Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Good points on TSO.

Considering that House is the only other viable wagon, wolf is not going anywhere soon, my other scum read on scarlet is also not going anywhere soon and I am not yet convinced House is scum I think TSO is likely the best place for my vote at this time.

Vote: TSO

TSO vote-now Grandma
This one is good. He read SR as guard.

yes vote me so i can be out of this stupid game and watch the obviscum titus lead everyone to downfall

Because of this, I tend to agree:

@House, @Mertex, @Wolf, @Avatar4321 @RosieS Let's suppose we're all town. I have townreads to varying degrees on all of you now so I'd rather just make scum's job really hard for them. Let's lynch outside of ourselves until required to do so otherwise. We should mop up quite a few of the guards.

If you're in, vote ika.

That is trying to control a group – something that seems very scummy to me in general. It is in scums best interest to control a few townies to direct them away from their king. I get a Loyal Guard read from Titus
Mertex sounds to me like she is genuinely trying to change her hostility.

Reading her as scum because she is being more amenable is crazy IMHO. We already know that she is directly trying to change her meta - that is not a scum tell.

Defending Mertex.

I noted this post earlier, I though I quoted it? But I don't see it. I really hate this new forum setup when it comes to quoting stacking.
Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

Wants to lynch ika, defends Avi.
Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

Wants to lynch ika, defends Avi.

He defended Avatar on at least two other occasions as well.
I am fine with lynching either Josh or Math.

You AV look pretty town. Math is actually swinging voting the ruler so she's either guard wifoming it or town. Eitherway she's acting protown.

Wolf's the ruler so unless we get a miracle Wolf will not swing.

Aye looks town as well.

Vote:Josh B

I don't get scum from Josh at all at this time. Care to explain why he reads as scum to you?

Math, however, has bothered me for a while. She just does not seem to be actively involved in hunting scum and her votes seem rather random. Things that I would expect from scum.

So here's one and I think Cafe already posted it but I'm just looking through any relevant FA posts for anything noteworthy. Here he defends Josh and says Math is scum.

Vote: Wolfster

I have already explained why though Mertex makes a much better case.

Oh look here. Scum jumped on my wagon as soon as he could.

I am not the least bit surprised.
I have been advocating for your wagon ALL GAME.

That just might be why you are not surprised.

Here's one of many where he votes for me and admits wanting to wagon me.

Mertex sounds to me like she is genuinely trying to change her hostility.

Reading her as scum because she is being more amenable is crazy IMHO. We already know that she is directly trying to change her meta - that is not a scum tell

Defending Mertex.

Good points on TSO.

Considering that House is the only other viable wagon, wolf is not going anywhere soon, my other scum read on scarlet is also not going anywhere soon and I am not yet convinced House is scum I think TSO is likely the best place for my vote at this time.

Vote: TSO

TSO vote-now Grandma

This one is good. He read SR as guard.

yes vote me so i can be out of this stupid game and watch the obviscum titus lead everyone to downfall

Because of this, I tend to agree:

@House, @Mertex, @Wolf, @Avatar4321 @RosieS Let's suppose we're all town. I have townreads to varying degrees on all of you now so I'd rather just make scum's job really hard for them. Let's lynch outside of ourselves until required to do so otherwise. We should mop up quite a few of the guards.

If you're in, vote ika.

That is trying to control a group – something that seems very scummy to me in general. It is in scums best interest to control a few townies to direct them away from their king. I get a Loyal Guard read from Titus

Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

Wants to lynch ika, defends Avi.

Here are all the relevant quotes I could find and bolded the relevant parts.

He defends: Mertex, Avatar, Josh

Goes after: Me, SR, Math

There is probably more because I just did a search and grabbed what stood out to me and didn't take the time to read word for word but this is a start anyway.
I am fine with lynching either Josh or Math.

You AV look pretty town. Math is actually swinging voting the ruler so she's either guard wifoming it or town. Eitherway she's acting protown.

Wolf's the ruler so unless we get a miracle Wolf will not swing.

Aye looks town as well.

Vote:Josh B

I don't get scum from Josh at all at this time. Care to explain why he reads as scum to you?

Math, however, has bothered me for a while. She just does not seem to be actively involved in hunting scum and her votes seem rather random. Things that I would expect from scum.

So here's one and I think Cafe already posted it but I'm just looking through any relevant FA posts for anything noteworthy. Here he defends Josh and says Math is scum.

Vote: Wolfster

I have already explained why though Mertex makes a much better case.

