Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

if I modded the game it would lose it's integrity since I'm playing too. This is wakes baby.
Part of Titus's case is that you aren't random
Ok. Then... help me understand where your mind is. if I got it wrong, you need to say where I got it wrong.
-You've admitted it's not a gambit. So.. I must be correct in believing it was multiple soft claims.

What is town and what is not to you?
What do you think I should expect from USMB?

No, it is not soft claiming or crumbing or anything of the sort.

Hometown (USMB) players tend not to do that...thus Scarlet's surprised at your thinking I would crumb King ( or anything for that matter).

USMB players do tend to go off topic more than main Mafia players, and it is stoopid to call that scumtells.


Regards from Rosie

Hahahaha. lol. ROTFLMAO. heehee.
One of my first comments was Why are there so many soft claims? Most of them aren't even cryptic. I don't usually look for the cryptic claims anyway. So... seriously are you going to get around to explaining your statements?

My statements on DEODORANT? Agreeing with House that there is no "Left Guard"?

That is just banter that needs no explanation. Iti s barely game related. Harmless banter signifying nothing.

Reading anything into harmless banter is just plain stoopid.

Regards from Rosie
Oh, so you must have been talking about Degree, or Old Spice. Why didn't you say that in the first place.
Perhaps you don't see any relativity to this image of deodorant and the game flavor.

It isn't banter. And I purport that the nature of the deodorant statement was in the spirit of soft claiming.

You're overreaching.

1) I'm the one that brought the name of the deodorant into it, so if you want to demonize somebody for it, bring it on.

2) The entire reason Ibrought the name "Right Guard" was for the word "Right" (well, technically, "Left"), not the word "Guard". It was a joke. Read my fucking post in context.

I am making you part of this. That's why you get the hand. :banana:
Soft claims=/= jokes. jokes are jokes. soft claims are evidence that you can use to prove that you are who you say you are when you're about to be lynched later in the game.

Oh you know what. I just thought of something else that's real.
I know it appears I’m lurking, but I have no intention of getting in the drama. And frankly, it makes it hard to read the game because there’s so many posts to skip. I hope it will settle down soon.

My reads so far:


MeBelle replacement

if I modded the game it would lose it's integrity since I'm playing too. This is wakes baby.

OK then.

Wolfsister, in all of those accusations did Rosie ever call you scum or a guard? I'm asking you because I'm pretty sure that you've read everything she's said at least 3 times.
Everyone else look it up too if you don't trust wolfsister's reply.

You are a mod here. She is breaking zone1 rules.

I'm just a participant in a game here. I'm not getting involved. Have a problem pm wake. That's his job

OK, Thanks for letting me know staff doesn't moderate the forums here.

Mafia Mods Please Read US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

First sentence.

Yes, mods here have the right to open and close threads and other permissions that other posters don't have. Wake has the right to modkill also. But regarding USMB rules, USMB staff should also be informed IF it gets to the point where it continues, gets worse, or we can't deal with it within our community. I don't report shit. That's not me. And I have admitted when I've been wrong and discussed how I will change. It doesn't stop. Nothing I said warranted what I saw today. I have contacted Wake also. Glad to see the players not tolerating this either by voting it out.

I will not speak of it again but I also won't play until it is dealt with one way or the other.
if I modded the game it would lose it's integrity since I'm playing too. This is wakes baby.

OK then.

Wolfsister, in all of those accusations did Rosie ever call you scum or a guard? I'm asking you because I'm pretty sure that you've read everything she's said at least 3 times.
Everyone else look it up too if you don't trust wolfsister's reply.

In the beginning yes. Towards the end, no. It was just personal attacks. She's not even voting me.
I know it appears I’m lurking, but I have no intention of getting in the drama. And frankly, it makes it hard to read the game because there’s so many posts to skip. I hope it will settle down soon.

My reads so far:


MeBelle replacement

MathBlade is MeBelle's replacement, IIRC.
No, it is not soft claiming or crumbing or anything of the sort.

Hometown (USMB) players tend not to do that...thus Scarlet's surprised at your thinking I would crumb King ( or anything for that matter).

USMB players do tend to go off topic more than main Mafia players, and it is stoopid to call that scumtells.


Regards from Rosie

Hahahaha. lol. ROTFLMAO. heehee.
One of my first comments was Why are there so many soft claims? Most of them aren't even cryptic. I don't usually look for the cryptic claims anyway. So... seriously are you going to get around to explaining your statements?

My statements on DEODORANT? Agreeing with House that there is no "Left Guard"?

That is just banter that needs no explanation. Iti s barely game related. Harmless banter signifying nothing.

