Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

FA was scum in game 4 but I didn't play that one. You can ask Aye or Grandma. They were his scumbuddies.
That is not how that step works. You look at hisposts and read the interactions with his buddies. What are common traits? Then you find the mirror here.
Not the king though - you are going to have to dig deeper for that :D

Did anyone notice FA's use of the word King here instead of ruler?

Is he telling us the ruler is male? Is he trying to lie to take the heat off a Queen?

Say he slipped: That leaves 3 people as ruler.


If this is true, out of those 3 it's Avi. Thoughts? Do we trust scum? I don't. But was it a slip?

I like where you are going with this. search "queen" in this thread leads me find SR, Cafe, and Avatar still suspicious.
House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

how do you know it's not a queen?

King is the usual method of referring to the role. Context here. House would not be a queen.

Wolfsister is making a good point on the whole king/queen thing. Looking back (searching queen) This post pops out at me the most.

I could stand to run up Avatar again and see what happens then compare notes.
Actually, I'm proposing that we lynch Avatar. He is definitely not the ruler. but likely to be a guard.
FA was scum in game 4 but I didn't play that one. You can ask Aye or Grandma. They were his scumbuddies.

He said something about if his reads were right we would have to look deep, something like that, when he was hammered this time.

His reads are bullshit.

My recollection of Game 4 is that he read me as null and Aye as Town, then called Cafe Scum and got her mislynched.
I am also puzzled by Cafe's return to Josh B after I wanted his lynch over the confirmed scum. That's not saying my read is right or wrong on Josh but trusting me might not be smart and I don't have the game as cracked as I did.

I don't know if I am 'trusting" you as much as I just went back and started to read FA's posts and noted the defense of Josh.

As far as FA's scum game ( last time) he did not defend anyone that I recall. Don't hold me to that thought, my memory may be failing there. He read scum to me because this game mimics his last scum game, quiet, no real defense of himself if called scum, etc. I wish I could point out what draws my reads but sometimes people read completely different. FA is not good at hiding when he is scum, thus far anyway. This was his second time rolling scum. Avatar also reads different. He is usually logical, maybe I missed some of these posts, I am rereading. But I see some wonder why one would "bus" ( for the lack of a better word given they don't know who each other are) the other if they suspected the other was scum. FA may have thought Avatar was the usurper and vise versa. This would have Avatar rolling scum twice in a row though.
Bussing is precisely the word when one scumbuddy votes another intending them to die. It is hard to execute well.

Ignore how often someone rolls an alignment. All that matters is this game. Past games are relevant for behavior not chance.
First, excessive suggestion I am the usurper. Theallegation makes no sense. Why would a usurper hate two competing wagons and vote neither? The more logical (but still incorrect) assumption is scum with FA. Not all people who defend scum are scum here but I am surprised that wasskipped.

Who says I'm not thinking you might be a guard? Or the usurper? You could be either as far as I'm concerned. I certainly don't trust you for shit this game.
FA was scum in game 4 but I didn't play that one. You can ask Aye or Grandma. They were his scumbuddies.

He said something about if his reads were right we would have to look deep, something like that, when he was hammered this time.

His reads are bullshit.

My recollection of Game 4 is that he read me as null and Aye as Town, then called Cafe Scum and got her mislynched.
We need to go deeper than labels.

Did he discredit you actively? Distance at all?

If he did, then he likely took the same approach to who he THOUGHT was scum.
First, excessive suggestion I am the usurper. Theallegation makes no sense. Why would a usurper hate two competing wagons and vote neither? The more logical (but still incorrect) assumption is scum with FA. Not all people who defend scum are scum here but I am surprised that wasskipped.

Who says I'm not thinking you might be a guard? Or the usurper? You could be either as far as I'm concerned. I certainly don't trust you for shit this game.

I don't care if you trust me. I care if we lynch scum.

It's one thing to say I could be. It's another to see 3-4 players post that with zero discussion of guard SR. That's what is off.
First, excessive suggestion I am the usurper. Theallegation makes no sense. Why would a usurper hate two competing wagons and vote neither? The more logical (but still incorrect) assumption is scum with FA. Not all people who defend scum are scum here but I am surprised that wasskipped.

Who says I'm not thinking you might be a guard? Or the usurper? You could be either as far as I'm concerned. I certainly don't trust you for shit this game.

I don't care if you trust me. I care if we lynch scum.

It's one thing to say I could be. It's another to see 3-4 players post that with zero discussion of guard SR. That's what is off.

Scum is scum. Whatever you are, I'm doubting it's town.
FA was scum in game 4 but I didn't play that one. You can ask Aye or Grandma. They were his scumbuddies.

He said something about if his reads were right we would have to look deep, something like that, when he was hammered this time.

His reads are bullshit.

