Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I admire your optimism buy I don't think we will have this solved by the weekend. Even if we get the ruler we still have the usurper to get
So IMO FA slipped and said "my team" a townie would have just said "Dammit I was town" (in their own way)

With FA almost certainly guard Shaitra IMO should get it.

If you lynch me SR should be next as I am town. The one rule of Mafia is RNG hates me and I never draw/replace into scum.

It's a given that FA is Scum. His post not only confirmed it, he told us he is not the king.
Not the king though - you are going to have to dig deeper for that :D

What is RNG?

Random Number Generator
Wolf, I don't care if you don't like my attempt to work with town. It's what I will explicitly do. I did the same thing in Game 5 once I thought I had the game figured out.

@All, I don't really care if you think I am the usurper. The usurper is an anti-town role and we'll likely lynch it on the way to the ruler. I'm curious as to why so many people are sheeping usurper though. That seems to be an idea put forth by Wolf and if you can't lynch her push a mislynch onto her. Doubly so if there's no way to really argue I am guard.

That being said, if scum think I am the usurper, they'll keep me alive against their wincon.

Grandma's use of SK instead of usurper or survivor is also telling. The word choice suggests she is attempting to increase the threat of the usurper. Wolf and Mertex have it right. Flip the ruler first. The Usurper cannot win without the ruler flipping and is not a big of a threat until that point. Usurper reads from scum can serve to also indicate someone who is acting very townie but scum cannot be able to lynch.
Grandma's use of SK instead of usurper or survivor is also telling. The word choice suggests she is attempting to increase the threat of the usurper. Wolf and Mertex have it right. Flip the ruler first. The Usurper cannot win without the ruler flipping and is not a big of a threat until that point. Usurper reads from scum can serve to also indicate someone who is acting very townie but scum cannot be able to lynch.

No, my use of "SK" is NOT telling. I could say usurper, I could say Glorified Dog Catcher, I could say Killer Rabbit, it doesn't really matter to me in this game because the role has no power. I used SK because it's the easiest abbreviation.

If you want me to refer to you only as "Usurper," then fine, I'll do it. Just for you. :itsok:

Vote Count 3.2

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (4):
★Arden, Grandma, FA_Q2, Shaitra
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
CafeAuLait (0):
CafeAuLait, Josh_B, Wolfsister77, Avatar4321, AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, ika
Grandma (0):
ika (0):
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (2):
ScarletRage, Mathblade
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (0):
Shaitra (0):
Wolfsister77 (0):

Not Voting (0):

~ With 13 players, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/11/14, @10PM Central.


"NOOO!. FO OUR RULER, WE WILL NOT BE STOPPED!!! MY LIFE FO THE EMPIRE!!!" Though bulky and powerful, this one had no way to combat the numbers of the Town. After a hail of bullets and a punch to the groin, this titular character came crumbling down.

FA_Q2, determined Loyal Guard, has been vanquished.


It is now Day 4.

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline expires 10/14/14, @9PM.
Ha!! I knew FA was a scumbucket from the moment he entered the game and never doubted that read all game.

1 down, 3 to go unless we get the ruler, then we can take out the usurper-also goes by the initials SR. :muahaha:
I think Avatar is the Ruler. The fact that he did the same type of voting as FA....kept his vote on the same person so as to not appear like he wasn't voting, but it was a safe vote the whole time. I think he voted for FA hoping to split the votes and we'd end up going after someone else. Since I think he is the ruler.....if we take him out, we don't have to worry about the guards. Unless more of you think Shaitra is the ruler. I think she may be a guard.

Also, let's see if the same people that were voting for him are still wanting to vote for him, this might tell us a lot more.
Also, let's see if the same people that were voting for him are still wanting to vote for him, this might tell us a lot more.

Avatar4321 (4): ★Arden, Grandma, FA_Q2, Shaitra

Well, let's see... Arden, I don't have much of a read on yet, FA was a Guard, and Shaitra's one of my main suspects. I'm feeling, at least for now, that Avi is Town.

I'm not going to vote for him this Day unless he claims Scum.
I kind of agree with Grandma and am leaning town on Avi. Shaitra, I'm feeling pretty good about being a guard so for now, I'll stick with her. I do have to go look through a few things to solidify my reads but for now, she's a good vote.

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