Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

In the previous game, House and I engaged in banter and image trading concerning "Pinky and the Brain".
It was nothing but banter.

Turns out I was bantering with Scum, but I chose to begin to banter again in this game, too.

It is off-topic and meaning-free.

Try not to keep this "Secret".

Hmm, that's too bad. Still scum! Your OMGUS vote on me says that despite my reason being valid, you're still voting me.
Until then, get better at soft claiming, or start telling us why you think people are guards.

You are a guard because of your drive-by post out of the blue and because of how Scarlet is reacting to you - she knows you and I trust her reaction.

For now I will leave my vote on you but when a better candidate arises, I will move my vote.

Regards from Rosie

Ummm I am agreeing with Josh for the most part. Your actions have been off.
With Mafia, the general make-up of the game is why passions can boil over. For example, let's say TierShift is Town. He KNOWS in the deepest depths of his soul that he's Town. Innocent. However, no one else knows this fact. Scum, assuming we're not looking at multiple factions, knows this, too. So what's an honest guy to do? Scum are going to come at him and try to get him lynched or discredited every decent chance they get.

Screaming you're Town isn't going to convince others you're Town, or make Scum stop trying to mislynch you. What you've got to do is behave like a member of Town. This means being respectful. Nice. Believe it or not, you can laugh and have high spirits in this game. It's all about mindset. Being pro-Town means being active, honest, detailed, and willing to help and shed light on things. It takes patience, too. Some Townies play differently. Some will try really hard to push your buttons to see if you'll react as your Town-self or your Scum-self. Others develop into patient and methodical hunters, quietly combing over minute details in search of the smallest discrepancy or tell.

You know you're Town. Showing your faith in yourself being Town is OK, but it's not evidence of anything. You've got to wade in, say your piece, engage and otherwise be helpful. Others are going to push your buttons, or call you Scum relentlessly, or hound you to the very depths of Hades itself (I am notorious for this). Engage, but show calmness, too. That calmness can shake the opposition up, and give you a sense of control. Someone who is very aggressive... is very easy to outmaneuver if you know how. Same with those who are defensive.

...if you think about it, it may be true that those players Scumreading you are actually Town, and are also going crazy hopped up on paranoia and intense curiosity. If players weren't Scumreading you, or engaging you (even if negatively), or were agreeing with you too much.... I'd be truly worried. Every single time someone dares ask me for information I view it as an opportunity. An opportunity to not just answer honestly and thoroughly, but a very good window to lob questions or share ideas, too.

Thick skin is a must. You gotta do what you gotta do to stir discussion without getting antagonized. I've learned to be extremely resilient, which allows me to plow onward ceaselessly until every ounce of possible data is extracted. Resilience is a very useful thing to have in this game.

Wake, while this is immensely helpful, this is intervening in the game. Please stop.
No one's getting banned unless you do something outrageous.

I will gladly use cooldown locks to keep the game from boiling over.

Eff Off and GFY are not acceptable in this Zone.

If you let Wolf do it, others will deem those acceptable.

They are not and should not be overlooked.

Not responding in kind means there is only one member you need to deal with.

Some of us would NEVER personally attack in those ways.

Others will because you are not modding out-of-bounds flames.

Regards from Rosie
I care more about sexist comments. The old site has a bit more bad language than what I think is cool around here. I'll try to watch mine as I've been known to drop a few f-bombs when being wagoned.

Basically, all this shitfest has done has basically reset everything but for Josh, Avatar, and House are more likely town. I would expect scum!House to be forming more connections through his actions.
Ummm, If he lets Wolf do it. That's rich. House did it too. And no one cared. F-bombs are fine. Who cares? Rosie thinks she is above everyone because she can attack about everything except swearing so that's o.k. but if someone reacts to it in a way she doesn't approve of, they need to get banned and she's going to lay the guilt trip on Wake.

I've got an idea, you don't like my response, you don't attack me like you have been and you won't have to deal with it and stop whining to the mod if things don't go your way either.

