Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

@Wolfsister77, ika can very well be the ruler. Ika was trapped into his gamebreaking pregame. If he didn't do it, I would know he was scum immediately.

He lurked rather than being aggressive with his plan in the opening.

So if he's town, he has the choice to assist to make the best out of a bad decision or be lynched. Ika tends specialize in being anti-town but protown so maybe he has something good.#reachout

If he's scum, he should be stubborn here as he'd take the lynch for the team. This would allow the ruler to bus him.

If he's the ruler he's fucked.
To be clear, I think ika would be more assertive as town but I am not 100% certain here.
Of course! Not purposefully, though.
God your play so reminds me of someone else I know on other forums. I just am so used to them having a different username. I swear I almost did @Fonti in my posts!

If you aren't Fonti and are new you have a good streak about you. And your avatar is hot!
Also, changed my mind about SR. She's probably town based on her last several posts. I'm not going to go so far as mathblade in saying she's the towniest and I don't trust mathblade one bit but SR is now leaning town for me at this point. It would be much easier to figure people out with more postings from the rebels. Regardless of the criticisms I've received for how I play, I do have my ways of figuring people out and if you don't post much-or say much when you do-or you don't make much effort to actually play and figure things out-you are an instant FoS.
Also, when you use language like there is no way to figure things out the first day, why bother, (Mertex) or if you go after the person who is making the most effort to play, (several of you), or if you only want to criticise and contribute little else (Mertex, Rosie) you are immediately suspect. Also, going after the scummiest townie is a sure fire way to show your hand as scum. That does not mean you shouldn't go after me but it does show scum seeing blood in the water.

And I also find it suspect the OMGUS vote from FA and then the almost no interaction with the game otherwise and vote parking. This is not town FA. It is very much how he played as scum. He posts more as town. And Rosie has zero reason to vote me and when I questioned her about it and pulled apart her argument, she immediately went to a personal attack to try to get me upset. She has very little else to contribute to the game. She's likely scum also.

Mathblade is suspect for her lame ass post about me and vote using the same tired arguments that made no sense the last time. And Arden does nothing but defends ika which makes me suspicious of both of them. So Arden and Mathblade and ika are FoS territory.

tso has nothing to say as well as ika so can't be sure of him.

The rest of you are leaning rebel for now.
I agree with wolfie that this is the most town that SR has appeared to me. Aye, Avi, and Wolfie appear to be rebels.

While I don't like his idea that we should just random vote, Ika is striking me as rebel.

Everyone else I'm still working on to get a read on.
well, I'm not voting Ika right now. It seems like he doesn't mind being lynched, which also means that his lynch probably won't hurt the game. HOwever, if he's town he needs to get on board with some real lynching. Speaking of real lynching, the counter wagon to Wolfsister took place really fast. I can definitely see some motivation from wolfsister to be on it. But I'm not sure about others. I'll have to re read the game to see who's being suspcious, however with the scum not knowing each other, I may have to look at who is not being suspicious.

With the way people threw around so many soft claims, I'm wondering about RosieS. (it still bothers me that wolfsister is not voting her already) I can see two motivations for Rosie's "I can never be Royal" claim.
1. She really is the Ruler. "Let me be your ruler, you can call me Queen Bee And baby I'll rule (I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule)"
2. She is attempting to gambit by claiming to be the ruler, which will protect the true ruler.

I'm still suspicious of her and FA. Looking at the last vote count, I'm not liking the company I'm in after the flash jump to Ika.

I say we serious lynch Rosie. Also, the comment that she made to house about deodorant, in it's cutesyness appeared to have some scum motivation. The comments about

While his reasoning may be off, this looks like a rebel post because:

-Actively scumhunting and trying to figure things out

-Logically reasoning behind his decisions, well thought out post

-appears to be looking out for the rebel cause

So this is just one of many ways I have of seeing who is likely a rebel. So no Mertex, it isn't who is joking around with me.

I will say, that the joking around does help-it shows a relaxed mindset. And House, for example, is playing so different from when he was scum, that the likelihood of him being rebel is high. And just looking at how people I've played with a lot are behaving compared to scum or town, I can determine or at least guess their alignment.

