Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

What is town and what is not to you?
What do you think I should expect from USMB?

I know you didn't ask me, but I'm going to chime in anyway...

USMB has a very different atmosphere than what you are used to, your expectations of logic and rationale are adorably naive.

If you run across a block of time with nothing to do, you might consider reading up on previous games here. It is... enlightening.

Which, btw, is why I'm glad to see some folks from MS over here. I'm hoping the experienced folks from over there can help us develop as players.
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town

LOL-Almost all of Rosie's contributions to this thread are bickering with me, voting for people that vote for her, and basically bullying and threatening me with a vote park for a vote on her I didn't even have while calling me a crap player for not noticing she's town telling just because she says she's town.

Good one House.

The bickering is why she's a soft read and not a hard one. If you have questions about my read, ask. You assume too much.

I'd rather be a smart ass. It's more fun.

Aww, I'm rubbing off on Wolfie!

See? I can be a good influence!
FoS: RosieS-continuous attacks, her nastiness reminds me of her game 2 play as scum, none of the relaxed friendly Rosie of game 5 when she was town.
Mertex: Anti-town play, typical of her town game, however since Rosie is defending her somewhat she's an FoS-watch out, she might double vote me for suspecting her
SR: town
Josh: obvtown
House: town
ika: Arden's defense of him and his rushing in to say something when it looks like he's going to be lynched moves him into FoS
Avi: moves from town to FoS due to defensiveness to House's attacks and playing like the silent lurker he did as scum
mathblade: Who the hell knows? Votes for me, then says nothing
tso and TheOldSchool: are they still playing, nothing
Arden: Mostly defends ika and makes random comments that don't add to the discussion-leaning scum here
Aye: town
Shaitra: town
FA: Pretty scummy OMGUS vote on me and barely posts-he barely posted as scum either and is pretty much playing like he did then

Vote: FA_Q2
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town

LOL-Almost all of Rosie's contributions to this thread are bickering with me, voting for people that vote for her, and basically bullying and threatening me with a vote park for a vote on her I didn't even have while calling me a crap player for not noticing she's town telling just because she says she's town.

Good one House.

The bickering is why she's a soft read and not a hard one. If you have questions about my read, ask. You assume too much.

I'd rather be a smart ass. It's more fun.

Aww, I'm rubbing off on Wolfie!

See? I can be a good influence!

Yep, You help a lot believe it or not. And this is not scum buddying either, LOL.
I don't have reads on everyone just yet, but this is what I'm seeing so far:

Avatar - Scum
★Arden - Leaning Scum (random voting after the end of RVS; misrep of my response to her in order to justify a vote)
MathBlade - Leaning Scum
ScarletRage - Leaning Scum
ika - Anti-Town via no interest in scumhunting (though he has provided commentary when directly addressed)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town
Josh_B - Town

I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

That's odd. WS has attacked me and Rosie, used bad words, none of which I have done, and yet I'm anti-town and she's null, go figure. Kinda makes it rather easy to tell who is the ruler and who are the defending guards.

Please point out the posts where I have attacked anyone other than list my reasons for who I am voting.

My read isn't an attack on you, settle your britches.

You are well known for looking out for #1 regardless of how it affects town, and this game is more of the same, hence no read either way (anti-town != scum).

If it soothes your bruised ego, I can say you are Null, Anti-Town so you can continue your crusade.

That's BS and you know. WS made an obvious grammar mistake that doesn't go unnoticed in Mafia games. She called Townies "they" - and it was caught, then she was too eager to get Ika lynched when most of the time as town she wants everyone to take their time, then she goes berzerk with personal attacks, telling me I'm pulling stuff out of my ass, (just because I voted for her and gave my reasons), tells Rosie to fuck off, tells Wake to replace her, and I'm the one that is anti-town, and you get a null reading on her? That's rich. If anything, you have made it more obvious that you may be one of the guards and she is probably the ruler, otherwise why would she get her panties all in a wad over a game?\

Again, please point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked Wolf or anyone for that matter.
titus has a weird approach as scum and the fact shes trying to use my own tactic against me is enough of a tell to me.
Part of Titus's case is that you aren't random
For using a STOOPID reason to vote. And especially because drive-by voting is always Scum Central.
Sorry, I'm not as active in this game as I'd like to be. I can't help it if your soft claim was so blatant that it might as well be a hard claim. If you were using it to scum hunt(gambit), you'd be saying the people voting you are town. Not the opposite.

I have no need to gambit.

You gotta get up to speed on what Town is and is not.

You got it badly wrong right from the start. USMB is not like any place you might be be used to.

Try again.

Regards from Rosie

Ok. Then... help me understand where your mind is. if I got it wrong, you need to say where I got it wrong.
-You've admitted it's not a gambit. So.. I must be correct in believing it was multiple soft claims.

