Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town

LOL-Almost all of Rosie's contributions to this thread are bickering with me, voting for people that vote for her, and basically bullying and threatening me with a vote park for a vote on her I didn't even have while calling me a crap player for not noticing she's town telling just because she says she's town.

Good one House.

The bickering is why she's a soft read and not a hard one. If you have questions about my read, ask. You assume too much.
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town

LOL-Almost all of Rosie's contributions to this thread are bickering with me, voting for people that vote for her, and basically bullying and threatening me with a vote park for a vote on her I didn't even have while calling me a crap player for not noticing she's town telling just because she says she's town.

Good one House.

Then why didn't you chastize me for reaching out to you and Rosie?

Because I decided to ignore it instead.
Vote: Wolfsister

Sorry. That answer isn't going to fly. I didn't see you ignore anything in the last few games, even if you disagreed with it.
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town

LOL-Almost all of Rosie's contributions to this thread are bickering with me, voting for people that vote for her, and basically bullying and threatening me with a vote park for a vote on her I didn't even have while calling me a crap player for not noticing she's town telling just because she says she's town.

Good one House.

The bickering is why she's a soft read and not a hard one. If you have questions about my read, ask. You assume too much.

I'd rather be a smart ass. It's more fun.
I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

To illustrate what I meant with this statement, since people like to skip shit that matters in their haste to get back to the bickering, I will post the reasons for my read against ScarletRage.


I cannot believe I missed that Josh. Usually I am better with such word slips.

@ika, if you're wanting a random vote and no discussion, your vote should always be on the player with the most votes.

We already went over on Skype during pregame why that strategy is mostly beneficial to the scums and no town should go along. If you believe it, comply.

Criticizing ika's plan here.

No. I am saying we should vote the scummiest person. If that person happens to have the most votes ok.

You are the scummiest at the moment.

Reinforcing her position here.

@House, @Mertex, @Wolf, @Avatar4321 @RosieS Let's suppose we're all town. I have townreads to varying degrees on all of you now so I'd rather just make scum's job really hard for them. Let's lynch outside of ourselves until required to do so otherwise. We should mop up quite a few of the guards.

If you're in, vote ika.

Co-opting ika's strategy here and turning it on him.

@House No. Wolf didn't open as hard trying to setupspec. She joined in votes on people doing that. If she OMGUSed she hit everyone. Here, you were oddly absent from that. Her tone is hostile as if you are a scumread but she then defends you.

Of course her tone is hostile. I'm an asshole. Are you thick?
Regardless of whether you are an ass, her tone was hostile with scumreads and not hostile towards townreads. Look at the shift in the last game.

Overreaching to support a Wolf wagon here.

Saying Wolf is my biggest scumread is not "rushing a lynch". I have said I want to hear from people. Wolf acts scummy, I want her dead. That doesn't matter whether she has 5 votes or 5 million votes.

House, how can you say you're parking on policy lynch until we are out of RVS when you yourself said RVS ended after I vote you?

Misrep of my post here.

You act as if Bickering isn't hunting. Stop trying to kill conversation that isn't repetitive, role hunting or setup spec.

People hunt in their own ways. As long as their ways are internally consistent (glares at ika) then however they hunt is fine.

Defending unproductive bickering in this post.

@Mertex/Wolf can you guys set aside your debate for today do we can vote people who refuse to play?

@Wake VC and prod on OldSchool please

Yet asking for it to stop in this one... inconsistent Scarlet is inconsistent. Of course, that was likely a set-up for:

@Mertex, this sounds like a policy lynch bc you do not like Wolf's play. Let's suppose arguendo, Wolf is scum. I disagree but for sake of argument. It will be easier to lynch Wolf when the required votes will be less. We get rid of those who refuse to play before teaching lessons. Tunnelling people rarely teaches the lesson.

@Wolfsister77 The sane argument above is true for Mertex.

@Both, This setup lacks a nightkill I believe so that will be a huge boon. We can cut the fat and see the resistance.

Manipulating the Bicker Twins in an effort to hook their votes onto her target.

House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

Subtle accusation with no support here.

House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

how do you know it's not a queen?

King is the usual method of referring to the role. Context here. House would not be a queen.

If there was any doubt her post was accusatory, that eliminated it.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.
That's just silly.

No way I'd be out to piss people off if I could insta-lose the game for my team.
You can if you use common sense. Your guards won't bus Day 1. Freeing the king to be aggressive.

This is just stupid.

Arden, ika is advocating that no one actually play the game. This wouldn't bother me so much as ika has already said that he doesn't want discussion just random voting. He's not acting in a protown manner for someone with that opinion.

He would be keeping in touch with the thread and just voting the players with the most votes. His refusal to act in alignment with his stated goals is scummy.

