Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Reads -

RosieS Dead
AyeCantSeeYou Town
ScarletRage Scum – already explained

Mertex – to quiet, very unusual for her. Leaning scum but not there yet.
House – to vitriolic for scum. Town for now
Shaitra – null but shiatra is always hard as hell for me to read
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @Wake
Arden – Town
Avatar4321 – Null but I tire of early lynches of avatar :D
Josh_B – null
Wolfsister77 – scum or at the least anti-town.
tso! - null
ika – impossible to read someone that is not willing to engage. The randomness leads me to speculate usurper – it just seems to fit the role

Mathblade – null she hasn’t posted much
If Rosie had flipped scum, I'd have flipped my read of him. As it is though, his willingness to vote Rosie is null because it still got rid of a townie which scum needs to do anyway.

I'll see how the day unfolds a bit before I place another vote, but my reads thus far remain unchanged.
FA complains about a wasted lynch and the drama then votes another person by bringing back the drama and trying to waste another lynch on frivolous reasons that are nothing to do with an actual scumread.

He was one of my top scumreads all game and if you look at my posts and my reads, you will see I am not just saying you must be scum because you say I am. I laid out specific reasons for everyone.

He's also lying when he said his vote was an RVS vote because it was an OMGUS vote. And if you look at his list, he has other people he finds more scummy than I am.

I would like one day to go by in this game without someone bashing my play. That would be nice. Thanks.
If Rosie had flipped scum, I'd have flipped my read of him. As it is though, his willingness to vote Rosie is null because it still got rid of a townie which scum needs to do anyway.

I'll see how the day unfolds a bit before I place another vote, but my reads thus far remain unchanged.
It is worthy to note that the gurds DO NOT KNOW WHO THEY ARE.

IOW, if she had flipped scum, it does not mean that those voting for her or even pushing her wagon were not scum. They don't necessarily know that they are lynching one of their own.

That makes scum hunting particularly difficult in this setup - the scum are not necessarily working together.
Reads -

RosieS Dead
AyeCantSeeYou Town
ScarletRage Scum – already explained

Mertex – to quiet, very unusual for her. Leaning scum but not there yet.
House – to vitriolic for scum. Town for now
Shaitra – null but shiatra is always hard as hell for me to read
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @Wake
Arden – Town
Avatar4321 – Null but I tire of early lynches of avatar :D
Josh_B – null
Wolfsister77 – scum or at the least anti-town.
tso! - null
ika – impossible to read someone that is not willing to engage. The randomness leads me to speculate usurper – it just seems to fit the role

Mathblade – null she hasn’t posted much

I have been rather quiet, but it has nothing to do with my alignment. It has to do with the fact that I love the game, will no longer participate in drama, but I am 100% Town.
Reads -

RosieS Dead
AyeCantSeeYou Town
ScarletRage Scum – already explained

Mertex – to quiet, very unusual for her. Leaning scum but not there yet.
House – to vitriolic for scum. Town for now
Shaitra – null but shiatra is always hard as hell for me to read
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @Wake
Arden – Town
Avatar4321 – Null but I tire of early lynches of avatar :D
Josh_B – null
Wolfsister77 – scum or at the least anti-town.
tso! - null
ika – impossible to read someone that is not willing to engage. The randomness leads me to speculate usurper – it just seems to fit the role

Mathblade – null she hasn’t posted much

I have been rather quiet, but it has nothing to do with my alignment. It has to do with the fact that I love the game, will no longer participate in drama, but I am 100% Town.
I can actually believe this and thank you for rising above it this time :D

It should make for a more pleasant experience. That does not mean you should be more quiet though, just less dramatic :D
FA complains about a wasted lynch and the drama then votes another person by bringing back the drama and trying to waste another lynch on frivolous reasons that are nothing to do with an actual scumread.

He was one of my top scumreads all game and if you look at my posts and my reads, you will see I am not just saying you must be scum because you say I am. I laid out specific reasons for everyone.

