Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I asked Wake to prod Arden.

I think Shaitra's comments today were pretty damning. She's right that RL comes first and if she's busy I totally understand. We are all busy in RL but her complete lack of even trying to really play and barely voting or remembering whether or not she did is strange. If you sign up, even if busy, you need to do something. Lurking is a huge scumtell for most everyone here except for Grandma and House who did not lurk as scum. I did, FA does, Shaitra does, Avi does.

In addition to this, I meant her comments trying to protect FA.
I asked Wake to prod Arden.

I think Shaitra's comments today were pretty damning. She's right that RL comes first and if she's busy I totally understand. We are all busy in RL but her complete lack of even trying to really play and barely voting or remembering whether or not she did is strange. If you sign up, even if busy, you need to do something. Lurking is a huge scumtell for most everyone here except for Grandma and House who did not lurk as scum. I did, FA does, Shaitra does, Avi does.

I agree with the Shaitra thing, however I wondered if she finally voted Avatar ( who she said she thought she had voted for twice prior?) came off as strange. She said she thought she already voted for Avi when she returned from V/LA, then again she said she thought she voted when she posted last night. So this seems weird for Shai. Could she be reading both FA and Avi as scum and reluctance to vote as King? Because if she were reading either as usurper if she was King she would have no issue voting for them, unless she thinks they are guards.
I asked Wake to prod Arden.

I think Shaitra's comments today were pretty damning. She's right that RL comes first and if she's busy I totally understand. We are all busy in RL but her complete lack of even trying to really play and barely voting or remembering whether or not she did is strange. If you sign up, even if busy, you need to do something. Lurking is a huge scumtell for most everyone here except for Grandma and House who did not lurk as scum. I did, FA does, Shaitra does, Avi does.

I agree with the Shaitra thing, however I wondered if she finally voted Avatar ( who she said she thought she had voted for twice prior?) came off as strange. She said she thought she already voted for Avi when she returned from V/LA, then again she said she thought she voted when she posted last night. So this seems weird for Shai. Could she be reading both FA and Avi as scum and reluctance to vote as King? Because if she were reading either as usurper if she was King she would have no issue voting for them, unless she thinks they are guards.

I think the fact that she saw FA at 6 votes and voted Avi and asked others to join showed she though FA was a fellow guard. At least that's the way it appeared and she hasn't bothered to explain it yet.
I agree with waiting for the flip to vote, but since we know FA is a guard, there's no reason we can't still comment otherwise. FA has no ability to keep his mouth shut when he's caught. I wouldn't say shit if I was scum. I'd hammer myself and be quiet so town can't do anything.
Meh, its irrelevant without a night action. There really is not 'time' factor to this game because of that.

so who do you think is scum?

Why would he even attempt to out the rest of the scum team Avatar, if he is not King? That is against his wincon, yes? He may answer who the usurper might be- since they are opposing teams. But why would he even give a truthful read here and would you believe it? This question seems very strange. I am ISOing his posts to see if he defended anyone in particular and or sheeped any one repeatedly- that would most likely give more truth than asking him who he believes the rest of his scum team is IMO.

can't hurt to ask. Unless you are worried about him pointing the finger at you

If he answers, he'll lead us astray anyway. Can't trust scum ever.
I agree with waiting for the flip to vote, but since we know FA is a guard, there's no reason we can't still comment otherwise. FA has no ability to keep his mouth shut when he's caught. I wouldn't say shit if I was scum. I'd hammer myself and be quiet so town can't do anything.
Meh, its irrelevant without a night action. There really is not 'time' factor to this game because of that.

so who do you think is scum?

Why would he even attempt to out the rest of the scum team Avatar, if he is not King? That is against his wincon, yes? He may answer who the usurper might be- since they are opposing teams. But why would he even give a truthful read here and would you believe it? This question seems very strange. I am ISOing his posts to see if he defended anyone in particular and or sheeped any one repeatedly- that would most likely give more truth than asking him who he believes the rest of his scum team is IMO.

can't hurt to ask. Unless you are worried about him pointing the finger at you

LOL Funny, I predicted that response.

He can point the finger all he wants at me, I am town. He is an admitted guard you asked to out his possible team-mates. You, I consider as our "Spock" when you play town. You are logical, to me that was a highly illogical question to ask admitted scum.
I agree with waiting for the flip to vote, but since we know FA is a guard, there's no reason we can't still comment otherwise. FA has no ability to keep his mouth shut when he's caught. I wouldn't say shit if I was scum. I'd hammer myself and be quiet so town can't do anything.
Meh, its irrelevant without a night action. There really is not 'time' factor to this game because of that.

so who do you think is scum?