And, by actively posting like I am and throwing all this out there, it generates a lot of discussion and keeps the game moving.

So discuss...............................
I agree with wolfie that this is the most town that SR has appeared to me. Aye, Avi, and Wolfie appear to be rebels.

While I don't like his idea that we should just random vote, Ika is striking me as rebel.

Everyone else I'm still working on to get a read on.

The best way for me to determine ika's alignment, is by seeing how he posts when the votes rack up like SR already pointed out.
Wolfsister, you're the one that called town "they", you're the one that called several of us Scum for little or no reason, you've been voting for everyone that votes for you, you're the one that jumped on Ika's wagon immediately and the one that was very anxious to hammer him. You're right, that is scummy behavior on the first day. Maybe they were honest mistakes, but nevertheless, they make you look scummy.

Wolfsister, you're the one that called town "they", you're the one that called several of us Scum for little or no reason, you've been voting for everyone that votes for you, you're the one that jumped on Ika's wagon immediately and the one that was very anxious to hammer him. You're right, that is scummy behavior on the first day. Maybe they were honest mistakes, but nevertheless, they make you look scummy.


I'm shocked you did this. Shocked I tell you.


It's pretty much what I expected from you.
Wolfsister, you're the one that called town "they", you're the one that called several of us Scum for little or no reason, you've been voting for everyone that votes for you, you're the one that jumped on Ika's wagon immediately and the one that was very anxious to hammer him. You're right, that is scummy behavior on the first day. Maybe they were honest mistakes, but nevertheless, they make you look scummy.


While this probably makes you town, your play regarding me, shows me you have zero desire to change your anti-town play. You have to be the most self-centered, divisive townie I have ever seen play the game. You have been looking for a reason to vote me ever since I suspected you. You do this every, single game. You immediately vote for the person who suspects you and immediately call them scum. What have you done this game except hunt for reasons to go after me ever since I brought up that neutral comment. I have not seen you give one piece of analysis except to try to trash how I play and hunt up reasons to call me scum and vote me. Hell, last game as the doc, every person you protected was someone who defended you during the day and every person who suspects you in every single game you play, is immediately called scum by you. You never learn. I think it's just who you are. You completely ignored all my posts that could make me town and used the same shitty reasons that have already been debunked to call me scum. You didn't ask why I did all that above because you don't care. You only think about yourself and do not know how to play as a team member.

I would like more votes please.
VC incoming.

PM'ing TheOldSchool.

Vote Count 1.4

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (0):
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
FA_Q2 (0):
House (1):
ika (4): Avatar4321, ScarletRage, AyeCantSeeYou, House
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (0):
Mertex (0):
RosieS (1):
ScarletRage (2): TheOldSchool, ika
Shaitra (0):
tso! (0):
TheOldSchool (0):
Wolfsister77 (4):
FA_Q2, RosieS, Mathblade, Mertex

Not Voting (3): tso!, Shaitra, Wolfsister77

~ With 15 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/3/14, @11AM Central.
~ Giving reads and making accusations are part of Mafia.
~ Where's my little buddy? @TheOldSchool :D

1.1 | 1.2
Also, when you use language like there is no way to figure things out the first day, why bother, (Mertex) or if you go after the person who is making the most effort to play, (several of you), or if you only want to criticise and contribute little else (Mertex, Rosie) you are immediately suspect. Also, going after the scummiest townie is a sure fire way to show your hand as scum. That does not mean you shouldn't go after me but it does show scum seeing blood in the water.

And I also find it suspect the OMGUS vote from FA and then the almost no interaction with the game otherwise and vote parking. This is not town FA. It is very much how he played as scum. He posts more as town. And Rosie has zero reason to vote me and when I questioned her about it and pulled apart her argument, she immediately went to a personal attack to try to get me upset. She has very little else to contribute to the game. She's likely scum also.

Mathblade is suspect for her lame ass post about me and vote using the same tired arguments that made no sense the last time. And Arden does nothing but defends ika which makes me suspicious of both of them. So Arden and Mathblade and ika are FoS territory.

tso has nothing to say as well as ika so can't be sure of him.

The rest of you are leaning rebel for now.

