Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

So maybe start with Josh for not paying attention then. If Wake is around to do lynch counts, we should have this wrapped up in the next day or so.

I see no reason to do anything but quicklynch-Josh, SR, Avi. It doesn't really matter what order I guess.
^ ^ ^
Your quote is from Page 3, if anyone else wants to check.

So, who's left:

1) Arden
2) Avatar
3) Cafe
4) me (Grandma)
5) Josh_B
6) Math
7) Mertex
8) Scarlet
9) Wolfsister77

I hope we don't have to drag this game out another 7 "Days."
^ ^ ^
Your quote is from Page 3, if anyone else wants to check.

So, who's left:

1) Arden
2) Avatar
3) Cafe
4) me (Grandma)
5) Josh_B
6) Math
7) Mertex
8) Scarlet
9) Wolfsister77

I hope we don't have to drag this game out another 7 "Days."

We won't. We will get the usurper with SR or Josh or Avi. We just need to quicklynch them one by one and the game will be over. The longest it will take is Wake being around to do the flips and everyone throwing their vote down. I don't see much use doing too much discussion really other than that unless the usurper isn't one of those 3 which would be pretty surprising. So I will be popping in to vote when needed and post game and that's about it for this game.

gg town for second win in a row. :thup:
Last Game Post -

I laid out the case on SR. Go get her!

FA and Shaitra suck as scum. LOL

The only thing I lied about was saying I was town. :poke:

You didn't do your "go ahead and lynch me and you'll see" thing you always do as town and the town will be hurt line threw me. Ika's willingness to vote you and keep it there threw me for him being your guard. Otherwise, you were mostly like town Aye and you did a very good job.

FA and Shaitra were obvious scum yes.

I'm guessing with SR's bizarre behavior this game, you are probably right about her as usurper. Still, could be Avi or Josh.
@Wolfsister77I've been pretty open to advice all game and every game but when it is given, it should not be done by telling me I'm stupid or some other condescending insulting remark.

well then maybe you should lighten up and maybe just take it, its only a game after all. People in game will act like this to ruffle you. Have you ever considered that the fact that some people are like this b/c thats HOW they play? Have you considered that some people are like that b/c they KNOW better? Have you ever considered that some people do it b/c they are flat out scums?

I do ask what others think and listen and discuss with others all the time. But the minute you insult me, that stops.

again, its a game, people are going to throw insults, people are going to be bitches, people are going to be all shit-like in a game. you either have to:

A) toughen up and deal with it
B) just ignore it
C) be a baby and bitch about it (and truth be told this is what your kinda doing

The game drags on forever when people lurk for days and then come in here and act like everything sucks, everyone is wrong, etc. This is not a mafia forum. It's a political forum with a small mafia subforum.

But thats the damn point, this section of the site is for mafia. People have lives, if someone comes in after heavy lurking and complains. Then go ahead and yell at them, it doesn't change anything though and just looks like you are just yelling at some them for what they are complaining about.

I'm willing to listen when someone is willing to treat me with respect and not like I'm an idiot.

News flash: in a game of mafia, people will treat you like an idiot to just make you mad and disorganize you. You have to find the intent

While I will listen to all this advice and it makes sense, you also take things too personally too it would seem. While I whine, you blow a gasket so you might want to look at your own very good advice.

Having said that, I actually would be more than willing to play again with you here or at the main site. Thanks for your input and playing with us.
In addition, I think it would do you a world of good in future games to not take things so personally! From what I understand, this happens often, and as soon as you can remove this kind of roadblock, the sooner and quicker you will improve as a mafia player.

It's really very simple. Don't be gone for days and then come in here and say you want to replace out because of all the stupid ideas. Or ika talking about how he doesn't care about the game and how we have to address him or he's not going to talk to us. Or Math earlier saying she didn't want to play anyway and it was a chore to post here.

That makes the experience miserable for me who is trying to play.

Okay then.

If you want an explanation for me not posting on Saturday- seriously, one day- I was busy due to real life, with other more pressing obligations. I'm going to ask that you not be so upset over something as small as that- before I even posted today, you were worked up over that.