Like you told me to do, grow up.
Hey, I got a better idea everyone. You don't like something, PM Wake. I've done it before. He's reasonable. He will warn people. He did it to me in game 3. But it's best left to PM. Then your crap isn't here to cause more drama for everyone else. This will be my last comment on anything not game related.
Wolf, stop getting mired in that and start playing the game. Give me substance if you're town and want me to vote Rosie. If Rosie is a big bully as you claim she is, she is attempting to drive you to do the same things you did in your scumgame to justify the scumread. Stop it. Rise above it. Learn to control and harness your emotions. ika is a very emotional player like you, so he should be giving you differing advice (separate from his probable scum PM) but you and I tend to play based more in logic. When you get in these shit fests, your logic suffers.
Wolf, stop getting mired in that and start playing the game. Give me substance if you're town and want me to vote Rosie. If Rosie is a big bully as you claim she is, she is attempting to drive you to do the same things you did in your scumgame to justify the scumread. Stop it. Rise above it. Learn to control and harness your emotions. ika is a very emotional player like you, so he should be giving you differing advice (separate from his probable scum PM) but you and I tend to play based more in logic. When you get in these shit fests, your logic suffers.

I totally agree. I have a real problem with this. This crap completely distracts me from playing and I think there are people here who know that and will push me to keep this crap going. I'm happy to listen to any advice from you or Josh or ika or anyone who is an outside voice and not involved in all the drama and can provide another opinion outside of the site drama and crap. I'm not above trying to change. It is just difficult for me. I recognize my reactions don't help. But it really pisses me off to be relentlessly attacked with no end to it. Every time things settled down, Rosie started again. Now, she complains that I swore at her.

I explained my Rosie scum read several times in this game. She's basically just attacking anyone who suspects her and is extremely aggressive which was the way she behaved as scum. I have not seen her scumhunt or give on read on anyone else. While she can be aggressive as town, this is beyond that. It reminds me of her behavior in her scum game.
wolf some adivce:

titus is right, you are a highly emotional player. you get riled easily and i can see that. but that doesnt justify everyone actions.

people will attack you regardless, i have played many games where i was town put into an outrage by either

A) town scum reading me and trying to lynch me for shit reasoning
B) scums trying to myslynch me
C) titus

the point is, its a game. if a player attacks you, you have to take the attack. simpily going "OMG, YOU SCUM. FUCK YOU" stuff is not always going to work.

If your meta is so intertwined with you being town and scum (i have yet to look at the games and prob wont for a while cus im lazy like that) then you have to accept the fact that you will be a common scum read.

Players on MS have more or less adapted to my play to understand it. II have also adpted to a point where i just dont give crap anymore.

just your possibly town and your going to be myslynched is not a reason to just go "FUCK YOU REPLACE ME"

you either:

A) fight your lynch to the end
B) be me, dont give a damn and self vote on lynch vote

while B can/is argubly be anti-town/wincon, its a players own decision.
Of course! Not purposefully, though.
God your play so reminds me of someone else I know on other forums. I just am so used to them having a different username. I swear I almost did @Fonti in my posts!

If you aren't Fonti and are new you have a good streak about you. And your avatar is hot!

@★Arden Still wanting to know if you are Fonti or not.

Soooo looks like more namecalling etc. Not really much that can be done with that til a flip. Just poking players atm.

@ika Yeah it takes me a while to read you...I remember. It takes some time. I just am not sure if town or scum. Something is weird with that vote. I am wanting to see what happens.
also wolf:

if you know a player is pushing you for myslynch (glares at titus for WH), you need to show it to the players. even if you get myslynched it will sometimes show a scums true colors.

i have played many games where i reached a point of not giving a damn, called out the scum and let myself be lynched. know what happened after that? the scums got lynched/caught
cool story bro.

also fair warning for all players: i will hammer at any l-1 w/o warning
ika-thanks, I really hate being scumread in every game for shit reasons when I am not scum, but I hate it worse when I am trying to play and some aggravating player comes in and starts shit every time things calm down. I'm going to show some examples for other people who want to know why I'm scumreading Rosie and have all game.

When she gets overly emotive, don't take it seriously, folks. She doesn't gnaw the scenery terribly badly. Best to.just ignore it.

Regards from Rosie

Condescending and demeaning insult.

just do a better job on your gameplay.

When you do, I will stop vote parking you.

Regards from Rosie

Admits she is voteparking me for not liking my gameplay which at this point was scumreading her when she insists she's town, so totally voting for OMGUS reasons and nothing else.

The difference, and correctness of voting on gameplay, is incredibly clear.

The only other thing I can do is beat you over the head with being wrong for voting for me when I am replete with towntells. Wrong is wrong is wrong with your vote.