Oh look here. Scum jumped on my wagon as soon as he could.

I am not the least bit surprised.
I have been advocating for your wagon ALL GAME.

That just might be why you are not surprised.

Here's one of many where he votes for me and admits wanting to wagon me.

Mertex sounds to me like she is genuinely trying to change her hostility.

Reading her as scum because she is being more amenable is crazy IMHO. We already know that she is directly trying to change her meta - that is not a scum tell

Defending Mertex.

Good points on TSO.

Considering that House is the only other viable wagon, wolf is not going anywhere soon, my other scum read on scarlet is also not going anywhere soon and I am not yet convinced House is scum I think TSO is likely the best place for my vote at this time.

Vote: TSO

TSO vote-now Grandma

This one is good. He read SR as guard.

yes vote me so i can be out of this stupid game and watch the obviscum titus lead everyone to downfall

Because of this, I tend to agree:

@House, @Mertex, @Wolf, @Avatar4321 @RosieS Let's suppose we're all town. I have townreads to varying degrees on all of you now so I'd rather just make scum's job really hard for them. Let's lynch outside of ourselves until required to do so otherwise. We should mop up quite a few of the guards.

If you're in, vote ika.

That is trying to control a group – something that seems very scummy to me in general. It is in scums best interest to control a few townies to direct them away from their king. I get a Loyal Guard read from Titus

Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

Wants to lynch ika, defends Avi.

Here are all the relevant quotes I could find and bolded the relevant parts.

He defends: Mertex, Avatar, Josh

Goes after: Me, SR, Math

There is probably more because I just did a search and grabbed what stood out to me and didn't take the time to read word for word but this is a start anyway.

Oops, forgot he also went after tso- now Grandma.
Not the king though - you are going to have to dig deeper for that :D

Did anyone notice FA's use of the word King here instead of ruler?

Is he telling us the ruler is male? Is he trying to lie to take the heat off a Queen?

Say he slipped: That leaves 3 people as ruler.


If this is true, out of those 3 it's Avi. Thoughts? Do we trust scum? I don't. But was it a slip?

I like where you are going with this. search "queen" in this thread leads me find SR, Cafe, and Avatar still suspicious.
House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

how do you know it's not a queen?

King is the usual method of referring to the role. Context here. House would not be a queen.

Wolfsister is making a good point on the whole king/queen thing. Looking back (searching queen) This post pops out at me the most.

I could stand to run up Avatar again and see what happens then compare notes.
Actually, I'm proposing that we lynch Avatar. He is definitely not the ruler. but likely to be a guard.

Because I said Queen? Strange that, how many times did you say "king", just like FA? I just looked and it seems at least twice. Posts 459 and 912.

I'm town. Search elsewhere, unless you are trying to lynch a townie. Hummmm?

I think this has been pointed out before, but King is the common name for the ruler according to the wiki. Saying King and Ruler wouldn't be suspect. Crumbing "queen" instead, is suspect.

Speaking of Gender Neutral. Let's vote

Vote: Mertex
FA was scum in game 4 but I didn't play that one. You can ask Aye or Grandma. They were his scumbuddies.

He said something about if his reads were right we would have to look deep, something like that, when he was hammered this time.

His reads are bullshit.

My recollection of Game 4 is that he read me as null and Aye as Town, then called Cafe Scum and got her mislynched.

When he said that though it strongly reminded me of his exit from game 4. To me he was telling us we were far off the scent after his twilight comments in game four. But we were looking at you for a lynch next, until I was flash lynched. So I wondered if he tried the same thing twice? Idk.
Not the king though - you are going to have to dig deeper for that :D

Did anyone notice FA's use of the word King here instead of ruler?

Is he telling us the ruler is male? Is he trying to lie to take the heat off a Queen?

Say he slipped: That leaves 3 people as ruler.


If this is true, out of those 3 it's Avi. Thoughts? Do we trust scum? I don't. But was it a slip?

I like where you are going with this. search "queen" in this thread leads me find SR, Cafe, and Avatar still suspicious.
House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

how do you know it's not a queen?

King is the usual method of referring to the role. Context here. House would not be a queen.

Wolfsister is making a good point on the whole king/queen thing. Looking back (searching queen) This post pops out at me the most.

I could stand to run up Avatar again and see what happens then compare notes.
Actually, I'm proposing that we lynch Avatar. He is definitely not the ruler. but likely to be a guard.

Because I said Queen? Strange that, how many times did you say "king", just like FA? I just looked and it seems at least twice. Posts 459 and 912.

