Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I say we serious lynch Rosie. Also, the comment that she made to house about deodorant, in all it's cutesyness appeared to have some scum motivation. i.e. attempting to locate her scum buddies/soft claiming so she can be found. House also get's the FoS.

VOTE: RosieS

For what? Screwing around? That's lolworthy.

Have at it, bro.

This is why House gets the FoS. I've upgraded it to being a Hand.
This pings my scumdar so hard that my neighbors came over and asked me about the nonsensical beeping noise. WHY did you just unvote your top scum read?
Is is because of something that mertex said? Or because you weren't serious voting Rosie in the first place?
The fact we disagree on a read hardly registers as a misrep.

Wow... how can you misrep the misrep I pointed out? You're like a wizard, or somesuch.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum <- Click it.

I am pretty sure your atagonism is wildly different from here.

I am... a wild and crazy guy!

(Kudos to those that get it)

You shift from claiming that I am encouraging useless bickering and on the other hand I am encouraging united fronts and scummy? You do not understand so you jump to scum. That is the same thing that happens.

Fair point. Damned shame that isn't all there is to my read, eh?
The fact we disagree on a read hardly registers as a misrep.

Wow... how can you misrep the misrep I pointed out? You're like a wizard, or somesuch.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum <- Click it.

I am pretty sure your atagonism is wildly different from here.

I am... a wild and crazy guy!

(Kudos to those that get it)

You shift from claiming that I am encouraging useless bickering and on the other hand I am encouraging united fronts and scummy? You do not understand so you jump to scum. That is the same thing that happens.

Fair point. Damned shame that isn't all there is to my read, eh?

I say we serious lynch Rosie. Also, the comment that she made to house about deodorant, in all it's cutesyness appeared to have some scum motivation. i.e. attempting to locate her scum buddies/soft claiming so she can be found. House also get's the FoS.

VOTE: RosieS

For what? Screwing around? That's lolworthy.

Have at it, bro.

This is why House gets the FoS. I've upgraded it to being a Hand.

Allow me to give you one so you have a full set.

Might as well start posting my reasoning for the other reads so folks can reference it when they get over their soap opera addiction.

We'll start with MathBlade since there's so little to go over.

I think there are three people whose alignment is pretty obvious

Scarlet Rage -- Towniest town town that ever towned.

Wolf -- That math is atrocious and the grammar in it is just *ugh* -- very likely scum if Ika is town.

Ika -- If Ika is town then very likely Wolf scum. If ika scum then Wolf very likely town. The wagons got way too close to each other and Ika's play doesn't have as much picture/usual trolling as other games. However with how fast this formed after Wolf's I am considering Wolf as a potential ruler.

Normally if a player didn't self hammer I would vote ika here and see who hammers. In this case though that would end discussion. If we get close to EOD without a lynch I can move it to Ika.

Vote WolfSister77

Looks like ScarletRage has an alt account, with this post (aside from the ika/Wolf contrast bit, which is completely unsupported).

And... pretty much nothing of substance since.
Mathblade and I are twins. She lives with me.

Irrelevant. That didn't stop you from going at each other's throats in the last game.
For using a STOOPID reason to vote. And especially because drive-by voting is always Scum Central.
Sorry, I'm not as active in this game as I'd like to be. I can't help it if your soft claim was so blatant that it might as well be a hard claim. If you were using it to scum hunt(gambit), you'd be saying the people voting you are town. Not the opposite.
I don't have reads on everyone just yet, but this is what I'm seeing so far:

Avatar - Scum
★Arden - Leaning Scum (random voting after the end of RVS; misrep of my response to her in order to justify a vote)
MathBlade - Leaning Scum
ScarletRage - Leaning Scum
ika - Anti-Town via no interest in scumhunting (though he has provided commentary when directly addressed)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town
Josh_B - Town

I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

That's odd. WS has attacked me and Rosie, used bad words, none of which I have done, and yet I'm anti-town and she's null, go figure. Kinda makes it rather easy to tell who is the ruler and who are the defending guards.

Please point out the posts where I have attacked anyone other than list my reasons for who I am voting.
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town

LOL-Almost all of Rosie's contributions to this thread are bickering with me, voting for people that vote for her, and basically bullying and threatening me with a vote park for a vote on her I didn't even have while calling me a crap player for not noticing she's town telling just because she says she's town.

Good one House.

You are a crap player because your play is all kinds of scummy and you are bickering with more than just me.

Mertex has obviously stepped down and you eagerly grabbed the Drama Queen crown. With vulgar insults, besides. You really wanna keep that crown badly, Miss Potty Mouth.

And I thought you said you were leaving? Got lost finding the exit?

Regards from Rosie
For using a STOOPID reason to vote. And especially because drive-by voting is always Scum Central.
Sorry, I'm not as active in this game as I'd like to be. I can't help it if your soft claim was so blatant that it might as well be a hard claim. If you were using it to scum hunt(gambit), you'd be saying the people voting you are town. Not the opposite.