Regards from Rosie

Says she's voting for my vote again, says she's giving off towntells but isn't. I wasn't even voting her at this time but she refused to even realize it.

Quit making excuses and improve YOUR gameplay from here on out.

I want to know I did not waste my life putting up a wall of good info based on your postings in Game 6.

If others benefit, that is a plus, too.

Regards from Rosie

Again insults my gameplay while trying to come off as better than anyone else.

I voted you due to your crappy play. Crappy play is offer Scum play.

If you have a good reason for your c-r-a-p-p-y play, let's hear it.

Regards from Rosie

AGAIN, insults my gameplay and this time says it is scum play. Refuses to see anything else, basically a scummy tunnel.

WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town

LOL-Almost all of Rosie's contributions to this thread are bickering with me, voting for people that vote for her, and basically bullying and threatening me with a vote park for a vote on her I didn't even have while calling me a crap player for not noticing she's town telling just because she says she's town.

Good one House.

You are a crap player because your play is all kinds of scummy and you are bickering with more than just me.

Mertex has obviously stepped down and you eagerly grabbed the Drama Queen crown. With vulgar insults, besides. You really wanna keep that crown badly, Miss Potty Mouth.

And I thought you said you were leaving? Got lost finding the exit?

Regards from Rosie

Here you can see her response to my comment to House getting nastier and angrier. I never even said anything to her and things had settled down and she's back to attacking me again. And if anyone thinks a post like this is not a personal attack I don't know what to tell you.

I don't have reads on everyone just yet, but this is what I'm seeing so far:

Avatar - Scum
★Arden - Leaning Scum (random voting after the end of RVS; misrep of my response to her in order to justify a vote)
MathBlade - Leaning Scum
ScarletRage - Leaning Scum
ika - Anti-Town via no interest in scumhunting (though he has provided commentary when directly addressed)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town
Josh_B - Town

I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

That's odd. WS has attacked me and Rosie, used bad words, none of which I have done, and yet I'm anti-town and she's null, go figure. Kinda makes it rather easy to tell who is the ruler and who are the defending guards.

Please point out the posts where I have attacked anyone other than list my reasons for who I am voting.

My read isn't an attack on you, settle your britches.

You are well known for looking out for #1 regardless of how it affects town, and this game is more of the same, hence no read either way (anti-town != scum).

If it soothes your bruised ego, I can say you are Null, Anti-Town so you can continue your crusade.

That's BS and you know. WS made an obvious grammar mistake that doesn't go unnoticed in Mafia games. She called Townies "they" - and it was caught, then she was too eager to get Ika lynched when most of the time as town she wants everyone to take their time, then she goes berzerk with personal attacks, telling me I'm pulling stuff out of my ass, (just because I voted for her and gave my reasons), tells Rosie to fuck off, tells Wake to replace her, and I'm the one that is anti-town, and you get a null reading on her? That's rich. If anything, you have made it more obvious that you may be one of the guards and she is probably the ruler, otherwise why would she get her panties all in a wad over a game?\

Again, please point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked Wolf or anyone for that matter.

That's right cuz as ruler, I'd definitely want to draw this much attention to myself.

Or more likely I'm a rebel who doesn't give a shit if I come off scummy and am acting like I always do as town but you are so determined to see my as scum for suspecting you, that you are blinded to anything else.

And if you opened your eyes and saw how many times Rosie called me a crappy player, you could see where I can tell her to shove it where the sun don't shine.

The only problem I have with you is your anti-town, looking out for #1 play that you always do.

And your verbal diarrhea is anti-town crappy play.

Plus you have now added on a schizoid-type of crappy play, which is also noted - but just by me so far.

Did I tell you your gameplay in this Game 6 is full of major league suckage?

Well, Queen of Drama, I am telling you now.

Regards from Rosie

I just left this whole quote so you can see the game is going back to it's regular play, things are settling down, I'm not addressing her at all and she comes back at me AGAIN and starts more shit AGAIN for no justifiable reason.

has wolfy played a scum game yet?

Yeah, and being dealt the Scum hand makes her go ballistic.

Just like now.

Regards from Rosie

You were so damn nasty as scum you make me laugh. I went ballistic in game 2 as town when I was repeatedly trolled and attacked and I will continue it here as town when it happens because that is your scum meta when town suspects you. You try to set them off. You have had no justifiable reason for you treatment of me this game but I will not roll over and take it. You got that right. You've done nothing this game but go after me.

