Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Also, he's pretty heavy on suspecting players that have a couple of others defending them when the smart play for scum in the early game is to let votes melt off naturally as players flit from one wagon to the next.

Seems like an easy plot to look helpful while modifying town.
Also, he's pretty heavy on suspecting players that have a couple of others defending them when the smart play for scum in the early game is to let votes melt off naturally as players flit from one wagon to the next.

Seems like an easy ploy to look helpful while misdirecting town.
@House, @Mertex, @Wolf, @Avatar4321 @RosieS Let's suppose we're all town. I have townreads to varying degrees on all of you now so I'd rather just make scum's job really hard for them. Let's lynch outside of ourselves until required to do so otherwise. We should mop up quite a few of the guards.

If you're in, vote ika.
So... you want to take ika's idea, and lynch him for advocating it?

That's interesting.
I wanted to know how many chances we had to kill the tyrant house. I think you were just looking for an excuse to vote for me since I had a vote on you earlier. I'll make a note of it
yes vote me so i can be out of this stupid game and watch the obviscum titus lead everyone to downfall
I wanted to know how many chances we had to kill the tyrant house. I think you were just looking for an excuse to vote for me since I had a vote on you earlier. I'll make a note of it
Note away, I see you have nothing to say on my other comment.

I'll make a note of it. :rolleyes:
yes vote me so i can be out of this stupid game and watch the obviscum titus lead everyone to downfall

Hey if you have a read, share it. I'm sure we'd welcome your productive participation more than an idea that has been rejected and apparently co-opted.
In other news, Avatar's squirming tells me I may be onto something.
titus has a weird approach as scum and the fact shes trying to use my own tactic against me is enough of a tell to me.
@Mertex, this sounds like a policy lynch bc you do not like Wolf's play. Let's suppose arguendo, Wolf is scum. I disagree but for sake of argument. It will be easier to lynch Wolf when the required votes will be less. We get rid of those who refuse to play before teaching lessons. Tunnelling people rarely teaches the lesson.

@Wolfsister77 The sane argument above is true for Mertex.

@Both, This setup lacks a nightkill I believe so that will be a huge boon. We can cut the fat and see the resistance.

@Scarlet. I voted for Wolfsister due to the reasons I gave. Also, I happen to know that WS gets very agitated and threatens to quit when she has been scum, before.
If I'm wrong, well, it won't be the first time. She claims that she has the right to state her opinion on any of the other players in any way she feels best, but then bemoans those of us who state our opinion on her gameplay. She continues to use anti-town play (bolded below).

Most of us have been the cause of a wagon at one time or another. We give our defense and hope it is believed, we don't threaten.

Also, regarding the backflips you say I'm doing over Josh-go back and read the post explaining why I am currently townreading him. I have a right to state my opinion on any of the other players in any way I feel is best. The problem is that some of you immediately scumread me and vote me for it on bad reasoning. Then attack me for using bad reasoning. It's annoying. Give me a good case against me. Tell me your reads of the other players. Because so many refuse to do either and instead are just going to vote me and go after me for stupid things, while ignoring anything else I say, then yes, I am going to get really fucking frustrated in case you haven't noticed. It's a waste of my time to play under those conditions.

When people want to play the game for real, I'll play, just like I always do. In the meantime I'm done banging my head against the wall and will do no more.

WTF? I ask to replace out and you come back with this garbage after a replace out post? You are lying straight up and it's pretty fucking low class as well.

I never got agitated and asked to replace as scum. I took a legitimate V/LA due to family issues and got modkilled for breaking my hex spell 3 times when I was called a liar for it. You know that since you were one of my partners in that game. You also know that isn't alignment indicative for me to get agitated and ask to quit because I did it as town which you are refusing to say here because then you'd have to admit I might be town and you are set on voting me as scum and have been for days because I suspected you and said so. As soon as I said it again today, you pulled crap out of your ass to vote me. Which is what you always do to people who suspect you and exactly what I was so sure you would do. It's how you play. You don't play for town's benefit. You play for your own.

And the most laughable thing is, if I say I won't play that's anti-town and worth a vote. However, ika does it and you defend him for it.


Your post asking to be replaced wasn't there when I started to type my post.

Your post asking to be replaced wasn't there when I started to type my post.

Yet you mentioned me getting agitated and threatening to quit making me scum. If you didn't see that post, why did you even bring that up? I hadn't asked to quit before that.
I don't have reads on everyone just yet, but this is what I'm seeing so far:

Avatar - Scum
★Arden - Leaning Scum (random voting after the end of RVS; misrep of my response to her in order to justify a vote)
MathBlade - Leaning Scum
ScarletRage - Leaning Scum
ika - Anti-Town via no interest in scumhunting (though he has provided commentary when directly addressed)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town
Josh_B - Town

I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

I can't tell if House is scum anymore or if he just has horrible people skills.
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town

LOL-Almost all of Rosie's contributions to this thread are bickering with me, voting for people that vote for her, and basically bullying and threatening me with a vote park for a vote on her I didn't even have while calling me a crap player for not noticing she's town telling just because she says she's town.

Good one House.
So... you want to take ika's idea, and lynch him for advocating it?

That's interesting.

Absolutely not. He's not advocating no discussion. Even now, he's pushing me as scum.

His idea is no discussion. Period. Random vote. He's not abding by it. That's why I'm pushing him. His wagon was at L-2 and then disbanded for... who knows?

@ika, Can I crumb rebel? Nope. Ok. ;)

@House, ika only townreads me if I'm a PR and he knows what it is. Period.
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town

LOL-Almost all of Rosie's contributions to this thread are bickering with me, voting for people that vote for her, and basically bullying and threatening me with a vote park for a vote on her I didn't even have while calling me a crap player for not noticing she's town telling just because she says she's town.

Good one House.

Then why didn't you chastize me for reaching out to you and Rosie?

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