Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Part of Titus's case is that you aren't random
Ok. Then... help me understand where your mind is. if I got it wrong, you need to say where I got it wrong.
-You've admitted it's not a gambit. So.. I must be correct in believing it was multiple soft claims.

What is town and what is not to you?
What do you think I should expect from USMB?

No, it is not soft claiming or crumbing or anything of the sort.

Hometown (USMB) players tend not to do that...thus Scarlet's surprised at your thinking I would crumb King ( or anything for that matter).

USMB players do tend to go off topic more than main Mafia players, and it is stoopid to call that scumtells.


Regards from Rosie

Hahahaha. lol. ROTFLMAO. heehee.
One of my first comments was Why are there so many soft claims? Most of them aren't even cryptic. I don't usually look for the cryptic claims anyway. So... seriously are you going to get around to explaining your statements?

My statements on DEODORANT? Agreeing with House that there is no "Left Guard"?

That is just banter that needs no explanation. Iti s barely game related. Harmless banter signifying nothing.

Reading anything into harmless banter is just plain stoopid.

Regards from Rosie
Oh, so you must have been talking about Degree, or Old Spice. Why didn't you say that in the first place.
Perhaps you don't see any relativity to this image of deodorant and the game flavor.

It isn't banter. And I purport that the nature of the deodorant statement was in the spirit of soft claiming.

You're overreaching.

1) I'm the one that brought the name of the deodorant into it, so if you want to demonize somebody for it, bring it on.

2) The entire reason Ibrought the name "Right Guard" was for the word "Right" (well, technically, "Left"), not the word "Guard". It was a joke. Read my fucking post in context.

You act as if Bickering isn't hunting. Stop trying to kill conversation that isn't repetitive, role hunting or setup spec.

When the same arguments are repeated throughout multiple games, it isn't hunting.

*sniff* I smell guard.

Liberal use of deodorant will prevent that.

Yeah, but only under one arm... There is no "Left" Guard. :(

There's the "damning evidence" you're using against Rosie. Outright silliness. She took a jab at me for insinuating that SR was scummy, and I made a joke of it.

Big whoop.
Oh look, now I'm defending Rosie (according to some of you logically bankrupt buffoons), the same person I said I'd be glad to see banned not two posts up for instigating trouble.

That must make me scum, amirite?
OK, I had RL to deal with last night so I didn’t get to read. Catching up now.
I'm not all caught up yet, but I have to go to work. I will most likely be able to finish reading and provide my reads list there.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.

O mY ated. A full wall of obsession with me while I was sleeping.

Compulsive carping that I won't stop going after poor widdle Wolfie. Somehow I am while I am sleeping!!

First, grow up.

Second, sickie, take your medication because you have REALLY gone beyond the pale.

Third, you can't get me gone because I have stayed within the Zone and you have not. Just ask Avatar.

Fourth, it is well past time for you to quit lying about what you are going to do and actually do it. Shut the hell up and play, or leave.

Which is it ( after you take your pills first)?

Regards from Rosie
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.

O mY ated. A full wall of obsession with me while I was sleeping.

Compulsive carping that I won't stop going after poor widdle Wolfie. Somehow I am while I am sleeping!!

First, grow up.

Second, sickie, take your medication because you have REALLY gone beyond the pale.

Third, you can't get me gone because I have stayed within the Zone and you have not. Just ask Avatar.

Fourth, it is well past time for you to quit lying about what you are going to do and actually do it. Shut the hell up and play, or leave.

Which is it ( after you take your pills first)?

Regards from Rosie

This is the very kind of posting that cause the problems.

Skirting the edges of the board rules but undermining the very spirit of the game by bringing in malicious attacks just to provoke others into escalating and knowing full well they will so you can sit back and say, "you broke the rules, not me!" is devious and manipulative.

Such instigation should not be tolerated.
I still believe Avatar7422578899643 is scum, but Rosie's manipulation is far scummier and it's wrecking the game.

Vote: RosieS
No, it is not soft claiming or crumbing or anything of the sort.

Hometown (USMB) players tend not to do that...thus Scarlet's surprised at your thinking I would crumb King ( or anything for that matter).

USMB players do tend to go off topic more than main Mafia players, and it is stoopid to call that scumtells.


Regards from Rosie

Hahahaha. lol. ROTFLMAO. heehee.
One of my first comments was Why are there so many soft claims? Most of them aren't even cryptic. I don't usually look for the cryptic claims anyway. So... seriously are you going to get around to explaining your statements?

