Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Hmmm, why are you guys trying to split the vote on Shaitra. Is there some reason you guys are now trying to protect her?

I'm not trying to protect her....I just think Avatar is the ruler, so why go for a guard when we can get the ruler and save ourselves the trouble of trying to figure out who the other guards are? Also, let's see if the same people that voted for him are willing to vote for him....that might tell us a bit more. We can always get Shaitra next. She's still on my scumdar.

Why do you think Avatar is town? Did you see his voting pattern? It is exactly like FA's, except he was voting for Ika (who I think is Town) except when he voted for Rosie/House.

I can change my vote if more are willing to go with Shaitra.

Why would FA jump on Avi's wagon if Avi was the ruler? Why would he suddenly decide Avi is scum and try to get him lynched if he knew Avi was the ruler?

This is why I am hesitant to vote Avi. He could be guard or usurper but I kind of doubt guard because he voted FA and FA voted him. Could be bussing I guess but I don't know.

I'm willing to vote Avi but Shaitra made comments today specifically designed to get more votes on Avi as soon as she saw FA was at L-1. Like she was trying to push everyone to Avi's wagon.

So I don't know. I just think Shaitra is a better vote. Like I said, I could switch to Avi if it becomes necessary but I need to see some more proof he's scum.

I don't think he's the ruler.

I can't find VC 3.1, ( its broken) who dropped off Avatar's wagon for FA? Wasn't Avatar at L-2 at some point.

Here's the link....Wake accidentally edited it.

Official Usmb Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace
Hmmm, why are you guys trying to split the vote on Shaitra. Is there some reason you guys are now trying to protect her?

I'm not trying to protect her....I just think Avatar is the ruler, so why go for a guard when we can get the ruler and save ourselves the trouble of trying to figure out who the other guards are? Also, let's see if the same people that voted for him are willing to vote for him....that might tell us a bit more. We can always get Shaitra next. She's still on my scumdar.

Why do you think Avatar is town? Did you see his voting pattern? It is exactly like FA's, except he was voting for Ika (who I think is Town) except when he voted for Rosie/House.

I can change my vote if more are willing to go with Shaitra.

Why would FA jump on Avi's wagon if Avi was the ruler? Why would he suddenly decide Avi is scum and try to get him lynched if he knew Avi was the ruler?

This is why I am hesitant to vote Avi. He could be guard or usurper but I kind of doubt guard because he voted FA and FA voted him. Could be bussing I guess but I don't know.

I'm willing to vote Avi but Shaitra made comments today specifically designed to get more votes on Avi as soon as she saw FA was at L-1. Like she was trying to push everyone to Avi's wagon.

So I don't know. I just think Shaitra is a better vote. Like I said, I could switch to Avi if it becomes necessary but I need to see some more proof he's scum.

I don't think he's the ruler.

I can't find VC 3.1, ( its broken) who dropped off Avatar's wagon for FA? Wasn't Avatar at L-2 at some point.

I dropped off Avi for FA once I saw FA come in out of nowhere after not posting all day and cast a vote for Avi and suddenly say my case on Avi was good when he was scumreading me all game and tried to get me voted off over and over and jumped on my wagon also.

So why would he sheep me? Josh even asked him why and he didn't answer.

This is another reason I am doubting Avi is scum atm.
It should be obvious that the wagons against town are being padded by scum.
Especially in this case where Any town wagon has a 5 vote lead on all other wagons.

FA_Q2 has always been suspect but this looks like that padding.
Remind me again how many towniees I have lynched.

Oh, thats right.

Show me how that matters
Show me how you've done any type of information gathering
Tell me about the relationship between you, Wolf, and Avatar as it relates to this game.

Avatar lynch is wolfsister's baby. Show me an area where you think Wolfsister might be town, and you don't mind following her on the Avatar lynch.

So here's the question FA refused to answer but is the reason I MIGHT think Avi is town. I'm not sure here but I would like to get another guard if Avi is town and I feel more sure of Shaitra.

tbh, I am quite surprised Shaitra said screw you to me and asked to replace out over some comments I made about her not posting much and scum lurking, that is not like her

mathblade's self vote was strange also and her getting so upset over being scumread and that seems like a ploy to distract from either the FA or Avi vote

So not sure here.

