Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Also, when you use language like there is no way to figure things out the first day, why bother, (Mertex) or if you go after the person who is making the most effort to play, (several of you), or if you only want to criticise and contribute little else (Mertex, Rosie) you are immediately suspect. Also, going after the scummiest townie is a sure fire way to show your hand as scum. That does not mean you shouldn't go after me but it does show scum seeing blood in the water.

And I also find it suspect the OMGUS vote from FA and then the almost no interaction with the game otherwise and vote parking. This is not town FA. It is very much how he played as scum. He posts more as town. And Rosie has zero reason to vote me and when I questioned her about it and pulled apart her argument, she immediately went to a personal attack to try to get me upset. She has very little else to contribute to the game. She's likely scum also.

Mathblade is suspect for her lame ass post about me and vote using the same tired arguments that made no sense the last time. And Arden does nothing but defends ika which makes me suspicious of both of them. So Arden and Mathblade and ika are FoS territory.

tso has nothing to say as well as ika so can't be sure of him.

The rest of you are leaning rebel for now.

I am not personally attacking you and I do not much appreciate your false accusation of such.

I am tearing to bits what you are posting in this game.

Now you are saying that joking around shows a "relaxed mindset".

The other end of the joking around was me!! With a townish relaxed mindset!

You are doing backflips over Josh_B.

His accusing me of being scum is based on the "cuteseyness" of what you call a "relaxed mindset"!!!

If you do not want to be called on the carpet for posting logical inconsistencies, Wolfie, don't post logical inconsistencies!!

Josh_B also needs to get back in here, because other players have said I am not what HE said I am, and all he does about that is disappear.

These are not personal attacks, but attacks on how you and Josh_B are misplaying Day One.

And if you don't want what you post shredded into little bits, do not continually scumrread me; particularly when others are telling you this is my town play.

As I :have said, too: I am not Royal, or Usurper, or Guard.

That is plain English. What and why are you continually miscomprehending here?

Regards from Rosie

LOL-You say you tore apart my posts into shreds yet that is exactly what I did with every one of your reasons for voting me. You say you don't like being scumread when others say you are town. Hello? Others are saying I'm town and you are scumreading me for nothing. No, you aren't really attacking Josh. Just me, and I'll give you an example. Finally, you telling everyone you are not a royal, usurper, guard does not mean I am going to believe it. I'm going to have to see more than that.

Here's the personal attack. I have no problem with anything you said to me EXCEPT for this post.

When she gets overly emotive, don't take it seriously, folks. She doesn't gnaw the scenery terribly badly. Best to.just ignore it.

Regards from Rosie

I stated a piece of your meta for all to take into consideration.

Nothing personal, just business.

If you don't want to read about how you gnaw the scenery, don't gnaw the scenery.

This stuff is really simple.

Don't go away mad, don't do away at all; just do a better job on your gameplay.

When you do, I will stop vote parking you.

It really is not too much to ask.

Regards from Rosie
And that is the reason I don't want to do any more Rosie. Because you just admitted you are voting for me for what you call bad game play. I have done nothing but try to play and I get criticized and called scum for it repeatedly. It gets super frustrating after awhile.

I'm not going to put up with that. I am not going to be insulted like that and that's exactly what it is to me. I am one of the few here who is actively trying to play so I don't fucking like it when people tell me I suck and vote me for nothing.

I simply will not play under those conditions. When they stop, and it goes back into Mafia playing that I like and play well with, I will do so. Until then, I am done. It's as simple as that. No further explanation is necessary.
Voting based on bad gameplay beats the hell outta sheeping a noob here who votes based on "cuteseyness".

The difference, and correctness of voting on gameplay, is incredibly clear.

The only other thing I can do is beat you over the head with being wrong for voting for me when I am replete with towntells. Wrong is wrong is wrong with your vote.

But I do not like to nag.

Regards from Rosie
Voting based on bad gameplay beats the hell outta sheeping a noob here who votes based on "cuteseyness".

The difference, and correctness of voting on gameplay, is incredibly clear.

The only other thing I can do is beat you over the head with being wrong for voting for me when I am replete with towntells. Wrong is wrong is wrong with your vote.

But I do not like to nag.

Regards from Rosie

And I do not like to be insulted. It sucks when you say you are town, others do, yet you are still being scumread doesn't it? And no, voting on game play is not correct. That is opinion and nothing else. The main reason I am being voted is for being active and contributing while others who don't do shit and barely speak are ignored.

I am not voting you or anyone right now? And like I said over and over, I am not going to vote or contribute to any more scumhunting because people use it as an excuse to insult me and vote for me. It's the USMB meta.

So no thanks.
@Mertex/Wolf can you guys set aside your debate for today do we can vote people who refuse to play?