I have no need to gambit.

You gotta get up to speed on what Town is and is not.

You got it badly wrong right from the start. USMB is not like any place you might be be used to.

Try again.

Regards from Rosie
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town

LOL-Almost all of Rosie's contributions to this thread are bickering with me, voting for people that vote for her, and basically bullying and threatening me with a vote park for a vote on her I didn't even have while calling me a crap player for not noticing she's town telling just because she says she's town.

Good one House.

You are a crap player because your play is all kinds of scummy and you are bickering with more than just me.

Mertex has obviously stepped down and you eagerly grabbed the Drama Queen crown. With vulgar insults, besides. You really wanna keep that crown badly, Miss Potty Mouth.

And I thought you said you were leaving? Got lost finding the exit?

Regards from Rosie

You are as nasty in this game as you were to me in game 2 as scum so bite me. You get what you give. You've been shitty to me, don't expect anything less than crap in return.
This pings my scumdar so hard that my neighbors came over and asked me about the nonsensical beeping noise. WHY did you just unvote your top scum read?
Is is because of something that mertex said? Or because you weren't serious voting Rosie in the first place?

Because I got pissed at Rosie and Mertex picking at me and didn't want to play any more. I do that a lot. It's not alignment indicative for me regardless if scum tries to tell you otherwise.

The fact we disagree on a read hardly registers as a misrep. I am pretty sure your atagonism is wildly different from here.

You shift from claiming that I am encouraging useless bickering and on the other hand I am encouraging united fronts and scummy? You do not understand so you jump to scum. That is the same thing that happens.

Wolf and Mertex conflict served a lot of purpose at the start and got the game going. Now that I am townreading them both the argument serves little purpose.

Whoa....there has been no Wolf/Mertex conflict. I haven't responded to any of WS attacks. She and Rosie are the ones that are going at it. Please get the names straight.
I love it when all I'm doing is posting my reads and voting and I get accused of attacking and having conflicts...the only one with conflicts here is WS, getting all pissy and personal, but find one of my posts where I have done anything other than what is allowed in the game and I'll be sure to eat my words.
I don't have reads on everyone just yet, but this is what I'm seeing so far:

Avatar - Scum
★Arden - Leaning Scum (random voting after the end of RVS; misrep of my response to her in order to justify a vote)
MathBlade - Leaning Scum
ScarletRage - Leaning Scum
ika - Anti-Town via no interest in scumhunting (though he has provided commentary when directly addressed)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town
Josh_B - Town

I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

That's odd. WS has attacked me and Rosie, used bad words, none of which I have done, and yet I'm anti-town and she's null, go figure. Kinda makes it rather easy to tell who is the ruler and who are the defending guards.

Please point out the posts where I have attacked anyone other than list my reasons for who I am voting.

My read isn't an attack on you, settle your britches.

You are well known for looking out for #1 regardless of how it affects town, and this game is more of the same, hence no read either way (anti-town != scum).

If it soothes your bruised ego, I can say you are Null, Anti-Town so you can continue your crusade.
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town

LOL-Almost all of Rosie's contributions to this thread are bickering with me, voting for people that vote for her, and basically bullying and threatening me with a vote park for a vote on her I didn't even have while calling me a crap player for not noticing she's town telling just because she says she's town.

Good one House.

You are a crap player because your play is all kinds of scummy and you are bickering with more than just me.

Mertex has obviously stepped down and you eagerly grabbed the Drama Queen crown. With vulgar insults, besides. You really wanna keep that crown badly, Miss Potty Mouth.

And I thought you said you were leaving? Got lost finding the exit?

Regards from Rosie

BTW-Calling me a crap player in every post to try to upset me and buddying up to Mertex who you said in the last game you didn't want to play with any more, does not read town to me.

Imagine that.
titus has a weird approach as scum and the fact shes trying to use my own tactic against me is enough of a tell to me.
Part of Titus's case is that you aren't random
For using a STOOPID reason to vote. And especially because drive-by voting is always Scum Central.
Sorry, I'm not as active in this game as I'd like to be. I can't help it if your soft claim was so blatant that it might as well be a hard claim. If you were using it to scum hunt(gambit), you'd be saying the people voting you are town. Not the opposite.

I have no need to gambit.

You gotta get up to speed on what Town is and is not.

You got it badly wrong right from the start. USMB is not like any place you might be be used to.

Try again.

Regards from Rosie

Ok. Then... help me understand where your mind is. if I got it wrong, you need to say where I got it wrong.
-You've admitted it's not a gambit. So.. I must be correct in believing it was multiple soft claims.

What is town and what is not to you?
What do you think I should expect from USMB?
Because I got pissed at Rosie and Mertex picking at me and didn't want to play any more. I do that a lot. It's not alignment indicative for me regardless if scum tries to tell you otherwise.

That's just people being scum. Ad hom's have their place. But try to make people explain their attacks. Don't let them sit empty.

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