Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Ika, now that you have hammered someone and are satisfied, what are you reads? Will you vote even if you aren't getting the hammer vote?
just stealing form last vc for ease

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321: still scum, hes doign typical scumplay by voteparking, hes also sevral times implied hes not a rebel if you read them carefully
AyeCantSeeYou (0): who?
CafeAuLait (0): been here and there on posting, dont recall much.
Grandma im going scum based off tso ive seen his town game and it wasnt showing here
ika still wantign to do a slayers gambit
Josh_B his post have been prtty clear cut, im gonna say hes a rebel
Mathblade given the fact she is playing elsewhere im going to say shes scum
Mertex her post have been here and there i wouldnt be suprised to see her being scum but other say its her town meta so meh
ScarletRage still obvious scum
Shaitra who?
Wolfsister77 the counterwagon to everyone, i could see this being a hidden ruler where the gurads all gang up and then counterwagon the shit out of it.
Avi has 3 votes, Arden has 3 votes. I asked Wake yeserday to prod Arden.

SR-I'm linking you to her because you are both hard defending ika. I'm trying to figure out why.

When House and I townblocked, it got one of us killed because so many suspected me.

I've been calling Josh town most of the game and he me except in the beginning. That's because we are both town and recognize that. Same with Mertex and myself but that didn't happen until later in the game. We always get along well with each other once we've figured out we are both town. As scum we distanced ourselves from each other.

So when I see alliances form, I need to figure out why. It's as simple as that. I'm pretty sure ika is town but I'm not so sure about you and Arden so it makes me suspicious of all 3 of you.
Wolf, I have my ways of reading ika. He's town.

Two players agreeing on a read doesn't make them scum if one flips.

For instance, Mertex and I both townread you. Mertex is not autoscum when I fliptown.
I need to figure out who is town, who is town aligning with other town, who is scum protecting each other or the leader and in what way are they working together to achieve their goals-bussing, distancing, alliance forming, or whatever.

I want town unified against scum. That's how we won in game 5. I'd like to use that same technique here but I have to figure out who's who.
Nice speech. The best way to do that is to look at Game 4. FA treated his scumbuddies in a certain way. Look for parallels.
LOL-Just because you are scum and I figured you out, doesn't mean you have to be a smart ass. You've been giving speeches all game so meh.

I'll look at game 4 again but I don't think FA treated any of his scumbuddies the way he's treated me this game.
I need to figure out who is town, who is town aligning with other town, who is scum protecting each other or the leader and in what way are they working together to achieve their goals-bussing, distancing, alliance forming, or whatever.

I want town unified against scum. That's how we won in game 5. I'd like to use that same technique here but I have to figure out who's who.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you won game 5 because half the scum confessed and the other half may as well have. it had nothing to do with town working together.
just stealing form last vc for ease

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321: still scum, hes doign typical scumplay by voteparking, hes also sevral times implied hes not a rebel if you read them carefully
AyeCantSeeYou (0): who?
CafeAuLait (0): been here and there on posting, dont recall much.
Grandma im going scum based off tso ive seen his town game and it wasnt showing here
ika still wantign to do a slayers gambit
Josh_B his post have been prtty clear cut, im gonna say hes a rebel
Mathblade given the fact she is playing elsewhere im going to say shes scum
Mertex her post have been here and there i wouldnt be suprised to see her being scum but other say its her town meta so meh
ScarletRage still obvious scum
Shaitra who?
Wolfsister77 the counterwagon to everyone, i could see this being a hidden ruler where the gurads all gang up and then counterwagon the shit out of it.

I've not implied anything of the sort. This is were Rosie would be screaming lynch all liars.

Course we lynched her earlier.
I need to figure out who is town, who is town aligning with other town, who is scum protecting each other or the leader and in what way are they working together to achieve their goals-bussing, distancing, alliance forming, or whatever.

I want town unified against scum. That's how we won in game 5. I'd like to use that same technique here but I have to figure out who's who.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you won game 5 because half the scum confessed and the other half may as well have. it had nothing to do with town working together.

That's BS if you look at endgame. I'm tired of people telling me that I didn't do shit to catch scum in game 5. House pulled that crap on me elsewhere trashing my game play and me because of spite due to what happened here. It's a real sore spot so back off Avi.

It really ticks me off that people are trashing the town and saying scum sucked when they didn't. Town won their first big game here and I will not have it cheapened by your or anyone. I did not waste all that time scumhunting for nothing in that game. You are just bitter because you were scum and lost. Same with House. Bite me.
LOL-Just because you are scum and I figured you out, doesn't mean you have to be a smart ass. You've been giving speeches all game so meh.

I'll look at game 4 again but I don't think FA treated any of his scumbuddies the way he's treated me this game.

It's called keeping an open mind. I would be open to a case on either with the right evidence.
I simply do not have time to go through game 4 page by page to figure out FA. I did read some and saw that he kissed Cafe's ass and she was lynched because of it and saw the first fast moving wagon on TN had 2 scum on it-Aye and Grandma-and he avoided the wagon. He also avoided wagons here in this game on townies that resulted in a lynch but had no problem jumping on mine and Avi's.

My guess is scum are on the House and Rosie wagons and possibly the ika wagon. FA avoided Rosie, ika, and House wagons.

If someone else has time to figure out game 4, feel free. I don't think it's going to be the same because FA doesn't know his fellow guards here.

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