My statements on DEODORANT? Agreeing with House that there is no "Left Guard"?

That is just banter that needs no explanation. Iti s barely game related. Harmless banter signifying nothing.

Reading anything into harmless banter is just plain stoopid.

Regards from Rosie
Oh, so you must have been talking about Degree, or Old Spice. Why didn't you say that in the first place.
Perhaps you don't see any relativity to this image of deodorant and the game flavor.

It isn't banter. And I purport that the nature of the deodorant statement was in the spirit of soft claiming.

You're overreaching.

1) I'm the one that brought the name of the deodorant into it, so if you want to demonize somebody for it, bring it on.

2) The entire reason Ibrought the name "Right Guard" was for the word "Right" (well, technically, "Left"), not the word "Guard". It was a joke. Read my fucking post in context.

You act as if Bickering isn't hunting. Stop trying to kill conversation that isn't repetitive, role hunting or setup spec.

When the same arguments are repeated throughout multiple games, it isn't hunting.

*sniff* I smell guard.

Liberal use of deodorant will prevent that.

Yeah, but only under one arm... There is no "Left" Guard. :(

There's the "damning evidence" you're using against Rosie. Outright silliness. She took a jab at me for insinuating that SR was scummy, and I made a joke of it.

Big whoop.

Now that's not right. If Josh wants to sniff unicorn farts all day, you should allow it.

You are harshing his Zen.

Regards from Rosie
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.

O mY ated. A full wall of obsession with me while I was sleeping.

Compulsive carping that I won't stop going after poor widdle Wolfie. Somehow I am while I am sleeping!!

First, grow up.

Second, sickie, take your medication because you have REALLY gone beyond the pale.

Third, you can't get me gone because I have stayed within the Zone and you have not. Just ask Avatar.

Fourth, it is well past time for you to quit lying about what you are going to do and actually do it. Shut the hell up and play, or leave.

Which is it ( after you take your pills first)?

Regards from Rosie

This is the very kind of posting that cause the problems.

Skirting the edges of the board rules but undermining the very spirit of the game by bringing in malicious attacks just to provoke others into escalating and knowing full well they will so you can sit back and say, "you broke the rules, not me!" is devious and manipulative.

Such instigation should not be tolerated.

That is ridiculous.

I went on to other topics and awoke to a wall o' crap slung at me while I slept. One cannot instigate while in REM sleep. Duh.

And you give me more of the same ol' crap when I complain of her keeping it going obsessively. While I was asleep.

I hope this is not your parenting style, because your idea of discipline is screwy, dude.

Regards from Rosie
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.

O mY ated. A full wall of obsession with me while I was sleeping.

Compulsive carping that I won't stop going after poor widdle Wolfie. Somehow I am while I am sleeping!!

First, grow up.

Second, sickie, take your medication because you have REALLY gone beyond the pale.

Third, you can't get me gone because I have stayed within the Zone and you have not. Just ask Avatar.

Fourth, it is well past time for you to quit lying about what you are going to do and actually do it. Shut the hell up and play, or leave.

Which is it ( after you take your pills first)?

Regards from Rosie

This is the very kind of posting that cause the problems.

Skirting the edges of the board rules but undermining the very spirit of the game by bringing in malicious attacks just to provoke others into escalating and knowing full well they will so you can sit back and say, "you broke the rules, not me!" is devious and manipulative.

Such instigation should not be tolerated.

That is ridiculous.

I went on to other topics and awoke to a wall o' crap slung at me while I slept. One cannot instigate while in REM sleep. Duh.

And you give me more of the same ol' crap when I complain of her keeping it going obsessively. While I was asleep.

I hope this is not your parenting style, because your idea of discipline is screwy, dude.

Regards from Rosie

I'm not criticizing your sleep, I'm criticizing your posts.

Poor attempt at deflection is poor.
I went to bed last night hoping that whatever caused all the fighting would have run its course and be over by morning. Looks like it ain't over yet. It's hard to play this game when this mess is going on. Can people please get along so this game can get back on track? If ya'll feel the need to call each other names, take it elsewhere. I have better things to do with my time than to read drama.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.

O mY ated. A full wall of obsession with me while I was sleeping.

Compulsive carping that I won't stop going after poor widdle Wolfie. Somehow I am while I am sleeping!!

First, grow up.