What is town and what is not to you?
What do you think I should expect from USMB?

No, it is not soft claiming or crumbing or anything of the sort.

Hometown (USMB) players tend not to do that...thus Scarlet's surprised at your thinking I would crumb King ( or anything for that matter).

USMB players do tend to go off topic more than main Mafia players, and it is stoopid to call that scumtells.


Regards from Rosie
I don't have reads on everyone just yet, but this is what I'm seeing so far:

Avatar - Scum
★Arden - Leaning Scum (random voting after the end of RVS; misrep of my response to her in order to justify a vote)
MathBlade - Leaning Scum
ScarletRage - Leaning Scum
ika - Anti-Town via no interest in scumhunting (though he has provided commentary when directly addressed)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town
Josh_B - Town

I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

That's odd. WS has attacked me and Rosie, used bad words, none of which I have done, and yet I'm anti-town and she's null, go figure. Kinda makes it rather easy to tell who is the ruler and who are the defending guards.

Please point out the posts where I have attacked anyone other than list my reasons for who I am voting.

My read isn't an attack on you, settle your britches.

You are well known for looking out for #1 regardless of how it affects town, and this game is more of the same, hence no read either way (anti-town != scum).

If it soothes your bruised ego, I can say you are Null, Anti-Town so you can continue your crusade.

That's BS and you know. WS made an obvious grammar mistake that doesn't go unnoticed in Mafia games. She called Townies "they" - and it was caught, then she was too eager to get Ika lynched when most of the time as town she wants everyone to take their time, then she goes berzerk with personal attacks, telling me I'm pulling stuff out of my ass, (just because I voted for her and gave my reasons), tells Rosie to fuck off, tells Wake to replace her, and I'm the one that is anti-town, and you get a null reading on her? That's rich. If anything, you have made it more obvious that you may be one of the guards and she is probably the ruler, otherwise why would she get her panties all in a wad over a game?\

Again, please point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked Wolf or anyone for that matter.

That's right cuz as ruler, I'd definitely want to draw this much attention to myself.

Or more likely I'm a rebel who doesn't give a shit if I come off scummy and am acting like I always do as town but you are so determined to see my as scum for suspecting you, that you are blinded to anything else.

And if you opened your eyes and saw how many times Rosie called me a crappy player, you could see where I can tell her to shove it where the sun don't shine.

The only problem I have with you is your anti-town, looking out for #1 play that you always do.
Shaitra: town

Explain, please. In as much detail as possible, if you would.

Well, she's always quiet whether town or scum. She is somewhat trying to figure out players alignments and is asking typical questions that she always does as town. I can go pull her posts and look into it more. She was a lurker as scum too but because she lurks as both alignments, she's a tough read. But I have a lot of other people who are acting way scummier than she is, so I feel comfortable putting her in town for the moment. That can change.
That's BS and you know.

Yep, anti-town pay is definitely BS. Glad we're in agreement.

WS made an obvious grammar mistake that doesn't go unnoticed in Mafia games. She called Townies "they" - and it was caught, then she was too eager to get Ika lynched when most of the time as town she wants everyone to take their time, then she goes berzerk with personal attacks, telling me I'm pulling stuff out of my ass, (just because I voted for her and gave my reasons), tells Rosie to fuck off, tells Wake to replace her

Hmm. Don't see what Wolfie has to do with my read on you, but I hope it felt good to get that off your chestesses.

and I'm the one that is anti-town, and you get a null reading on her?

Pretty much, although for different reasons than the train you are driving.

That's rich. If anything, you have made it more obvious that you may be one of the guards and she is probably the ruler, otherwise why would she get her panties all in a wad over a game?

Are you being intentionally obtuse? She takes such questioning personally ALL the time.

Again, please point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked Wolf or anyone for that matter.

Point to one of my posts in this game where I claimed you attacked Wolf or anyone for that matter.
That's right cuz as ruler, I'd definitely want to draw this much attention to myself.

Or more likely I'm a rebel who doesn't give a shit if I come off scummy and am acting like I always do as town but you are so determined to see my as scum for suspecting you, that you are blinded to anything else.

And if you opened your eyes and saw how many times Rosie called me a crappy player, you could see where I can tell her to shove it where the sun don't shine.

The only problem I have with you is your anti-town, looking out for #1 play that you always do.

As Scum in Game 3, you didn't waste any time getting into a snit with Ropey, so why would it be different here?

I'm just posting what I have observed, I haven't attacked you personally nor will I, if you want to do that, you go ahead.

I don't understand why being called Scum makes you so angry that you have to lash out with personal attacks? It's just a game, if you're Scum we're supposed to find you out. Just because you say you're not doesn't mean you're not.

