Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace


Do we have to wait for the flip and vc to vote for someone new or can we vote now and the votes will count plus the person we voted for before hammer?

The only reason I'm not voting for Shaitra is it seems like often times votes reset after a flip in Mafia but I don't know how that works in a nightless setup.

I don't know if I can be voting for 2 people at once if that makes sense.

It won't count wolf the VC will be reset after FA's lynch,, isn't it always reset with a new day?
I agree with waiting for the flip to vote, but since we know FA is a guard, there's no reason we can't still comment otherwise. FA has no ability to keep his mouth shut when he's caught. I wouldn't say shit if I was scum. I'd hammer myself and be quiet so town can't do anything.
FA voted:

1.1 Wolf
1.2 wolf
1.3 wolf
1.4 wolf
1.5 wolf

2.1 wolf
2.2 wolf
2.3 tso
2.4 tso
2.5 wolf
2.6 wolf

Avatar voted:
1.1. ika
1.2 ika
1.3 ika
1.4 ika
1.5 Rosie

2.1 ika
2.2 ika
2.3 ika
2.4 ika
2.5 ika
2.6 House

The reason for my bringing it up, after FA admitted to being Scum, Wolf mentioned that it made Avatar Town. I'm not so sure. Keeping their votes on the same person seems rather odd, may have been a way to signal each other they were Scum? I'm not discounting Avatar from being Scum just yet.

Do we have to wait for the flip and vc to vote for someone new or can we vote now and the votes will count plus the person we voted for before hammer?

The only reason I'm not voting for Shaitra is it seems like often times votes reset after a flip in Mafia but I don't know how that works in a nightless setup.

I don't know if I can be voting for 2 people at once if that makes sense.

It won't count wolf the VC will be reset after FA's lynch,, isn't it always reset with a new day?

I think so, but since people are voting again, I just wanted to have Wake let us know how it works in this setup. I'm not going to have my vote on 2 people so I will wait.
FA voted:

1.1 Wolf
1.2 wolf
1.3 wolf
1.4 wolf
1.5 wolf

2.1 wolf
2.2 wolf
2.3 tso
2.4 tso
2.5 wolf
2.6 wolf

Avatar voted:
1.1. ika
1.2 ika
1.3 ika
1.4 ika
1.5 Rosie

2.1 ika
2.2 ika
2.3 ika
2.4 ika
2.5 ika
2.6 House

The reason for my bringing it up, after FA admitted to being Scum, Wolf mentioned that it made Avatar Town. I'm not so sure. Keeping their votes on the same person seems rather odd, may have been a way to signal each other they were Scum? I'm not discounting Avatar from being Scum just yet.

I am not sure, but I would like to see who and if FA sheeped anyone in particular... if he flips guard and not King, the person he may have sheeeped may be the King and a signal to the king he was a guard.
I will vote for Shaitra but I will wait until after the flip and vc so there is no confusion for Wake. I'm not sure if the votes reset after that or how that works.

FA's only reads list:

Reads -

RosieS Dead
AyeCantSeeYou Town
ScarletRage Scum – already explained

Mertex – to quiet, very unusual for her. Leaning scum but not there yet.
House – to vitriolic for scum. Town for now
Shaitra – null but shiatra is always hard as hell for me to read
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @@Wake
Arden – Town
Avatar4321 – Null but I tire of early lynches of avatar :D
Josh_B – null
Wolfsister77 – scum or at the least anti-town.
tso! - null
ika – impossible to read someone that is not willing to engage. The randomness leads me to speculate usurper – it just seems to fit the role

Mathblade – null she hasn’t posted much

The only read we can trust is his usurper read, the rest are self serving. The fact he has Aye as firm town in the second sentence kind of makes me wonder..... AND his tiring of 'early lynches of Avatar"
I am not sure, but I would like to see who and if FA sheeped anyone in particular... if he flips guard and not King, the person he may have sheeeped may be the King and a signal to the king he was a guard.

Noted as another thing to check. Good point. It's weird because he sheeped House and SR and Mertex and Mathblade to get on my wagon at one point but also sheeped myself and Josh to get on the Avatar wagon.

So who knows?
I agree with waiting for the flip to vote, but since we know FA is a guard, there's no reason we can't still comment otherwise. FA has no ability to keep his mouth shut when he's caught. I wouldn't say shit if I was scum. I'd hammer myself and be quiet so town can't do anything.
Meh, its irrelevant without a night action. There really is not 'time' factor to this game because of that.
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I agree with waiting for the flip to vote, but since we know FA is a guard, there's no reason we can't still comment otherwise. FA has no ability to keep his mouth shut when he's caught. I wouldn't say shit if I was scum. I'd hammer myself and be quiet so town can't do anything.
Meh, its irrelevant without a night action. There really is not 'time' factor to this game because of that.

so who do you think is scum?
I agree with waiting for the flip to vote, but since we know FA is a guard, there's no reason we can't still comment otherwise. FA has no ability to keep his mouth shut when he's caught. I wouldn't say shit if I was scum. I'd hammer myself and be quiet so town can't do anything.
Meh, its irrelevant without a night action. There really is not 'time' factor to this game because of that.

so who do you think is scum?

Why would he even attempt to out the rest of the scum team Avatar, if he is not King? That is against his wincon, yes? He may answer who the usurper might be- since they are opposing teams. But why would he even give a truthful read here and would you believe it? This question seems very strange. I am ISOing his posts to see if he defended anyone in particular and or sheeped any one repeatedly- that would most likely give more truth than asking him who he believes the rest of his scum team is IMO.
Avi or SR could be usurper but it doesn't really matter who the usurper is as long as they help us catch the rest of the scum and the ruler. When they are gone, then we can hunt down the usurper.
Who's left? Shaitra, SR, Arden, Grandma-this is probably the rest of the scum team plus usurper.

Unless someone has a better idea.

I'm definitely not scum.

Is Arden V/LA?

As far as I know she is not. She has been quiet. What are your current reads Grandma, since FA is at least a guard, as far as his post reads after IKA hammered.
I'm looking at Arden for lack of participation.

Mertex and Avi are both playing strangely.

I can never tell with Aye, she and FA are usually my hardest-to-figure out.

I think Scarlet's the SK.

BUT - I'm going to have to spend most of the night re-reading the whole dang thread, ISO-ing everyone's posts, to get a better read.

The only 2 I have any real Town faith in are Ika and Cafe, but it's only like 60% each.
I asked Wake to prod Arden.

I think Shaitra's comments today were pretty damning. She's right that RL comes first and if she's busy I totally understand. We are all busy in RL but her complete lack of even trying to really play and barely voting or remembering whether or not she did is strange. If you sign up, even if busy, you need to do something. Lurking is a huge scumtell for most everyone here except for Grandma and House who did not lurk as scum. I did, FA does, Shaitra does, Avi does.
I agree with waiting for the flip to vote, but since we know FA is a guard, there's no reason we can't still comment otherwise. FA has no ability to keep his mouth shut when he's caught. I wouldn't say shit if I was scum. I'd hammer myself and be quiet so town can't do anything.
Meh, its irrelevant without a night action. There really is not 'time' factor to this game because of that.

so who do you think is scum?

Why would he even attempt to out the rest of the scum team Avatar, if he is not King? That is against his wincon, yes? He may answer who the usurper might be- since they are opposing teams. But why would he even give a truthful read here and would you believe it? This question seems very strange. I am ISOing his posts to see if he defended anyone in particular and or sheeped any one repeatedly- that would most likely give more truth than asking him who he believes the rest of his scum team is IMO.

can't hurt to ask. Unless you are worried about him pointing the finger at you

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