Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

That's BS and you know.

Yep, anti-town pay is definitely BS. Glad we're in agreement.
Except I haven't done anything anti-town except vote for Wolfsister. I didn't realize that she was off limits and that you had inside info that she was confirmed Town, so that my voting for her makes me anti-town.

Hmm. Don't see what Wolfie has to do with my read on you, but I hope it felt good to get that off your chestesses.
It does when you read my statement where I compare our behavior in this game and your read on each of us.
You're claiming that I am anti-town, why? Because I voted for WS and gave my reasons? Wolf goes on a tirade, making personal attacks, and you get a null read on her.

Are you being intentionally obtuse? She takes such questioning personally ALL the time.
Oh, I see, we're supposed to consider it Town behavior because she takes questioning personally?

All I have done is post my reasons why I voted for her. I don't understand why you and WS and perhaps some others are taking that as being anti-town, and accusing me of being anti-town. I asked you to point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked WS or anyone for that matter, and I see that you couldn't find one.
And, I'm the one being intentionally obtuse?
Oh and BTW Rosie-

I don't give a fuck what you think of me so if you could kindly go back to playing the game and stop attacking me that would be lovely.

Or you can keep it up and I'll shove it down your throat and make you gag on it.

You pick.
thinking house is trying to draw attention to himself with illogical arguments. Which means he could be a guard trying to get attention away from the ruler. More reason for me to stay on ika imho.

wolf I'm not lurking. I am just not going to get involved with your squabbles that happen every game. My time is precious and I told you guys before we started this game that I wasn't going to be on tons.
*Sigh* Can't we all just get along??

:/ I think Wolf is likely scum.

Also I think scum in House/Scarlet Rage not sure which.

I think Rosie is town.

Rest I am unsure of yet.
has wolfy played a scum game yet?

Yeah, and being dealt the Scum hand makes her go ballistic.

Just like now.

Regards from Rosie

You were so damn nasty as scum you make me laugh. I went ballistic in game 2 as town when I was repeatedly trolled and attacked and I will continue it here as town when it happens because that is your scum meta when town suspects you. You try to set them off. You have had no justifiable reason for you treatment of me this game but I will not roll over and take it. You got that right. You've done nothing this game but go after me.

You mercilessly attack people in every game you play. You were nasty to Mertex last game, nasty to mebelle in game 3, nasty to me in game 2 and now.

Nope, I don't put up with that crap as either alignment.
I view venting in a Mafia game as healthy. Therapeutic, almost. If I haven't screamed once within three games then that's not normal. :p Just keep it within bounds (not going ballistic on family members, pets, etc).
has wolfy played a scum game yet?

Yeah, and being dealt the Scum hand makes her go ballistic.

Just like now.

Regards from Rosie

have to disagree here. She tries to hide more in the background when she draws scum. Feels like her town game.

atleast if we go by prior play. It's possible she has improved her game being surrounded by scum last game
I view venting in a Mafia game as healthy. Therapeutic, almost. If I haven't screamed once within three games then that's not normal. :p Just keep it within bounds (not going ballistic on family members, pets, etc).

I don't think I've ever screamed except in the dead zone when people miss obvious clues

Random thought here:

If this game was being televised as a reality show, USMB Mafia would be at the top of the ratings for reality shows.
has wolfy played a scum game yet?

Yeah, and being dealt the Scum hand makes her go ballistic.

Just like now.

Regards from Rosie

You were so damn nasty as scum you make me laugh. I went ballistic in game 2 as town when I was repeatedly trolled and attacked and I will continue it here as town when it happens because that is your scum meta when town suspects you. You try to set them off. You have had no justifiable reason for you treatment of me this game but I will not roll over and take it. You got that right. You've done nothing this game but go after me.

You mercilessly attack people in every game you play. You were nasty to Mertex last game, nasty to mebelle in game 3, nasty to me in game 2 and now.

Nope, I don't put up with that crap as either alignment.

Rosie was far worse as scum in Game 2. She was pretty much telling everyone she was going to get them. LOL
*Sigh* Can't we all just get along??

:/ I think Wolf is likely scum.

Also I think scum in House/Scarlet Rage not sure which.

I think Rosie is town.

Rest I am unsure of yet.

I'm glad you feel that way. You were dead wrong about me last game when you called me scum all game and you are dead wrong now. When you call me scum, I know I gotta be town.
To add to Rosie's scum meta, she was almost bragging in her posts then about what she could do.
has wolfy played a scum game yet?

Yeah, and being dealt the Scum hand makes her go ballistic.

Just like now.

Regards from Rosie

You were so damn nasty as scum you make me laugh. I went ballistic in game 2 as town when I was repeatedly trolled and attacked and I will continue it here as town when it happens because that is your scum meta when town suspects you. You try to set them off. You have had no justifiable reason for you treatment of me this game but I will not roll over and take it. You got that right. You've done nothing this game but go after me.

You mercilessly attack people in every game you play. You were nasty to Mertex last game, nasty to mebelle in game 3, nasty to me in game 2 and now.

Nope, I don't put up with that crap as either alignment.

Rosie was far worse as scum in Game 2. She was pretty much telling everyone she was going to get them. LOL

I believe she told me I was making the wrong enemies and should watch out or something to that effect in game 2 as scum when I suspected her. She's nasty as scum to anyone who suspects her and is nasty as town to anyone she thinks as scum. Regardless, I can't stand that kind of play. It makes me really, really, pissy. In case you haven't noticed. LOL
That's BS and you know.

Yep, anti-town pay is definitely BS. Glad we're in agreement.
Except I haven't done anything anti-town except vote for Wolfsister. I didn't realize that she was off limits and that you had inside info that she was confirmed Town, so that my voting for her makes me anti-town.

