Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I went to bed last night hoping that whatever caused all the fighting would have run its course and be over by morning. Looks like it ain't over yet. It's hard to play this game when this mess is going on. Can people please get along so this game can get back on track? If ya'll feel the need to call each other names, take it elsewhere. I have better things to do with my time than to read drama.
Help us lynch Rosie please. Wolfsister may have her own faults here, but at least she actually turned it into an actual game related case.

I can do that.

VOTE: RosieS
I believe she's at L-1 but I'd have to count. I am impressed with how quickly the players dealt with this. If we do this in the future, and that includes doing it to me if I act up, then that just shows the game here will be better for it.
Yup, a sufficient end to play was brought today, but not by me.

Again, I am not the one inflamed out and went postal.

I also.state d correctly that this was not to be dumped in Avatar's lap.

Wolf will.pull this same flaming personal attack crapola in future games because a bunch of you are backing it now.

She should have been banned @ eff you and GFY.

And you believe she won't do it again?

Yup, read my posts. I did not curse. I did not keep things going overnite. I defended myself against obsessive personal attacks.

And so.e of you are bamboozled.

Wait until she does it to you - because this garbage by you ensures that she will.

Shame on each of you.

And yes, there are very good piils for OCD behavior, Mad Cabbie.

If you and she will not control yourselves, ask your doc for some.

Shame on both of you some more.

@Wake - I was attacked in the overnite hours all over again and Shanghai'd here for responding this AM.

I am formally complaining and requesting mod intervention.

Regards from Rosie
Yup, a sufficient end to play was brought today, but not by me.

Again, I am not the one inflamed out and went postal.

I also.state d correctly that this was not to be dumped in Avatar's lap.

Wolf will.pull this same flaming personal attack crapola in future games because a bunch of you are backing it now.

She should have been banned @ eff you and GFY.

And you believe she won't do it again?

Yup, read my posts. I did not curse. I did not keep things going overnite. I defended myself against obsessive personal attacks.

And so.e of you are bamboozled.

Wait until she does it to you - because this garbage by you ensures that she will.

Shame on each of you.

And yes, there are very good piils for OCD behavior, Mad Cabbie.

If you and she will not control yourselves, ask your doc for some.

Shame on both of you some more.

@Wake - I was attacked in the overnite hours all over again and Shanghai'd here for responding this AM.

I am formally complaining and requesting mod intervention.

Regards from Rosie

The quote wall thing was Wolfsister's attempt to make a game related case about you being scum. That's not an attack. That's part of the game. If you ask me, it was well played insomuchas she attempted to view your behavior as game related and not personal.

And I'm pretty sure I have already asked you to stop this. You are the one that keeps hurling insults and put downs. So much so that RANDOM people are popping into this thread to say something about it.
Yup, a sufficient end to play was brought today, but not by me.

Again, I am not the one inflamed out and went postal.

I also.state d correctly that this was not to be dumped in Avatar's lap.

Wolf will.pull this same flaming personal attack crapola in future games because a bunch of you are backing it now.

She should have been banned @ eff you and GFY.

And you believe she won't do it again?

Yup, read my posts. I did not curse. I did not keep things going overnite. I defended myself against obsessive personal attacks.

And so.e of you are bamboozled.

Wait until she does it to you - because this garbage by you ensures that she will.

Shame on each of you.

And yes, there are very good piils for OCD behavior, Mad Cabbie.

If you and she will not control yourselves, ask your doc for some.

Shame on both of you some more.

@Wake - I was attacked in the overnite hours all over again and Shanghai'd here for responding this AM.

I am formally complaining and requesting mod intervention.

Regards from Rosie

You know Mad_Cabbie can't defend himself. You just get worse and worse.

I laid out a case against you as scum like others asked me to. You responded telling me I'm a sicko that needs pills. Now you are attacking a non-player.

If you had any common decency you would be quiet until you are lynched.

Enough Rosie!!
Thank You Mathblade. I believe that's a lynch.
You're welcome. Tbh I had a hard time getting reads because it was mostly all this. I didn't like your word choice but mostly tomorrow will be like my day 1.

In happier news if any of y'all are card players feel free to PM me I will give you my link to the play store.
When Day 2 starts soon, I expect the drama to be over. If not, I will park my vote on the person that brings it up and keeps it going. I'd rather be hunting scum than dealing with this mess in a game that's supposed to fun.
I know it appears I’m lurking, but I have no intention of getting in the drama. And frankly, it makes it hard to read the game because there’s so many posts to skip. I hope it will settle down soon.

My reads so far:


MeBelle replacement

MathBlade is MeBelle's replacement, IIRC.
Duh, sleepy Shaitra is sleep-posting.
I've had enough.

Both of you, Rosie and Wolfie, contributed to this fight. Antagonization and reacting badly to it will not be tolerated further. This is your last chance for both of you in this game to ignore it and play the game. If either of you can't cease and desist the personal feud I'll remove both of you and give two other players a shot. You're not the only ones playing here, and it sucks for them to have their game pooped on because of some stupid hissy fit.

At the main site I would have shot at 2nd warning. Here I've been very lenient. If I have to temporarily ban players from these games to for the sake of everyone else then so be it. They get mad at times but not ridiculous like. If I have to boot you out of the game then tough love, and tough nuts. It's not fair to everyone else.

I'll be keeping my eyes on this game like a hawk on a plump pigeon from now on. If ANYONE else here notices my rules getting broken, you PM me, and I'll fix the issue. I like both Rosie and Wolfie: this damned drama needs to stop, because it's ruining the games for everyone.
I've had enough.

Both of you, Rosie and Wolfie, contributed to this fight. Antagonization and reacting badly to it will not be tolerated further. This is your last chance for both of you in this game to ignore it and play the game. If either of you can't cease and desist the personal feud I'll remove both of you and give two other players a shot. You're not the only ones playing here, and it sucks for them to have their game pooped on because of some stupid hissy fit.

At the main site I would have shot at 2nd warning. Here I've been very lenient. If I have to temporarily ban players from these games to for the sake of everyone else then so be it. They get mad at times but not ridiculous like. If I have to boot you out of the game then tough love, and tough nuts. It's not fair to everyone else.

I'll be keeping my eyes on this game like a hawk on a plump pigeon from now on. If ANYONE else here notices my rules getting broken, you PM me, and I'll fix the issue. I like both Rosie and Wolfie: this damned drama needs to stop, because it's ruining the games for everyone.

Day and a dollar, bro. We gots this.

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