Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

you know, you can think for yourselves. You don't have to do something simply because scarlet tells you.

I'm going to give some reads in a minute

I was sheeping Josh. And in answer to your above question, FA was never on ika's wagon.
these are current reads. I am going to look and see who was on my wagon when FA jumped on. I'm thinking maybe he saw the ruler jump on and figured he should follow suit.

however here are my reads now:

wolf is town. I'm seeing her town game here.

josh is town. He looks like he has been scum hunting

grandma is town. Not seeing any scummy behavior from her.

Arden is scum. She jumped on my wagon early yesterday. She gave no reason and ignored my questions when I asked her about it. Considering I was already openly suspecting her and she gave no reason for her vote, I can only conclude it was because I suspected her. Scummy behavior.

shaitra leaning scum. Her meta has been off this game. I was willing to accept her explanations until she got catty. That's really unlike her. But I'm not 100% sure.

aye leaning scum. Or maybe usurper. She has been on every wagon. Always jumps on toward the end. I also think it's interesting that I vote for her and a wagon on me pops up.

scarlet I'm leaning town but I'm not sure. Her defense of ika repeatedly is throwing me off.

ika I think is a good scum candidate. Doesn't seem to scum hunt at all. Will hammer anyone. Seems scummy.

mertex game is off. I'm leaning to townie because I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. But it's not her usual meta.

cafe I'm fairly null. Not seeing alot of scum hunting. Keeps claiming my meta is off and looking for excuses to vote for me. Not sure if she just thinks I'm scum or realizes I'm a threat to her rulers regime.

math is null as well. Sometimes it looks like she is helping other times she does odd stuff like vote for herself when we have two wagons going.

id pay close attention to who is lynching me and who isn't. And look at who was involved the first time.

I think I hit everyone.right now my best suspect id Arden. So vote Arden
you know, you can think for yourselves. You don't have to do something simply because scarlet tells you.

I'm going to give some reads in a minute

I was sheeping Josh. And in answer to your above question, FA was never on ika's wagon.

so he says he is for lynching ika but never commits. I'm not sure if that means anything. Maybe if Arden flips guard
OK, You can town for now Avi. That's what I was looking for from you. If I move to Arden that'll be 3 on you and 3 on her. A double wagon. If she flips scum, ika is scum also, then SR.

Look out I was sheeping Josh, now I'm sheeping Avi. :muahaha:

Vote: Arden
so just before FA voted for me with little reason I noticed mertex had voted for me. Afterwards she jumps to FA. Why did you jump to FA mertex?

I also noticed it was after ayes vote. Why did you vote for FA aye?​
Why are ya'll focusing on who has what role? Scum is scum, whether it's the ruler, guards, or usurper. They are all deadly to us - or did I miss something somewhere?

I have this gut feeling you may be the usurper. I've been town reading you all game and you were instrumental in helping us lynch FA so I don't think you are a guard or ruler.

But there's a couple things that I have to look into with you to further flush this out. Call it a nagging feeling. It'll have to be when I have more than a minute.

-eagerness to lynch House-reminding Wake I voted for him
-jumping on late to every wagon

You jumped onto late wagons in the last game as town and you very well could be town. Don't get me wrong. This is not something I'm sure of.

It's just a hunch.
so just before FA voted for me with little reason I noticed mertex had voted for me. Afterwards she jumps to FA. Why did you jump to FA mertex?

I also noticed it was after ayes vote. Why did you vote for FA aye?​

Already stated why when I voted. It was to see what would come up between the 2 wagons going. I found it odd FA wasn't posting as much as he had in other games, and also noticed he came in out of the blue and put a vote on you without much of an explanation.
Why are ya'll focusing on who has what role? Scum is scum, whether it's the ruler, guards, or usurper. They are all deadly to us - or did I miss something somewhere?

I have this gut feeling you may be the usurper. I've been town reading you all game and you were instrumental in helping us lynch FA so I don't think you are a guard or ruler.

But there's a couple things that I have to look into with you to further flush this out. Call it a nagging feeling. It'll have to be when I have more than a minute.

-eagerness to lynch House-reminding Wake I voted for him
-jumping on late to every wagon

You jumped onto late wagons in the last game as town and you very well could be town. Don't get me wrong. This is not something I'm sure of.

It's just a hunch.

I'm not the usurper. If I was, I'd be lurking and not posting. I'm a rebel.
Wolf, I wasn't 'eager' to vote anyone in this game so far. I told Wake about your vote because he left it off the vote count. I'm not the only person that's ever told him about a missed vote.

The only reason I voted for Rosie is because Josh asked me to. I had said I believed she was town, but many of you wanted her out of the game anyway due to the fighting. It's too bad we couldn't have voted you both out at the same time for that. You both played a part in it, so removing one player still left the other at fault for it in. Just my take on that.
so just before FA voted for me with little reason I noticed mertex had voted for me. Afterwards she jumps to FA. Why did you jump to FA mertex?