He's also lying when he said his vote was an RVS vote because it was an OMGUS vote. And if you look at his list, he has other people he finds more scummy than I am.

I would like one day to go by in this game without someone bashing my play. That would be nice. Thanks.

Why can't you let it go? It's distracting to the game.

When Day 2 starts soon, I expect the drama to be over. If not, I will park my vote on the person that brings it up and keeps it going. I'd rather be hunting scum than dealing with this mess in a game that's supposed to fun.

Keeping in line with what I previously said:

VOTE: Wolfsister77
Hey everyone. I seriously want more votes on me. There's at least 2 players that are either scum trying to start drama with me or they are so utterly condescending towards me and my play style that it'll be a constant distraction to the game.

It would be better for town if I'm out.

Replace me please.

Unacceptable. We removed Grandma for exactly this type of crap last game and wolf does this EVERY time. I am tired of the drama (of which she is ALWAYS in the midst of it) and the constant demands of being replaced/quitting. Then you all seem to think that she is scumunting when that is the last thing I get from her ‘reads.’ They are nothing more than ‘they called me scum so THEY must be scum.’ My original vote for wolf was an RVS, now I am sure that it is a good place to keep it until there is a better candidate.

I can’t stand this type of play.

Either she goes or I go. I will not play this game with her in it.

Ultimatum – the only thing WORSE than threatening to quit.
Vote: Wolfster

-Selectively edits quotes and takes things out of context to make up a scum read on a townie, ignoring anything else

-Can't stand my type of play, let's see how many can say this all game cuz it's fun to hear [sarcasm], again not a good reason for a vote, in fact it's a personal vote and not a scum vote

-Says Grandma, a townie, was removed last game for the same reason even though that's a lie because she was saying things like fuck town, etc. She also had votes for people thinking she was scum also.

-An ultimatum that if he would of bothered to read, would of seen why but instead selectively edited, and once again trying to bring back drama again which is a scum tactic for sure

-lied about his vote on me last time being RVS which was an OMGUS and how I'm reading people saying I'm only saying they are scum because they say I am when I gave a developed list with specific reasons, so he's lying again

-wants to waste another lynch, if he's scum why would he want to actually scumhunt, just say I don't like you and here's a vote, scummy

-won't vote the people he finds scummier than me, which is scumtastic

-tries to continue the drama by bringing back old posts instead of letting it die, anti-town at best

-has been absent most of the game which is what he did as scum in game 4-lurked

-picking out anything he can think of to vote me, I believe I'm the only person he's voted for this whole game even though he says others are scummier, so doesn't really care about scum-hunting and why would he if he's scum

-He was my top vote last time until the Rosie fiasco and I have seen no reason to change that

-Different than his town game where he actively participated and was curious and trying to figure things out, does not give off the townie vibes he has when he's town

And yes, I'm aware this is going to look like OMGUS but that's life. It's extremely difficult to scumhunt in this type of game so this seems like a pretty good reason for a vote.

Vote: FA-Q2
New day, new start to the game. Sorry to see we lynched a rebel, but stand my my vote it was the right thing to do. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Nothing has changed on my reads list either yet. I'd like to see more from some of our more quiet members. And I realize that I am in that group and will be making an effort over the next 24 hours to add to my reads. After that I will be V/LA for the weekend. Wake has already been notified.
FA complains about a wasted lynch and the drama then votes another person by bringing back the drama and trying to waste another lynch on frivolous reasons that are nothing to do with an actual scumread.

He was one of my top scumreads all game and if you look at my posts and my reads, you will see I am not just saying you must be scum because you say I am. I laid out specific reasons for everyone.

He's also lying when he said his vote was an RVS vote because it was an OMGUS vote. And if you look at his list, he has other people he finds more scummy than I am.

I would like one day to go by in this game without someone bashing my play. That would be nice. Thanks.

Why can't you let it go? It's distracting to the game.

