Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Yeah well, I was talking about your scumtells and lurking. None of my comment were meant to hurt or insult you and were not worth the response you gave. I've had much, much worse said to me this game. If I would of made an inappropriate comment, I would be apologizing now but since you said screw you rather than asking me to elaborate, I guess that's life. I'm not trying to hurt you or anyone. I would like some game related content from you. I don't want you using my comments as an excuse to not play. You know how to give content. You don't have to take a ton of time doing it. I know you are busy. So when you are here, say something is what I'm asking. I'd be saying the same thing to anyone being too quiet. Lurking bugs me because it makes it impossible to get a read on someone. I was super irritated with mebelle for it also in past games. I was ready to vote out ika and tso for it. I'm not liking Arden doing it. I also consider it a huge scumtell or anti-town. It's one of my big pet peeves in these games. No, I don't expect people to devote their lives to the game but a post or two a day with content would help. Otherwise, I'm just gonna call you scum and vote you eventually.

As far as being hurt, look at all the shit that was said to me and Mertex and others in this game. Look back when SR tunnelled the shit out of me earlier in the game and said she wanted me dead. Or when FA has been trying to get me wagoned all game. I was being accused by many and it was frustrating as hell. How about recently when I told SR I don't trust her this game? I think she's caused a lot of chaos and been illogical while at the same time appearing to town it up. So should she get hurt by me calling her illogical or saying I don't trust her for shit. Well, if she did, I'd suspect her more. But it's no worse than what I said to you.

That's just a game related example I could think of right now but no worse than saying people need to make an effort in the games and try.
Why are ya'll focusing on who has what role? Scum is scum, whether it's the ruler, guards, or usurper. They are all deadly to us - or did I miss something somewhere?

Nope, But when FA made the comment he did, I was thinking we might be able to pinpoint the ruler and figuring out how the usurper role would operate would help us also. For example, SR hasn't been on the latest wagons and says she hates them. Then says the usurper would be on every wagon. So, to me this is something the usurper would do and might explain why I think she has that role. She could be a guard also. Shaitra, Avi, mathblade and Arden could have these roles. I'm kind of thinking the 4 remaining scum are among the group of-SR, Shaitra, Avi, math, Arden-yes that's more than 4 but that's where I'm at for now.
Why are ya'll focusing on who has what role? Scum is scum, whether it's the ruler, guards, or usurper. They are all deadly to us - or did I miss something somewhere?

Nope, But when FA made the comment he did, I was thinking we might be able to pinpoint the ruler and figuring out how the usurper role would operate would help us also. For example, SR hasn't been on the latest wagons and says she hates them. Then says the usurper would be on every wagon. So, to me this is something the usurper would do and might explain why I think she has that role. She could be a guard also. Shaitra, Avi, mathblade and Arden could have these roles. I'm kind of thinking the 4 remaining scum are among the group of-SR, Shaitra, Avi, math, Arden-yes that's more than 4 but that's where I'm at for now.

If SR hates wagons, why was she trying to get some going earlier in the game? That's how I see it when someone says 'hey soandso, vote goofball with me'.
I think Avatar is the Ruler. The fact that he did the same type of voting as FA....kept his vote on the same person so as to not appear like he wasn't voting, but it was a safe vote the whole time. I think he voted for FA hoping to split the votes and we'd end up going after someone else. Since I think he is the ruler.....if we take him out, we don't have to worry about the guards. Unless more of you think Shaitra is the ruler. I think she may be a guard.


Avatar gets close to a lynch. FA votes Avatar. Mertex thinks Avatar is the ruler, I don't think this is the only person that said this.
Let me look back at Cafe.

I said Avatar's meta was off and he may be a guard/usurper/king ruler in my first read here. I said almost the same of Wolf as well. Avatar's meta is off.

Official Usmb Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 30 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Cafe, your link takes me to a post by Scarlet, and there she was saying that Rosie's meta was off. Am I going to the wrong post or did you make a mistake about whose meta was off based on what the post says?
Why are ya'll focusing on who has what role? Scum is scum, whether it's the ruler, guards, or usurper. They are all deadly to us - or did I miss something somewhere?

Nope, But when FA made the comment he did, I was thinking we might be able to pinpoint the ruler and figuring out how the usurper role would operate would help us also. For example, SR hasn't been on the latest wagons and says she hates them. Then says the usurper would be on every wagon. So, to me this is something the usurper would do and might explain why I think she has that role. She could be a guard also. Shaitra, Avi, mathblade and Arden could have these roles. I'm kind of thinking the 4 remaining scum are among the group of-SR, Shaitra, Avi, math, Arden-yes that's more than 4 but that's where I'm at for now.

If SR hates wagons, why was she trying to get some going earlier in the game? That's how I see it when someone says 'hey soandso, vote goofball with me'.