Why would he even attempt to out the rest of the scum team Avatar, if he is not King? That is against his wincon, yes? He may answer who the usurper might be- since they are opposing teams. But why would he even give a truthful read here and would you believe it? This question seems very strange. I am ISOing his posts to see if he defended anyone in particular and or sheeped any one repeatedly- that would most likely give more truth than asking him who he believes the rest of his scum team is IMO.

can't hurt to ask. Unless you are worried about him pointing the finger at you

If he answers, he'll lead us astray anyway. Can't trust scum ever.

I agree, Unless it's Avatar outing his opposition scum ICE team. OR as I said if FA wanted to weigh in on usurper, since that is his opposing scum person- I might consider it, if it matched who I have read as possible usurper.
I asked Wake to prod Arden.

I think Shaitra's comments today were pretty damning. She's right that RL comes first and if she's busy I totally understand. We are all busy in RL but her complete lack of even trying to really play and barely voting or remembering whether or not she did is strange. If you sign up, even if busy, you need to do something. Lurking is a huge scumtell for most everyone here except for Grandma and House who did not lurk as scum. I did, FA does, Shaitra does, Avi does.

I agree with the Shaitra thing, however I wondered if she finally voted Avatar ( who she said she thought she had voted for twice prior?) came off as strange. She said she thought she already voted for Avi when she returned from V/LA, then again she said she thought she voted when she posted last night. So this seems weird for Shai. Could she be reading both FA and Avi as scum and reluctance to vote as King? Because if she were reading either as usurper if she was King she would have no issue voting for them, unless she thinks they are guards.

I think the fact that she saw FA at 6 votes and voted Avi and asked others to join showed she though FA was a fellow guard. At least that's the way it appeared and she hasn't bothered to explain it yet.

Well, my other thought was she may have been trying to protect Avatar. I also noted, Avatars reluctance to vote FA. Read his post where he voted FA, he said "Fine, but I think we have another townie" -something to that effect. BUT I need to see who voted Avatar. Additionally, Math self-voting came off as another thing to split the votes...
My Reads List

Arden - leaning scum - hasn't participated much to get a good read on

Avatar4321 - leaning scum - as much as i'd like to not say that, something just feels off with him this time. he's quiet, far more than i'm used to him being in this game. is it bad to say i feel awful for thinking he may be hiding something from us in this game, considering we usually lynch him early on and he has been town more than scum?

AyeCantSeeYou - me - rebel

CafeAuLait - playing as she has when she's been town in other games - rebel

ika - leaning rebel - was wary of him Day 1 due to him saying he wanted to random lynch and not talk things through in the game. he does answer questions directed at him if the call-out (@) is used on him.

Josh_B - leaning rebel - posts come off as thought out and appears to keep up with the game, even though he doesn't post much

Mathblade - null - at times has come off as both scum and rebel - got really frustrated with the Day 1 fighting and hasn't posted much since. seems to have given up on the game.

Mertex - leaning rebel - is staying out of the fights this game, seems to be putting more thought into her posts while trying to figure out the game

ScarletRage - who knows!!!! one minute, she posts as though she's a rebel making sense of everything, then the next she goes off the deep end and does a complete 180 on us. I don't like that she tries to get others to vote certain people with her - seems like something scum would do to get enough votes in a hurry to lynch someone.

Shaitra - null - need to see more. I know she said she's busy with work and other stuff, but I was hoping we'd see a few more posts by now.

Wolfsister77 - rebel - playing as she does in town games
I asked Wake to prod Arden.

I think Shaitra's comments today were pretty damning. She's right that RL comes first and if she's busy I totally understand. We are all busy in RL but her complete lack of even trying to really play and barely voting or remembering whether or not she did is strange. If you sign up, even if busy, you need to do something. Lurking is a huge scumtell for most everyone here except for Grandma and House who did not lurk as scum. I did, FA does, Shaitra does, Avi does.

I agree with the Shaitra thing, however I wondered if she finally voted Avatar ( who she said she thought she had voted for twice prior?) came off as strange. She said she thought she already voted for Avi when she returned from V/LA, then again she said she thought she voted when she posted last night. So this seems weird for Shai. Could she be reading both FA and Avi as scum and reluctance to vote as King? Because if she were reading either as usurper if she was King she would have no issue voting for them, unless she thinks they are guards.