I am not personally attacking you and I do not much appreciate your false accusation of such.

I am tearing to bits what you are posting in this game.

Now you are saying that joking around shows a "relaxed mindset".

The other end of the joking around was me!! With a townish relaxed mindset!

You are doing backflips over Josh_B.

His accusing me of being scum is based on the "cuteseyness" of what you call a "relaxed mindset"!!!

If you do not want to be called on the carpet for posting logical inconsistencies, Wolfie, don't post logical inconsistencies!!

Josh_B also needs to get back in here, because other players have said I am not what HE said I am, and all he does about that is disappear.

These are not personal attacks, but attacks on how you and Josh_B are misplaying Day One.

And if you don't want what you post shredded into little bits, do not continually scumrread me; particularly when others are telling you this is my town play.

As I :have said, too: I am not Royal, or Usurper, or Guard.

That is plain English. What and why are you continually miscomprehending here?

Regards from Rosie
Also, when you use language like there is no way to figure things out the first day, why bother, (Mertex) or if you go after the person who is making the most effort to play, (several of you), or if you only want to criticise and contribute little else (Mertex, Rosie) you are immediately suspect. Also, going after the scummiest townie is a sure fire way to show your hand as scum. That does not mean you shouldn't go after me but it does show scum seeing blood in the water.

And I also find it suspect the OMGUS vote from FA and then the almost no interaction with the game otherwise and vote parking. This is not town FA. It is very much how he played as scum. He posts more as town. And Rosie has zero reason to vote me and when I questioned her about it and pulled apart her argument, she immediately went to a personal attack to try to get me upset. She has very little else to contribute to the game. She's likely scum also.

Mathblade is suspect for her lame ass post about me and vote using the same tired arguments that made no sense the last time. And Arden does nothing but defends ika which makes me suspicious of both of them. So Arden and Mathblade and ika are FoS territory.

tso has nothing to say as well as ika so can't be sure of him.

The rest of you are leaning rebel for now.

I am not personally attacking you and I do not much appreciate your false accusation of such.

I am tearing to bits what you are posting in this game.

Now you are saying that joking around shows a "relaxed mindset".

The other end of the joking around was me!! With a townish relaxed mindset!

You are doing backflips over Josh_B.

His accusing me of being scum is based on the "cuteseyness" of what you call a "relaxed mindset"!!!

If you do not want to be called on the carpet for posting logical inconsistencies, Wolfie, don't post logical inconsistencies!!

Josh_B also needs to get back in here, because other players have said I am not what HE said I am, and all he does about that is disappear.

These are not personal attacks, but attacks on how you and Josh_B are misplaying Day One.

And if you don't want what you post shredded into little bits, do not continually scumrread me; particularly when others are telling you this is my town play.

As I :have said, too: I am not Royal, or Usurper, or Guard.

That is plain English. What and why are you continually miscomprehending here?

Regards from Rosie

LOL-You say you tore apart my posts into shreds yet that is exactly what I did with every one of your reasons for voting me. You say you don't like being scumread when others say you are town. Hello? Others are saying I'm town and you are scumreading me for nothing. No, you aren't really attacking Josh. Just me, and I'll give you an example. Finally, you telling everyone you are not a royal, usurper, guard does not mean I am going to believe it. I'm going to have to see more than that.

Here's the personal attack. I have no problem with anything you said to me EXCEPT for this post.

When she gets overly emotive, don't take it seriously, folks. She doesn't gnaw the scenery terribly badly. Best to.just ignore it.

Regards from Rosie
Also, regarding the backflips you say I'm doing over Josh-go back and read the post explaining why I am currently townreading him. I have a right to state my opinion on any of the other players in any way I feel is best. The problem is that some of you immediately scumread me and vote me for it on bad reasoning. Then attack me for using bad reasoning. It's annoying. Give me a good case against me. Tell me your reads of the other players. Because so many refuse to do either and instead are just going to vote me and go after me for stupid things, while ignoring anything else I say, then yes, I am going to get really fucking frustrated in case you haven't noticed. It's a waste of my time to play under those conditions.

When people want to play the game for real, I'll play, just like I always do. In the meantime I'm done banging my head against the wall and will do no more.

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