Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

It is now Day 5.

With 5 players, it takes 3 to lynch.

Not Voting (5)
Moonglow ♂
Avatar4321 ♂
Wake ♂
CafeAuLait ♀
Shaitra ♀

Deadline is 12/8/14, @ 8PM central.
I see why my cop shot did not work now, not that it was a long shot but because Grandma was killed. I am unsure about who is the last scum v. vampire, but I KNOW Wake is scum. That is where my vote is staying. Period.

Vote: Wake

I figured for sure when I finally was able to return I would see that everyone else would have gotten together and lynched you- since you seemed to be someone everyone could agree on. but I also see that is partly my fault since I kept switching my vote back and fourth between, you shai and moon- given grandma was sure we had to lynch Shai first and me not being sure Grandma was town. I should have stuck with what I knew to be true ( you would be gone already, if everyone else had agreed) instead of believing all the arguing about this being a bastard game and results possibly being wrong or skewed- I don't believe they are. another thing that confused me was Grandma DID SAY this was a bastard game Day 2, so this added to me wondering.
Grandma claimed I was scum through PoE. She had that wrong. I do believe Wake is scum. I'm not sure who is his partner.
Avatar and Moonglow, what are your reads?

Grandma had at least one read wrong, her scum read on me. I honestly didn't believe her claim of back-up JOAT because I just finished a game at the main site where a couple of different scum claimed a PR. So due to the timing that Cafe pointed out, I thought she was scum. I was wrong. I'm not sure who is the second scum right now.
Avatar and Moonglow, what are your reads?

Grandma had at least one read wrong, her scum read on me. I honestly didn't believe her claim of back-up JOAT because I just finished a game at the main site where a couple of different scum claimed a PR. So due to the timing that Cafe pointed out, I thought she was scum. I was wrong. I'm not sure who is the second scum right now.
Wake and Cafe....
I think we should have lynched wake yesterday. Not sure who the other one is. I'm guessing moonglow.
OK, Wake, you need to make your best case. I will come back later this afternoon/evening to hammer. Also, if anyone else wants to weigh in on this, now's the time.
Alright. Here goes:

I'm not evil.

So, what do you think about Moonglow?
I'm still planning for wake. I just want to make sure we don't rush it.
I have already been shown to be a Townie by an investigation PR....I am concerned that the vampire is still alive and us Townies need to kill off the vampire or scum....I read the death of Grandma but didn't see what her role was..??
The death scene didn't state her role, but if you go look at the player list in the first post, you will see that she was the back-up JOAT.

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