My recollection of Game 4 is that he read me as null and Aye as Town, then called Cafe Scum and got her mislynched.

I think I recall that too. He read me as town that game and each time I read him as scum he never responded and in fact said my reads were pretty good, even thought I said he was scum many times. Lol

He never called me scum though. We lynched FA after I called him scum but I was not 100 percent sure since I had just lead the mislynch on Avatar - we had 5 days left to lynch FA and I said I wanted to be 100 percent sure before making the same mistake twice in a row. In twilight, after FA was lynched and due to my stating I wanted to be 100 percent sure with 5 days left, Mertex was dead set FAs comments to me (after his lynch in twilight implied I was scum) and my comment to him meant I was scum, when I said I was right after all. I was then flash lynched by our Masons and fellow townies.
Not the king though - you are going to have to dig deeper for that :D

Did anyone notice FA's use of the word King here instead of ruler?

Is he telling us the ruler is male? Is he trying to lie to take the heat off a Queen?

Say he slipped: That leaves 3 people as ruler.


If this is true, out of those 3 it's Avi. Thoughts? Do we trust scum? I don't. But was it a slip?

I like where you are going with this. search "queen" in this thread leads me find SR, Cafe, and Avatar still suspicious.
House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

how do you know it's not a queen?

King is the usual method of referring to the role. Context here. House would not be a queen.

Wolfsister is making a good point on the whole king/queen thing. Looking back (searching queen) This post pops out at me the most.

I could stand to run up Avatar again and see what happens then compare notes.
Actually, I'm proposing that we lynch Avatar. He is definitely not the ruler. but likely to be a guard.

We could run him up again. I've been scumreading him all game until today and that is because FA helped get him lynched.
FA was scum in game 4 but I didn't play that one. You can ask Aye or Grandma. They were his scumbuddies.

He said something about if his reads were right we would have to look deep, something like that, when he was hammered this time.

His reads are bullshit.

My recollection of Game 4 is that he read me as null and Aye as Town, then called Cafe Scum and got her mislynched.
We need to go deeper than labels.

Did he discredit you actively? Distance at all?

If he did, then he likely took the same approach to who he THOUGHT was scum.

Okay, but what about stating a person is town? Should we suspect them as a possible ruler?
Josh, thoughts on Math?

I'm trying to think about math, but it's really hard.

I have to look more at what FA said. I've been ignoring him ever since I thought he was scum days ago, until he popped up on the Avatar wagon.
OOops the relevant part of that video starts at 3:45. -Hard like geometry and trigonometry.
Josh B, thoughts on Mathblade.

Wolf, we willtalk more tomorrow. Thanks for the help slaying the scum.

Tomorroe I got a lot of reading to do. Starting wgame 4.
I am fine with lynching either Josh or Math.

You AV look pretty town. Math is actually swinging voting the ruler so she's either guard wifoming it or town. Eitherway she's acting protown.

Wolf's the ruler so unless we get a miracle Wolf will not swing.

Aye looks town as well.

Vote:Josh B

I don't get scum from Josh at all at this time. Care to explain why he reads as scum to you?

Math, however, has bothered me for a while. She just does not seem to be actively involved in hunting scum and her votes seem rather random. Things that I would expect from scum.

So here's one and I think Cafe already posted it but I'm just looking through any relevant FA posts for anything noteworthy. Here he defends Josh and says Math is scum.
Not the king though - you are going to have to dig deeper for that :D

Did anyone notice FA's use of the word King here instead of ruler?

Is he telling us the ruler is male? Is he trying to lie to take the heat off a Queen?

Say he slipped: That leaves 3 people as ruler.


If this is true, out of those 3 it's Avi. Thoughts? Do we trust scum? I don't. But was it a slip?

I like where you are going with this. search "queen" in this thread leads me find SR, Cafe, and Avatar still suspicious.
House is more active and confrontational. If he hadn't just flipped scum in his only other game, that would be solid townread evidence. Yet he cannot expect to get away with the same strategy twice. I would expect some change from House.

Plus the king can afford to get real aggressive.

how do you know it's not a queen?

King is the usual method of referring to the role. Context here. House would not be a queen.

Wolfsister is making a good point on the whole king/queen thing. Looking back (searching queen) This post pops out at me the most.

I could stand to run up Avatar again and see what happens then compare notes.
Actually, I'm proposing that we lynch Avatar. He is definitely not the ruler. but likely to be a guard.

Because I said Queen? Strange that, how many times did you say "king", just like FA? I just looked and it seems at least twice. Posts 459 and 912.

I'm town. Search elsewhere, unless you are trying to lynch a townie. Hummmm?
Mertex sounds to me like she is genuinely trying to change her hostility.

Reading her as scum because she is being more amenable is crazy IMHO. We already know that she is directly trying to change her meta - that is not a scum tell.

Defending Mertex.

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