Sorry I crabbed at you. I've said over and over that people have lives and I do too and I don't care if people are gone for RL issues. Your comment was not the first negative comment made and I had just had enough of these comments all game and needed to vent..

Having said that, thanks for your game playing advice and for playing with us and I hope you do it again.
All right, I've said all I need to say except maybe brief postgame discussion when we find out who usurper is. So from now on, unless there is a question for me, I'll be voting and doing nothing else. Enjoy the reprieve of a quiet Wolf. :wink:

I am happy the game is done and won for town. Have a good one everyone. :biggrin:
So maybe start with Josh for not paying attention then. If Wake is around to do lynch counts, we should have this wrapped up in the next day or so.

I see no reason to do anything but quicklynch-Josh, SR, Avi. It doesn't really matter what order I guess.

Aye, sweet Aye, I'm so disappointed in can I ever trust you again? Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......
All right, I've said all I need to say except maybe brief postgame discussion when we find out who usurper is. So from now on, unless there is a question for me, I'll be voting and doing nothing else. Enjoy the reprieve of a quiet Wolf. :wink:

I am happy the game is done and won for town. Have a good one everyone. :biggrin:

Hahahaha.....I'm willing to bet that won't last very long............!:)
so ika and aye were scum. And I am scum because I "parked" my vote on both of them the first three rounds.

We caught the ruler and it's not me. Clearly I have to be the usurper now cause it's not possible you guys have been wrong about me all game.

scarlet and Arden are my top picks for usurper right now.
so ika and aye were scum. And I am scum because I "parked" my vote on both of them the first three rounds.

We caught the ruler and it's not me. Clearly I have to be the usurper now cause it's not possible you guys have been wrong about me all game.

scarlet and Arden are my top picks for usurper right now.

Dammit Avi, you better be the Usurper.
Why in the hell did IKA vote his ruler out?

the official response is this: i knew we lost after the double guards flipped.

if you see a pattern you should follow it, the gurads should of been more deciptive and tried to put them in null/scum pile but meh.

at this point we were fighting a game we already lost so there was no purpouse to even try to save it

FA had Aye as his null read. Shai had Aye as her town read IIRC.

I had Aye as usurper, and you as Ruler, your game meta was far off from your main site town games. That's why I kept asking SR if her read was correct on you being town, because I am new to this game and could see the difference. Although I was wrong about your role, I thought ruler rather than guard.

Grandma had Aye as ruler. ( Good job, Geezer Chicka) :p

FA nulls were Shaitra, Cafe (TheOldSchool), Avatar,Josh, TSO! and Math. I don't think he had her in his Town reads either. At least that's what I had in my notes.
so ika and aye were scum. And I am scum because I "parked" my vote on both of them the first three rounds.

We caught the ruler and it's not me. Clearly I have to be the usurper now cause it's not possible you guys have been wrong about me all game.

scarlet and Arden are my top picks for usurper right now.

Sorry for wanting to lynch you so bad if you are town but there has to be a reason you were on everyone's scumdar all game.

All right Mertex-you are right. All ready broke my quiet Wolf thing. :p
I think I'm going to vote SR first for usurper. Yep, that's what I'm going to do. If you want me to tell you why, I can do so or you can all sheep me and we can win this thing. :biggrin:
I think we should lynch the lurkers here. They will make it harder to get a lynch off. Ignoring the thread is the ideal usurper strategy here.

Even if we are wrong on the lurkers, the usurper cannot target all the active people and get away with it.

The next person who suggests I am usurper bc aversion to usurper hunting will piss me off. I posted that strategy to get this very scenario we have right here. I vote parked on the ruler, which is insanely disadvantaegous to usurper right now. You saw in game 5, I have ZERO problem taking heat for town to win.
I think I'm going to vote SR first for usurper. Yep, that's what I'm going to do. If you want me to tell you why, I can do so or you can all sheep me and we can win this thing. :biggrin:
Or we can discuss and actually win this thing. There's many things I have done a usurper just shouldn't do.
We only need 5 votes......

Strongest to weakest
1. Avatar
2. SR
3. Josh
4. Ardem
5. Math
6. Grandma
7. Wolf
8. Cafe
9. Me

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