It's another example of her illogical play she's been doing all game-trying to cause chaos.
Wolf, I would be hurt if people collectively were calling me groupscum rather than usurper. Usurper cannot win until the ruler is dead. The claims I am usurper put me in a rough spot

1) Defend against them and bog down the thread


2) Ackniwledge the bad cases exist, become the true Slayer of the thread while allowing us to hunt the larger threat.

This whole game is a chess match with an op but dumb enemy (too many scum buy they do not know each other). Knowing how each piece should act is important and so is setting aside personal bias.

I do not see myself as the cause of chaos at all here. My strategy (wagon two people and see what comes) resulted in a scumflip and our only one to date .
so now we are speculating on who is gurad and who is ruler?

how about this question: does it make that much of a diffrence if they are guard or ruler? they are scum regardless

We should vote scum regardless. Guards are much easier to lynch though.

The game gets teeth because we have FA to analyze.

Has FA drawn scum before?

You are right, so if Avatar were to develop a wagon and he is ruler, at least 2 people will not be voting for him.

Also, I have been using the word "ruler" mostly because every time I was going to type the word "king" the thought occurred to me that it could be a "she" and I would quickly change it to ruler. FA may not have had that thought occur in his mind because he might have known it was a "he".
Wolf, I would be hurt if people collectively were calling me groupscum rather than usurper. Usurper cannot win until the ruler is dead. The claims I am usurper put me in a rough spot

1) Defend against them and bog down the thread


2) Ackniwledge the bad cases exist, become the true Slayer of the thread while allowing us to hunt the larger threat.

This whole game is a chess match with an op but dumb enemy (too many scum buy they do not know each other). Knowing how each piece should act is important and so is setting aside personal bias.

I do not see myself as the cause of chaos at all here. My strategy (wagon two people and see what comes) resulted in a scumflip and our only one to date .

I'm saying you could be either-usurper or guard. And your illogical play and chaos causing is much more subtle this game.
Oh and SR, your strategy of wagoning 2 people worked but it was because we wagoned FA and Avi and you wanted nothing to do with it.

Again, not logical, not town.
Why are ya'll focusing on who has what role? Scum is scum, whether it's the ruler, guards, or usurper. They are all deadly to us - or did I miss something somewhere?
I'm not focusing on who has certain roles, but I am focusing on people saying that someone has a certain role when it's clear that they don't.
Oh and SR, your strategy of wagoning 2 people worked but it was because we wagoned FA and Avi and you wanted nothing to do with it.

Again, not logical, not town.
The strategy worked which was the right move. I wanted oyhers wagoned bc my reads were shit. Still the dual wagon was the right manuever.
I gtg to work today. Be back tonight.

Go to mafiascum's general discussion forum if you are interested in attending a party at my place. Details there.
I'm down. Let's wagon Avatar again and see where the river goes

Vote: Mertex

That is too funny. He was praising my work when I posted the wall of posts by House and read me as Town, and now he is voting for me. Perhaps Josh decides to change his reads when people start suspecting him in the hopes that he can lead them away from him.

Josh, you are beginning to look more and more suspicious. I'm going to have to hunt your posts down and see what I find.

And Wolf, when FA defended me, he was just using the information that I provided to support his vote on you, which never changed except to vote for TSO on two vote counts, and my whole focus was on House at that time, not you.

Vote me off, I don't care, you are just making it harder for us to win.
dang FA was the terminator. I'm curious who the other guards will be.

Did you doubt FA when he said he was scum before his lynch? Why?

I'm really trying to see you as town, ( since we have mislynched you so much in the past) when you ask admitted scum for their scum reads ( which is against their wincon) and then say what you did above, it is really confusing to me.

I has no doubt he was scum once he confessed. Why are you so upset that I tried to get more info from him?

I didn't think commenting on wakes choice of death scene pics was going to give
Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

Wants to lynch ika, defends Avi.

was he on ikas wagon?
Ika would not be a bad candidate for lynching imho as he is simply not going to play. Getting any reads on him are going to be impossible.

However, it is not only to early BUT we should also not be lynching him unless there is no better option. At the very least, we need to be looking at his wagon as it developed VERY fast. That is usually a good indication that there is scum on it.

The list is:

Avatar gave his reason above. I would like the rest to restate why they jumped on ika so damn quickly.

Wants to lynch ika, defends Avi.

He defended Avatar on at least two other occasions as well.

which is precisely why him coming out of no where and trying to lynch me seemed so scummy.

which makes me wonder why you want to lynch me so bad. You keep claiming my meta is off. Last games I was bring all nice with people, so much so that I backed myself into pushing for a TN lynch when I should have been hammering house. And yet this game I've challenged scarlet, Rosie, house, ika, wolf, Arden, shaitra, aye and probably a few more. I'm hunting rather than making friends. And yet you insist my meta is scummy. In fact you've been looking for excuses to go after me. I find it odd.
you know, you can think for yourselves. You don't have to do something simply because scarlet tells you.

I'm going to give some reads in a minute

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