I also noticed it was after ayes vote. Why did you vote for FA aye?​

Already stated why when I voted. It was to see what would come up between the 2 wagons going. I found it odd FA wasn't posting as much as he had in other games, and also noticed he came in out of the blue and put a vote on you without much of an explanation.

actually no. When you voted for him you said that you wanted to see where this went and that was all. I didn't see any of that explanation at all but I could have missed it. What post did you say that?
Wolf, I wasn't 'eager' to vote anyone in this game so far. I told Wake about your vote because he left it off the vote count. I'm not the only person that's ever told him about a missed vote.

The only reason I voted for Rosie is because Josh asked me to. I had said I believed she was town, but many of you wanted her out of the game anyway due to the fighting. It's too bad we couldn't have voted you both out at the same time for that. You both played a part in it, so removing one player still left the other at fault for it in. Just my take on that.

not eager and yet I think you've been on almost all the wagons so far.

and why would josh asking you to vote for someone you think is town convince you to vote for town?
It's just a nagging feeling I have regarding the usurper role-
Wolf, I wasn't 'eager' to vote anyone in this game so far. I told Wake about your vote because he left it off the vote count. I'm not the only person that's ever told him about a missed vote.

The only reason I voted for Rosie is because Josh asked me to. I had said I believed she was town, but many of you wanted her out of the game anyway due to the fighting. It's too bad we couldn't have voted you both out at the same time for that. You both played a part in it, so removing one player still left the other at fault for it in. Just my take on that.

Yes, and removing us both would of been two PL's and two mislynches. I'm not going to re-discuss the Rosie drama. This was just a note to myself anyway and not something I'm sure of at all. I just want to make mention of it to see what others think or to explore it further down the road. Not a big deal at this point.
Wolf, I wasn't 'eager' to vote anyone in this game so far. I told Wake about your vote because he left it off the vote count. I'm not the only person that's ever told him about a missed vote.

The only reason I voted for Rosie is because Josh asked me to. I had said I believed she was town, but many of you wanted her out of the game anyway due to the fighting. It's too bad we couldn't have voted you both out at the same time for that. You both played a part in it, so removing one player still left the other at fault for it in. Just my take on that.

not eager and yet I think you've been on almost all the wagons so far.

and why would josh asking you to vote for someone you think is town convince you to vote for town?

This was already gone over before. The fighting was interfering with the game. Some people had stopped posting because of it. Even though some asked for it to stop, it continued. Rosie was a PL.
so just before FA voted for me with little reason I noticed mertex had voted for me. Afterwards she jumps to FA. Why did you jump to FA mertex?

I also noticed it was after ayes vote. Why did you vote for FA aye?​

Already stated why when I voted. It was to see what would come up between the 2 wagons going. I found it odd FA wasn't posting as much as he had in other games, and also noticed he came in out of the blue and put a vote on you without much of an explanation.

actually no. When you voted for him you said that you wanted to see where this went and that was all. I didn't see any of that explanation at all but I could have missed it. What post did you say that?

Post 1593, 2 posts below my vote for him. I sometimes intentionally put my reasons in another post to see who pays attention and who doesn't. The fact that you missed that is now noted.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 80 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
OK, You can town for now Avi. That's what I was looking for from you. If I move to Arden that'll be 3 on you and 3 on her. A double wagon. If she flips scum, ika is scum also, then SR.

Look out I was sheeping Josh, now I'm sheeping Avi. :muahaha:

Vote: Arden

Does that mean both you and Avi are sheeping me, since I voted for Arden first?
I'll sheep any vote as long as it's on someone I suspect to be scum. I want the scum dead, the sooner the better. Arden is one that fell down the list to me for random voting with no explanation and doing a lot of lurking. Her flip will tell me something about both ika and SR-she's strongly defended ika all game and so has SR, so if Arden flips scum-those 2, ika and SR, are suspect immediately.

So that's why I'm voting Arden right now.

I moved off Avi after he towned it up a lot today and after FA who is scum, jumped on his wagon. It doesn't mean Avi isn't scum, he's just not really at the top of my list any more.
so just before FA voted for me with little reason I noticed mertex had voted for me. Afterwards she jumps to FA. Why did you jump to FA mertex?

I also noticed it was after ayes vote. Why did you vote for FA aye?​

The reason I jumped to FA was because I was afraid that someone wanted the vote split up and we were going to end with a stalemate. FA and You have been on my scumdar, FA not as long as you but I started suspecting him on my second post of reads as being a guard. I was right.

I also had been thinking that Ika was using his excuse to hammer as a way out of not having to vote and show his hand, I wanted to make FA's wagon at six to see if Ika would really hammer....I even made a post to that extent.

Official Usmb Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Let's see where this goes.

FA has been on my leaning town, then changed to leaning scum, maybe a Scum guard. He's a L-2, let's see if Ika is willing to hammer this one.

I'm satisfied with the responses so far. If I come up with more questions I will ask them
Wolf, I have major issues with you trying to link me to Arden. If ika flips scum, I should take a lot of heat for that. He won't though.

I have never said Arden looked town.

You seem to be struggling with whiteknighting when others are involved. You know scum can defend town, for example House defending Math last game. Yet you use that to argue suspicion on people.
i got my hammer so im satified.

its my personal goal in a game to get the hammer vote.

whats the votecount atm?

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