@Wake VC and prod on OldSchool please


I just gave my reasons and voted. I thought that was what we were supposed to do. I'm not biting on all that personal stuff.

You should listen to what I said and what others have said about you in the past. It will make you a better player.
@Mertex, this sounds like a policy lynch bc you do not like Wolf's play. Let's suppose arguendo, Wolf is scum. I disagree but for sake of argument. It will be easier to lynch Wolf when the required votes will be less. We get rid of those who refuse to play before teaching lessons. Tunnelling people rarely teaches the lesson.

@Wolfsister77 The sane argument above is true for Mertex.

@Both, This setup lacks a nightkill I believe so that will be a huge boon. We can cut the fat and see the resistance.
Voting based on bad gameplay beats the hell outta sheeping a noob here who votes based on "cuteseyness".

The difference, and correctness of voting on gameplay, is incredibly clear.

The only other thing I can do is beat you over the head with being wrong for voting for me when I am replete with towntells. Wrong is wrong is wrong with your vote.

But I do not like to nag.

Regards from Rosie

And I do not like to be insulted. It sucks when you say you are town, others do, yet you are still being scumread doesn't it? And no, voting on game play is not correct. That is opinion and nothing else. The main reason I am being voted is for being active and contributing while others who don't do shit and barely speak are ignored.

I am not voting you or anyone right now? And like I said over and over, I am not going to vote or contribute to any more scumhunting because people use it as an excuse to insult me and vote for me. It's the USMB meta.

So no thanks.

Where did you get that voting on gameplay is incorrect? Voting on meta changes, voting on grammatical errors, voting on reactions are ALL voting on gameplay.

C'mon. Quit making excuses and improve YOUR gameplay from here on out.

I want to know I did not waste my life putting up a wall of good info based on your postings in Game 6.

If others benefit, that is a plus, too.

Regards from Rosie
Voting based on bad gameplay beats the hell outta sheeping a noob here who votes based on "cuteseyness".

The difference, and correctness of voting on gameplay, is incredibly clear.

The only other thing I can do is beat you over the head with being wrong for voting for me when I am replete with towntells. Wrong is wrong is wrong with your vote.

But I do not like to nag.

Regards from Rosie

And I do not like to be insulted. It sucks when you say you are town, others do, yet you are still being scumread doesn't it? And no, voting on game play is not correct. That is opinion and nothing else. The main reason I am being voted is for being active and contributing while others who don't do shit and barely speak are ignored.

I am not voting you or anyone right now? And like I said over and over, I am not going to vote or contribute to any more scumhunting because people use it as an excuse to insult me and vote for me. It's the USMB meta.

So no thanks.

Where did you get that voting on gameplay is incorrect? Voting on meta changes, voting on grammatical errors, voting on reactions are ALL voting on gameplay.

C'mon. Quit making excuses and improve YOUR gameplay from here on out.

I want to know I did not waste my life putting up a wall of good info based on your postings in Game 6.

If others benefit, that is a plus, too.

Regards from Rosie

You are voting me because you don't like how I play. That is a shitty reason to vote some one. And you are acting like you are better than me or any one else. You are not Rosie. I will play how I damn well please and when you and Mertex and others vote me out because of it, when I am shown to be town, you are the ones who are going to look like shitty players.
@Mertex, this sounds like a policy lynch bc you do not like Wolf's play. Let's suppose arguendo, Wolf is scum. I disagree but for sake of argument. It will be easier to lynch Wolf when the required votes will be less. We get rid of those who refuse to play before teaching lessons. Tunnelling people rarely teaches the lesson.

@Wolfsister77 The sane argument above is true for Mertex.

@Both, This setup lacks a nightkill I believe so that will be a huge boon. We can cut the fat and see the resistance.


Vote: Josh_B

For using a STOOPID reason to vote. And especially because drive-by voting is always Scum Central.

Regards from Rosie
Voting based on bad gameplay beats the hell outta sheeping a noob here who votes based on "cuteseyness".

The difference, and correctness of voting on gameplay, is incredibly clear.

The only other thing I can do is beat you over the head with being wrong for voting for me when I am replete with towntells. Wrong is wrong is wrong with your vote.

But I do not like to nag.

Regards from Rosie

And I do not like to be insulted. It sucks when you say you are town, others do, yet you are still being scumread doesn't it? And no, voting on game play is not correct. That is opinion and nothing else. The main reason I am being voted is for being active and contributing while others who don't do shit and barely speak are ignored.

I am not voting you or anyone right now? And like I said over and over, I am not going to vote or contribute to any more scumhunting because people use it as an excuse to insult me and vote for me. It's the USMB meta.

So no thanks.

Where did you get that voting on gameplay is incorrect? Voting on meta changes, voting on grammatical errors, voting on reactions are ALL voting on gameplay.

