Grandma
Wolf: = Arden/Shaitra/Math/SR
Aye: =Math/SR/Shaitra/Avatar

We all had Shaitra as one of our 4 top Scum, we went after her and we turned out to be right.

What other person do you see on all three of our Top 4 Scum? Both Aye and I were willing to cast a vote on her, but you, Wolf, were not, instead you want to cast it against Aye.

Aye didn't give me her Top 4 Town, but mine was:


Yours was:
Josh/Cafe/Ika/yourself. (I noticed I didn't make your Top 4 - and I want to know what makes you doubt my Towniness?)

Aye didn't provide me with her Top 4 town, but maybe if she would, we can ask those that are on all 3 of our reads to list their 4 top Scum and maybe we can narrow it down even further.

Right now Cafe and you are on both of our list of Top 4 Town, maybe she's on Aye's list, too? We can ask Cafe is she has narrowed down her Scum list and see how it compares.

You and Cafe are my top townreads right now. I realize that's only 2 because I'm unsure of usurper role or who has it.

Top scum-Arden, Ika, Avi

Everyone else is open right now depending on flips and whatnot.

It's amazing how Avi always seems to escape the fire. I didn't see any scummy behavior from Aye, in fact I have been considering her Town, but then, in Game 4, she was Scum and I didn't suspect her either. She knows how to avoid making scummy comments. If she flips Scum I will really be surprised, especially if she is the ruler like Grandma and Arden suspect, because I still think that Avi is the ruler.

Arden was very defensive of Ika, and she was also very defensive of Shaitra, but since Shaitra flipped guard, I don't know where to put Arden. If Arden is the ruler she wouldn't know that Shaitra was her guard, nor would she know that Ika was a guard. If Arden is a guard she wouldn't know Shaitra was a guard, but she could know that Ika is the ruler. I was the first to vote Ika (but it was an RVS vote and I put it on him because he didn't have any one else voting for him and I certainly didn't suspect him at that point.) He hadn't even started arguing about just picking people at random yet. When his wagon got rolling because of that, I took my vote off because I didn't think at that time that he was Scum and Arden may have felt the same way. And, I'm not defending Arden, just giving my opinion.

I think we only need to figure the usurper now.

Damn, please let it be Avi.
@Cafe, if we only need to find the usurper, then the logical place is to look OFF the Aye wagon as the usurper would not want a ruler lynch.

Why wouldn't the usurper want to lynch the ruler? Isn't that the point so the usurper can win?
I thought you ALWAYS check if someone is at L-1 before posting. You say that's not the case. I didn't believe you. *shrug* I don't see why you're exploding.

the exact thing im saying that i dont do. the fact you misrepped me so badly off that fact and had me genuinely rage out as a scum should tell you enough that when i say you misrep me, you should take a step back and think you are legit misrepping me.

i may lie/twist stuff as scum. but i never fucking lie about when someone misrepping my play/life
Make that 10 with Aye's flip, 9 with the guard... so that would be


7 lynches... all with no distractions...

My bet is usurper is off the ruler train the more obvious it came that Aye was ruler.
Was that hammer though? I lost count of it after a while?

It was. Are you dead honey?

Honey? Is that what rulers call their guards, or guards call their rulers? LOL :p

Aye was lynched not IKA- yet. :)

CaféAuLait I think Ika just admitted that he was Aye's guard, by my understanding of his post. But who is the Usurper?

Yes, I know, I believe that is what he did too. He will be lynched along with Aye, I assume when Wake does the death scene.

Usurper. may be my other guard read since I had Aye as usurper and IKA as ruler. Josh maybe?
I thought you ALWAYS check if someone is at L-1 before posting. You say that's not the case. I didn't believe you. *shrug* I don't see why you're exploding.

the exact thing im saying that i dont do. the fact you misrepped me so badly off that fact and had me genuinely rage out as a scum should tell you enough that when i say you misrep me, you should take a step back and think you are legit misrepping me.

i may lie/twist stuff as scum. but i never fucking lie about when someone misrepping my play/life

I didn't think I was discussing your life at all. Saying you always do one thing as town or scum, is exactly just called making a case.

Given the fact I was right and town you does do it, scum you doesn't... means that I wasn't exactly misrepping you at all.

Maybe take some time to cool off but I still don't get it.

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