Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

MathBlade and ScarletRage, if you join me on Avatar, we can give Ika a choice on who he'd like to hammer.

Well, well, well. This is interesting. You read Avi as frustrated town until you see that FA is at L-1.

Now you vote Avi and beg others to come help him get hammered to save FA.

ika should hammer FA. Most definitely. Or someone else should.

There's only SR and Math left besides Ika, but Grandma or Arden chould switch. Shiatra had listed FA as Scum in Post #644, where she considered Avi as Town, so I'm surprised she is voting for Avi instead of FA.
MathBlade and ScarletRage, if you join me on Avatar, we can give Ika a choice on who he'd like to hammer.

Well, well, well. This is interesting. You read Avi as frustrated town until you see that FA is at L-1.

Now you vote Avi and beg others to come help him get hammered to save FA.

ika should hammer FA. Most definitely. Or someone else should.

There's only SR and Math left besides Ika, but Grandma or Arden chould switch. Shiatra had listed FA as Scum in Post #644, where she considered Avi as Town, so I'm surprised she is voting for Avi instead of FA.

She called Avi town and listed FA as scum. But when she saw FA at L-1, she voted Avi and asked others to join her. FA jumps on any townie wagon. He has got to go.

On a side note Wake Arden may need a prod?
Apologies to my team - I didn't have the time I really need to devote to the game this time around hence the sparse posting. I have been busy as hell.
Oh that's fine. Getting the guards out of the way is the first step. And we can use the info. on you to figure out more of them and get the ruler. We will also be able to figure out for town and gang up on the rest of you.

And I was right about you all along. :biggrin:
so we found a guard. I'm surprised. This would be a good time to review FA's scum list
I kind of like the trap we used to catch him. It probably makes Avi town, ika town, Josh_B town, Aye town, Mertex town, Cafe town. I'm gonna say based on her intense frustrating Mathblade is likely town also.

Who's left? Shaitra, SR, Arden, Grandma-this is probably the rest of the scum team plus usurper.

We can still look at FA's posts to make sure but we wait until FA's flip then go on down the list starting with Shaitra.

Unless someone has a better idea.
Oh and Avi-thank you for being the town counter wagon to scum wagon and sorry we had to use you to catch him.

while I am town, the fact that FA wasn't doesn't prove my status. That's bad logic

It works perfectly well in a game like this. You are off my scum list. Later, when I have more time, I'll search FA's posts for clues and adjust my reads as needed.
Wolf did not say you were proven town. Wolf's logic is faulty in assumung the usurper is off the wagon. The usurper should want a guard lynch imo.

The usurper wants anyone but him so I would suspect the L minus 1 voter.

For scum, I would look at anyone who FA said was too dumb to scum.

I feel comfortable taking Wolf off the table if FAflips scum.

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