Given the fact, he's said he will provide no content, it's one of the rare policy lynches I endorse. Slots can be redeemed. Players can suddenly come out of lurking. A player who refuses to provide content cannot be forced into doing so but for rope.

Bad logic is bad. Just because ika endorses random votes doesn't mean he's going to allow himself to be manipulated by numbers. Scum would like for that to happen, though.

No way I was going to clutter my reads thread with that for everybody I have a read on.
how come house doesn't know about the fact that the rebels need to take out the usurper?

^Another reason to suspect Avatar, as he is well aware that all role PM's are right here in the thread.

so you not knowing we need to kill the usurper to win is evidence that I am a guard? That's new.

Oh look, more misrep. Thanks for building my self-confidence on your opinion.

where did I misrep you? You cited the reason I originally voted for you and pretend that your mistake is mine.

more reason to think you're just voting for me because I voted for you

I can't tell if House is scum anymore or if he just has horrible people skills.

My people skills blow, but that's irrelevant to my reads.
how come house doesn't know about the fact that the rebels need to take out the usurper?

^Another reason to suspect Avatar, as he is well aware that all role PM's are right here in the thread.

so you not knowing we need to kill the usurper to win is evidence that I am a guard? That's new.

Oh look, more misrep. Thanks for building my self-confidence on your opinion.

where did I misrep you? You cited the reason I originally voted for you and pretend that your mistake is mine.

more reason to think you're just voting for me because I voted for you

The misrep was your statement that I used that situation as part of my read against you, when I've said no such thing.

Stop assuming you know me. You don't. And you damn sure don't know the way I think.

Try asking questions instead of making stupid ass assumptions, and you might not come across like a steaming pile of scum.
I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

To illustrate what I meant with this statement, since people like to skip shit that matters in their haste to get back to the bickering, I will post the reasons for my read against ScarletRage.


I cannot believe I missed that Josh. Usually I am better with such word slips.

@ika, if you're wanting a random vote and no discussion, your vote should always be on the player with the most votes.

We already went over on Skype during pregame why that strategy is mostly beneficial to the scums and no town should go along. If you believe it, comply.

Criticizing ika's plan here.

No. I am saying we should vote the scummiest person. If that person happens to have the most votes ok.

You are the scummiest at the moment.

Reinforcing her position here.

@House, @Mertex, @Wolf, @Avatar4321 @RosieS Let's suppose we're all town. I have townreads to varying degrees on all of you now so I'd rather just make scum's job really hard for them. Let's lynch outside of ourselves until required to do so otherwise. We should mop up quite a few of the guards.

If you're in, vote ika.

Co-opting ika's strategy here and turning it on him.

@House No. Wolf didn't open as hard trying to setupspec. She joined in votes on people doing that. If she OMGUSed she hit everyone. Here, you were oddly absent from that. Her tone is hostile as if you are a scumread but she then defends you.

Of course her tone is hostile. I'm an asshole. Are you thick?
Regardless of whether you are an ass, her tone was hostile with scumreads and not hostile towards townreads. Look at the shift in the last game.

Overreaching to support a Wolf wagon here.

Saying Wolf is my biggest scumread is not "rushing a lynch". I have said I want to hear from people. Wolf acts scummy, I want her dead. That doesn't matter whether she has 5 votes or 5 million votes.

House, how can you say you're parking on policy lynch until we are out of RVS when you yourself said RVS ended after I vote you?

Misrep of my post here.

You act as if Bickering isn't hunting. Stop trying to kill conversation that isn't repetitive, role hunting or setup spec.

People hunt in their own ways. As long as their ways are internally consistent (glares at ika) then however they hunt is fine.

Defending unproductive bickering in this post.

@Mertex/Wolf can you guys set aside your debate for today do we can vote people who refuse to play?

@Wake VC and prod on OldSchool please

Yet asking for it to stop in this one... inconsistent Scarlet is inconsistent. Of course, that was likely a set-up for:

@Mertex, this sounds like a policy lynch bc you do not like Wolf's play. Let's suppose arguendo, Wolf is scum. I disagree but for sake of argument. It will be easier to lynch Wolf when the required votes will be less. We get rid of those who refuse to play before teaching lessons. Tunnelling people rarely teaches the lesson.

@Wolfsister77 The sane argument above is true for Mertex.

@Both, This setup lacks a nightkill I believe so that will be a huge boon. We can cut the fat and see the resistance.

Manipulating the Bicker Twins in an effort to hook their votes onto her target.

House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

Subtle accusation with no support here.

House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

how do you know it's not a queen?

King is the usual method of referring to the role. Context here. House would not be a queen.

If there was any doubt her post was accusatory, that eliminated it.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.
That's just silly.

No way I'd be out to piss people off if I could insta-lose the game for my team.
You can if you use common sense. Your guards won't bus Day 1. Freeing the king to be aggressive.