C'mon. Quit making excuses and improve YOUR gameplay from here on out.

I want to know I did not waste my life putting up a wall of good info based on your postings in Game 6.

If others benefit, that is a plus, too.

Regards from Rosie

You are voting me because you don't like how I play. That is a shitty reason to vote some one. And you are acting like you are better than me or any one else. You are not Rosie. I will play how I damn well please and when you and Mertex and others vote me out because of it, when I am shown to be town, you are the ones who are going to look like shitty players.

I voted you due to your crappy play. Crappy play is offer Scum play.

If you have a good reason for your c-r-a-p-p-y play, let's hear it.

Regards from Rosie
Voting based on bad gameplay beats the hell outta sheeping a noob here who votes based on "cuteseyness".

The difference, and correctness of voting on gameplay, is incredibly clear.

The only other thing I can do is beat you over the head with being wrong for voting for me when I am replete with towntells. Wrong is wrong is wrong with your vote.

But I do not like to nag.

Regards from Rosie

And I do not like to be insulted. It sucks when you say you are town, others do, yet you are still being scumread doesn't it? And no, voting on game play is not correct. That is opinion and nothing else. The main reason I am being voted is for being active and contributing while others who don't do shit and barely speak are ignored.

I am not voting you or anyone right now? And like I said over and over, I am not going to vote or contribute to any more scumhunting because people use it as an excuse to insult me and vote for me. It's the USMB meta.

So no thanks.

Where did you get that voting on gameplay is incorrect? Voting on meta changes, voting on grammatical errors, voting on reactions are ALL voting on gameplay.

C'mon. Quit making excuses and improve YOUR gameplay from here on out.

I want to know I did not waste my life putting up a wall of good info based on your postings in Game 6.

If others benefit, that is a plus, too.

Regards from Rosie

You are voting me because you don't like how I play. That is a shitty reason to vote some one. And you are acting like you are better than me or any one else. You are not Rosie. I will play how I damn well please and when you and Mertex and others vote me out because of it, when I am shown to be town, you are the ones who are going to look like shitty players.

I voted you due to your crappy play. Crappy play is offer Scum play.

If you have a good reason for your c-r-a-p-p-y play, let's hear it.

Regards from Rosie


Replace me please.
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@Mertex, this sounds like a policy lynch bc you do not like Wolf's play. Let's suppose arguendo, Wolf is scum. I disagree but for sake of argument. It will be easier to lynch Wolf when the required votes will be less. We get rid of those who refuse to play before teaching lessons. Tunnelling people rarely teaches the lesson.

@Wolfsister77 The sane argument above is true for Mertex.

@Both, This setup lacks a nightkill I believe so that will be a huge boon. We can cut the fat and see the resistance.

@Scarlet. I voted for Wolfsister due to the reasons I gave. Also, I happen to know that WS gets very agitated and threatens to quit when she has been scum, before.
If I'm wrong, well, it won't be the first time. She claims that she has the right to state her opinion on any of the other players in any way she feels best, but then bemoans those of us who state our opinion on her gameplay. She continues to use anti-town play (bolded below).

Most of us have been the cause of a wagon at one time or another. We give our defense and hope it is believed, we don't threaten.

Also, regarding the backflips you say I'm doing over Josh-go back and read the post explaining why I am currently townreading him. I have a right to state my opinion on any of the other players in any way I feel is best. The problem is that some of you immediately scumread me and vote me for it on bad reasoning. Then attack me for using bad reasoning. It's annoying. Give me a good case against me. Tell me your reads of the other players. Because so many refuse to do either and instead are just going to vote me and go after me for stupid things, while ignoring anything else I say, then yes, I am going to get really fucking frustrated in case you haven't noticed. It's a waste of my time to play under those conditions.

When people want to play the game for real, I'll play, just like I always do. In the meantime I'm done banging my head against the wall and will do no more.
Wolf, maybe you should focus less on the words being used and more on the intent behind those words.

It is easy to get knocked off track by a player's attacks, but those posts are easier to deal with when you ask yourself what effects such posts are designed to have.

This was a hard lesson I learned "over there", if you remember.
scarlet and wolf seem pretty town so far I their game play.

ika and Rosie I'm suspecting since they have had people defending them. Other than that. Who knows.
how many mislynches are there before the tyrants win?

This post rings bells for me.

1) Phrased in a way that makes scum the subject instead of town
2) Downplays the phrasing by using a pseudonym for scum that isn't really needed just to appear critical of them.
3) Looks like something Avatar would be more likely to answer than ask.
4) Not a one of those statements are definitive scum tells, but that doesn't change the fact it comes across that way to me.

Vote: Avatar0987654321234567890

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