I think the fact that she saw FA at 6 votes and voted Avi and asked others to join showed she though FA was a fellow guard. At least that's the way it appeared and she hasn't bothered to explain it yet.

Well, my other thought was she may have been trying to protect Avatar. I also noted, Avatars reluctance to vote FA. Read his post where he voted FA, he said "Fine, but I think we have another townie" -something to that effect. BUT I need to see who voted Avatar. Additionally, Math self-voting came off as another thing to split the votes...

I've got to re-do all my reads.
Well, my other thought was she may have been trying to protect Avatar. I also noted, Avatars reluctance to vote FA. Read his post where he voted FA, he said "Fine, but I think we have another townie" -something to that effect. BUT I need to see who voted Avatar. Additionally, Math self-voting came off as another thing to split the votes...

That self-vote came out as odd. We had 2 wagons going at the time, trying to see what was going to come up with them. If she didn't want to vote for FA since he had the most votes at the time, she could have voted for the other.
Well, my other thought was she may have been trying to protect Avatar. I also noted, Avatars reluctance to vote FA. Read his post where he voted FA, he said "Fine, but I think we have another townie" -something to that effect. BUT I need to see who voted Avatar. Additionally, Math self-voting came off as another thing to split the votes...

That self-vote came out as odd. We had 2 wagons going at the time, trying to see what was going to come up with them. If she didn't want to vote for FA since he had the most votes at the time, she could have voted for the other.

Especially since she had them both as scum so yeah, the self vote is odd and she's way too crabby.
Forgot Grandma in my list above.

Grandma - leaning rebel - so far, she's posting like she has when she's been town in other games
Well, my other thought was she may have been trying to protect Avatar. I also noted, Avatars reluctance to vote FA. Read his post where he voted FA, he said "Fine, but I think we have another townie" -something to that effect. BUT I need to see who voted Avatar. Additionally, Math self-voting came off as another thing to split the votes...

That self-vote came out as odd. We had 2 wagons going at the time, trying to see what was going to come up with them. If she didn't want to vote for FA since he had the most votes at the time, she could have voted for the other.

Especially since she had them both as scum so yeah, the self vote is odd and she's way too crabby.

It makes me wonder if she was reading and staying caught up with the thread or not. If she was, I don't understand the self-vote.
I asked Wake to prod Arden.

I think Shaitra's comments today were pretty damning. She's right that RL comes first and if she's busy I totally understand. We are all busy in RL but her complete lack of even trying to really play and barely voting or remembering whether or not she did is strange. If you sign up, even if busy, you need to do something. Lurking is a huge scumtell for most everyone here except for Grandma and House who did not lurk as scum. I did, FA does, Shaitra does, Avi does.

I thought the same thing. When Shaitra said she thought she had voted the night before but realized she hadn't and then she kinda brushed it off and didn't vote, I thought, what is going on? I'm pretty sure she is either the ruler or guard. I still think SR is the Usurper, but we can figure that out later.
As a quick FYI Wake and All. I will be V/LA this this weekend starting Friday (afternoonish PST)- Sunday, evening PST.

Oh, since you mentioned it, I'm going to be V/LA myself this weekend. I will be gone Friday morning through Monday, noon. We'll be at Big Bend, so I'll take my lap top but may not be able to post much. Riding during the day and partying during the evening, but I'll try to sneak off and check in and see where we are at. At the rate we are going we may have this game solved before then....but prolly not.

I asked Wake to prod Arden.

I think Shaitra's comments today were pretty damning. She's right that RL comes first and if she's busy I totally understand. We are all busy in RL but her complete lack of even trying to really play and barely voting or remembering whether or not she did is strange. If you sign up, even if busy, you need to do something. Lurking is a huge scumtell for most everyone here except for Grandma and House who did not lurk as scum. I did, FA does, Shaitra does, Avi does.

That's not right Wolfsister. I'm doing my damnedest to play the game and honor my commitment to the game. So screw you for saying I'm not even trying. You don't like it when other people make comments like that about you so at least don't be a hypocrite and make comments about other people. That really really pisses me off that you are accusing me of not even trying.
Yea! A scum flip. Back to business.

VOTE: Cafeaulait (or whatever)

hat do you guys think about the other scums being mixed on both of the wagons?
I sat down to devote some time to the game but why bother now. The great almighty wolf has declared that I'm not posting enough so why should I even bother.

And the reason I wanted to put Avi at L-1 was to see what Ika would do if he had to choose. I wanted to see if that would provide some sort of indication about him.

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