We could always lynch SR. That might be fun. :p
I dropped off Avi for FA once I saw FA come in out of nowhere after not posting all day and cast a vote for Avi and suddenly say my case on Avi was good when he was scumreading me all game and tried to get me voted off over and over and jumped on my wagon also.

So why would he sheep me? Josh even asked him why and he didn't answer.

This is another reason I am doubting Avi is scum atm.

Damn, I thought it was going to get easier as we lynched Scum.....

That's weird, when I looked at all the vote counts (I bookmark them), it was showing FA as not voting on Vote Count 3.1. It didn't even faze me at the time, but I do remember he voted for Avatar. Maybe that is why Wake edited it?
I am fine with lynching either Josh or Math.

You AV look pretty town. Math is actually swinging voting the ruler so she's either guard wifoming it or town. Eitherway she's acting protown.

Wolf's the ruler so unless we get a miracle Wolf will not swing.

Aye looks town as well.

Vote:Josh B

I don't get scum from Josh at all at this time. Care to explain why he reads as scum to you?

Math, however, has bothered me for a while. She just does not seem to be actively involved in hunting scum and her votes seem rather random. Things that I would expect from scum.

(emphasis added)

I am reading FA's posts and I found this, putting it here for the time being. Seems like a strong reaction from FA ^ I guess Josh and FA have played before as well? I did not realize FA was also playing off site. I hope this is not too WIFOMY.

Hummmm he also defended Avatar (853, 854) as well. Not sure if he was passing that off as town play or not. I am going to continue to read.
so now we are speculating on who is gurad and who is ruler?

how about this question: does it make that much of a diffrence if they are guard or ruler? they are scum regardless
I dropped off Avi for FA once I saw FA come in out of nowhere after not posting all day and cast a vote for Avi and suddenly say my case on Avi was good when he was scumreading me all game and tried to get me voted off over and over and jumped on my wagon also.

So why would he sheep me? Josh even asked him why and he didn't answer.

This is another reason I am doubting Avi is scum atm.

Damn, I thought it was going to get easier as we lynched Scum.....

That's weird, when I looked at all the vote counts (I bookmark them), it was showing FA as not voting on Vote Count 3.1. It didn't even faze me at the time, but I do remember he voted for Avatar. Maybe that is why Wake edited it?

I saw the same thing. I knew I was not going insane and I am off most of my meds! LOL
Okay, here's a thought. When I did the checking on the vote counts, and I noted that Avatar was voting for the same person except when it came down to a wagon on someone, he changed his vote. On D1 counts 1, 2, 3 and 4 he was voting Ika. On Count 5 he voted Rosie. (True that maybe he was just going along with the PL). But on D2, he also voted 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for Ika, but on Count 2.6 he changed his vote to House. Wouldn't the Usurper want all the rebels and guards/ruler gone? So, the Usurper will vote for anyone, it doesn't matter, as long as it's not him.

Just a thought.
Avi could be the usurper. I'm not ruling that out. But if he is, I'd rather him help us pick off the guards. Same as if SR is the usurper. We need her help getting scum. I'm just guessing on these 2 based on behavior. I haven't really been hunting for the usurper yet. I've been trying to get scum first.
Not the king though - you are going to have to dig deeper for that :D

Did anyone notice FA's use of the word King here instead of ruler?

Is he telling us the ruler is male? Is he trying to lie to take the heat off a Queen?

Say he slipped: That leaves 3 people as ruler.


If this is true, out of those 3 it's Avi. Thoughts? Do we trust scum? I don't. But was it a slip?
I think Avatar is the Ruler. The fact that he did the same type of voting as FA....kept his vote on the same person so as to not appear like he wasn't voting, but it was a safe vote the whole time. I think he voted for FA hoping to split the votes and we'd end up going after someone else. Since I think he is the ruler.....if we take him out, we don't have to worry about the guards. Unless more of you think Shaitra is the ruler. I think she may be a guard.


Avatar gets close to a lynch. FA votes Avatar. Mertex thinks Avatar is the ruler, I don't think this is the only person that said this.
Let me look back at Cafe.
Not the king though - you are going to have to dig deeper for that :D

Did anyone notice FA's use of the word King here instead of ruler?

Is he telling us the ruler is male? Is he trying to lie to take the heat off a Queen?

Say he slipped: That leaves 3 people as ruler.


