Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

ika, I pretty much have solved the game. Did you see my list of scumreads for you to sheep? :p
Vote MathBlade

Wolf, Ika, SR, Avi or FA but not both

Quick phone post not much time to elaborate sorry.
And yes the vote me is intentional so we either lynch me or move the fuck on and quit bringing up pointless bullshit. I am town.
And yes the vote me is intentional so we either lynch me or move the fuck on and quit bringing up pointless bullshit. I am town.

Ok then vote one of the wagons if you are town. Why vote yourself when there are two wagons going, esp two on people you have a scum read on. This self voting makes no sense at this point Math. Just my two cents.
Cafe, while I commonly address people by post. Occasionally I don't. A search won't find every post. For instance, you were talking to me in #1577 but you didn't actually reference me by name.

Yes, I realize that and I see where josh said he was going to vote you after house. I just did not recall your scum reading him since then.

Can you give me your reasons why you think josh is scum?
This game is definitely confusing. I believe I already mentioned that I find Avi scummy, and actually thought I voted him already but evidently didn't. However, in his last few posts I'm getting annoyed townie more than frustrated scum.
I'm think FA is the best vote here. I'm actually getting annoyed townie from both Avi and mathblade. I'm starting to think SR is scum also.

And no, it has nothing to do with her scumread on me. It has to do with her illogical behavior all game. And FA is scummy for barely playing except to jump on wagons on townies.

I think he's the best vote and those of you voting Avi might want to consider going there.

I'm not sure why you are voting yourself but it gets us nowhere. If you are town, you can't win by just getting pissed that your sister and some others are calling you scum. Help us game solve. The only reason I was thinking you might be is because of your attitude and hiding out. The wagons help us figure things out. I can make a case on both FA and SR when I have time but you need to vote where you think the scum are. If you intentional make the game difficult, then you are not going to get a townread. I feel like both you and Avi are way off this game or I wouldn't be even considering either of you. I have never seen Avi this annoyed and you either.

Both of you need to help us figure this out if you are town. Acting the way you both are will keep you on a scum list otherwise. I know how if feels to be town and be scumread.

So help us get one of them or I won't be able to townread you.
I'm also going to be watching the FA wagon in particular and see who hesitates to go there because I think this might give us some clues. If FA isn't scum, I give up then.
It's also possible scum is intentionally making things difficult and we need to be observant for those behaviors. Something is definitely off this game on several people and on the game in general. I can't put my finger on it, but now that the toxicity is out of the way, some are even more annoyed and so many aren't playing that it is actually starting to frustrate me as well. This is a perfect environment for scum to win right now.

I'll be back when others decide they want to play. I wish House was here.

Let's see where this goes.
This game is definitely confusing. I believe I already mentioned that I find Avi scummy, and actually thought I voted him already but evidently didn't. However, in his last few posts I'm getting annoyed townie more than frustrated scum.

Shaitra All along you have been reading Avi as Scum, yet you didn't vote for him now that he has a wagon. Why are you seeing him as annoyed Townie more than frustrated scum now?
It's also possible scum is intentionally making things difficult and we need to be observant for those behaviors. Something is definitely off this game on several people and on the game in general. I can't put my finger on it, but now that the toxicity is out of the way, some are even more annoyed and so many aren't playing that it is actually starting to frustrate me as well. This is a perfect environment for scum to win right now.

I'll be back when others decide they want to play. I wish House was here.

I think our answers lie in the bolded above, especially the last part. It's difficult to figure out people when they aren't contributing much of anything. Staying silent helps scum and hurts town. That is why I went ahead voted for FA. He has been more quiet than usual this game, so let's see if he talks more now that there's another vote on him. On the same note, I wish Avi would post more as well. Shaitra is quiet as well.
This game is definitely confusing. I believe I already mentioned that I find Avi scummy, and actually thought I voted him already but evidently didn't. However, in his last few posts I'm getting annoyed townie more than frustrated scum.

Shaitra All along you have been reading Avi as Scum, yet you didn't vote for him now that he has a wagon. Why are you seeing him as annoyed Townie more than frustrated scum now?

Mertex, I thought I did vote him last night. I intended to, but I was working from home so in my hurry to post I missed making the vote.

The annoyed townie comes from the way he is posting and what he is posting. Avi has really been into the games so far and it seems like he is not engaging this game like he has in the past. That's part of why I was scum reading him earlier. But the last few posts from him sound more townish. Basically it is more a meta read on him.
It's also possible scum is intentionally making things difficult and we need to be observant for those behaviors. Something is definitely off this game on several people and on the game in general. I can't put my finger on it, but now that the toxicity is out of the way, some are even more annoyed and so many aren't playing that it is actually starting to frustrate me as well. This is a perfect environment for scum to win right now.

I'll be back when others decide they want to play. I wish House was here.

I think our answers lie in the bolded above, especially the last part. It's difficult to figure out people when they aren't contributing much of anything. Staying silent helps scum and hurts town. That is why I went ahead voted for FA. He has been more quiet than usual this game, so let's see if he talks more now that there's another vote on him. On the same note, I wish Avi would post more as well. Shaitra is quiet as well.

Guys, I'm trying to participate as much as I can. But right now I am really busy at work. I'm posting right now on my break and I try to keep the game in the background so I can read in any spare time but RL and work comes first.
I just went back and figured the vote count. Right now FA_Q2 has 6 votes and Avatar has 3.

Vote: Avatar
MathBlade and ScarletRage, if you join me on Avatar, we can give Ika a choice on who he'd like to hammer.
MathBlade and ScarletRage, if you join me on Avatar, we can give Ika a choice on who he'd like to hammer.

Well, well, well. This is interesting. You read Avi as frustrated town until you see that FA is at L-1.

Now you vote Avi and beg others to come help him get hammered to save FA.

ika should hammer FA. Most definitely. Or someone else should.

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