You mercilessly attack people in every game you play. You were nasty to Mertex last game, nasty to mebelle in game 3, nasty to me in game 2 and now.

Nope, I don't put up with that crap as either alignment.

And you are FoC - full of crap. I have done plenty in this game other than pick on poor widdle you. But that is all you can see.

Something I never posted to Mertex but I am to you. Grow the hell up. You are behaving more crappy than any five year old; except that they have the good grace to be embarrassed about it.

You can't even crappily muster that.

Besides being a liar. All the Full of Crap that you won't play, want to be replaced out and all your other nonsense.

There is absolutely no reason to believe a word you post.

And look. Grown-ups can be a grown up AND not use vulgarities. Immature females, especially,, cannot.

Regards from Rosie

I'm going to leave the other quotes in there so you can see what she is responding to and you can see she once again attacks me calls me a liar, says I'm full of crap, makes a sexist gender remark, insults me and calls me immature, tells me to grow up, etc.

Then when I finally get sick of her insults, and give her some back, she whines to Wake to get me banned or modkilled because of my bad language but if anyone can see her comments to me above and see if that is acceptable or doesn't deserve at least a warning also, then again, I don't know what to tell you.

Rosie is either scum or is so nasty that she's harmful to town. She sets her sights on one person and is nasty as she can be and when she gets some back, she wants to get the person removed from the game.

As scum, I was the first one to ask for Moonglow's modkill. Why? Because one less townie. And anyone can read game 2 and see how Rosie was as scum which was at least as nasty if not more so than here.

I rest my case. I want her gone. I will continue to vote her until it happens. Period.
I will add again that every one of her attacks on me was indeed a personal attack and most of them were when I was not even addressing her and things had settled down in the game and suddenly, here's Rosie insulting Wolfie again.

Fuck, reading this again, is pissing me off again. She has no reason to talk to me like this unless she is scum trying to keep town distracted by starting a fight with me every time scum hunting starts to occur again.

Notice it? Things settle down, people start giving reads, game continues, AND there's Rosie sticking one of her nasty posts in there to stir up shit again.

She's playing scummier than 3 Wolfies combined and seriously needs to go ASAP.
Oh and FYI RL I did something awesome today so I'm intentionally being in a smiley mood. May not try to read any future posts for a bit.

@Titus: would you believe me if i said i was doing a luckylee slayer gambit?

@ika, I'd believe it's a possibility I would have to take into account. Along those lines of thought... Who is your biggest townread (other than yourself) that has been wagoned as well?
titus has a weird approach as scum and the fact shes trying to use my own tactic against me is enough of a tell to me.
Part of Titus's case is that you aren't random
I have no need to gambit.

You gotta get up to speed on what Town is and is not.

You got it badly wrong right from the start. USMB is not like any place you might be be used to.

Try again.

Regards from Rosie

Ok. Then... help me understand where your mind is. if I got it wrong, you need to say where I got it wrong.
-You've admitted it's not a gambit. So.. I must be correct in believing it was multiple soft claims.

What is town and what is not to you?
What do you think I should expect from USMB?

No, it is not soft claiming or crumbing or anything of the sort.

Hometown (USMB) players tend not to do that...thus Scarlet's surprised at your thinking I would crumb King ( or anything for that matter).

USMB players do tend to go off topic more than main Mafia players, and it is stoopid to call that scumtells.


Regards from Rosie

Hahahaha. lol. ROTFLMAO. heehee.
One of my first comments was Why are there so many soft claims? Most of them aren't even cryptic. I don't usually look for the cryptic claims anyway. So... seriously are you going to get around to explaining your statements?

My statements on DEODORANT? Agreeing with House that there is no "Left Guard"?

That is just banter that needs no explanation. Iti s barely game related. Harmless banter signifying nothing.

Reading anything into harmless banter is just plain stoopid.

Regards from Rosie
Oh, so you must have been talking about Degree, or Old Spice. Why didn't you say that in the first place.
Perhaps you don't see any relativity to this image of deodorant and the game flavor.

It isn't banter. And I purport that the nature of the deodorant statement was in the spirit of soft claiming.

You're overreaching.

1) I'm the one that brought the name of the deodorant into it, so if you want to demonize somebody for it, bring it on.

2) The entire reason Ibrought the name "Right Guard" was for the word "Right" (well, technically, "Left"), not the word "Guard". It was a joke. Read my fucking post in context.

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