When Day 2 starts soon, I expect the drama to be over. If not, I will park my vote on the person that brings it up and keeps it going. I'd rather be hunting scum than dealing with this mess in a game that's supposed to fun.

Keeping in line with what I previously said:

VOTE: Wolfsister77

Excuse me Aye? He brought it back up in case you didn't notice. If you look above I am defending myself. Not being dramatic.

I can already see how this day is going to go. People are going to be jumping on me for the littlest things and calling them drama and voting me.

That's unfortunate because it makes the game impossible to play for me. Wasting another lynch.

Have fun.
:offtopic: Is anyone else getting an error message when they click on the link to view the posts that have been made since you started typing your post?
Ugh, post 711 second sentence should have been "stand by my vote" vs. "stand my my vote".
If Rosie had flipped scum, I'd have flipped my read of him. As it is though, his willingness to vote Rosie is null because it still got rid of a townie which scum needs to do anyway.

I'll see how the day unfolds a bit before I place another vote, but my reads thus far remain unchanged.
It is worthy to note that the gurds DO NOT KNOW WHO THEY ARE.

IOW, if she had flipped scum, it does not mean that those voting for her or even pushing her wagon were not scum. They don't necessarily know that they are lynching one of their own.

That makes scum hunting particularly difficult in this setup - the scum are not necessarily working together.

True. Thanks.
FA complains about a wasted lynch and the drama then votes another person by bringing back the drama and trying to waste another lynch on frivolous reasons that are nothing to do with an actual scumread.

He was one of my top scumreads all game and if you look at my posts and my reads, you will see I am not just saying you must be scum because you say I am. I laid out specific reasons for everyone.

He's also lying when he said his vote was an RVS vote because it was an OMGUS vote. And if you look at his list, he has other people he finds more scummy than I am.

I would like one day to go by in this game without someone bashing my play. That would be nice. Thanks.

Why can't you let it go? It's distracting to the game.

When Day 2 starts soon, I expect the drama to be over. If not, I will park my vote on the person that brings it up and keeps it going. I'd rather be hunting scum than dealing with this mess in a game that's supposed to fun.

Keeping in line with what I previously said:

VOTE: Wolfsister77

Oh, and re-read who brought it up again D2. Is sure as hell wasn't me. Why do you think a townie would do that? Bring back drama after all the fighting is over.

Hint: They wouldn't.
There are 3 guards, and they each know who the King is, so anyone defending someone having a wagon will appear scummy to me. The guards will want the king protected at all costs because bringing the King down will bring them down. The Usurpur wants to bring everyone down, no matter who they I'm watching for someone that jumps on a wagon too quickly or too anxious to get someone lynched. The Ruler might not have to say much, he is depending on his guards to protect him/defend him, so someone really quiet will appear scummy.

My reads that can change based on what transpires:

TSO! - too quiet, may be the ruler
SR - May be a guard or usurper, wants to round up people to vote for someone/anyone.
Shaitra - Too quiet, could be ruler
FA_Q2 - leaning town
Avatar - Too cautious, may be Ruler or a guard
Josh_B - Not sure, leaning Town
Ika - Not sure, Leaning Town (doesn't want to waste time trying to figure out people, don't know if that's scummy)
House - Leaning Scum, may be a guard or Usurper
AyeCantSeeYou - Leaning Town
TheOldSchool - Leaning Town (hope he is able to continue to play)
Wolfsister - Not sure, could be a guard or ruler, and then, she could be town.
Arden - LeaningTown
Mathblade - Leaning Town
Me - Town
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @Wake

He mentioned being hit by USMB's Discouraged Members function, so it takes 10 minutes to post a post, so he's, I think giving up for now. He's always welcome to play, though. Ergo I'll be looking for a replacement.
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @Wake

He mentioned being hit by USMB's Discouraged Members function, so it takes 10 minutes to post a post, so he's, I think giving up for now. He's always welcome to play, though. Ergo I'll be looking for a replacement.

He can still post. It's his fault he's on the bad list, but that wouldn't stop him from playing if he really wanted to.

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