And, when I list my reasons and vote I'm anti-town, but you can list a bunch of people as Scum and that makes you pro-town? That's self-serving logic if you ask me.
That's BS and you know.

Yep, anti-town play is definitely BS. Glad we're in agreement.

WS made an obvious grammar mistake that doesn't go unnoticed in Mafia games. She called Townies "they" - and it was caught, then she was too eager to get Ika lynched when most of the time as town she wants everyone to take their time, then she goes berzerk with personal attacks, telling me I'm pulling stuff out of my ass, (just because I voted for her and gave my reasons), tells Rosie to fuck off, tells Wake to replace her

Hmm. Don't see what Wolfie has to do with my read on you, but I hope it felt good to get that off your chestesses.

and I'm the one that is anti-town, and you get a null reading on her?

Pretty much, although for different reasons than the train you are driving.

That's rich. If anything, you have made it more obvious that you may be one of the guards and she is probably the ruler, otherwise why would she get her panties all in a wad over a game?

Are you being intentionally obtuse? She takes such questioning personally ALL the time.

Again, please point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked Wolf or anyone for that matter.

Point to one of my posts in this game where I claimed you attacked Wolf or anyone for that matter.

That's right cuz as ruler, I'd definitely want to draw this much attention to myself.

Or more likely I'm a rebel who doesn't give a shit if I come off scummy and am acting like I always do as town but you are so determined to see my as scum for suspecting you, that you are blinded to anything else.

And if you opened your eyes and saw how many times Rosie called me a crappy player, you could see where I can tell her to shove it where the sun don't shine.

The only problem I have with you is your anti-town, looking out for #1 play that you always do.

As Scum in Game 3, you didn't waste any time getting into a snit with Ropey, so why would it be different here?

I'm just posting what I have observed, I haven't attacked you personally nor will I, if you want to do that, you go ahead.

I don't understand why being called Scum makes you so angry that you have to lash out with personal attacks? It's just a game, if you're Scum we're supposed to find you out. Just because you say you're not doesn't mean you're not.

And, when I list my reasons and vote I'm anti-town, but you can list a bunch of people as Scum and that makes you pro-town? That's self-serving logic if you ask me.

I list a bunch of people as scum cuz that's how you play the game. You read people and say why you suspect them or don't. You immediately vote a person and call them scum when they suspect you for any reason you can think of. I haven't really seen you do much else but discuss me this game. The tunnelling is obvious that you and Rosie are doing and guess what? I don't like to be tunnelled. Who knew?

Ropey isn't here to defend himself and can't comment so I'll pass on that drama thank you very much. Being called scum for good reasons doesn't make me angry. Being called scum because of stupid ones, does. Being called scum and having my play attacked every time I make a move does indeed piss me off. And my anger had a lot to do with the constant attack on my play and being called a crappy player over and over and I got sick of that shit and got pissed. It adds nothing to the game and I don't have to deal with that garbage and won't.
the reason people flare at being scum read when they are not scum is b/c they know that fact and they are emotional based players. those said players don't act in logic sense and instead go more based of guts and randomness.

ask titus, she has experienced firsthand my rage.

players liek those you have to look for mindset rather then play
Might as well start posting my reasoning for the other reads so folks can reference it when they get over their soap opera addiction.

We'll start with MathBlade since there's so little to go over.

I think there are three people whose alignment is pretty obvious

Scarlet Rage -- Towniest town town that ever towned.

Wolf -- That math is atrocious and the grammar in it is just *ugh* -- very likely scum if Ika is town.

Ika -- If Ika is town then very likely Wolf scum. If ika scum then Wolf very likely town. The wagons got way too close to each other and Ika's play doesn't have as much picture/usual trolling as other games. However with how fast this formed after Wolf's I am considering Wolf as a potential ruler.

Normally if a player didn't self hammer I would vote ika here and see who hammers. In this case though that would end discussion. If we get close to EOD without a lynch I can move it to Ika.

Vote WolfSister77

Looks like ScarletRage has an alt account, with this post (aside from the ika/Wolf contrast bit, which is completely unsupported).

And... pretty much nothing of substance since.
Mathblade and I are twins. She lives with me.

then I suppose if she opts for the tattoo you could verify it
I don't have reads on everyone just yet, but this is what I'm seeing so far:

Avatar - Scum
★Arden - Leaning Scum (random voting after the end of RVS; misrep of my response to her in order to justify a vote)
MathBlade - Leaning Scum
ScarletRage - Leaning Scum
ika - Anti-Town via no interest in scumhunting (though he has provided commentary when directly addressed)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town
Josh_B - Town

I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

That's odd. WS has attacked me and Rosie, used bad words, none of which I have done, and yet I'm anti-town and she's null, go figure. Kinda makes it rather easy to tell who is the ruler and who are the defending guards.