Second, sickie, take your medication because you have REALLY gone beyond the pale.

Third, you can't get me gone because I have stayed within the Zone and you have not. Just ask Avatar.

Fourth, it is well past time for you to quit lying about what you are going to do and actually do it. Shut the hell up and play, or leave.

Which is it ( after you take your pills first)?

Regards from Rosie

If this isn't proof that Rosie is doing nothing but trying to start a fight with me, then I don't know what to tell you. Every single time things settle down, she starts this vicious personal shit. SR asked for why I called her scum, and I said so.

Now, she is insinuating I need medication.

Either she goes or I go. I will not play this game with her in it.

She wants me banned but continues personal attacks.


Time for you to do something about this.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.

O mY ated. A full wall of obsession with me while I was sleeping.

Compulsive carping that I won't stop going after poor widdle Wolfie. Somehow I am while I am sleeping!!

First, grow up.

Second, sickie, take your medication because you have REALLY gone beyond the pale.

Third, you can't get me gone because I have stayed within the Zone and you have not. Just ask Avatar.

Fourth, it is well past time for you to quit lying about what you are going to do and actually do it. Shut the hell up and play, or leave.

Which is it ( after you take your pills first)?

Regards from Rosie

This is the very kind of posting that cause the problems.

Skirting the edges of the board rules but undermining the very spirit of the game by bringing in malicious attacks just to provoke others into escalating and knowing full well they will so you can sit back and say, "you broke the rules, not me!" is devious and manipulative.

Such instigation should not be tolerated.

That is ridiculous.

I went on to other topics and awoke to a wall o' crap slung at me while I slept. One cannot instigate while in REM sleep. Duh.

And you give me more of the same ol' crap when I complain of her keeping it going obsessively. While I was asleep.

I hope this is not your parenting style, because your idea of discipline is screwy, dude.

Regards from Rosie

I'm not criticizing your sleep, I'm criticizing your posts.

Poor attempt at deflection is poor.

Whatevs, player.

Classic enabling is worser .

Any day.

Regards from Rosie
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.

O mY ated. A full wall of obsession with me while I was sleeping.

Compulsive carping that I won't stop going after poor widdle Wolfie. Somehow I am while I am sleeping!!

First, grow up.

Second, sickie, take your medication because you have REALLY gone beyond the pale.

Third, you can't get me gone because I have stayed within the Zone and you have not. Just ask Avatar.

Fourth, it is well past time for you to quit lying about what you are going to do and actually do it. Shut the hell up and play, or leave.

Which is it ( after you take your pills first)?

Regards from Rosie

If this isn't proof that Rosie is doing nothing but trying to start a fight with me, then I don't know what to tell you. Every single time things settle down, she starts this vicious personal shit. SR asked for why I called her scum, and I said so.

Now, she is insinuating I need medication.

Either she goes or I go. I will not play this game with her in it.

She wants me banned but continues personal attacks.


Time for you to do something about this.

I woke up to a wall of your crap with my cornflakes.

Please do not piss in my cereal.

And, no one has time for all your crappiness.

Take your pills, get a life, and move on.

Or go bye-bye.

Your choice.

Regards from Rosie

Time for you to do something about this.
Leaving on government to fix the problems we have the capacity to solve ourselves is a huge problem in or country.

Please don't bring it here.

@All: ISO Rosie's posts, then ISO Wolfie's. The difference between them is that Wolfie has contributed to scum hunting, while Rosie has only contributed noise.

That, paired with her instigation and manipulation only serves scummy ends, regardless of her actual alignment which appears more like scum every time she posts.
O mY ated. A full wall of obsession with me while I was sleeping.

Compulsive carping that I won't stop going after poor widdle Wolfie. Somehow I am while I am sleeping!!

First, grow up.

Second, sickie, take your medication because you have REALLY gone beyond the pale.

Third, you can't get me gone because I have stayed within the Zone and you have not. Just ask Avatar.

Fourth, it is well past time for you to quit lying about what you are going to do and actually do it. Shut the hell up and play, or leave.

Which is it ( after you take your pills first)?

Regards from Rosie
I woke up to a wall of your crap with my cornflakes.

Please do not piss in my cereal.

And, no one has time for all your crappiness.

Take your pills, get a life, and move on.

Or go bye-bye.

Your choice.

Regards from Rosie


It continues.

Not only will I not play a game with her in it again, including this one, but she is no longer a person I will ever speak to again.

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