Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I don't care if you like it or not House. I woke up to her vicious personal attacks that go so far beyond what is allowed here and it is clear she has no intention of stopping.

That is what the mods are for. It is up to Wake and staff to deal with it now. I tried to deal with it and she won't quit. I am done.
I don't care if you like it or not House. I woke up to her vicious personal attacks that go so far beyond what is allowed here and it is clear she has no intention of stopping.

That is what the mods are for. It is up to Wake and staff to deal with it now. I tried to deal with it and she won't quit. I am done.

You are so wrapped up in your butthurt that you are completely missing the fact that such posting is scum behavior and that this is an excellent opportunity to set the precedent of removing such players in order to discourage such interactions in the future.

Drink your morning joe and mull over this post.
You know the problem here is I was in a fine mood when I woke up. I was ready to play the game. My posts last night were detailing why I was voting for Rosie and thought she was scum, I admitted my swearing was wrong, discussed ways with other players and Wake to fix things, etc. I was willing to work it out in the group.

Rosie will not quit. She continues personally attacking me calling me a sickie who needs pills, telling me I can't say anything about her or I need to go. And continues over and over.

I have a choice if I want to deal with this or not and my answer is not. I have better things to do with my time. I do not play this game to get flamed and trolled. This is zone 1.

This is not the first time she's done this. She is vicious and toxic and I won't play this game with Rosie in it.

It's as simple as that. Now I have PM'd Wake and am done until this is resolved.
I don't care if you like it or not House. I woke up to her vicious personal attacks that go so far beyond what is allowed here and it is clear she has no intention of stopping.

That is what the mods are for. It is up to Wake and staff to deal with it now. I tried to deal with it and she won't quit. I am done.

You are so wrapped up in your butthurt that you are completely missing the fact that such posting is scum behavior and that this is an excellent opportunity to set the precedent of removing such players in order to discourage such interactions in the future.

Drink your morning joe and mull over this post.

I did that last night House. Detailed why she was scum. She acted this bad as scum too. Problem is, I am not going to continue to be attacked like this while people decide if they want to vote her out. I tried dealing with it myself. She won't stop,

And frankly, even scum have better manners than Rosie.

Regards from Wolfie
@All: If you skimmed my posts on page 31, please go back and re-read them. Then vote RosieS to send the message that such behavior is scummy and unacceptable.

If you want a scapegoat in the event she actually flips town, lynch me for advocating it. The way I see it, she is playing against town's win con and directly supporting scum.

You are a mod here. She is breaking zone1 rules.

Says the one who broke Zone 1 by the Eff You and GFY postings.

Wake needed to have stopped this then.

Lack of modding on Wake's part does not mean you pile it on Avatar's lap.

This is Wake's mod area.

Play the damn game or don't.

No one cares what you ever will or won't do again, and you just do not get it.

Regards from Rosie

You are a mod here. She is breaking zone1 rules.

Says the one who broke Zone 1 by the Eff You and GFY postings.

Wake needed to have stopped this then.

Lack of modding on Wake's part does not mean you pile it on Avatar's lap.

This is Wake's mod area.

Play the damn game or don't.

No one cares what you ever will or won't do again, and you just do not get it.

Regards from Rosie

Please do not speak to me again. This is up to the mods to deal with.
Agrees are nice, but I'd like to see concrete action to put a stop to the nonsense.

That is the only way we will progress as a community of gamers so we can enjoy the game as it is meant to be played.
@All: If you skimmed my posts on page 31, please go back and re-read them. Then vote RosieS to send the message that such behavior is scummy and unacceptable.

If you want a scapegoat in the event she actually flips town, lynch me for advocating it. The way I see it, she is playing against town's win con and directly supporting scum.

Vote: Rosie
Hold your horses House. When at work, I can't always finish things immediately. :biggrin:
I am thinking wolf is town and I'm unsure of Rosie. So if it shuts down the distraction I'll vote Rosie. But if this continues after she is gone I'm going to be annoyed
vote rosie
I am thinking wolf is town and I'm unsure of Rosie. So if it shuts down the distraction I'll vote Rosie. But if this continues after she is gone I'm going to be annoyed
vote rosie

Agreed and I am willing to take the heat if that should happen, but I see no indication that will be the case.

You are a mod here. She is breaking zone1 rules.

I'm just a participant in a game here. I'm not getting involved. Have a problem pm wake. That's his job


I am glad you are not intervening in your official capacity, but it would be wonderful of you to get involved as a player to help put an end to it.

give me thirty seconds before you complain

Sorry, sitting at a consignee waiting for my trailer to be unloaded and trying to get as much done as possible while I have some down time.

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