You're mistaken. I don't give a shit what your read is on her or why.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

All I care about are my reads and sharing them with town.

Hmm. Don't see what Wolfie has to do with my read on you, but I hope it felt good to get that off your chestesses.
It does when you read my statement where I compare our behavior in this game and your read on each of us.

No, it doesn't. Wolfie has zip to do with my read of you. Nothing.

You're claiming that I am anti-town, why?

Wow, thank you for asking a question... even if you opted not to wait for an answer.

You are anti-town because you are going to do what you are going to do and tough shit if it's bad for town when you do it. Sort of like all this drama queen bullshit.

Because I voted for WS and gave my reasons?

Nope, scroll up.

Wolf goes on a tirade, making personal attacks, and you get a null read on her.

Boo fucking hoo? Irrelevant whining is irrelevant. My read on her has nothing to do with you and vice versa.

Are you being intentionally obtuse? She takes such questioning personally ALL the time.
Oh, I see, we're supposed to consider it Town behavior because she takes questioning personally?

Take it however you want. I'm not trying to tell you what to think.

All I have done is post my reasons why I voted for her.

Bad liar is bad. You are a drama queen.

I don't understand why you and WS and perhaps some others are taking that as being anti-town, and accusing me of being anti-town.

Why whoever thinks whatever is irrelevant to me at this point. That includes you.

I asked you to point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked WS or anyone for that matter, and I see that you couldn't find one.

I didn't look because it's a retardulous question that bears no relevance to my read.

And, I'm the one being intentionally obtuse?

With Mafia, the general make-up of the game is why passions can boil over. For example, let's say TierShift is Town. He KNOWS in the deepest depths of his soul that he's Town. Innocent. However, no one else knows this fact. Scum, assuming we're not looking at multiple factions, knows this, too. So what's an honest guy to do? Scum are going to come at him and try to get him lynched or discredited every decent chance they get.

Screaming you're Town isn't going to convince others you're Town, or make Scum stop trying to mislynch you. What you've got to do is behave like a member of Town. This means being respectful. Nice. Believe it or not, you can laugh and have high spirits in this game. It's all about mindset. Being pro-Town means being active, honest, detailed, and willing to help and shed light on things. It takes patience, too. Some Townies play differently. Some will try really hard to push your buttons to see if you'll react as your Town-self or your Scum-self. Others develop into patient and methodical hunters, quietly combing over minute details in search of the smallest discrepancy or tell.

You know you're Town. Showing your faith in yourself being Town is OK, but it's not evidence of anything. You've got to wade in, say your piece, engage and otherwise be helpful. Others are going to push your buttons, or call you Scum relentlessly, or hound you to the very depths of Hades itself (I am notorious for this). Engage, but show calmness, too. That calmness can shake the opposition up, and give you a sense of control. Someone who is very aggressive... is very easy to outmaneuver if you know how. Same with those who are defensive.

...if you think about it, it may be true that those players Scumreading you are actually Town, and are also going crazy hopped up on paranoia and intense curiosity. If players weren't Scumreading you, or engaging you (even if negatively), or were agreeing with you too much.... I'd be truly worried. Every single time someone dares ask me for information I view it as an opportunity. An opportunity to not just answer honestly and thoroughly, but a very good window to lob questions or share ideas, too.

Thick skin is a must. You gotta do what you gotta do to stir discussion without getting antagonized. I've learned to be extremely resilient, which allows me to plow onward ceaselessly until every ounce of possible data is extracted. Resilience is a very useful thing to have in this game.
Also I think scum in House/Scarlet Rage not sure which.
Where is your logic for the "either/or scenario you are implying, here?

Such posts (this is the second time) look like you are lining up lynches.

"Lynch X; if X is town, then lynch Y."

If I'm scum, it has nothing to do with Scarlet. Or vice versa.
Wolf is coming off as town (rebel) to me. Ya'll can call me whatever ya'll want for saying that, but what I've seen from her to this point is her town game.

Rosie is also reading town to me. I've seen her play both sides in this game, but this is what I've seen from her when she's been town before. As town, when she has her eyes set on a target, it's 'no hands barred'.

House - town for now. This game is a complete 180 from he was scum last time.

Mertex - town. When she played scum, she was lurking and rarely posting. She was so good at hiding out, I forgot she was in the game.

Math - null - need to see more from

TSO - null - need to see more from

ika - hard to read in that he wants to random vote (lynch) people instead of us playing the game by talking things out.

ScarletRage - town for now
has wolfy played a scum game yet?

Yeah, and being dealt the Scum hand makes her go ballistic.

Just like now.

Regards from Rosie

You were so damn nasty as scum you make me laugh. I went ballistic in game 2 as town when I was repeatedly trolled and attacked and I will continue it here as town when it happens because that is your scum meta when town suspects you. You try to set them off. You have had no justifiable reason for you treatment of me this game but I will not roll over and take it. You got that right. You've done nothing this game but go after me.

You mercilessly attack people in every game you play. You were nasty to Mertex last game, nasty to mebelle in game 3, nasty to me in game 2 and now.

Nope, I don't put up with that crap as either alignment.

And you are FoC - full of crap. I have done plenty in this game other than pick on poor widdle you. But that is all you can see.

Something I never posted to Mertex but I am to you. Grow the hell up. You are behaving more crappy than any five year old; except that they have the good grace to be embarrassed about it.

You can't even crappily muster that.

Besides being a liar. All the Full of Crap that you won't play, want to be replaced out and all your other nonsense.

There is absolutely no reason to believe a word you post.

And look. Grown-ups can be a grown up AND not use vulgarities. Immature females, especially,, cannot.

Regards from Rosie

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