If this is true, out of those 3 it's Avi. Thoughts? Do we trust scum? I don't. But was it a slip?

I don't know TBH. SR has been calling the 'ruler' king all game and said it the customary term for this setup. Wiki calls it "the King too"

Rebels in the Palace - MafiaWiki

SR has a post where someone questioned her on the word "King". IIRC it was somewhere midgame.

However, I just checked the beginning of the game PMs and the scum PM says "Magnificent Ruler", not King. Not sure what to make of it, unless FA is playing offsite, which it seems he must be given he was strongly defending Josh after SR called him scum and FA said something like: "I don't get Josh is scum at all this time SR, what is your reasoning?"
I think Avatar is the Ruler. The fact that he did the same type of voting as FA....kept his vote on the same person so as to not appear like he wasn't voting, but it was a safe vote the whole time. I think he voted for FA hoping to split the votes and we'd end up going after someone else. Since I think he is the ruler.....if we take him out, we don't have to worry about the guards. Unless more of you think Shaitra is the ruler. I think she may be a guard.


Avatar gets close to a lynch. FA votes Avatar. Mertex thinks Avatar is the ruler, I don't think this is the only person that said this.
Let me look back at Cafe.

I said Avatar's meta was off and he may be a guard/usurper/king ruler in my first read here. I said almost the same of Wolf as well. Avatar's meta is off.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 30 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
so now we are speculating on who is gurad and who is ruler?

how about this question: does it make that much of a diffrence if they are guard or ruler? they are scum regardless

We should vote scum regardless. Guards are much easier to lynch though.

The game gets teeth because we have FA to analyze.

Has FA drawn scum before?
I am fine with lynching either Josh or Math.

You AV look pretty town. Math is actually swinging voting the ruler so she's either guard wifoming it or town. Eitherway she's acting protown.

Wolf's the ruler so unless we get a miracle Wolf will not swing.

Aye looks town as well.

Vote:Josh B

I don't get scum from Josh at all at this time. Care to explain why he reads as scum to you?

Math, however, has bothered me for a while. She just does not seem to be actively involved in hunting scum and her votes seem rather random. Things that I would expect from scum.

(emphasis added)

I am reading FA's posts and I found this, putting it here for the time being. Seems like a strong reaction from FA ^ I guess Josh and FA have played before as well? I did not realize FA was also playing off site. I hope this is not too WIFOMY.

Hummmm he also defended Avatar (853, 854) as well. Not sure if he was passing that off as town play or not. I am going to continue to read.

No. To my knowledge Josh B came over from Mafiascum and has very limited experience with me from there.

I have seenquite a few things wierd today.

First, excessive suggestion I am the usurper. Theallegation makes no sense. Why would a usurper hate two competing wagons and vote neither? The more logical (but still incorrect) assumption is scum with FA. Not all people who defend scum are scum here but I am surprised that wasskipped.

Second and more importantly, has FA drawn scum before? How did he treat his known buddies? Given he had to focus on finding hisbuddies, that makes hiding his meta harder. Who does he treat like they are a buddy? Like town he's conning?
I am also puzzled by Cafe's return to Josh B after I wanted his lynch over the confirmed scum. That's not saying my read is right or wrong on Josh but trusting me might not be smart and I don't have the game as cracked as I did.
FA was scum in game 4 but I didn't play that one. You can ask Aye or Grandma. They were his scumbuddies.
I am also puzzled by Cafe's return to Josh B after I wanted his lynch over the confirmed scum. That's not saying my read is right or wrong on Josh but trusting me might not be smart and I don't have the game as cracked as I did.

I don't know if I am 'trusting" you as much as I just went back and started to read FA's posts and noted the defense of Josh.

As far as FA's scum game ( last time) he did not defend anyone that I recall. Don't hold me to that thought, my memory may be failing there. He read scum to me because this game mimics his last scum game, quiet, no real defense of himself if called scum, etc. I wish I could point out what draws my reads but sometimes people read completely different. FA is not good at hiding when he is scum, thus far anyway. This was his second time rolling scum. Avatar also reads different. He is usually logical, maybe I missed some of these posts, I am rereading. But I see some wonder why one would "bus" ( for the lack of a better word given they don't know who each other are) the other if they suspected the other was scum. FA may have thought Avatar was the usurper and vise versa. This would have Avatar rolling scum twice in a row though.

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