Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Remember Shaitra's objection to hammering FA and wanting to get Avi instead.

She's likely one of them.

there is no way shaitra knew FA was a guard unless he was the ruler. I doubt he was.

I do find her actions suspicious though. She says she thinks I'm frustrated town and then tries to get a wagon against me. However it is possible she just thought I was the more likely of the two to flip scum.

she is on my scum shortlist though. He behavior has been off this game
That's for tomorrow anyway.

Lower activity notice, as I am starting a work project

We should still chain two people.
Remember Shaitra's objection to hammering FA and wanting to get Avi instead.

She's likely one of them.

there is no way shaitra knew FA was a guard unless he was the ruler. I doubt he was.

I do find her actions suspicious though. She says she thinks I'm frustrated town and then tries to get a wagon against me. However it is possible she just thought I was the more likely of the two to flip scum.

she is on my scum shortlist though. He behavior has been off this game
Chain Shaitra and Math tomorrow?
I will vote for Shaitra but I will wait until after the flip and vc so there is no confusion for Wake. I'm not sure if the votes reset after that or how that works.

FA's only reads list:

Reads -

RosieS Dead
AyeCantSeeYou Town
ScarletRage Scum – already explained

Mertex – to quiet, very unusual for her. Leaning scum but not there yet.
House – to vitriolic for scum. Town for now
Shaitra – null but shiatra is always hard as hell for me to read
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @@Wake
Arden – Town
Avatar4321 – Null but I tire of early lynches of avatar :D
Josh_B – null
Wolfsister77 – scum or at the least anti-town.
tso! - null
ika – impossible to read someone that is not willing to engage. The randomness leads me to speculate usurper – it just seems to fit the role

Mathblade – null she hasn’t posted much
The above reads list from FA should of been in a quote:

Reads -

RosieS Dead
AyeCantSeeYou Town
ScarletRage Scum – already explained

Mertex – to quiet, very unusual for her. Leaning scum but not there yet.
House – to vitriolic for scum. Town for now
Shaitra – null but shiatra is always hard as hell for me to read
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @Wake
Arden – Town
Avatar4321 – Null but I tire of early lynches of avatar :D
Josh_B – null
Wolfsister77 – scum or at the least anti-town.
tso! - null
ika – impossible to read someone that is not willing to engage. The randomness leads me to speculate usurper – it just seems to fit the role

Mathblade – null she hasn’t posted much
Wolf, given his reads on both of us being scum, maybe we were both in conflict with a particular player at the time of the post?
After the flip, I'll look at his posts and try to figure out what his thinking was on other players. I don't have time to chase them down now. Maybe see if I can catch his votes. I'm going to go ahead and let the usurper continue to help us and go for the guards and ruler first. I'll check back after the flip. Kind of busy right now.
Oh that's fine. Getting the guards out of the way is the first step. And we can use the info. on you to figure out more of them and get the ruler. We will also be able to figure out for town and gang up on the rest of you.

And I was right about you all along. :biggrin:
You mean like I said about how we have to get rid of guards?

And it looks like based on posting one of wolf/ika is likely town just not sure which but Shaitra's votes trying to desperately save FA look like shit end of day.

Vote Shaitra
So IMO FA slipped and said "my team" a townie would have just said "Dammit I was town" (in their own way)

With FA almost certainly guard Shaitra IMO should get it.

If you lynch me SR should be next as I am town. The one rule of Mafia is RNG hates me and I never draw/replace into scum.
So IMO FA slipped and said "my team" a townie would have just said "Dammit I was town" (in their own way)

With FA almost certainly guard Shaitra IMO should get it.

If you lynch me SR should be next as I am town. The one rule of Mafia is RNG hates me and I never draw/replace into scum.

It's a given that FA is Scum. His post not only confirmed it, he told us he is not the king.
Not the king though - you are going to have to dig deeper for that :D

What is RNG?

Do we have to wait for the flip and vc to vote for someone new or can we vote now and the votes will count plus the person we voted for before hammer?

The only reason I'm not voting for Shaitra is it seems like often times votes reset after a flip in Mafia but I don't know how that works in a nightless setup.

I don't know if I can be voting for 2 people at once if that makes sense.
well, there you go. I am dead

Good luck town, If my reads are correct then you are going to need it.

Okay, this seems so much like your parting post in game 4? You know the one where I was flash lynched and town and our masons were not working as a team? And you said we were so very far off the mark when we caught you as scum? Perhaps we are closer to the king after all if you do flip guard? You don't need "reads" if you are guard to know who the king is, I'm hoping you flip King but if not, Ill throw up my next KING read.

I have a few thoughts, I felt as if there may be some bussing going on. Of course scum do not know who each others are but they probably have an idea given they must be scum hunting too, so they don't bus, but I can see them doing it to save their own skins.

We need to see if FA sheeped anyone in particular, if he flips guard and not king, I recall him on Wolf with a few others for sometime.
Oh and Avi-thank you for being the town counter wagon to scum wagon and sorry we had to use you to catch him.

while I am town, the fact that FA wasn't doesn't prove my status. That's bad logic

It may prove nothing, however your meta is off. I get real life affects our play, however you are not playing your logic game as you do when town, instead it is your insert doubt about players with one line comments and one line questions- your scum game. As I said I have a few doubts since we always lynch you early. You are still on my scumdar.
So IMO FA slipped and said "my team" a townie would have just said "Dammit I was town" (in their own way)

With FA almost certainly guard Shaitra IMO should get it.

If you lynch me SR should be next as I am town. The one rule of Mafia is RNG hates me and I never draw/replace into scum.

Last night your self vote looked as if you were trying to split the votes even further. So you look about the same as Shai.
Let's wait for the flip before we start voting for anyone. We are just going to confuse each other otherwise.

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