I'm town. Search elsewhere, unless you are trying to lynch a townie. Hummmm?

I think this has been pointed out before, but King is the common name for the ruler according to the wiki. Saying King and Ruler wouldn't be suspect. Crumbing "queen" instead, is suspect.

Speaking of Gender Neutral. Let's vote

Vote: Mertex

I agree, but if you look at my reads I say avatar may be king, wolf may be queen. There was a bit of a brouhaha when SR called House king, and he said how do you know I'm not a queen? Something like that can't recall the whole convo now though. The name of the game (palace) suggest king or queen as ruler. I think that is why many are using it. If FA did slip, with the word King, it would make our jobs much easier though.
His reads list, post 701:

Reads -

RosieS Dead
AyeCantSeeYou Town
ScarletRage Scum – already explained

Mertex – to quiet, very unusual for her. Leaning scum but not there yet.
House – to vitriolic for scum. Town for now
Shaitra – null but shiatra is always hard as hell for me to read
TheOldSchool - ? where is he at @Wake
Arden – Town
Avatar4321 – Null but I tire of early lynches of avatar :D
Josh_B – null
Wolfsister77 – scum or at the least anti-town.
tso! - null
ika – impossible to read someone that is not willing to engage. The randomness leads me to speculate usurper – it just seems to fit the role

Mathblade – null she hasn’t posted much

So, his Scum/Leaning Scum reads: Scarlet, Mertex, Wolf, Ika.

His Null/Town reads: Aye, Shaitra, Cafe (The Old School), Arden, Avi, Josh, Grandma (TSO), Mathblade

The "King" is in the second group, if FA's right then the Usurper would be in his Scum list.

From Wall Post 1766: FA defends Josh and calls Math Scum. He's very much after Wolf. He reads me (tso) and Scarlet as Scum. Defends Avi. Wants to PL Ika.

Our most likely candidates for "King" from FA then are: Arden, Avi, Josh.
I agree, but if you look at my reads I say avatar may be king, wolf may be queen. There was a bit of a brouhaha when SR called House king, and he said how do you know I'm not a queen? Something like that can't recall the whole convo now though. The name of the game (palace) suggest king or queen as ruler. I think that is why many are using it. If FA did slip, with the word King, it would make our jobs much easier though.

I agree that it would make our jobs easier.
There's rebel me.
There's Avatar who FA voted for when he was almost lynched, completely ruling out the possibility of Avatar being the ruler.
And there is Aye who I have a light town read on.

Which one are you thinking? Obviously a lot of WIFOM is going into this whole looking for the "king" business, but wouldn't you think that if he were going to make a direct statement like that, he would say the opposite? I mean in one sense it's telling because he already knows if the ruler is or isn't a queen. But in another sense he said that he, himself was not the king. Is that to say that there is a king out there? or is that just simply to say it's not him.
Sorry. I thought Aye was guy for some reason. Bouncing off of grandma's 1771, I can see Avatar as guard, but not as a ruler.
I have nothing really about Arden, but I did have my vote on him for a long time and no one ever said anything about it one way or the other.
It should be obvious that the wagons against town are being padded by scum.
Especially in this case where Any town wagon has a 5 vote lead on all other wagons.

FA_Q2 has always been suspect but this looks like that padding.
Remind me again how many towniees I have lynched.

Oh, thats right.

Show me how that matters
Show me how you've done any type of information gathering
Tell me about the relationship between you, Wolf, and Avatar as it relates to this game.

Avatar lynch is wolfsister's baby. Show me an area where you think Wolfsister might be town, and you don't mind following her on the Avatar lynch.

So here's the question FA refused to answer but is the reason I MIGHT think Avi is town. I'm not sure here but I would like to get another guard if Avi is town and I feel more sure of Shaitra.

tbh, I am quite surprised Shaitra said screw you to me and asked to replace out over some comments I made about her not posting much and scum lurking, that is not like her

mathblade's self vote was strange also and her getting so upset over being scumread and that seems like a ploy to distract from either the FA or Avi vote

So not sure here.

We could always lynch SR. That might be fun. :p

You aren't listening. It's because you accused me of not even trying to play. I am giving this game as much time as I possibly can. To be accused of not even trying hurts.
VOTE: Arden

I'd like to hear from Arden on anything game related.
Why are ya'll focusing on who has what role? Scum is scum, whether it's the ruler, guards, or usurper. They are all deadly to us - or did I miss something somewhere?

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