Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Thing is Wake, everyone plays the game differently and what works for one, doesn't always work for another. Everyone has a different personality and deals with different personality types in different ways. Some people react calmly to being antagonized and some get pissed and some get defensive. I don't see any point in this game, in insulting others repeatedly like Rosie is doing and has done to someone every game because her crappy play is to try to bring someone else down and every single time, it has been a town player she's done it to.

It causes a huge distraction and if she's town, then she suck as town at being respectful and scumhunting. She just picks out targets and attacks.

It's BS. I've been on the receiving end of it twice. Once when she was scum and I was town going after her and her going after me now because she thinks I'm scum.

Her way of playing the game sucks for players like me and if she was a player at MS, I'd blacklist her and never play in a game with here. Here I have no choice. I get along fine with her when I'm not a target of her attacks but I DO NOT when I am.

It's never going to be pleasant in these games when she's attacking me. Period.
has wolfy played a scum game yet?

Yeah, and being dealt the Scum hand makes her go ballistic.

Just like now.

Regards from Rosie

You were so damn nasty as scum you make me laugh. I went ballistic in game 2 as town when I was repeatedly trolled and attacked and I will continue it here as town when it happens because that is your scum meta when town suspects you. You try to set them off. You have had no justifiable reason for you treatment of me this game but I will not roll over and take it. You got that right. You've done nothing this game but go after me.

You mercilessly attack people in every game you play. You were nasty to Mertex last game, nasty to mebelle in game 3, nasty to me in game 2 and now.

Nope, I don't put up with that crap as either alignment.

And you are FoC - full of crap. I have done plenty in this game other than pick on poor widdle you. But that is all you can see.

Something I never posted to Mertex but I am to you. Grow the hell up. You are behaving more crappy than any five year old; except that they have the good grace to be embarrassed about it.

You can't even crappily muster that.

Besides being a liar. All the Full of Crap that you won't play, want to be replaced out and all your other nonsense.

There is absolutely no reason to believe a word you post.

And look. Grown-ups can be a grown up AND not use vulgarities. Immature females, especially,, cannot.

Regards from Rosie

Go fuck yourself bitch.
Excessive flaming can be abusive, though. You can flame, but please keep it in check. It's also Anti-Town and everything Scum could ever want to see happen.
titus has a weird approach as scum and the fact shes trying to use my own tactic against me is enough of a tell to me.
Part of Titus's case is that you aren't random
For using a STOOPID reason to vote. And especially because drive-by voting is always Scum Central.
Sorry, I'm not as active in this game as I'd like to be. I can't help it if your soft claim was so blatant that it might as well be a hard claim. If you were using it to scum hunt(gambit), you'd be saying the people voting you are town. Not the opposite.

I have no need to gambit.

You gotta get up to speed on what Town is and is not.

You got it badly wrong right from the start. USMB is not like any place you might be be used to.

Try again.

Regards from Rosie

Ok. Then... help me understand where your mind is. if I got it wrong, you need to say where I got it wrong.
-You've admitted it's not a gambit. So.. I must be correct in believing it was multiple soft claims.

What is town and what is not to you?
What do you think I should expect from USMB?

No, it is not soft claiming or crumbing or anything of the sort.

Hometown (USMB) players tend not to do that...thus Scarlet's surprised at your thinking I would crumb King ( or anything for that matter).

USMB players do tend to go off topic more than main Mafia players, and it is stoopid to call that scumtells.


Regards from Rosie

Hahahaha. lol. ROTFLMAO. heehee.
One of my first comments was Why are there so many soft claims? Most of them aren't even cryptic. I don't usually look for the cryptic claims anyway. So... seriously are you going to get around to explaining your statements?
It's alright to ignore players.

If passions continue to boil over I'll lock this thread temporarily to let things cool down.
Unfortunately, I have to take her off ignore. When others respond to her, I can't see her posts and I have no clue what they are talking about.
Excessive flaming can be abusive, though. You can flame, but please keep it in check. It's also Anti-Town and everything Scum could ever want to see happen.

And I don't understand why you are allowing it to go on.

I'm not even going to bother addressing your "dribble".

If I thought you were Town at first, I sure don't now.

Oh look, classic Mertex. Reason and process is irrelevant, all that matters is that I called her anti-town... which isn't even a scum read.

I'm wounded... deep down... somewhere.
You can flame, but please keep it in check.

This appears to be inconsistent with Zone 1 rules.

Would you please clarify so there is no misunderstanding?


True. Zone 1 rules are ideal, but not practical. The rules have to evolve to stay in the middle, to help ensure the games continue here. So my next step is to use 12-hour cooldown locks when things get too hot. It's better than banning, modkilling, or punishing players and risking losing decent players. Good players do get aggressive and/or antagonized, so this will be a happy medium, I think.
You can flame, but please keep it in check.

This appears to be inconsistent with Zone 1 rules.

Would you please clarify so there is no misunderstanding?


True. Zone 1 rules are ideal, but not practical. The rules have to evolve to stay in the middle, to help ensure the games continue here. So my next step is to use 12-hour cooldown locks when things get too hot. It's better than banning, modkilling, or punishing players and risking losing decent players. Good players do get aggressive and/or antagonized, so this will be a happy medium, I think.

Would Zone 2 be a more appropriate fit?
I'm thinking so.

Otherwise everyone's gonna eventually get banned/modkilled.

At the main site, flaming is fine ONLY if it pertains to gameplay. Getting personal and calling somebody stupid or just being a dick to someone isn't alright. Attack the posts, not the player.
You can flame, but please keep it in check.

This appears to be inconsistent with Zone 1 rules.

Would you please clarify so there is no misunderstanding?


True. Zone 1 rules are ideal, but not practical. The rules have to evolve to stay in the middle, to help ensure the games continue here. So my next step is to use 12-hour cooldown locks when things get too hot. It's better than banning, modkilling, or punishing players and risking losing decent players. Good players do get aggressive and/or antagonized, so this will be a happy medium, I think.

Would Zone 2 be a more appropriate fit?

We need our own area for these games. FZ would be too extreme. Not sure what Zone 2 allows - never bothered to read what is or isn't allowed there.

I'm not even going to bother addressing your "dribble".

If I thought you were Town at first, I sure don't now.

Oh look, classic Mertex. Reason and process is irrelevant, all that matters is that I called her anti-town... which isn't even a scum read.

I'm wounded... deep down... somewhere.

You're just trying to hide your obvious slip-up. You're not wounded, you're worried.
It's alright to ignore players.

As an FYI, I think the rule needs to stay about not ignoring other players. It doesn't work because you can't see their posts when someone quotes and responds to them so it is impossible to know what they are talking about and playing is difficult. So this doesn't work and should probably continue as a rule in the games.

I'm not even going to bother addressing your "dribble".

If I thought you were Town at first, I sure don't now.

Oh look, classic Mertex. Reason and process is irrelevant, all that matters is that I called her anti-town... which isn't even a scum read.

I'm wounded... deep down... somewhere.

You're just trying to hide your obvious slip-up. You're not wounded, you're worried.
I just loled my pants.
You may mentally ignore any players you wish.

I do this all the time. You have a choice on who you engage with in the game.

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