Please point out the posts where I have attacked anyone other than list my reasons for who I am voting.

My read isn't an attack on you, settle your britches.

You are well known for looking out for #1 regardless of how it affects town, and this game is more of the same, hence no read either way (anti-town != scum).

If it soothes your bruised ego, I can say you are Null, Anti-Town so you can continue your crusade.

That's BS and you know. WS made an obvious grammar mistake that doesn't go unnoticed in Mafia games. She called Townies "they" - and it was caught, then she was too eager to get Ika lynched when most of the time as town she wants everyone to take their time, then she goes berzerk with personal attacks, telling me I'm pulling stuff out of my ass, (just because I voted for her and gave my reasons), tells Rosie to fuck off, tells Wake to replace her, and I'm the one that is anti-town, and you get a null reading on her? That's rich. If anything, you have made it more obvious that you may be one of the guards and she is probably the ruler, otherwise why would she get her panties all in a wad over a game?\

Again, please point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked Wolf or anyone for that matter.

That's right cuz as ruler, I'd definitely want to draw this much attention to myself.

Or more likely I'm a rebel who doesn't give a shit if I come off scummy and am acting like I always do as town but you are so determined to see my as scum for suspecting you, that you are blinded to anything else.

And if you opened your eyes and saw how many times Rosie called me a crappy player, you could see where I can tell her to shove it where the sun don't shine.

The only problem I have with you is your anti-town, looking out for #1 play that you always do.

And your verbal diarrhea is anti-town crappy play.

Plus you have now added on a schizoid-type of crappy play, which is also noted - but just by me so far.

Did I tell you your gameplay in this Game 6 is full of major league suckage?

Well, Queen of Drama, I am telling you now.

Regards from Rosie
Oh and guess what people? I have a potty mouth when I get angry. It's not alignment indicative for me. I generally work on this since I have a 5 year old who picks up on everything but online, different story. We are all adults here even if we don't always act like it so deal with it or vote me out if you don't like it.

I simply do not give a fuck.
I don't have reads on everyone just yet, but this is what I'm seeing so far:

Avatar - Scum
★Arden - Leaning Scum (random voting after the end of RVS; misrep of my response to her in order to justify a vote)
MathBlade - Leaning Scum
ScarletRage - Leaning Scum
ika - Anti-Town via no interest in scumhunting (though he has provided commentary when directly addressed)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town
Josh_B - Town

I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

That's odd. WS has attacked me and Rosie, used bad words, none of which I have done, and yet I'm anti-town and she's null, go figure. Kinda makes it rather easy to tell who is the ruler and who are the defending guards.

Please point out the posts where I have attacked anyone other than list my reasons for who I am voting.

My read isn't an attack on you, settle your britches.

You are well known for looking out for #1 regardless of how it affects town, and this game is more of the same, hence no read either way (anti-town != scum).

If it soothes your bruised ego, I can say you are Null, Anti-Town so you can continue your crusade.

That's BS and you know. WS made an obvious grammar mistake that doesn't go unnoticed in Mafia games. She called Townies "they" - and it was caught, then she was too eager to get Ika lynched when most of the time as town she wants everyone to take their time, then she goes berzerk with personal attacks, telling me I'm pulling stuff out of my ass, (just because I voted for her and gave my reasons), tells Rosie to fuck off, tells Wake to replace her, and I'm the one that is anti-town, and you get a null reading on her? That's rich. If anything, you have made it more obvious that you may be one of the guards and she is probably the ruler, otherwise why would she get her panties all in a wad over a game?\

Again, please point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked Wolf or anyone for that matter.

That's right cuz as ruler, I'd definitely want to draw this much attention to myself.

Or more likely I'm a rebel who doesn't give a shit if I come off scummy and am acting like I always do as town but you are so determined to see my as scum for suspecting you, that you are blinded to anything else.

And if you opened your eyes and saw how many times Rosie called me a crappy player, you could see where I can tell her to shove it where the sun don't shine.

The only problem I have with you is your anti-town, looking out for #1 play that you always do.

And your verbal diarrhea is anti-town crappy play.

Plus you have now added on a schizoid-type of crappy play, which is also noted - but just by me so far.

Did I tell you your gameplay in this Game 6 is full of major league suckage?

Well, Queen of Drama, I am telling you now.

Regards from Rosie

Why yes, Rosie you have done nothing but tell me you think I suck and my play sucks which is why I think you are scum cuz that's how you play as scum. I've seen you do absolutely nothing else this game but attack me.

You are an aggressive bitch as both alignments but much worse as scum.

Get bent.

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