This is just stupid.

Arden, ika is advocating that no one actually play the game. This wouldn't bother me so much as ika has already said that he doesn't want discussion just random voting. He's not acting in a protown manner for someone with that opinion.

He would be keeping in touch with the thread and just voting the players with the most votes. His refusal to act in alignment with his stated goals is scummy.

Given the fact, he's said he will provide no content, it's one of the rare policy lynches I endorse. Slots can be redeemed. Players can suddenly come out of lurking. A player who refuses to provide content cannot be forced into doing so but for rope.

Bad logic is bad. Just because ika endorses random votes doesn't mean he's going to allow himself to be manipulated by numbers. Scum would like for that to happen, though.

No way I was going to clutter my reads thread with that for everybody I have a read on.

bad logic is bad. Absolutely right. Which is why we should question your attempt to argue that I'm a bad guy because you didn't know we needed to kill the usurper. It's bad logic.

if we aren't lynching ika I may as well go back to house. After all bad logic is bad logic
I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

To illustrate what I meant with this statement, since people like to skip shit that matters in their haste to get back to the bickering, I will post the reasons for my read against ScarletRage.


I cannot believe I missed that Josh. Usually I am better with such word slips.

@ika, if you're wanting a random vote and no discussion, your vote should always be on the player with the most votes.

We already went over on Skype during pregame why that strategy is mostly beneficial to the scums and no town should go along. If you believe it, comply.

Criticizing ika's plan here.

No. I am saying we should vote the scummiest person. If that person happens to have the most votes ok.

You are the scummiest at the moment.

Reinforcing her position here.

@House, @Mertex, @Wolf, @Avatar4321 @RosieS Let's suppose we're all town. I have townreads to varying degrees on all of you now so I'd rather just make scum's job really hard for them. Let's lynch outside of ourselves until required to do so otherwise. We should mop up quite a few of the guards.

If you're in, vote ika.

Co-opting ika's strategy here and turning it on him.

@House No. Wolf didn't open as hard trying to setupspec. She joined in votes on people doing that. If she OMGUSed she hit everyone. Here, you were oddly absent from that. Her tone is hostile as if you are a scumread but she then defends you.

Of course her tone is hostile. I'm an asshole. Are you thick?
Regardless of whether you are an ass, her tone was hostile with scumreads and not hostile towards townreads. Look at the shift in the last game.

Overreaching to support a Wolf wagon here.

Saying Wolf is my biggest scumread is not "rushing a lynch". I have said I want to hear from people. Wolf acts scummy, I want her dead. That doesn't matter whether she has 5 votes or 5 million votes.

House, how can you say you're parking on policy lynch until we are out of RVS when you yourself said RVS ended after I vote you?

Misrep of my post here.

You act as if Bickering isn't hunting. Stop trying to kill conversation that isn't repetitive, role hunting or setup spec.

People hunt in their own ways. As long as their ways are internally consistent (glares at ika) then however they hunt is fine.

Defending unproductive bickering in this post.

@Mertex/Wolf can you guys set aside your debate for today do we can vote people who refuse to play?

@Wake VC and prod on OldSchool please

Yet asking for it to stop in this one... inconsistent Scarlet is inconsistent. Of course, that was likely a set-up for:

@Mertex, this sounds like a policy lynch bc you do not like Wolf's play. Let's suppose arguendo, Wolf is scum. I disagree but for sake of argument. It will be easier to lynch Wolf when the required votes will be less. We get rid of those who refuse to play before teaching lessons. Tunnelling people rarely teaches the lesson.

@Wolfsister77 The sane argument above is true for Mertex.

@Both, This setup lacks a nightkill I believe so that will be a huge boon. We can cut the fat and see the resistance.

Manipulating the Bicker Twins in an effort to hook their votes onto her target.

House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

Subtle accusation with no support here.

House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

how do you know it's not a queen?

King is the usual method of referring to the role. Context here. House would not be a queen.

If there was any doubt her post was accusatory, that eliminated it.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.
That's just silly.

No way I'd be out to piss people off if I could insta-lose the game for my team.
You can if you use common sense. Your guards won't bus Day 1. Freeing the king to be aggressive.

This is just stupid.

Arden, ika is advocating that no one actually play the game. This wouldn't bother me so much as ika has already said that he doesn't want discussion just random voting. He's not acting in a protown manner for someone with that opinion.

He would be keeping in touch with the thread and just voting the players with the most votes. His refusal to act in alignment with his stated goals is scummy.

Given the fact, he's said he will provide no content, it's one of the rare policy lynches I endorse. Slots can be redeemed. Players can suddenly come out of lurking. A player who refuses to provide content cannot be forced into doing so but for rope.

Bad logic is bad. Just because ika endorses random votes doesn't mean he's going to allow himself to be manipulated by numbers. Scum would like for that to happen, though.

