Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

This game is a bit of an eyesore.

I'm going to sit back and watch because I personally have no intention right now of jumping into this lion pit.

You should just play the game and ignore the crap. That's the best way to handle it. No one is going to attack you. I certainly won't.
ay before I got to that point. She's been putting up these posts all day long calling me a crappy player and personally attacking me and doing little else. Every time things settle down and we go back to playing, she puts up another one. I don't react well to that and never have. Call me scum and state your case against me and we'll go at it in a game related fashion. Personally insult me and I will not deal with it well. That's been the case every time it has happened. That doesn't excuse my reaction to it. I know I react badly to this. But unfortunately, it's hard for me not to. When this crap isn't going on, and I'm playing the game and everyone else is, it is a lot better around here that's for darn sure. This is not a good impression of USMB you are getting and I apologize for that.

The only impression I'm getting of USMB is that a bunch of first time players are all in one game at the same time. It's kind of what I expected. I mean what is this the 6th game, mostly with the same people?
My suggestion to you is to appeal to the Mod if you are frustrated. Most mods (Wake included) are pretty cool about settling issues behind the scenes, especially in cases like this where the comments start becoming so outrageous that they threaten to derail the game.
MOAR uses-of-the-word-"fuck"-that-are-apparently-so-much-more-offensive-than-the-existing-sexist-and-ableist-comments NAU!!!
titus has a weird approach as scum and the fact shes trying to use my own tactic against me is enough of a tell to me.
Part of Titus's case is that you aren't random
I have no need to gambit.

You gotta get up to speed on what Town is and is not.

You got it badly wrong right from the start. USMB is not like any place you might be be used to.

Try again.

Regards from Rosie

Ok. Then... help me understand where your mind is. if I got it wrong, you need to say where I got it wrong.
-You've admitted it's not a gambit. So.. I must be correct in believing it was multiple soft claims.

What is town and what is not to you?
What do you think I should expect from USMB?

No, it is not soft claiming or crumbing or anything of the sort.

Hometown (USMB) players tend not to do that...thus Scarlet's surprised at your thinking I would crumb King ( or anything for that matter).

USMB players do tend to go off topic more than main Mafia players, and it is stoopid to call that scumtells.


Regards from Rosie

Hahahaha. lol. ROTFLMAO. heehee.
One of my first comments was Why are there so many soft claims? Most of them aren't even cryptic. I don't usually look for the cryptic claims anyway. So... seriously are you going to get around to explaining your statements?

My statements on DEODORANT? Agreeing with House that there is no "Left Guard"?

That is just banter that needs no explanation. Iti s barely game related. Harmless banter signifying nothing.

Reading anything into harmless banter is just plain stoopid.

Regards from Rosie
Oh, so you must have been talking about Degree, or Old Spice. Why didn't you say that in the first place.
Perhaps you don't see any relativity to this image of deodorant and the game flavor.

It isn't banter. And I purport that the nature of the deodorant statement was in the spirit of soft claiming.

Ask House. He was the other half of the banter.

In the previous game, House and I engaged in banter and image trading concerning "Pinky and the Brain".
It was nothing but banter.

Turns out I was bantering with Scum, but I chose to begin to banter again in this game, too.

It is off-topic and meaning-free.

Try not to keep this "Secret".

Regards from Rosie
I'm thinking so.

Otherwise everyone's gonna eventually get banned/modkilled.

At the main site, flaming is fine ONLY if it pertains to gameplay. Getting personal and calling somebody stupid or just being a dick to someone isn't alright. Attack the posts, not the player.

not all of us. I've never had problems with the rules. So I guess if everyone else gets banned or modkilled rebels win:)
MOAR uses-of-the-word-"fuck"-that-are-apparently-so-much-more-offensive-than-the-existing-sexist-and-ableist-comments NAU!!!

Try not to go the "ableist" route, please.

No one has played that card, nor should they.

The fact that I am cripple has had nothing to do with nothing and it is best to keep it that way.

Hopefully no one accuses another of being "lame". It gets too pathetic sometimes.

Regards from Rosie
I'm thinking so.

Otherwise everyone's gonna eventually get banned/modkilled.

At the main site, flaming is fine ONLY if it pertains to gameplay. Getting personal and calling somebody stupid or just being a dick to someone isn't alright. Attack the posts, not the player.

not all of us. I've never had problems with the rules. So I guess if everyone else gets banned or modkilled rebels win:)

Not if you are the lone rebel at the end. If you are indeed a rebel. .
Sorry, Rosie. I just thought I had unnecessarily seen people using words related to intellectual disability in a mean way. I may have misread.
This game is a bit of an eyesore.

I'm going to sit back and watch because I personally have no intention right now of jumping into this lion pit.

don't worry. They're pussy cats. They just like to roar at each other alot
Sorry, Rosie. I just thought I had unnecessarily seen people using words related to intellectual disability in a mean way. I may have misread.

No problem. I consider "moron" and "idiot" quaint and rather mild. But "retard" is flamebait and, again, no one uses that word in this Zone.

"Lame" gets tossed around casually. It ought not, but it has not in Game 6.

If you want moron and idiot excluded, I will back that.

Regards from Rosie
That's interesting since House told SR to fuck off the other day and no one complains but I say GFY and I now not only need to be modkilled but banned from the site as well.