Reading anything into harmless banter is just plain stoopid.

Regards from Rosie
Oh, so you must have been talking about Degree, or Old Spice. Why didn't you say that in the first place.
Perhaps you don't see any relativity to this image of deodorant and the game flavor.

It isn't banter. And I purport that the nature of the deodorant statement was in the spirit of soft claiming.

You're overreaching.

1) I'm the one that brought the name of the deodorant into it, so if you want to demonize somebody for it, bring it on.

2) The entire reason Ibrought the name "Right Guard" was for the word "Right" (well, technically, "Left"), not the word "Guard". It was a joke. Read my fucking post in context.

I am making you part of this. That's why you get the hand. :banana:
Soft claims=/= jokes. jokes are jokes. soft claims are evidence that you can use to prove that you are who you say you are when you're about to be lynched later in the game.

Oh you know what. I just thought of something else that's real.

How thick are you, Josh? o_O

Rosie imputed I should use deodorant. I imputed the use of deodorant would only be effective under one arm due to the lack of a left counterpart.

Hardy har. You may think it's not funny, but it's still a joke, and there is no such thing as Right Mitchum or Left Ban that I could have used instead.

As Freud so succinctly put it, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.

O mY ated. A full wall of obsession with me while I was sleeping.

Compulsive carping that I won't stop going after poor widdle Wolfie. Somehow I am while I am sleeping!!

First, grow up.

Second, sickie, take your medication because you have REALLY gone beyond the pale.

Third, you can't get me gone because I have stayed within the Zone and you have not. Just ask Avatar.

Fourth, it is well past time for you to quit lying about what you are going to do and actually do it. Shut the hell up and play, or leave.

Which is it ( after you take your pills first)?

Regards from Rosie

STOP THIS! STOP IT NOW! These are not game related posts. Come up with a serious case or step off.
Vote: Rosie

The medication comment was over the line. PM mepost game and I will explain how to instigate within game rules better.
I went to bed last night hoping that whatever caused all the fighting would have run its course and be over by morning. Looks like it ain't over yet. It's hard to play this game when this mess is going on. Can people please get along so this game can get back on track? If ya'll feel the need to call each other names, take it elsewhere. I have better things to do with my time than to read drama.
Help us lynch Rosie please. Wolfsister may have her own faults here, but at least she actually turned it into an actual game related case.
PSA: RosieS is at L-2 (by my unofficial and unreliable count).

Thanks to those who are willing to step up to speak it against this kind of behavior.

Hopefully, it will continue.

You are a mod here. She is breaking zone1 rules.

Says the one who broke Zone 1 by the Eff You and GFY postings.

Wake needed to have stopped this then.

Lack of modding on Wake's part does not mean you pile it on Avatar's lap.

This is Wake's mod area.

Play the damn game or don't.

No one cares what you ever will or won't do again, and you just do not get it.

Regards from Rosie


I'm not a mod, but you are really pushing things here by making statements like "take your meds."

1 I take meds and it's one of nastiest things you can say to someone who has to take them.

2 It's against the rules to attack other posters.



It really doesn't bother me, because some people (hint, hint) SHOULD take them, but instead, opt for going around making everyone else's life a festering pile of baby-mamma-drama.

Hope this helps.

Take care.

Mad Cabbie aka Skitter-beans Johnson, aka "Slack Man," aka "the Thumb Breaker."

You are a mod here. She is breaking zone1 rules.

Says the one who broke Zone 1 by the Eff You and GFY postings.

Wake needed to have stopped this then.

Lack of modding on Wake's part does not mean you pile it on Avatar's lap.

This is Wake's mod area.

Play the damn game or don't.

No one cares what you ever will or won't do again, and you just do not get it.

Regards from Rosie


I'm not a mod, but you are really pushing things here by making statements like "take your meds."

1 I take meds and it's one of nastiest things you can say to someone who has to take them.

2 It's against the rules to attack other posters.



It really doesn't bother me, because some people (hint, hint) SHOULD take them, but instead, opt for going around making everyone else's life a festering pile of baby-mamma-drama.

Hope this helps.

Take care.

While I agree with your sentiment, you should not be posting here unless you are an active player.
While I agree with your sentiment, you should not be posting here unless you are an active player.

Sorry, did not see that in the rules.

If you guys don't like lectures from someone about meds (not you. realize), please don't make make asinine statements about them, otherwise Cabbie will put in his 2 centavos.

I'm out.
Thanks Mad_Cabbie. Regardless of if you should post here or not, your comment was correct and it needs to be said from someone other than me so it can be taken seriously.

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