No way I was going to clutter my reads thread with that for everybody I have a read on.

bad logic is bad. Absolutely right. Which is why we should question your attempt to argue that I'm a bad guy because you didn't know we needed to kill the usurper. It's bad logic.

if we aren't lynching ika I may as well go back to house. After all bad logic is bad logic

Go for it. idgaf.
I love the fact that I riled Avatar up so much with my piddly ass opinion.

Tells me I'm onto something.

After all, if I was dead wrong and he was town, there would be nothing to be so defensive about when a lone townie with shitty people skills starts poking him with a stick.
Might as well start posting my reasoning for the other reads so folks can reference it when they get over their soap opera addiction.

We'll start with MathBlade since there's so little to go over.

I think there are three people whose alignment is pretty obvious

Scarlet Rage -- Towniest town town that ever towned.

Wolf -- That math is atrocious and the grammar in it is just *ugh* -- very likely scum if Ika is town.

Ika -- If Ika is town then very likely Wolf scum. If ika scum then Wolf very likely town. The wagons got way too close to each other and Ika's play doesn't have as much picture/usual trolling as other games. However with how fast this formed after Wolf's I am considering Wolf as a potential ruler.

Normally if a player didn't self hammer I would vote ika here and see who hammers. In this case though that would end discussion. If we get close to EOD without a lynch I can move it to Ika.

Vote WolfSister77

Looks like ScarletRage has an alt account, with this post (aside from the ika/Wolf contrast bit, which is completely unsupported).

And... pretty much nothing of substance since.
well, I'm not voting Ika right now. It seems like he doesn't mind being lynched, which also means that his lynch probably won't hurt the game. HOwever, if he's town he needs to get on board with some real lynching. Speaking of real lynching, the counter wagon to Wolfsister took place really fast. I can definitely see some motivation from wolfsister to be on it. But I'm not sure about others. I'll have to re read the game to see who's being suspcious, however with the scum not knowing each other, I may have to look at who is not being suspicious.

With the way people threw around so many soft claims, I'm wondering about RosieS. (it still bothers me that wolfsister is not voting her already) I can see two motivations for Rosie's "I can never be Royal" claim.
1. She really is the Ruler. "Let me be your ruler, you can call me Queen Bee And baby I'll rule (I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule)"
2. She is attempting to gambit by claiming to be the ruler, which will protect the true ruler.

I'm still suspicious of her and FA. Looking at the last vote count, I'm not liking the company I'm in after the flash jump to Ika.

I say we serious lynch Rosie. Also, the comment that she made to house about deodorant, in it's cutesyness appeared to have some scum motivation. The comments about
I assume you are speaking of:
You act as if Bickering isn't hunting. Stop trying to kill conversation that isn't repetitive, role hunting or setup spec.

When the same arguments are repeated throughout multiple games, it isn't hunting.

*sniff* I smell guard.

Liberal use of deodorant will prevent that.

FoS: House

Regards from Rosie

I don't see the logical connection here? Why is that statement scummy?

The implication of the Right "guard" deodorant statement was poor soft claim. It's implied use claims preventing the guards from being found.

The fact we disagree on a read hardly registers as a misrep. I am pretty sure your atagonism is wildly different from here.

You shift from claiming that I am encouraging useless bickering and on the other hand I am encouraging united fronts and scummy? You do not understand so you jump to scum. That is the same thing that happens.

Wolf and Mertex conflict served a lot of purpose at the start and got the game going. Now that I am townreading them both the argument serves little purpose.
@JoshB, are you arguing that Rosie crumbed she was the king? Not really getting your point. A king would not crumb they are the king most likely because the guards know who the king is. I could see Rosie as guard but king crumbing is unlikely.

King crumbing = protecting the king. I am in agreement with this. RosieS is a guard.
Might as well start posting my reasoning for the other reads so folks can reference it when they get over their soap opera addiction.

We'll start with MathBlade since there's so little to go over.

I think there are three people whose alignment is pretty obvious

Scarlet Rage -- Towniest town town that ever towned.

Wolf -- That math is atrocious and the grammar in it is just *ugh* -- very likely scum if Ika is town.

Ika -- If Ika is town then very likely Wolf scum. If ika scum then Wolf very likely town. The wagons got way too close to each other and Ika's play doesn't have as much picture/usual trolling as other games. However with how fast this formed after Wolf's I am considering Wolf as a potential ruler.

Normally if a player didn't self hammer I would vote ika here and see who hammers. In this case though that would end discussion. If we get close to EOD without a lynch I can move it to Ika.

Vote WolfSister77

Looks like ScarletRage has an alt account, with this post (aside from the ika/Wolf contrast bit, which is completely unsupported).

And... pretty much nothing of substance since.
Mathblade and I are twins. She lives with me.

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