Was it in this game? it is irrelevant what other people did. Only we are responsible for our own actions.
I don't think anyone is suggesting you get banned from the site. And being mod killed probably isn't going to happen in this game. But you are being warned to slow down.
It's a scum tactic to discredit the people that have accused them.
That's interesting since House told SR to fuck off the other day and no one complains but I say GFY and I now not only need to be modkilled but banned from the site as well.

Was it in this game? it is irrelevant what other people did. Only we are responsible for our own actions.
I don't think anyone is suggesting you get banned from the site. And being mod killed probably isn't going to happen in this game. But you are being warned to slow down.
It's a scum tactic to discredit the people that have accused them.

Yes, it was this game that House said that to SR and I didn't really care and I doubt she did either. And yes, without using my name Rosie suggested I get pinked or modkilled. Pinked is what used to happen on this with the old software where when a person was banned, their name would be pink. On the new software, that isn't the case, but saying someone should be pinked, is the same as saying they should be banned.

But yep, I am responsible for myself and no one else. I always calm down and play, and when I do, the crap usually stops from me at least. I'm glad you are here. Another voice who isn't a member here is good to hear from on this stuff. Thanks.
No one's getting banned unless you do something outrageous.

I will gladly use cooldown locks to keep the game from boiling over.
In the previous game, House and I engaged in banter and image trading concerning "Pinky and the Brain".
It was nothing but banter.

Turns out I was bantering with Scum, but I chose to begin to banter again in this game, too.

It is off-topic and meaning-free.

Try not to keep this "Secret".

Hmm, that's too bad. Still scum! Your OMGUS vote on me says that despite my reason being valid, you're still voting me.
Until then, get better at soft claiming, or start telling us why you think people are guards.
And yes, without using my name Rosie suggested I get pinked or modkilled. Pinked is what used to happen on this with the old software where when a person was banned, their name would be pink. On the new software, that isn't the case, but saying someone should be pinked, is the same as saying they should be banned.

Ok I didn't know what pinked means.
I don't have reads on everyone just yet, but this is what I'm seeing so far:

Avatar - Scum
★Arden - Leaning Scum (random voting after the end of RVS; misrep of my response to her in order to justify a vote)
MathBlade - Leaning Scum
ScarletRage - Leaning Scum
ika - Anti-Town via no interest in scumhunting (though he has provided commentary when directly addressed)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town
Josh_B - Town

I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

That's odd. WS has attacked me and Rosie, used bad words, none of which I have done, and yet I'm anti-town and she's null, go figure. Kinda makes it rather easy to tell who is the ruler and who are the defending guards.

Please point out the posts where I have attacked anyone other than list my reasons for who I am voting.

My read isn't an attack on you, settle your britches.

You are well known for looking out for #1 regardless of how it affects town, and this game is more of the same, hence no read either way (anti-town != scum).

If it soothes your bruised ego, I can say you are Null, Anti-Town so you can continue your crusade.

That's BS and you know. WS made an obvious grammar mistake that doesn't go unnoticed in Mafia games. She called Townies "they" - and it was caught, then she was too eager to get Ika lynched when most of the time as town she wants everyone to take their time, then she goes berzerk with personal attacks, telling me I'm pulling stuff out of my ass, (just because I voted for her and gave my reasons), tells Rosie to fuck off, tells Wake to replace her, and I'm the one that is anti-town, and you get a null reading on her? That's rich. If anything, you have made it more obvious that you may be one of the guards and she is probably the ruler, otherwise why would she get her panties all in a wad over a game?\

Again, please point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked Wolf or anyone for that matter.

I think this is part of the misunderstanding Mertex. I'm not concerned about tone when I perceive conflict. Conflict occurs when two players disagree with each other and be unwilling to move, not necessarily attacking one another.

@House, when you implied that you thought Mathblade was an alter-ego of mine, I thought you meant we spoke very similarly. She is a little close to me but I'm willing to sort her out later provided I live that long.
In the previous game, House and I engaged in banter and image trading concerning "Pinky and the Brain".
It was nothing but banter.

Turns out I was bantering with Scum, but I chose to begin to banter again in this game, too.

It is off-topic and meaning-free.

Try not to keep this "Secret".

Hmm, that's too bad. Still scum! Your OMGUS vote on me says that despite my reason being valid, you're still voting me.
Until then, get better at soft claiming, or start telling us why you think people are guards.

You are a guard because of your drive-by post out of the blue and because of how Scarlet is reacting to you - she knows you and I trust her reaction.

For now I will leave my vote on you but when a better candidate arises, I will move my vote.

Regards from Rosie
the reason people flare at being scum read when they are not scum is b/c they know that fact and they are emotional based players. those said players don't act in logic sense and instead go more based of guts and randomness.

ask titus, she has experienced firsthand my rage.

players liek those you have to look for mindset rather then play

Yes, I have. I am wondering where it is. I'm also wondering where your conviction is towards no discussion.

For those of you who know, having ika tunnel me is very frustrating but he's much better at gambits and what not than I. I think he heard I was teaching you about gambits (and I'm very conservative when it comes to those as town) so he'd probably want to come over to show how it's really done.

If that's what he's doing, I hope he'd drop the hammer soon on whatever it is.

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